
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
只有一方当人在场时所作的仲裁裁决ex parte award
一般的政府业部门general government services
不任职董outside director
不参预管理的董outside director
不可避免的意外inevitable accident
"不损害当人权利"为限without prejudice to...
不经谈判由一方前制定的合同adhesion contract
不能预料的unforeseeable event
美俚不费的快速推销wrap up
与... 谈判协商negotiate with sb. about sth.
专心从knuckle down to
世界银行理World Bank board of governors
主要material circumstance
争执subject matter of the dispute
争端当party to the controversy
争议当disputing parties
业机构胶东institutional stockholder
先准则ex-ante criteria
先协定prior agreement
先定价证明advanced fixation certification
先订价证明advance fixation certifications
前征得... 同意with prior concurrence of
前折旧利润predepreciation profit
前未预定其金额的损害赔偿unliquidated damages
前的可行性研究pre-feasibility study
前的欺诈fraud in limine
务供应品office supplies
务用品office supplies
务费用office expenses
post factum
ex post
后审计post audit
后的欺诈supervening fraud
实上de facto
实上承认de facto recognition
实上接受virtual acceptance
实上的公司de facto corporation
实上的当局de facto authority
实上的承兑virtual acceptance
实与情况events and conditions
实封锁blockade de facto
实的政府de facto government
故伤害频率injury-frequency rates
故性质nature of occurrence
故支出accident cost
故费accidental cost
故费用accident cost
国际商会亚洲及远东务委员会Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
管理personal management
管理personal administration
staff cost
personal service
人力不可抗拒的force majeure
付费人优惠危险payer benefit peril
代理领consular agent
以新证据推翻原告所控实的抗辩.affirmative defense
仲裁员审查项范围说明terms of reference of the arbitrator
仲裁员的审查项范围说明terms of reference of the arbitrator
仲裁程序中当人交付的仲裁费保证金security for the costs of the arbitration proceedings
优先matter of priority
会计business transaction
会计accounting event
ipso facto
保险insurance business
保障当各方的利益safeguarding of parties, interests
信任理board of trustees
债权所依据的fact on which a claim is based
偶发故险contingency risk
免于miss an accident
入境办office of entry
公共public service
公共government business enterprises
公共业公司public service corporation
公方董public director
公用public utilities
公用public service corporation
公用public use
公用public service
公用业公司public utility corporation (company)
公用业公司public service corporation
公用业公司股票public utility stock
公用业基金utilities fund
公用业委员会utility commission
公用业持股公司法案public utility holding company act
公益parliamentary company
公营public corporation & government enterprises
公营经济public economic enterprise
公许董chartered director
共同joint undertaking
共同joint enterprise
关于欺诈的刑诉讼criminal proceedings for fraud
关于海上运载核材料方面民赔偿责任的国际公约1975年7月15 日International Convention Relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
关于讼事项的原告或被告的陈述statement of claim or defense relating to the substance of the dispute
关税合作理Customs Co-operation council
其他当人不能主张权利或提出抗辩的票据instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties
其余项待定ad referendum
内部会计internal transaction
冒险行take a fall flier
安全关税tariff for military security
工业界集团military-industrial complex
开支military spending
物品war goods
物资war material
订货armament orders
净值交易equity transaction
凭以决定实的证据conclusive evidence
出资本而不任的股东dormant partners
出资本而不任的股东dormant partner
出险故通知advice of fate
出险故通知书advice of fate
创办take on an enterprise
创办take on enterprise
利益关系当party interested
副董vice chairman of the board of directors
staff of a concern
manufacturer office
协议已满期的fact that the agreement has lapsed
协议无效的fact that the agreement is null and void
厂商分店办manufacturer branch office
县办county agent office
实度量counterfactual measurement
变更注册alteration on entries in the register
各种业单位的配合协调right of various interests
合同当contracting parties
合同当人指定的合同适用的法律prescriptive designation (by the parties to a contract of the law applicable to their contract)
合同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
名誉领honorary consul
启运地办office of departure
争执trade disputes
仲裁commercial arbitration
习惯lex mercatoria
商业business affairs
商务commercial business
商务参office of commercial counsellor
商务部地区办district offices of department of commerce
商品交易会总理director general of fair trading
商用航空commercial aviation
国内管辖matter of domestic jurisdiction
国民经济军militarization of the national economy
国营公用government utility
国营经济public economic enterprise
国际业部组织结构international division structure
国际international affairs
国际务处office of international affairs
国际商仲裁欧洲公约European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration
国际工业设计师协会理International Council of Societies of Industrial Designers
国际旅游international tourist travel
国际海协商组织Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
国际海工业论坛international maritime industries forum
国际海洋开发理会公约Convention for the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
国际羊毛务局International Wool Secretariat
国际货币基金组织执行董IMF board of executive directors
国际货币基金组织理IMF board of governors
国际赈灾international disaster relief
在一方当人缺席的情况下进行的审判程序default proceedings
后日期post date
外邀董outside director
ship in distress
船舶wrecked ship
契约当contracting parties
契约当contracting party
完整会计completed transaction
官方董public director
定货办order clerk
求是esse quam videri
实质matter of substance
宣告诉讼当人的缺席declare in default
管辖jurisdiction rational material
对公海上发生油污故进行干涉的国际公约International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
对外会计external transaction
对票据上的义务已告解除的票据当party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange
将申请项纳入判决merger of the claim in the judgement
就案件的实作出判决adjudicate on the merits
工厂务费用shop office expenses
已决res judicata
市场、生意、务、交通等最繁忙的时刻rush hour
常务董executive director
年关于国际商仲裁的欧洲公约European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration Geneva, 21 April 1961 1961
1962 年关于执行欧洲国际商仲裁公约的协定Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration (Paris, 17 December 1962)
年布鲁塞尔关于碰撞件民事管辖权若干规则的国际公约International Convention on Certain Rules concerning Civil Jurisdiction in Matters of Collision Brussels, 10 May 1952 1952
1969 年美洲商仲裁委员会程序规则Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission, 1969
1966 年联合国亚洲与远东经济委员会国际商仲裁规则和调解准则Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far Esat, 1966
parties thereto
各方的权利和义务rights and duties of parties
总评公共业部SOHYO'S Public Sector
总领general consulate
意外casus fortuitus
意外fortuitous event
意外fortuitous accident
意外故准备reserve for extra-ordinary
意外故准备金reserve for contingencies
意外故及赔偿损失A & I accident and indemnity
意外项条款contingency clause
意外项补偿contingency allowance
或有交易contingent transaction
执行execution of business
执行理executive director
执行董或理事Executive Directors
扩张公共expansion of public works
承认及执行外国民和商务判决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
承运当principal carrier
投机speculative business
投资参考investment reference services
拉丁美洲理Council for Latin Americans
物标准规定的管辖权subject-matter competence (of a court)
提出海债权assert a maritime claim
提单上的记载statements of the bill of exchange
提货办order clerk
政府间海协商组织简称海协Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
政府间海协商组织公约international maritime consultative organization conventions
政府间海协商组织公约Convention of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
新闻出版业媒介informational media
新闻出版业汇总保证Informational Media Guaranty
旅游业处department of tourism
既成established fact
易于发生liable to accident
更名启deed poll
更正登记rectification of register
英国最高民法院的辅助法庭bail court
有关各方当the parties thereto
有关当party concerned
有关民责任的诉权claim for liability
有关的当interested party
有关诉讼程序的matters of procedure
有关转移的技术的保密secrecy with regard to the know-how transferred
有案可查的matter of record
有案可查的matter of record
服务service business
根据实本身ipso facto
根据某项由提出的抗辩plea based on the face that ..........
欺诈人的put-up job
正式被传的当party properly summoned
诉讼civil action
责任保险civil liability insurance
民营private enterprise
汇兑办money office
汇票的各当parties to a bill of exchange
法律生于ex facto jus oritur
仲裁委员会Maritime Arbitration Commission
仲裁maritime arbitration
仲裁委员会maritime arbitration commission
公证人nautical assessor
务分组subgroup on customs matters
maritime administration
声明note of protest
marine office
惯例customs of the sea
报告ship's protest
报告sea protest
报告书sea protest
报告及附件endorsement on sea protest
救助报酬担保留置权liens securing claims in respect of assistance an salvage
检查员marine inspector
maritime law
admiralty law
法庭court of admiralty
法庭admiralty court
留置权maritime lien
研究所marine affairs institute
管辖权maritime jurisdiction
管辖权admiralty jurisdiction
海上marine accident
海上maritime casualty
海上意外fortuitous accidents at sea
海关临时customs house overtime
海关合作理customs cooperation council
海关合作理会税则目录customs cooperation council nomenclature
海员监督务所shipping office
海损marine casualty
海损marine accident
海运shipping interest
海运maritime affairs
混合mixed transactions
特别危险special perils
特别工业special industrial services
board of management
trustee council
board of directors
琼斯法案和海运作业中发生死亡故法案Jones Act and High seas Death Act
生利revenue producing activities
申请书的前审计pre-audit of requisition
board of supervisors
目的地办office of destination
直接证明实的证据direct evidence
确实的意外physical overrun contingency
碰撞件诉讼费collision costs
票据上的当party to an instrument
票据当parties to an instrument
票据或证券上的记载statements in the instrument
离境办office of exit
合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合同当人履行的保证义务floating warranty
第二位的当secondary party
簿记bookkeeping transactions
索赔项咨询委员会advisory board on compensation claims
紧急matter of urgency
经判决的res adjudicata
经济economic events
经济参economic counselor
经济参office of economic counselor
经纪人务所brokerage office
经纪人务所brokerage house
经纪人务所broking house
统一合伙业法the Uniform Partnership Act
统一海抵押权和留置权的若干规定的公约1926 年Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Maritime Mortgages and Liens
统一船舶碰撞或其他航行故中刑事管辖权方面若干规定的国际公约International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Penal Jurisdiction in Matter of Collision or Other Incidents of Navigation
美中贸易全国理National Council for US-China Trade
美国海管理局United States Maritime Administration
美洲商仲裁委员会Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
美洲洲际商仲裁委员会Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission
美联邦海委员会U.S. Federal Maritime Commission
职业性的意外occupational accidents
职业领professional consul
联合国经济及社会理经社理事会United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合国贸易法律委员会的审查项范围说明terms of reference of UNCITRAL
联合国难民务高级专员公署United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
联邦海委员会Federal Maritime Board
胜诉的当successful party
自然灾害与意外natural calamities and accidents
航行记簿log book
船长注意notice to ship’s master
船长海声明ship's protest
船长海报吿captain's sea protest
船长海报告master's report
船长海报告captain's sea protest
船长海报告captain's protest
船长海报告书master's protest
船长的海船难证书master's protest
partner’s meeting
board of trustees
报告director's report
登记簿register of directors
补充海声明supplementary protest
补充说明supplementary explanation
被法院宣告为破产人的当party adjudged bankrupt
装货中的意外accident in loading
装货办office of loading
装货地办office of loading
要求赔偿先确定的损失的诉讼common assumpsit
订约contracting service
订约当contracting party
订约当contracting parties
日程order of the day
议定实呈请判决的诉讼案case stated
簿minute book
详情请问办for particulars apply to the office
船长的详细海报告extended protest
请在办处询问接洽apply at the office
look out for an opening
豁免项表list of exemption
财务financial transaction
货物运单声明declaration on consignment note
贸易和发展理Trade and Development Board (of UNCTAD)
赔偿责任免责exceptions from liability
赔偿责任的免责exception from liability
超过当人的申请所作的判决take a decision ultra petite
运输务所shipping office
违约当delinquent party
违约的合同当party in default
违约的合同当party in breach
通信务局office of communication
通海maritime casualty
部长理Council for Ministers
都市务计划urban affairs programs
重要material circumstance
银行banking business
需要规定的赔偿责任除外subject matters besides liability for regulation
非参与管理之董outside director
非商合同noncommercial contracts
人员consular agent
代理员consular agent
代理处consular agency
公证consular certification
公证费consular fee
发票consulate invoice
发票consular invoice
手续费consular fee
签证consular visa
签证发票consulate invoice
签证发票consular invoice
签证的发票consular invoice
签证费consular fee
裁判权consular jurisdiction
豁免consular immunities
馆经济商务部Consulate, Economic, Commercial Sections
飞机失aeroplane accident
飞机意外aircraft accident
飞机意外aircraft accidents