
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
一般务及新闻部General Affairs and Information Department
一般务部General Affairs Department
一般法律务处General Legal Affairs Branch
一般法律务处General Legal Affairs Service
上证公用业指数中国SSE Utilities Index
世界信贷联盟理World Council of Credit Unions
世界和平理World Peace Council
世界水理World Water Council
东欧务倡议Eastern European Affairs Initiative
东部非洲分区域办亚的斯亚贝巴Subregional Office for Eastern Africa
东非医学研究理East Africa Medical Research Council
严重故管理高级专家组Senior Group of Experts on Severe Accidents Management
中亚分区域办Subregional Office for Central Asia
中欧及东欧分区域办Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe
中美洲农业合作区域理Regional Council for Agricultural Cooperation in Central America
中美洲农业理Central American Council of Agriculture
中美洲农业理Central American Agricultural Council
中美洲分区域办巴拿马城Subregional Office for Mesoamerica
中美洲分区域办Subregional Office for Central America
中美洲森林和保护区理Central American Council of Forests and Protected Areas
中美洲货币理Central American Monetary Council
中部非洲分区域办利伯维尔Subregional Office for Central Africa
亚太理Asian and Pacific Council
亚洲及太平洋区域办Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok
亚洲工业发展理Asian Industrial Development Council
Division of Personnel
官员Personnel Officer
服务组Personnel Servicing Group
系统官员Personnel Systems Officer
人力资源办human resources clerk
人权务委员会Human Rights Committee
人权务高级专员United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
人权务高级专员High Commissioner
人权务高级专员High Commissioner for Human Rights
人权理Human Rights Council
人道主义务部Department of Humanitarian Affairs
食品进出口控制的测试实验室能力评估准则Guidelines for the Assessment of the Competence of Testing Laboratories Involved in the Import and Export Control of Foods
伊拉克埃尔比勒办Erbil Office in Iraq
会议办conference clerk
会议厅办conference-room clerk
信息系统协调务咨询委员会Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems
全球水伙伴关系Global Water Partnership
公众务学会Public Affairs Institute
公务员务局Civil Service Bureau
六、国务院直属业单位Institutions directly under the State Council
关于《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后决议和议规则》的开放性工作组Open-ended Working Group on WFS:fyl Resolution and Rules of Procedure
关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约Rotterdam Convention
关于粮农组织独立外部评价的理会委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
关税合作理World Customs Organization
关税合作理会专门用语Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature
农业干Agricultural Attaché
农业部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, AG
几内亚湾区域渔业理Regional Fisheries Committee for the Gulf of Guinea
分区域办Subregional Offices
副总干知识Deputy Director-General Knowledge
副总干办公室Office of Deputy Director-General
副总干直属办公室Immediate Office of Deputy Director-General
副总干私人助理Personal Assistant to Deputy Director-General
副执行干Deputy Executive Director
副执行干助理Assistant to Deputy Executive Director
加勒比分区域办Subregional Office for the Caribbean
加拿大国际合作理Canadian Council for International Cooperation
助理总干Assistant Director-General
助理总干, 世界粮食首脑会议后续行动特别顾问Assistant Director-General/Special Adviser, World Food Summit Follow-up
助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, GI
助理总干办公室, KCOffice of Assistant Director-General, KC
助理总干办公室, AFOffice of Assistant Director-General
助理总干办公室, AFOffice of Assistant Director-General, AF
助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, SD
助理总干/区域代表Assistant Director-General/Regional Representative
助理总干/区域代表办公室Office of the Assistant Director-General/Deputy Regional Representative, RAP1
助理总干/区域代表办公室Office of the Assistant Director-General/Deputy Regional Representative, RAF1
助理总干/区域代表办公室Office of ADG/Regional Representative, RAF1
助理总干/区域代表办公室Office of ADG/Regional Representative, RAP1
助理总干直属办公室Immediate Office of ADG
助理总干直属办公室Immediate Office of Assistant Director-General
助理执行干办公室Office of the Assistant Executive Director
北欧理Nordic Council
北非分区域办Subregional Office for North Africa
区域办Regional Offices
区域办处、联络处及联合司Regional and Liaison Offices and Joint Divisions
医疗和社会务部Department of Health and Human Services
协约理Entente Council
协调办coordinations clerk
南部及东部非洲分区域办Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa
南部非洲分区域办Subregional Office for Southern Africa Harare
团体人寿、故和伤残保险计划Group Life, Accident and Disability Insurance Plan
团体生命、故及残废保险计划Group Life, Accident and Disability Insurance Plan
国务院办机构Administration Offices under the State Council
国务院台湾务办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院港澳务办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office o£ the State Council
国家办处信息网络Country Office Information Network
国际务教会委员会Commission of the Churches on International Affairs
国际乳品理International dairy council
国际农业研究磋商小组科学理会秘书处Secretariat of the Science Council to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
国际农业研究磋商小组科学理会秘书处Secretariat of the Science Council to the CGIAR
国际农业研究磋商组织科学与伙伴关系独立理会秘书处Secretariat of the CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council ISPC
国际农药分析协作理Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council
国际制革工人理International Council of Tanners
国际化学协会理International Council of Chemical Associations
国际医学科学组织理Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
国际印第安人条约理International Indian Treaty Council
国际可可、巧克力和糖果办International Office of Cocoa, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery
国际咖啡理International Coffee Council
国际天主教徒理Unum Omnes
国际天主教徒理International Council of Catholic Men
国际妇女理International Council of Women
国际婴儿食品工业理International Council of Infant Food Industries
国际成人教育理International Council for Adult Education
国际教育发展理International Council for Educational Development
国际斯特兰萨奶酪协定常设理Permanent Council of the International Stresa Convention on Cheeses
国际森林和纸业协会理International Council of Forest and Paper Associations
国际橄榄油理International Olive Oil Council
国际海卫星组织International Maritime Satellite Organization
国际海及海军联盟联合会International Federation of Maritime and Naval Leagues
国际海委员会International Maritime Committee
国际海组织/粮农组织/教科文组织-政府间海洋学委员会/世界气象组织/世界卫生组织/国际原子能机构/环境规划署海洋环境保护的科学方面联合专家组IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection
国际海洋勘探理International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
国际犹太社会和福利业理事会International Council on Jewish Social and Welfare Services
国际狩猎和野生动物保护理International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
国际社会福利理International Council on Social Welfare
国际社会科学理International Social Science Council
国际科学和技术信息理International Council for Scientific and Technical Information
国际紧急粮食理International Emergency Food Council
国际肉类理International Meat Council
国际自愿服务机构理International Council of Voluntary Agencies
国际自愿机构理International Council of Voluntary Agencies
国际造房研究、研究及文献理International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation
国际金融务24国政府间小组Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-four on International Monetary Affairs
国际锡理International Tin Council
国际锥虫病研究和防治科学理International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control
国际防治缺碘症理International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders
国际食品添加剂理International Food Additives Council
国际食糖理International Sugar Council
大会及理会助理秘书长Assistant Secretary-General of the Conference and Council
大会和理会秘书长Secretary-General of the Conference and Council
大会、理会及政府关系科Conference, Council and Government Relations Branch
大会、理会及礼宾事务司Conference, Council and Protocol Affairs Division
大会、理会及礼宾事务司Conference, Council, and Protocol Affairs Division
大会、理会及联络官员Conference, Council and Liaison Officer
大洋务及海洋法司Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
太平洋岛屿分区域办Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands
实地保安务工作组Working Group on Field Security Matters
实质问题/计划务协商委员会Consultative Committee on Substantive Questions/Programme Matters
实质问题/计划务协商委员会CCSQ PROG
审查粮农组织务的计划委员会与财政委员会的特别联席会议Special Joint Session of the Programme and Finance Committees on the Review of FAO
对外关系司和理会秘书处Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat
对外关系司和管理理会秘书处Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat
工业研究咨询理Advisory Council for Industrial Research
应用研究及开发咨询理Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development
当选总干Director-General Elect
德国联邦金融物检察局Germany Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BAFin)
总干办公厅主任Directeur de Cabinet
总干办公室Office of the Director-General
总干办公室Office of Director-General
总干办公室专员Attaché de Cabinet
总干办公室助理主任Assistant Directeur de Cabinet
总干办公室高级专员Senior Attaché de Cabinet
总干特别顾问Special Adviser to the Director General
总干特别顾问Special Advisers to the Director-General
总干特别顾问办公室Office of Special Advisers to the Director-General
总干直属办公室Offices reporting to Director-General
总干直属办公室Immediate Office of Director-General
总干私人助理Personal Assistant to the Director-General
总干顾问团Cabinet of the Director-General
总理General council
总部以外办offices away from Headquarters
总部外办offices outside Headquarters
联合国托管理Trusteeship Council
托管理Trusteeship Council
执行干办公室Office of the Executive Director
执行干助理Assistant to Executive Director
技术合作部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, TC
拉丁美洲及加勒比区域办Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
拉丁美洲社会科学理Latin American Social Sciences Council
指定主管环境务的专员Designated Officials on Environmental Matters
指定主管环境务的专员Designated Officials for Environmental Matters
撒哈拉以南非洲地区科学理Scientific Council for Africa South of the Sahara
政制务局Constitutional Affairs Bureau
政府间硬质纤维小组闭会期间项分小组Subgroup on Intersessional Matters of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres
政策务联合磋商组Joint Consultative Group on Policy
斯堪的纳维亚应用研究理Scandinavian Council for Applied Research
最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办United Nations Office of the High Representative
最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
服务贸易理Council for trade in services
机构间采购务工作组Working Group on Inter-agency Procurement Matters
权力下放办处支持办公室Office of Support to Decentralized Offices
林业部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FO
核军设施安全委员会Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
欧洲乡村法律理European Council for Rural Law
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理会鳗鱼联合工作组Joint EIFAAC/ICES Working Group on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理会鳗鱼联合工作组Joint EIFAAC/ICES ad Hoc Working Party on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理会鳗鱼联合工作组Working Party on Eels
欧洲化工产品制造商协会理European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers
欧洲区域办罗马Regional Office for Europe
欧洲及中亚区域办Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
欧洲纸浆及纸张务联络委员会European Liaison Committee for Pulp and Paper
欧洲联盟理Council of the European Union
民政务局Home Affair Bureau
法律务组Legal Matters Unit
泛非教会理All-African Council of Churches
海外发展理Overseas Development Council
海湾合作委员会国家及也门分区域办阿布扎比Subregional Office for the Gulf Cooperation Council States and Yemen
海湾合作理会国家和也门分区域协调员Subregional Coordinator for the Gulf Cooperation Council States and Yemen
海湾合作理会总秘书处General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
海湾国家分区域办Subregional Office for the Gulf Countries
渔业及水产养殖部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, FI
环境务指定官员Designated Officials for Environmental Matters
环境务特别委员会Special Commission on Environment
环境务行动队Environment Action Team
FAO Council
Governing Body
会独立主席Independent Chairperson of the Council
会粮农组织独立外部评价委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
会负责任开放性技术委员会Open-ended Technical Committee of the Council on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
机构和礼宾办公室Office of Governing Bodies and Protocol
瑞典金融物管理局Sweden Finansinspektionen
社会发展和人道主义务中心Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs
科学与伙伴关系独立理Independent Science and Partnership Council
科学及伙伴关系独立理Independent Science and Partnership Council ISPC
科学理Science Council
科学理Science Council of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
科学理Science Council of the CGIAR
科学理CGIAR Science Council
章程及法律务委员会Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
第二工作组:《基本文件》和理会成员Working Group II: Basic Texts and Membership of Council
粮农组织/国际海组织关于非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼及相关事项特设联合工作组Joint FAO/IMO ad Hoc Working Group on IUU Fishing and Related Matters
粮农组织/国际海组织关于非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼及相关事项特设联合工作组Joint FAO/IMO ad Hoc Working Group on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Related Matters
粮农组织/环境规划署农药规格、登记要求、使用标准及先知情同意联合专家组Joint FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Pesticide Specifications, Registration Requirements, Application Standards and PIC
粮农组织/联合国环境规划署先知情同意程序专家组Joint FAO/UNEP Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent
粮农组织/联合国环境规划署关于实施先知情同意程序的联合计划Joint FAO/UNEP Programme for the Operation of Prior Informed Consent
粮农组织驻亚太区域办FAORs in Asia and the Pacific
粮农组织驻亚太区域办FAO Representations in Asia and the Pacific
粮农组织驻亚太区域办FAO Representation in Asia and the Pacific
粮农组织驻国家办FAO Country Offices
粮农组织驻拉美加区域办处代表处FAO Representation in Latin America and the Caribbean
粮农组织驻沙特阿拉伯办FAO Office in Saudi Arabia
经济互助理Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
经济及社会发展部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, ES
经社理Economic and Social Council
综合服务、人力资源及财务部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, CS
美洲商业与生产理Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production
美洲教育、科学及文化理Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture
美洲经济及社会理Inter-American Economic and Social Council
美洲间人权务委员会Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
美洲间商业与生产理Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production
美洲间教育、科学和文化理会常设执行委员会Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture
美洲间经济和社会理会常设执行委员会Permanent Executive Commission of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council
职工务磋商小组Consultative Group on Staff Matters
联合国人权务高级专员Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
联合国安全理United Nations Security Council
联合国救灾协调专员办Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator
联合国新闻务联合委员会Joint United Nations Information Committee
联合国社会务局United Nations Bureau of Social Affairs
联合国经济及社会理Economic & Social Council
联合国经济和社会务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心Department of Economics and Social Affairs
联合国经济和社会务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning
联合国经济社会理United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合国难民务高级专员办事处High Commissioner for Refugees
联合国难民务高级专员办事处United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
联合国项目务署United Nations Office for Project Services
联合国驻日内瓦办United Nations Office at Geneva
联邦海委员会Federal Maritime Commission
自然资源管理及环境部助理总干办公室Office of Assistant Director-General, NR
Board of Directors of the Credit Union
Board of Directors
会及商品问题委员会的咨询委员会Advisory Committee to the Board and to the Committee on Commodities
行政干Administrative Attaché
行政问题/人和一般行政协商委员会Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions
西部非洲分区域办阿克拉Subregional Office for West Africa
计算机化人管理系统Computerized Personnel Management System
财经务局Financial Services Bureau
货物贸易理Council for trade in goods
贸易及发展理Trade and Development Board
贸易有关知识产权理Council for trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights
近东区域办开罗Regional Office for the Near East
近东及北非区域办开罗Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa Cairo
退伍军人务部Department of Veterans Affairs
部长理Council of Ministers
铜出口国政府间理Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries
阿拉伯海湾国家合作理Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
阿拉伯海湾国家合作理Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
阿拉伯经济统一理Council of Arab Economic Unity
阿拉伯经济联盟理Council of Arab Economic Unity
非洲会计理African Accounting Council
非洲区域办Regional Office for Africa
非洲区域办Regional Bureau for Africa 2
非洲植物卫生理Inter-African Phytosanitary Council
非洲花生理African Groundnut Council
高级人官员Senior Personnel Officer