
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
一生致力于爆破工程lifelong devotion to the cause of blasting engineering
一般注意general precautions
与同相比,他太自私He is too selfish in comparison with his colleagues
严重但无伤亡的serious but non-fatal accident
严重的伤亡件起因于岩石爆破过程中判断不当或操作失误Serious injuries and fatalities result from improper judgment or practice during rock blasting
为了减少索赔件的发生、炸药的使用人员保存完整的爆破作业记录是聪明的举措、监测爆破振动和冲击波、尽可能通知公众、尽量降低钻孔和交通噪声、减少粉尘并减小其他可觉察到的影响In order to reduce damage claims, the explosives user is wise to keep complete records of his operations, to monitor vibrations and airblast, to do what he can to inform the public, and to minimize drilling noise,dust,traffic noise, and other perceptible effects
故严重程度accident severity
故判定技术事故判定技术是一种在事故发生前调查不安全行为及不安全状态的方法,其目的在于找出不安全行为及不安全状态产生的原因,在它们引起事故之前被改正accident discrimination technique
故报告书accident report
故树accident tree
故率accident frequency
故致因理论探索事故发生规律,阐明事故为什么会发生,事故是怎样发生的,以及如何防止事故发生的理论。由于这些理论着重解释事故发生的原因,以及针对事故致因因素如何采取措施防止事故,所以被称为事故致因理论。事故致因理论是指导事故预防工作的基本理论accident cause theory
故遭遇倾向事故遭遇倾向是指某些人员在某些生产作业条件下容易发生事故的倾向accident liability
故隐患可导致事故发生的物的危险状态、人的不安全行为及管理上的缺陷accident potential
故频发倾向事故频发倾向是指个别人容易发生事故的、稳定的、个人的内在倾向accident proneness
故高发性high accident potential
人为human error occident
编辑字典的工作undertake the compiling of a dictionary
他看上去总是心重重He always looks charged with weighty matters
他说他与这无关He says that he has no concern in this matter
伤亡injuries and fatalities
你为我做了很多You have done much on my behalf
你办,我放心With you in charge I' m at ease
使某物或某人敏感sensitize 的现在分词sensitizing
催某人做某put a fire under
催某人做某build a fire under
关于此在这方面In this regard, recommendations are made to adopt an initial standard approach based on total carbon content, avoiding limitations and artifacts of ideal detonation codes
具体注意specific considerations
具有爆炸性的dynamite product types
冗冗态中的琐事insignificant of daily life
出于对遇险同的挂念之心、他做这事没有预先打报告Out of concern for his colleagues in danger, he did it without report in advance
故牵连的每个人都受到警方的盘问Everyone concerned in the accident was questioned by the police
司机必须承担这起故的全部责任The driver must undertake full responsibility for this accident
因爆破宜引起的民事纠纷civil dispute arising from a blasting project
地质相关contract issues due to geology
外行处理这,没有专业知识,肯定会失败A layman is bound to fail without a specific technical knowledge of it
头等大a matter of prime importance
如果是为了好,他们捐献些财物也不在乎They do not mind giving some if it is for a good
故的解释rationale for an accident
应由双方分担的各种费用是个有争议的Different kinds of costs to be shared by the two parties are an explosive matter
开拓pioneer an enterprise
the parties persons concerned
形变deformational event
恶性disastrous accident
意外故赔偿accident and indemnity
技术technical accident
操作错误human error occident
早爆故的预防在爆破作业中,有时由于某些外界能源作用于雷管或炸药而发生早爆,往往造成非常严重的伤亡事故。根据早爆事故原因而采取的预防措施称为早爆事故的预防prevention of premature blast
昨天我不在、有个同代我领福利津贴My colleague accepted the benefit subsidy on my behalf when I was absent
未遂由设备和人为差错等诱发产生的有可能造成事故,但由于人或其他保护装置等原因,未造成职工伤亡或财物损失的事件near accidents
本组织为残疾人做了很多有价值的This organization has rendered many valuable services on the behalf of the disabled
死亡指事故发生后造成死亡,或伤后一个月内死亡的fatal accident
水下覆盖marine coverage warning
水门件使尼克松声名扫地The Water Gate Incident exploded Nickson's repute
潜在hidden trouble
潜在hidden danger
潜在hidden peril
爆炸件确定blast event determination
爆炸故致因爆炸事故发生的难易程度,危害程度与下列因素有关: 1. 爆炸物品自身的稳定性。 2. 使用人员的操作正确性。 3. 环境条件的变化性。 4. 劳保护具的防护能力causes of explosive accident
爆破related accident
爆破故保险accident insurance
爆破不只是爆破工作者的,也是全社会的事Blasting is not a mere concern of blasters but of the whole society
爆破专家必须以精湛的技术从爆破作业Biasing experts have to place their operations within the bounds of fine techniques
现场使用注意field use considerations
由于军方的干预、本来是小、却闹大了The minor issue exploded due to the military invention
由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破故的主要原因之一The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents
矿山故预测人们对矿山事故发生的可能性和趋势做出判断和估计,以便采取措施防止矿山事故发生。包括矿山事故发生可能性预测和矿山事故发生趋势预测mine accident prediction
神话往往唤起小孩子的好奇心、而惊险故激起他们的想象力Mythology often firs children's curiosity, stories of adventure their imagination
编写史书、叙述实先于评论Describing facts precedes to making comments in compiling a history
美国工程技术理American Engineeing Council
职工伤亡职业活动过程中发生的职工人身伤亡或急性中毒事件accident causing injuries and deaths of staff members
自然按事故的成因分类: 1. 自然事故, 2. 破坏事故, 3. 责任事故。自然事故是指人力不能抗拒的事故,多与地质因素有关,如滑坡、沉陷、断层破碎及突水等natural disaster
会奉命调查所有破坏规章制度的问题The board of directors is charged with investigating all the alleged breaches of the rules
会打算放弃这个爆破工程The Board of Directors is going to abandon this blasting engineering project
试图从某些科研undertake some scientific research
调查结果表明、飞石故是由以下一个以上的因素促成的: 地质及岩石结构的非连续性、炮孔布置和装药量不适当、抵抗线不足、炸药能量高度集中、填塞不足Investigations of flyrock accidents have revealed one or more of the following contributing factors: I discontinuity in the geology and rock structure,II improper blast hole layout and loading, III insufficient burden, IV very high explosive concentration, and V inadequate stemming
责任责任事故是指因玩忽职守、麻痹大意所造成的事故,如提升过卷事故。参见 natural disasterhuman element accident
轻伤按伤害程度分类: 1. 轻伤事故。 2. 重伤事故。 3. 死亡事故。轻伤事故是指负伤后歇工一个月或几个工作日,但未达到重伤程度的事故minor accident
这个问题看上去对很多人异常重要、但对新的工作委员会来说可能是小一桩This problem, which is seemingly important to many others, is likely to be a minor concern to the new working committee
这些人往往会因为微不足道的琐而大发雷霆These guys tend to explode at any moment over the least thing
这些考虑的项也突出表明、爆破界通过改进爆破结果来降低温室气体排放量是其主要目标Such consideration also highlights the major targets for the blasting community to reduce GHG emissions through improved blast outcomes
这种解释对我们了解他的生平故很重要This explanation is of concern to our understanding of his lifetime story
迟爆故的原因主要有以下几点: 1. 电雷管受潮变质,起爆力不足,雷管起爆后未能引爆炸药。 2. 炸药感度较低,雷管起爆后炸药燃烧,隔一段时间又转为爆炸。 3. 火雷管起爆发生事故的原因主要是导火索速燃、爆燃而引起早爆及缓燃、阻燃而引起的迟爆causes of hangfire
重伤指负伤后,经医生诊断为残废或可能残废的事故。此类事故一般可进一步分为:完全丧失劳动能力,生活不能自理, 完全丧失劳动能力,生活尚能自理;部分丧失劳动能力,尚能从事小工作量工作或轻便工作severe accident
重大会对职工、公众或环境以及生产设备造成即刻或延迟性严重危害的事故。同义词:恶性事故tremendous accidents
防止矿山故规程accident-cause code
露天爆破作业产生的飞石已对工作人员和居民造成严重伤亡、所以这是爆破人员始终关切的重大情之一Flyrock from surface blasting operations has caused serious injury and death to employees and habitants,and it is always known as one of the major concerns far the blasters
飞石flyrock accident