
Terms for subject Economy containing 产能 | all forms | in specified order only
一项获得许可证的产品可以涉及到多项专利权,但只能收取一项专利费A licensed product may involve several patents, but only one royalty can be due
不可能转让的产品goods in mortmain
不能产生时效问题the inapplicability of the statute of limitation
不能再生产的有形资产nonreproducible tangible assets
不能再生产的资产nonreproducible assets
不能再生产的资产the non-reproducible asset
不能再生产财物non-reproducible goods
不能再生产财货non-reproducible goods
中间产品生产能intermediate capacity
美国产业职能咨询委员会Industry Functional Advisory Committee
大市场营销6要素产品、价格、渠道、促销、活动能力、公共关系product, price, place, promotion, power, public relation
产品性能functions of product
产品能源耗量energy-output ratio
他们乐于试探该产品销售的可能性They would be pleased to assess the market possibilities of this product
他们未能成功地售出这些产品They are unable to make a valid effort to sell the product
他们能在其母公司的保护下制造和销售这一产品They can manufacture and sell the product under the patronage of their parent company
你们能加快生产的步伐吗?Can you accelerate the pace of production?
全部生产能total service capacity
农民生产能farmer's capacity to produce
单位生产能力造价cost per unit productive capacity
卖主向可能购物的顾客介绍了他的新产品The seller made a presentation of his new product to possible customers
原计划生产能designing capacity
只有许可证持有者才能将产品直接零售给最终消费者Only the licensee sells the products for ultimate retail consumption
只要我方产品品质上乘,价格公道,就能打入世界市场We can find our way into world market provided our products are of good quality and competitive in price
可能输入商品的边际生产倾向marginal propensity to produce importables
国家生产能力中心national productivity center
在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开始制造该产品Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications
外销部经理必须了解产品的技术性能和规格The outside sales manager must have some knowledge of the technical capabilities and specifications of the products
如果没有这种设备,这些公司就不能顺利地提高其产品的质量The companies would not succeed in improving quality of their products without this equipment
如果需求持续增长,生产加工能力将达到极限Processes will reach their capacity limit if demand continues to grow
实际生产能the practical capacity
工业生产能industrial production capacity
工厂最高生产能maximum plant capacity
工厂生产能factory capacity
工厂生产能plant capacity
已开发及可能开发的基本生产要素basic exploited and potentially exploitable production factors
年终生产能力使用率end-of-year rates of operation
我们充分相信你们有能力经营这些产品We have full trust in your ability to deal with these products
我们充分相信你方能有效地推销我方产品We have full confidence in that you can sell our products efficiently
我们很遗憾得知你们为了扩大生产所做的努力未能成功We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive
我厂的产品在性能上与我们竞争对手的产品有很大差别The product made by our factory is quite different in function from that of our rivals
我方希望你方能根据我方的能力考虑给我们独家经销你方产品的权利We hope you will consider giving us exclusive selling right for your products according to our ability
我方正在寻找一家能在国外为我方产品找到销路的公司We are looking for a company who can help us find outlets abroad for our products
我方的生产与你方的需要相适应,能够给你方提供大额的报盘Our production is geared to your needs and we shall be in a position to make you substantial offers
扩大生产能力的迫切需要pressure on capacity
对于扩大生产能力的需要capacity needs
承租人应得到房产主许可,方能将空出的建筑物转租The tenant has to get the permission of the landlord to relet the vacated promises
抽样的质量不能完全代表我方所有产品的质量The quality of the sample chosen was not exactly representative of that of our whole manufactures
按百分数表示的生产能力利用系数percent utilization of capacity
新产品获利能力分析new products profitability analysis
无条件继承的不动产,不限制具有一定身份的人才能继承的土地fee simple
最大生产能peak capacity
最大生产能peaking capacity
最大生产能maximum productive capacity
最适生产能the optimum capacity
有成呆账可能暂不计入的资产the non-accrual asset
有竞争能力的产品competitive product
有限产能安排finite capacity scheduling
机器性能试验的结果没有与保证的产品质量发生矛盾The results of the performance test of the machines do not bring about any non-conformity with the guaran teed product quality
此目录包含我方目前所能供应的全部产品This catalogue comprises our present availabilities of all products
油层产油能力productive capacity of reservoir
理论上的生产能theoretical capacity
理论生产能the theoretical capacity
产能manufacturing capacity
产能producing capacity
产能productive potentialities
产能productivity (output/input)
产能the productive capacity
产能power of production
产能capacity to perform
产能力下降productivity impairment
产能力决策capacity decision making
产能力利用不足the underutilization of capacity
产能力利用率capacity ratio
产能力扩充投资capacity expansion investment
产能力指数index production capacity
产能力指数capacity figures
产能力改善因数productivity improvement factor
产能力极限capacity limits
产能力比率capacity ratio
产能力的利用the utilization capacity
产能力的利用系数the utilization capacity
产能力累计余额accumulated remainder of the overall productive capacity
产能力评定capacity rating
产能,额定量功率,定额率产量rated capacity
产能量成本capacity cost
生产作业能力production operational capability
生产可能往曲线the production possibility curve
生产可能性轨迹production-possibility locus
生产可能性边界production-possibility frontier
生产可能性边界线the production-possibility frontier
生产效能productive efficiency
生产线获利能力product-line profitability
生产经营能力operating capacity
由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转包商工厂生产Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of
短期内能提高产量的项目short-term yield project
空闲生产能the spare capacity
管理生产的职能engineering production function
类别产品获利能力product-line profitability
累计新增产能accumulated newly-added production capacity
纯生产能net productive capacity
经过三个月的试产,成品还不能被接受After 3 months' trial production, the end product is still not acceptable
能源产品与服务管理局Energy Products and Services Administration
能源矿产部长Minister of Energy & Mines
要到一个月后我们才能再谈你所需之特殊产品Not until next month can we revert to the special products you required
设备最高生产能maximum plant capacity
该公司只能出售产品,而非这些产品的模型和图纸The corporation can only sell the products, not their patterns and drawings
财产功能说functional theory of property
财产处理能力disposal capacity
这家外资公司有钱,能以大规模的广告活动推出其新产品This foreign-funded company has the means to launch its new products with a big advertising compaign
这种新产品具有下述几项功能The new product has several functions as follows
采掘业生产能raw-material capacity
闲置生产能idle productive capacity
隐藏真实的生产能conceal real productive capacities
额定生产能normal capacity