
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一方占尽便宜的荷兰式交易Dutch bargain
一次互分配法one-time mutual apportionment
一般换媒介general medium of exchange
一般易条件协议书agreement on general terms and conditions of business
一般易程序ordinary course of trading
一般general delivery
三方易直接结算direct settlement in transactions involving an intermediate party
上下班通工具commuter transportation
下午的票据afternoon clearing
下摆成minus tick
下期for the account
不公平wrongful dealing
不公平unfair trade
不公平易作法unfair trade practice
不公平易做法unfair trade practice
不协调mis-matched bargain
不可撤销的承兑单信用证irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
不可靠shady transaction
不合法improper deal
不如期fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated
不必付现款with no down payment
不按约定日期fail to deliver goods at the time stipulated
不正当wrongful dealing
不正当的improper deal
不相事件disjoint events
不相disjoint collection
不稳定的erratic delivery
不等价exchange of unequal value
不等价exchange at unequal value
不等价换收益profit from unequivalent exchange
不等价换收益profit from unequal exchange
不能变更的firm deal
不良bad delivery
不讲明的implicit transaction
专利patent trade
专用手摇换机Private Manual Exchange
专用手摇小换机Private Manual Branch Exchange
业务business overlapping
两两不相pairwise disjoint set
个人exchange of person
个人individual bargaining
个人exchange of person
个人易额personal exchange value
中介intermediate selling
中介intermediate exchange
中外学术Chinese-foreign academic exchanges
中外技术流与合作'Chinese-foreign technology exchange and cooperation
中央换机central switching unit
中央换系统central switching system
中央换设施central switching facility
中央易所central exchange
中间易人intermediate trader
中间递intermediate handing
临时occasional exchange
临时occasional transaction
临时occasional trading
为了成,我们决定再给您便宜5%In order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%
为分期付款易融通资金hire-purchase financing
优惠权易市场见 rights letterrights market
传统易方法orthodox method of trading
传输与信息换系统Transmission and Information Exchange System
伦敦商品易所俗称Plantation House
伦敦票据易所London clearing house
伦敦银行票据换所清算所London Bankers' Clearing Houses
估计货时间expected time of delivery
估计货质量水平estimated submitted quality level
借贷loan transaction
借项换票据debit exchange
分季预pay in advance in quarterly installments
分封式接网络packet switching network
分店易由总店记账branch records on home office book
分批in instalment
分批货合同contract for the delivery of goods by installment
分散spread delivery
分期delivery by installment
分期delivery of goods by instalment
分期分批货合同contract for the delivery of goods by instalment
分期付款tally trade
分期付款installment trading
分期分批installment delivery
分离性disjunctive exchange
分组换技术block switch technology
到岸仓底货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价C.I.F. ex ship's hold
到岸货船吊钩下货价成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交货价CIF under ship's tackle
到岸货船舱底货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold
到期前pre-mature delivery
到达仓库arrival sale
制造厂商仓库货价ex maker's godown
制造商仓库货价ex makers godown
化学谷物易所Chemical Corn Exchange
各向同性isotropic exchange
合法licit traffic
合法lawful transaction
同业traders' transaction
同区票据local clearing
同履割日compensated value date
同意此笔close with such a bargain
同类财产like-kind exchange
名义nominal exchange
后场afternoon dealings
后悔而取消rue a bargain
"后门"backdoor deal
后门backdoor listing
"后门"backdoor dealing
后门back door operation
后门back door dealings
"后门""back-door" deal
后门易活动at the back door
"后门"易活动at the back door
启运机场货价free on board airport
启运港delivery at port of shipment
启运港机场货价FOB airport
启运港码头货价free on board quay
启运港船上货价free on board in harbor
启运港船上货价free on steamer
启运港船上货价free on board harbour
启运港船边free alongside ship
启运点货价free on board shipment point
在 X 处delivered free at X
在买方住地仓库货条件free godown
在股票易上冒险gamble on the stock exchange
在证券易所挂牌上市listing on the exchange
在证券易所挂牌列名listing on the exchange
在…车站交货at... station terms
地产land transaction
地区证券易所regional exchange
地方票据country clearings
地方易中心local exchange center
地方易所业务local exchange service
场外over-the-counter sale
场外over-the-counter dealings
场外off market dealing
场外ex pit transaction
场外curb transaction
场外即不在证券交易所进行的交易over-the-counter dealing
交易所场外ex pit
场外交易所收盘后在场外进行的交易kerb transaction
场外kerb exchange
场外证券outside dealing
场外off-floor trade
场外非正式kerb market
external affairs
事件diplomatic matter
使团diplomatic mission
使团Foreign Mission
使团diplomatic corps
使团diplomatic body
使团团长dean of diplomatic corps
使节diplomatic envoy
信使diplomatic courier
护照diplomatic passport
豁免权diplomatic immunity
途径diplomatic channel
避难diplomatic asylum
邮件diplomatic mail
邮袋diplomatic valise
邮袋diplomatic pouch
Ministry of External Affairs
Foreign Office
Foreign Ministry
外国纸币与硬币dealing in foreign notes and coins
外国股票场外over-the-counter dealing of the foreign stock
外埠票据out-of-town clearing
外币dealings in foreign notes and coins
外汇业务foreign exchange transaction
外汇exchange dealing
外汇exchange transaction
外汇易利益profit on foreign exchange transactions
外汇银行中外汇易室trader's room
外汇易所exchange house
外汇易所exchange bourse
外汇exchange surrender
多头bull transaction
多渠道信息流网络all-channel communication network
多阶段征收的易税cascading transaction tax
多项目multiple-project interface
大宗bulk trading
大宗big trading
大宗big business
大宗易折扣quantity discount
大手部位large trading
大手部位易者large trader
大批extensive transaction
大笔big block
大笔股票big block
大规模易到期付款mature for large-scale trading
大规模易成熟mature for large-scale trading
大量mass bargaining
大量易额broad market
大量信息info exchange
大量信息mass communication
大量成的市场heavy market
将询问有关部门refer our inquiry to the appropriate quarter
将货物由承运人保管delivery into the custody of the carrier
小型易会miniature fair
小笔易谈判negotiation piecemeal
小额retail trade
小额易汇价retail rate of exchange
市内intra-city transaction
市内电话换系统local telephone switching system
市场易条例market exchange act
市场易法market exchange law
市场易活动market exchange active
市场易管理人员floor officials
市场易费用market transaction expense
市场货价ex fair
市场信息流中心market information exchange center
开诚布公往方式self-bargaining communication style
conclude business
conclude a bargain
贸易clench a bargain
closed trade
拍卖knock down
strike a deal
complete a business transaction
completed trading
complete sale
拍卖敲锤knock off
conclusion of business
close a sale
bring business to a successful conclusion
end price
ending price
地产买方支付的总金额closing cost
价值transaction value
交易所一月或一年的价格幅度指最高与最低价间幅度trading range
价格的计算computation of settlement of price
价格计算computation of settlement price
单位unit of trading
总额gross turnover
旺盛的市场指买卖兴隆acting market
订约conclude a contract
transaction volume
transaction value
成品库到期日due in finished stock
成批arrivals in batches
成批出价易方式block offering
成批或互式处理网络batch and interactive network
成本、运费泊位货条件cost and freight berth term
我们给出的是船上货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation
我方希望您可以接受付款单的付款方式We hope you will accept D/P
我方需在货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
或有contingent transaction
指定货地点named place of delivery
指定价格market if touched
指定投资designated investment exchange
指定日期fixed-date delivery
指定火车站at named station
指定目的港货条件free delivered port of destination terms
指定边境货地点named place of delivery at frontier
割方式分的类classified by forms of delivery
易量分配收入和费用transactional allocation of income and expenses
货方式分类classification by the form of delivery
按买方样品quality as per buyer's sample
按付款单方式收取某人购货款draw D/P against someone's purchase
按件计数货物handing over lot by lot
按卖方样品quality as per seller's sample
按地址delivered at the address
按定货价delivered to order
按实净重计算运费freight per net weight delivered
按工厂货条件销售sale ex work
按市价进行at arm's length
按承兑单方式收取某人购货款draw D/A against someone's purchase
按收款银行决定document against discretion of collecting bank
按时票即付on due presentation
按最好收盘价成market on closing
按月delivery on calendar month basis
按期deliver on time
按此等条件成close on these terms
按经济活动与部门叉分类cross classification by kind of economic activity and sector
船载散装货按船吃水线即不过秤handing over as per loading
按营业收入确定货法delivery on basis of revenue recognition
按规定要求good delivery
按这些条件成close on these terms
按重量或容量货物handing over as per weight
按需货订单指买方按其需要要求卖方交付定单数量内的部分货物的一种订货方式call off order
通过中间人搭桥put-through deal
搭配matched some-purchase transaction
支票换制check clearing system
收储及货费用Receiving, Storage and Delivery
收入remittance of revenue to exchequer
.收款collection and delivery
收费型内部toll-type interchange
明日value tomorrow
明确货期definite for delivery
以货换货的易货barter deal
春季易会Spring Fair
最低易量保证guarantee of minimum turnover
最后货日last delivery day
最后货期限deadline delivery date
商品交易所规定的期货交货日仍未交货的合同最后冲销易日last trading day
最后成finalize of the business
最理想产品换制most ideal exchange of products
月份货量monthly delivery
月末month end delivery
有意成价格idea of price
有效流意见中人的因素human side of successful communication
有条件conditional transaction
有条件conditional trading
有组织的证券易所organized securities exchange
有组织的证券易所organized security exchange
有选择的dealing in option
服务部门与生产部门成本互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
期权transaction of futures right
股票期货sale for account
证券期货time bargain
期货exchange of futures
期货future transaction
期货trading of futures commodity
期货transaction for forward delivery
期货transaction for futures
期货transaction in futures
期货futures transaction
期货forward transaction
期货易合同future exchange contract
期货易市场market for futures trading
期货易市场market for futures exchange
期货易所futures exchanges
期货易所管理management of futures exchanges
期货市场非标准易日odd dates
木材timber trade
failure to deliver
付订货积累额backlog of unfilled order
付货物undelivered cargo
付货物failed to deliver the goods
付集装箱报告undelivered container report
割材料undelivered stock
订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense
订货报告backlog reporting
货订单指某一生产企业在年底或月底未向订户完成交货的全部订单数或金额unfilled orders
未了unstated transaction
未了unsettled transaction
未到期unmatured transaction
未到期前pre-mature delivery of futures
未完成incompleted transaction
未完税DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)
未完税码头货价ex pier duty unpaid
未完税码头货价ex dock duty unpaid
未完结易的资产净值open trade equity
未成outstanding business
未授权参与易的雇员unauthorized clerk
未结outstanding exchange
本人直接business as principal
本单位易事项self-dealing transaction
本月current month delivery
标准正向量orthonormal vectors
标准正orthonormal base
核定认股数额及付期通知letter of allotment
模型model change-over
模拟易活动simulated transaction
定货指暂时因缺货未交back order
折旧基金depreciation fund pending remittance
次数曲线overlapping of frequency curve
次日银行同业交易,成交后的次日交收value spot
次日next day delivery
次要fringe transaction
欧洲易所continental house
欧陆易所continental exchange
水陆通线land and water communication line
加拿大温尼伯谷物易所Winnipeg Grain Exchange
港内harbour traffic
生产者货指数index of producer's shipment
生意成bring to a conclusion
换股票取得的子公司subsidiary acquired by exchange of share
用抵押空头票据进行kiting transaction
由买方选择transaction at buyers' option
由买方选择决定transaction at buyer's option
由于延迟货给您造成的不便我感到非常抱歉I'm very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you
由卖方代为租船、订舱或投保的启运地船上货条款free on board clause providing for additional duties for the seller
由库存股本易而获的资本capital from treasury of stock transaction
由库存股票易所得资本capital from treasury stock transactions
由政府公债易获得的缴入资本paid-in capital from treasury stock transaction
由…转交care of
电传打字teletype writing exchange
电子元件性能认证检验数据国际international exchange of authenticated electronic component performance test data
电子数据interchange of electronic data
美国海关电子数据自动换系统automated information exchange system (AIES)
电子计算机在通运输方面的应用application of electronic computers to the operations of communication and transportation
电话易所boiler room
电话telephone conversation
电路换数据传输业务circuit-switched data transmission service
电路换数据通信业务circuit-switched data communication service
看货成sale as seen
码头价格free at whart
码头delivered at docks
码头delivery at docks
码头价格free at quay
码头货价free docks (s/d)
码头货价free dock
码头货价ex wharfage
码头货价free at dock
目的港码头货价即以目的港码头为交货地点ex wharf
法语码头货价a qual
码头货吨metric ton wharfage
目的港码头货条件ex quay terms
码头货桶barrel ex wharfage
程序互作用program interaction
税后买方关栈货价ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid
税后码头货价ex quay duty paid
税款清证书certificate of compliance
稳定易市场firm trading market
紧急urgent delivery
税款deferral taxes
缓期carriage over
缩短货期curtailment of the delivery time
航空通控制系统air traffic control system
航空站目的地货价即航空站交货的成本、保险费加运费价C.I.F. airport
目的地船上free from ship
船上FOB (Free on Board)
船上货价free on steamer
船上货价free on ship (steamer)
船上货价即 f.o.b.rendu price
船上货价ex steamer
船上货班轮条件指卖方不负担装船费用free on board liner terms
船侧delivery at ship's side
船到价格on arrival of vessel
船到货价on arrival of vessel
船边FAS (Free Alongside Ship)
船边货与提货brought to and taken from alongside
船边货价delivered alongside ship
船边货价delivered at the ships' side
船边货价free alongside
船边驳船货价free overside
船边货重量weighing at overside delivery
营业易事项operating transaction
营销信息marketing communication
财产受托人管理vest property in a trustee
财产移delivery of the property
账外易价格off-the-books quotation
承运人FCA (Free Carrier)
承运人价free carrier... named point
收货人delivery to consignee
货主间直接principal-to-principal transaction
货仓at godown
货币即非易货交易pecuniary exchange
货币money exchange
货币monetary transaction
货币易所money exchange
货物handing over
货物火车运送consign goods by rail
货物按件handing over as per number of package
货物的灭失,损坏或付延误loss, damage or delay of goods
货物资料换制Cargo Data Interchange System
货真价实的real bargain
货车内货价free into truck
货运接单list of freight delivered and received
质量、成本、quality, cost, delivery
购进股票bull transaction
购进原材料货成本delivered cost of raw material purchased
贸易commercial delivery
贸易relation of trade
贸易信息换所clearing house for trade information
贸易总易项目gross barter terms of trade
费雪叉加权指数cross-weighted Fisher indexes
核对验收处move to quantity check
选择权dealing in options
选择权指买卖证券或商品选择权的交易option dealing
递延deferred delivery
通用通工具all-service vehicle
通货膨胀与充分就业之间的tradeoff between inflation and full employment
通过易断送…trade away
通过技术合作计划进行信息和人员exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programmes
通过技术合作计划进行信息和人员exchange of information and personnel through technical co-operation programs
通过电话易市场over-the-telephone market
通过货币exchange through money
通过邮局post office: delivery
通过邮局货付款post office: cash on delivery
通过邮局:货付现post office: cash-on delivery
造成易困难render business difficult
错交目的地delivery at wrong destination
防止货延误preventing delivery delays
需求叉价格弹性cross price elasticity of demand
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