
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
万向通用务语言comm on business oriented language
三国军通信卫星TRIMILSATCOM (法、德、英)
不明unexplained accident
与军有关的情报military-related intelligence
东非共同务组织East Africa Common Services Organization
严重major accident
主要件一览main events list
主要件计时器master events timer
件任选event option (项)
件伪变量event pseudo-variable
件信息表event information table
件关联电位event-related potential
件内函数event built-in function
件分析event analysis
件分析矩阵event analysis matrix
件参数event parameter
件同时性event synchronization
件名event name
件后时间time from event
件属性event attribute
件序列图event sequence diagrams (导弹与航天部门采用的风险评估的一种定量分析工具)
件建立event establishment
件控制块event control block (软件用)
件数据包event packet
件时间time of event
件时间time to event
件树分析event tree analysis (风险分析的一种方法)
件水平线event horizon
件的并union of event (集)
件相关去同步化event related desynchronization
件相关同步化event related synchronization
件规划event planning
件触发event triggering (启动)
件跟踪event trace
件链event chain
件驱动测试方法event-driven testing method
件驱动编程event driven programming
先计划的产品改进pre-planned product improvement
前校零pre-mission zero calibration
务处理能力transaction capability
务服务transaction service
后分析post-mission analysis
后分析post event analysis
后处理post processing
后复演post-mission replay
后定位精度post-test position accuracy
后数据处理post-mission processing
后数据处理post data processing
后校零post-mission zero calibration
实指导推理fact-directed reasoning
发生环境accident environment
故再现replication of incident
故再现accident reconstruction
故危险性accident hazard
故原因accident cause factor
故原因判定accident causation
故发生率accident rate
故后去除放射性post accident radioactivity removal
故后果accident aftermath
飞行故后检查post-accident check
故因素accident cause factor
故地点accident site
故场地accident site
故征候safety deficiency
飞行故征候near miss accident
故征候分析near-accident analysis
故征候报告incident report
故征候调查研究post incident investigation
故感受器emergency cut-off receiver
故报告mishap report
故报告建议accident report recommendations
故报告表格accident report form
故指数hazard index
故损伤检修accidental maintenance
故损坏accidental damage
故数据记录器accident data recorder
故档案accident file
故概率accident liability
故概率accident probability
故死难者识别disaster victim identification
故潜在区accident potential zone
故照射accidental exposure (异常照射的一种)
故现场accident scene
故电流abnormal current
故病理学accident pathology
故简报accident briefing
故经历accident experience
故经验accident experience
故统计accident statistics
故营救first aid in accident
故记录器accident recorder
故记录器与状况监控器accident data recorder and health usage monitor (组合件)
故调查accident survey
故调查accident investigation
故调查报告mishap investigation report
故责任accident liability
故鉴别identification of emergency
故预防措施accident preventive actions
故预防装置accident prevention device
故预防规则accident prevention rules
故预防计划accident prevention programme (程序)
故预防计划accident prevention program (程序)
互斥mutually exclusive event
互补complementary event
亚洲太平洋理Asian and Pacific Council
亚磁暴件历史进程与大规模交互作用Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (美国磁层暴观测卫星)
管理信息personnel management information
管理局Office of Personnel Management
管理系统personnel management system
人为man made accident
人为human factor error accident
人为human factor accident
人为human error accident
以色列军工业有限公司Israel Military Industries Ltd. (IMI)
以随机变量为条件的event conditioned on random variable
任务件程序mission events sequence
伪装工camouflage works
例行件间隔时间ret (美国国家航空航天局代码)
俄罗斯军航天部队VKS (俄文缩写英译)
偶发机遇opportunity events
先前preceding event
先进军空间航天飞行能力advanced military space flight capability
先进军航天能力advanced military spaceflight capability
公用业卫星public service satellite
公用业卫星utility satellite
关键件仿真critical event simulation
专业military occupation specialties
专家系统military expert system
专题地图military thematic map
交通工程military traffic engineering
人员及军需品最低需要量minimum military requirement
人机工效学military man-machine ergonomics
任务拨款military functions appropriation
侦察military reconnaissance
侦察气球balloon for military reconnaissance
信息高速公路military information high-way
判读military interpretation
医学military medicine
卫星operational satellite
卫星通信系统Milsatcom military satellite communication
美国三军通用器材规格military specification
地形学military topography
地理信息military geographic information
地理学military geography
地质学military geology
基地military base
大地测量成果military geodesic results
实力目标military strength target
工业military industrial enterprises
工业目标military industrial target
工程抗力等级military engineering resistance grade
工程抗压强度military engineering compression strength
工程机械管理military engineering machinery management
工程测量military engineering survey
工程装备military engineering equipment
应用military application
康复military rehabilitation
建筑military construction (美国空军用词)
态势地图military posture map
情报military intelligence
情报处理系统military information processing system
情报综合数据系统military intelligence integrated data system
战术数据系统military tactical data system
战略战术中继卫星系统Milstar military strategic tactical and relay system
技术情报局Armed Service Technical Information Agency (美国,后改为国防技术情报中心,DITC)
技术规格military specification
技术计划活动technical military planning operation
技术革命military technical revolution
援助勤务经费military assistance service fund
摄影测量military photogrammetric survey
效用效能military function
效用分析military utility analysis
无线网络military wireless network
标准运输与移动程序military standard transportation and movement procedure
气象警报中心military weather warning center
测绘military surveying and mapping
照相侦察military photo-reconnaissance
环境医学military environmental medicine
目标military target
目标判读military target interpretation
空天管理系统military airspace management system
管理military management
系统工程military system engineering
网络military network
航天military space activities
航天空间技术military space technology
航天人员military man in space
航天基础设施military space infrastructure
航天学military astronautics
航天工程师military spaceflight engineers
航天工程师military spaceflight engineers (美国航天飞机上的军方有效载荷专家)
航天技术military space technology
航天理论military space theory
航天计划military space program
行动military operation
行动区military operations area
行动结果报告after action report (military)
训练空域military training airspace
辅助决策系统military decision-making assistant system
通信卫星系统military communication satellite system
部门间采购申请military interdepartmental purchase request
问题的计算机应用computer applications of military problems
防空警报网military air defense warning (net)
顾问团military advisory group
减压decompression accident
加固的军目标hardened military target
北大西洋公约组织军指挥、控制与情报系统NATO military command, control and information system
北大西洋公约组织/军标准化机构North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Military Agency for Standardization
单粒子single event phenomena
单粒子翻转single event upset
卫星和国际务局Satellite and International Affairs Office (伊朗)
卫星海无线电导航业务maritime radionavigation-satellite service
卫星海无线电导航业务maritime radionavigation satellite service
卫星海移动业务maritime mobile-satellite service
卫星海移动业务maritime mobile satellite service
印度洋海合作Indian Ocean marine affairs cooperation (programme, 计划)
反潜艇工antisubmarine work
火箭、导弹等发射坪上的on-pad accident
发射工launch building
可调作物农adjustable crop calendar (model, 模型)
可重复使用军发射系统reusable military launch system
可防止preventable accident
国家军情报中心National Military Intelligence Center
国家军战略national military strategy
国家军防御national military defense
国际故文献Documentation Internationale des Accidents
国际安全international security affairs
国际海卫星International Maritime Satellite (Organization)
国际海卫星 P 型终端INMARSAT-P (手持卫星电话终端)
国际海卫星H型机载站INMARSAT-aero-H (用于远程商用大型飞机)
国际海卫星E型终端INMARSAT-E (卫星应急无线电示位标)
国际海卫星M型终端INMARSAT-M (B 的简化型,小型数字电话数据终端)
国际海卫星F型终端INMARSAT-F (取代模拟制式A型终端)
国际海卫星D型终端INMARSAT-D (全球卫星短信息服务系统)
国际海卫星B型终端INMARSAT-B (数字业务终端)
国际海卫星C型终端INMARSAT-C (公文包式的低速数据终端)
国际海卫星微型 M 型终端INMARSAT Mini-M
国际海卫星组织International Maritime Satellite (Organization)
国际海卫星通信系统international maritime satellite communication system
国际科学联盟理International Council for Scientific Union (设在意大利)
国际空间联盟理International Council of Space Unions
在线务处理on-line transaction processing
地球轨道军卫星earth-orbital military satellite
地面ground-level event
埃及军工业化组织Egyptian Military Industrialization Organization
城市地形中的军行动military operations in urban terrain
基地级军人员系统base level military personnel system
基本件集set of elementary event
外层空间务署Outer Space Affairs Division (联合国)
外层空间的军应用military use of outer space
外空务办公室Office for Outer Space Affairs (联合国)
外部件口external event port
外部件处理机模件external event processor module
外部件检测模件external event detection module
大规模分布式军演习large-scale distributed war game
太阳solar events
太阳电子solar electron event
太阳粒子solar particle event
太阳粒子solar particle event (发射大量高能粒子的太阳耀斑事件)
太阳质子solar proton event
信标distress beacon
abort zone
定位信标accident location beacon
情报crash intelligence
环境crash environment
座舱失压decompression accident
失定向disorientation accident
失速stallout accident
失速stall accident
姿态和件相机attitude and event camera
定向障碍disorientation accident
件的检查event-oriented inspection
对外军销售foreign military sales (美国根据援外法案进行的,区别于对外援助)
导弹missile accident
小型多功能军计算机miniature multi-use computer for military
小规模偶然small scale contingency
平均故征候间隔时间mean time between incidents
异常件记录系统unusual event recording system
弹射死亡ejection fatality
弹道军目标系统ballistic military target system
影响军行动的放射性沉降militarily significant fallout
总体工程理Systems Engineering Directorate (美国兰利研究中心)
意外件分析contingency analysis
战区件系统theater event system (美国战区导弹防御的卫星预警系统)
打击军目标战略attack military target strategy
技术性technical accident
指向件模拟event-directed simulation
捷尔任斯基军学院Jierenciky Military Academy (苏联)
放射性故控制radiological accident and incident control
政府间海咨询组织Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (联合国,已改名 IMO)
数据后快速处理post data rapid processing
故空间飞行incident-free space flight
日本宇宙开发业团National Space Development Agency of Japan (已并入日本宇宙航空研究开发机构)
易致故的accident prone
两星体最接近的closest approach
故倾向的accident prone
机毁人亡disastrous accident
极性polarity event
标志flag event
nuclear incident
故剂量测定nuclear accident dosimetry (法)
故支援队nuclear accident support team (加拿大)
核心core transaction
核意外故及事故控制nuclear accident and incident control
核武器nuclear-weapons accident
核武器nuclear-weapon accident
概率probability event
欧洲军卫星通信European Military Satellite Communications
欧洲军卫星通信Eumilsatcom European military satellite communications
欧洲军通信卫星Europe's military communications satellite
欧洲军通信卫星Eumilsat Europe's military communications satellite
欧洲海通信卫星Maritime European Communication Satellite
欧洲海通信卫星maritime European communication satellite (欧洲空间局)
永备防御工permanent defenses
测控TT&C event
测控件序列TT&C procedure
测控件序列sequence of TT&C event
卫星小型 M 型终端mini-M terminal
卫星技术咨询组Maritime Satellite Technical Advisory Group (欧洲空间局)
卫星海岸终端maritime shore terminals
卫星移动业务maritime mobile satellite service
卫星系统maritime satellites system
轨道试验卫星maritime orbital test satellite (欧洲海事通信试验卫星,此计划已取消)
通信maritime communication
通信分系统maritime communications subsystem
通信卫星marine communications satellite (美国)
遥感联合会Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing (加拿大)
潜在potential accident
爆炸explosion accident
状态state event
电子electron events
电离层ionospheric events
疲劳性fatigue factor accident
监控件模拟系统monitor event simulation system
瞬态件快速在轨纪录fast on-orbit recording of transient events (美国核爆炸探测卫星)
确定的credible accident
磨损wearout failure
离散件仿真discrete event simulation
离散件动态分析系统discrete event dynamis system
离散件控制系统discrete event control system
离散件模型discrete event model
离散件系统discrete event system
离散件系统仿真discrete event system simulation
离散件系统模型discrete event system model
科技和文化务办公室Office for Science, Technology and Cultural Affairs (比利时,负责国家空间计划)
秘密军情报classified military information
移动海mobile maritime station
程序件记录program event record
空中失air accident
空间军勤务系统space military service system
空间军space militarization
空间军基地space military base
空间军应用space military application
空间军目标space military target
简称军Milstar military strategic tactical and relay system (美国军用通信卫星)
维修maintenance event
联合军准备状态评审joint military readiness review
联合国外层空间务办公室United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA)
聚集级军演习aggregate-level war game
脱离轨道失abort from orbit
致命disastrous accident
航天space incident
航天space incident
航天器件时间spacecraft event time
航空海工程卫星aeronautical maritime engineering satellite
航空航天业环境模拟仿真aerospace business environment simulator
航空航天aerospace accident
航空航天工业协会国际协调理International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association
航空航天工业协会国际协调理International Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association
英国国际军服务公司British International Military Services Corp
英国皇家军科技学院Britain Royal Military Technology Academy
directorate general
计划过程重大program milestone
设计错误design-error failure
询问与务处理inquire and transaction processing
质子proton event (太阳活动引起的一种地球物理效应)
质量quality accident
轨道件预报orbit event prediction
轨道飞行件程序orbital sequence of events
载人空间试验站manned military test station
载人军试验空间站manned military test station
连续离散件混合系统continuous discrete event hybrid system
连续离散件系统仿真continuous discrete event system simulation
通断on-off event
部长会议军工业委员会VPK (苏联,俄文缩写英译)
重大major mishap
防护工protective works
防止导弹故方案missile accident prevention program
随机件分析仪random event analyzer
集合级军演习aggregate-level war game
非军化地区demilitarized zone
非常规军力量unconventional military forces
非战争军行动military operation other than war
面向件的仿真event-oriented simulation
顺序件控制器sequential events controller
顺序件控制系统sequential-events control system
飞行件演示flight events demonstration
飞行flight accident
飞行air accident
飞行故记录器air accident recorder
高级军专业advanced military occupational specialty
高能粒子energetic particle event (太阳活动的)