
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 产能 | all forms | in specified order only
产氧能力oxygen production potential
加拿大矿产和能源技术中心Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology
土地生产潜能【土】land productive potential
工业、矿产和能源委员会Committee on Industry, Minerals and Energy
水利、能源和矿产部坦桑尼亚Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals Tanzania
海湾能源和矿产公司Gulf Energy and Minerals Company
澳大利亚矿产和能源环境基金会Australian Minerals and energy Environment Foundation
环太平洋能源和矿产资源会议Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference
环太平洋能源和矿产资源理事会Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources
矿产和能源部Department of Mineral and Energy
矿产资源与能源学院College of Mineral and Energy Resources
能源及矿物生产中的环境与尾矿处理会议Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production
能源、矿产与工业局Office of Energy, Minerals and Industry
能源、矿产与资源部加拿大Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada
能源矿产资源中心Center for Energy and Mineral Resources
能源系统产生的环境残余基质matrix of environmental residuals from energy system
边际分配生产能量成本marginal distribution capacity cost