
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上市listing matter
上市宜谅解备忘录修订Amended and Restated Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding Governing Listing Matters
上市公司的刑责任criminal liability of listed company
上市公司董会行为规范Code of Conduct of Directorate of Listed Company
上市公司董证券交易的规范守则Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
上证公用业指数SSE utilities index
下列following particulars
不再受前协议约束free up
两级制董two tier board
中国务委员会香港期货交易所有限公司Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited China Affairs Committee
业收人undertaking revenue
业部制division system
件主导型策略event driven strategy
件引发的违约events triggering default
件热衷者event fans
件粉丝event fans
件驱动型event driven
件驱动型策略event driven strategy
件驱动基金event-driven fund
先协定的回购prearranged repurchase
先同意prior agreement
先安排的交易prearranged trading
先承诺advance commitment
先披露prior disclosure
先披露机制predisclosure mechanism
先收取认购款subscription received in advance
先条件性ex ante conditionality
先订立的担保协议pre-existing guarantee
前交易ex-ante transaction
前价值ex ante value
前储蓄ex-ante saving
前储蓄ex ante savings
前兼并分析pro forma merger analysis
前反收购措施pre-offer defense measure
前试算报表pro forma statement
务部门back office
赔偿或启动基金reactive fund
后储蓄ex post savings
后反收购措施post-offer defense measure
后实得利润ex post realized profit
后日期的post dated
后条件性ex post conditionality
后标准差ex post standard deviation
后解约条件condition subsequent
后贝塔投资结束后,计算出的资产组合贝塔值ex post Beta
后阿尔法投资结束后,计算出的资产组合的阿尔法值ex post Alpha
实上可兑换的货币currency convertible in fact
实上的信托resulting trust
实上的公司corporation de facto
实收人revenue outturn
项基金账户segregated account
互任董职位interlocking directorate
交错董staggered board
商业活动engage in business activity
新兴产业的公司emerging company
以专业能力行act in professional capacity
以主人身份作为交易的一方party to transaction as principal
以当人身份acting as principal
会计师务所accounting firm
依法独立承担民责任bear independently civil liability according to law
保障当各方的利益safeguarding parties' interests
候补董alternate director
停止以当人身份进行的活动cease to act as principal
偶然fortuitous event
偶然故公积金contingency reserve
全国社会保障基金理National Council for Social Security Fund China
公共业税共同基金tax-managed utility mutual fund
公司内部董inside director
公司并购律师务所M&A law firms
公司监supervisory committee of company
公司董协会National Association of Corporate Directors
公司行为corporate action matters
公司重大corporate events
公司间债务intercompany liabilities recitals
公用业公司股份public utility stocks
公用业分类指数utilities sub-index
公用业持股公司public utility holding company
公用业收人债券utility revenue bond
公用业股息再投资计划utility dividend reinvestment plan
公用业股票public utility stocks
公用业股票平均指数utility average
公用业证券public utilities security
内部董撤换inside directors turnover
公债war loans
出现影响公司债券还本付息的重大significant events that have influence on corporate bonds'repayment of principal and payment of interest
分支办branch office
处罚criminal penalty
诉讼程序criminal procedure
调查机构criminal investigatory body
利益冲突宜委员会conflict committee
前端调查due diligence issues
副董vice-chairman of the board of directors
取消董资格disqualification of director
受托人关心的fiduciary concerns
受托人理board of trustees
受托人董trustee council
受薪董remunerated director
受要约公司董会通知offeree board circular
合伙董总经理美国投资银行中的高级职位partner managing director
合格董qualified director
交易ex post transaction
后续subsequent event
向政府提交加强上市监管宜的意见submission to the Government to enhance the regulation of listing
唯一的注册交易董sole registered dealing director
四大会计师务所Big Four
因市场不当行为而需承担的民责任civil liability for market misconduct
国有企业监State-owned Enterprises Regulatory Commission
国有重点大型企业监State-owned Key Large Enterprise Regulatory Commission
国有重点金融机构监State-owned Key Financial Institutions Regulatory Commission
国际盛基金international events fund
国际证券商理International Councils of Securities Dealers
在无触发件时的执行权力exercise of right without triggering event
外部理香港联交所理事会lay member
外部董轮换outside directors turnover
多家兼任董interlocking director
天竺鼠董guinea pig director (不参与公司决策和管理的董事)
失责event of default
完全后清偿full ex-post settling up
审计audit matters
审计师应报告matters reportable by auditors
对……声誉产生不良影响的事件incidents attracting adverse publicity to
对账户谨慎行的责任duty of care to the account
对金融机构经营能力董会有最后的决定权board of directors' final say on the financial institutions' operating capability
寻购启offer wanted
尽职调查due diligence issues
已成的fait accomplish
常任董full-time chairman
常务副董executive vice chairman
常务董executive board
1935 年公共业持股公司法Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
年报后检验after-action check of annual report
开公投票权征集proxy solicitation disclosures
开创全新start a brand new undertaking
异议董dissident director
引发triggering event
引诱他人投资资金的民责任civil liability for inducing others to invest money
强化追究证券违规与犯罪的刑责任intensifying criminal liabilities for securities irregularity and crimes
一方one of the parties
人对当事人交易principal to principal transaction
各方parties involved
影响正常证券交易的突发sudden event affecting normal securities trade
律师务所law firm
德国联邦金融务检察局German Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
总办principal office
恒生公用业分类指数Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index
恒生公用业分类指数期货Hang Seng Utilities Sub-index Futures
意外fortuitous event
意外件与责任contingencies and commitments
意外件准备金contingent reserve
执行董board of managing directors
承担民责任bearing civil liability
投机性speculative venture
投资者务部investor relations department
披露既往未披露的情或账目open the kimono
持不同意见的董dissident director
按股东最佳利益行in the best interests of shareholders
股东控告董right to sue directors
提供虚假信息的刑责任criminal liability on the provision of false information
收盘后post-closing matter
收购后对目标公司董会的控制control of target's board after purchase
债券发行人必须对投资人详细解释,才能获认同的债券/股票story stock
债券story bond
文件当parties to documents
普华永道会计师务所Price Waterhouse Coopers
更换董会成员recall members of the board of directors
有关违规relevant contravention
有效的董评估机制effective director assessment mechanism
未尽宜另行通知unsettled issues opening to further notification
未披露的重大undisclosed significant events
极重大的出售very substantial disposal
罚款civil money penalty
贷款civil loan
求购启offer wanted
汇票当prior party to a bill of exchange
汇票当party to a bill/draft
汇票当parties to a draft
法国证券务监察委员会Commission des Operations de Bourse of France
注册董registered director
活跃的董active director
涉及items covered
澄清实真相clear the air of fact
照章办严格按章程办事work to rule
特派员办Offices of Specially-Appointed Agents
独立的非执行董independent non-executive director
独立董outside director
独立董自主autonomy of independent directors
council member
board of councilors
会下设的审议委员会Review Committee under the Board of Governors
会成员council member
瑞典金融务监管局Sweden Finansinspektionen
supervisory director
supervising committee
会成员supervisory director
监督管辖务处对美国证券交易商协会的成员进行监督的政府部门Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction
目标公司的董target's directors
相互排斥mutual exclusive events
票据当parties of bill
离任董outgoing directors
积极参与公司务的董事active director
突发件风险event risk
索赔项咨询委员会advisory board on compensation
紧急件储备金emergency fund
紧急件基金emergency fund
紧急件处理小组emerging issues task force
经纪人务所brokerage firm
结账后post-closing matter
美国公司董协会National Association of Corporate Directors
美联储理Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
会与首席执行官的沟通Board-CEO communication
会主席chairman of the board of directions
会会议记录board minute
会会议通知Board Meeting Notifications
会全体成员all directorate members
会公告directorate announcements
会决议board resolution
会意见分歧split board
会权力条款此款授予董事会权力来决定绝对多数条款是否生效board-out clause
会秘书secretary to directorate
会秘书directorate secretary
会秘书对外公布公司信息secretary to directorate publishing company information
会筹委会preparatory board
会观点不统一split board
会运作的效率efficiency of directorate operation
会领导下的厂长分工负责制system of the director of a factory assuming responsibility under the leadership of the Board of Directors
会领导下的厂长负责制factory director responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors
会领导下的总经理负责制president responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors
候选人proposed director
名册register of directors
名单list of directors
声明及承诺declaration and undertaking with regard to directors
工资逐一公布one-by-one disclosure of salary of directors
应持股份directors' share qualification
总经理managing director
承诺directors' undertakings
报酬directors' remuneration
持股变化shareholding change of directors
持股机制shareholding mechanism of directors
权益directors' interests
权益的公示disclosure of directors' interests
的责任director responsibility
经理补偿D&O indemnification
股东director shareholder
补偿directors' indemnity
诚信责任director's fiduciary duty
资格股公司董事维持其席位所须持有的股份qualifying shares
退职津贴directors' retirement allowance
通知directors' notification
酬金directors' remuneration
director-general (chairman)
央行行长是 governorpresident
chairman of the board of directions
长公告chairman's statement (每年一次给股东大会的报告)
高管短线交易公司股票short-term trading by the directors and senior management
虚假董dummy director
被提名的董proposed director
规范上市公司董的交易行为regulate the trading behavior of listed companies' directors
触发triggering event
认可的董accredited director
讨论order paper
方式/规则rules of deliberation
规则deliberation rules
证券交易所处理涉及违反上市规则纪律Settlement of Stock Exchange Disciplinary Matters Involving Listing Rule Breaches
证券交易所理board of governors of stock exchange
证券交易理Securities and Exchange Council
证券发售宜工作小组securities offering issues sub-group
证券和期货务上诉审裁处Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal
证券监管办securities regulatory office
证券记securities blotter
诚信行act in good faith
说明有关债权的specify the relevant items of the claim
美国财政部负责货币务的副部长under Secretary for Monetary Affairs
责任董responsible director
购买前偶发preacquisition contingency
资产负债表公布后events subsequent to balance sheet date
资料当data subject
越权行act without jurisdiction
跨国信息披露及会计宜的第1号工作小组国际证监会组织Working Party 1 on Multinational Disclosure and Accounting IOSCO
身份不公开的undisclosed principal
身份不明undisclosed principal
轮回制董每次更换董事只更换一部分,轮流更换staggered board
轮选制董classified board
轮选制董staggered board
辞职董outgoing directors
违约event of default
违规rule breaches
连锁董interlocking director
追究刑责任股市上违法pursuing criminal liability
退休董outgoing directors
造品牌branding event
道・琼斯公用业平均指数Dow Jones utility average
重大material event
重大material fact
重大material event
金融立法financial legislation
限制董会行为restriction of board action
隐形董shadow director
隐瞒重大conceal major fact
集资issues of pooling
需报告的reportable matters
非员工董non-employee directors
非正常exception item
非管辖区内行act without jurisdiction
香港期货交易所有限公司董Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited
香港联交所外界理SEHK lay members