
Terms for subject China containing 交易 | all forms | in specified order only
上市交易的股票transaction of listed stocks
与证券交易有关relate to securities trading
交易习惯trade practice
交易习惯custom of transaction
交易信息information transaction
交易内幕insider information of the trading
交易权利right to dealing
交易相对人trading counterpart
交易秩序order of trade
交易行为activities in trading
交易行为trade behaviors
交易记录trade practices
交易记录customs of transaction
交易风险准备金trading risk reserve
产权交易property right exchange
享有公平交易的权利have the right to fair dealing
从事内幕交易involved in any insider trading
以外币认购和交易subscription or trading of stocks in a foreign currency
依法设立的证券交易stock exchange as legally established
公司债券上市交易的公司company whose bonds have been listed for trading
公平交易权利right to fair dealing
公平的集中交易fair centralized trading
公开的集中交易方式means of public and centralized transaction
关联交易affiliated transaction
内幕交易行为insider trading
利用职务违反交易规则violate the trading rule by taking advantage of one's post
单笔交易single transaction
参与集中交易engage in the centralized trading (of securities)
可疑交易dubious transaction
境外交易overseas transaction
大额交易business transactions involving large sums of money
异常交易abnormal trading
强制交易行为coercive trade behavior
房地产交易transaction of real estate
扰乱证券、期货交易市场disrupt the securities or future trading market
技术交易technological transaction
抵制交易boycott of transaction
提出交易申报propose transaction declaration
提出交易申报declare orders
提取交易风险准备金withdraw a trading risk reserve
操纵证券交易价格manipulate the trading prices
期货交易futures trading volumes
独立交易原则principle of arm's-length transaction
申请公司债券上市交易file an application for the listing of the corporate bonds
禁止参与股票交易prohibit from engaging in securities trading
禁止的交易行为prohibited activity in trading
签订证券交易委托协议conclude an entrustment agreement on securities trading
终止其公司债券上市交易terminate the listing of corporate bond of the company
经证券交易所审核同意subjected to the examination and approval of the Stock Exchange
联合抵制交易boycotting of transaction
股票交易securities trading
股票交易代码stock code
证券交易价格trade price of securities
证券交易内幕信息的知情人insiders who have access to insider information of securities trading
证券交易场所stock exchange
证券交易委托协议entrustment agreement on securities trading
证券交易当事人party involved in securities transaction
证券交易所章程constitution of a stock exchange
证券发行和交易issuance and transaction of securities
证券集中交易concentrated securities trading
进行交易conduct transactions
违反交易规则violate the trading rules
违规交易rule-breaking trading
重大异常交易情况major abnormal trading
集中交易concentrated trading
集中交易市场centralized trade market
非法开设证券交易场所stock exchange as illegally established