
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不重叠类non-overlapping classes
为条件concurrent conditions
为条件concurrent terms
助公司mutual company (包括互助储蓄银行(mutual savings bank)、互助保险公司(mutual insurance company), 即指非股份公司(nonstock corporation))
惠信贷业务swap operation
惠信贷业务currency swap practice
惠信贷安排swap arrangement (指备用信贷安排 (stand-by credit arrangement))
惠信贷额度swap line
惠外汇信贷swap credit
惠安排swap agreement
惠安排swap arrangement
惠性条款reciprocity clause
惠条款reciprocal clause
惠的reciprocal (a.)
惠贸易reciprocal trading
英国惠贸易协定法Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
抵贸易mutual compensating trade
换交易swap trade
换安排swap agreement
换安排swap arrangement
换货币协定swap agreement
易校正reciprocity calibration
相控股reciprocal holdings
相替换材料alternate materials
相让步split the difference
补外销complementary exporting
counter purchase (一方进口另一方设备或技术,又向另一方出口商品)
通有无help supply each other's need
计算running account
责任cross liability
账户差额balance of mutual account
信用助会credit union
双方已换批准书The both parties have exchanged the instruments of ratification
换代用品interchangeable substitute
换的部件interchangeable parts
相抵消的债务cross debt
在平等利基础上on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
坚持平等利原则adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit
奉行平等利原则carry out the principle of equality and mutual benefit
平等利,互通有无原则principles of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other's needs
我们认为应在平等利的基础上达成交易We deem that transactions should be concluded on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
根据平等利原则in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit
来往账户mutual current account
理解对业务的顺利进行是必要的Mutual understanding is essential to the smooth running of business
reciprocal (a.)
购买reciprocal buying (与相互销售(reciprocal sale) 相对)
购买reciprocal purchase (与相互销售(reciprocal sale) 相对)
购买安排reciprocal arrangements
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1949)
船舶有责任碰撞条款both to blame collision clause
货币惠信贷currency swap (国家中央银行之间以短期贷款方式相互供应对方所需外币的方式)
货币换协定reciprocal swap agreement
贸易发展在于平等利基础上的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
惠非歧视普遍优惠制generalized non reciprocal, nondiscriminatory system of preferences
非相控制系统non-interacting control system