
Terms for subject Artificial intelligence containing | all forms
个体理性individual rational deal
2×2 2×2 interaction
话音响应Interactive Voice Response
话音响应系统Voice Interactive Response System
互式对话式控制系统interactive control system
互式学习learning by interaction
互式机器人interactive robot
互恢复interactive restoration
互-激励模型interaction-activation model
互语言interactive language
叉数crossing number
叉概率probability of crossover
叉概率crossover rate
叉池chiasmatic cistern
叉熵cross entropy
叉皮层模型Intersecting Cortical Model
叉相关向量cross-correlation vector
叉矩cross moment
叉算子crossover operator
叉跟踪干扰源jammer tracked by azimuth crossing
叉路口特性intersection characteristics
感传出神经sympathetic nerve
换操作interchange operation
换率commutativity law
通仿真traffic simulation
通分析器traffic analyzer
通参数traffic parameter
通反应式控制策略traffic responsive control strategy
通因子traffic factor
通均衡traffic equilibrium
通尖峰traffic peak
通探测设备traffic monitoring facility
通控制与管理traffic control and management
通控制策略traffic control strategy
通控制系统实验室traffic control laboratory
通控制设施traffic control device
通操作系统traffic operation system
通政策traffic policy
通法traffic law
通特性traffic characteristic
通环境影响管理traffic environmental impact management
通疏散traffic evacuation
通管理transportation management
通管理信息库Traffic Management Information Base
通管理计划traffic management scheme
通绩效traffic performance
通网络transportation network
通网络traffic network
通网络分析traffic network analysis
通行政管理traffic administration
通设施transportation facility
通运行管理traffic operation
通量指派traffic assignment
通问题traffic problem
通障碍traffic obstacle
集型歧义切分字段overlapping ambiguous segmentation
优势dominant deal
信息换规范说明information exchange specification
公路立overpass highway
冲突conflict deal
分封换公众数据网络Packet-Switched Public Data Network
初期每日通量Initial Daily Traffic
单点one-point crossover
卡方自动互发现一 Interaction Detection 种用于数据集分类 (CHAID)决策树的技术CHi-square Automatic
双点two-point crossover
叉验证anti-cross validation
图形换格式Graphics Interchange
均匀uniform crossover
多模块叉配合结构multi-module cooperated structure
多模式multi-modal interaction
多点multiple points crossover
多路立体multileg interchange
多重叉确认Multiple cross validation
对称叉熵symmetric cross entropy
小时隙优先权Mini-Slotted Alternating Priorities
尖峰小时通量peak hour traffic flow
广义叉确认generalized crossvalidation
循环Cycle Crossover
通量total wheel traffic
最尖峰小时通量maximum peak hour volume
最高小时通量peak hour traffic flow
三目立体成像orthogonal trinocular stereo imaging
分解定理orthogonal decomposition theorem
变换orthogonal transform
Frei-Chen 正Frei-Chen orthogonal basis
基矢量orthogonal basis vector
多目立体成像orthogonal multinodular stereo imaging
小波包orthogonal wavelet packet
Gram-Schmidt 正归化GRam-Schmidt orthogonalization normalization
性原则principle of orthogonality
投影定理orthogonal project theorem
投影矩阵orthogonal projection matrix
投影矩阵matrix of orthogonal projection
方程orthogonal equation
梯度算子orthogonal gradient operator
模板orthogonal mask
相似变换orthogonal similarity transformation
迭代收敛定理orthogonal iterating convergent theorem
迭代法orthogonal iterating method
直方图相histogram intersection
的类层次结构intersecting hierarchies
规则intersect rule
知识换语言Knowledge Interchange Language
算术arithmetic crossover
系统-用户system-user interaction
综合正算子integrated orthogonal operator
网格相量化Grid-Intersection Quantization
罗伯茨叉检测算子Roberts cross detector
自然灾害通管理natural disaster traffic management
自适应adaptive crossover
叉后区retrochiasmatic area
视觉通参数vision traffic parameter
边重组edge recombination crossover
进化evolution interaction
部分匹配Partially Matched Crossover
部分映射Partially Matched Crossover
隐单元hidden unit exchange
隐单元换对称性hidden unit exchange symmetry
叉点zero-crossing point
非重现性通拥塞nonrecurrent congestion
项目可提的成果project deliverable
OX顺序Order Crossover