
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
专业开发工程师理Engineer's Council for Professional Development
世界水会议World Water Conference
世界水委员会联合国world water council
世界环境和资源理World Environment and Resources Council
世界近海失数据库World Wide Offshore Accident Data Bank
东欧贸易理East Europe Trade Council
东盟石油理ASEAN Council on Petroleum
东盟银行理ASEAN Banking Council
东非地区经济开发务处Regional Economic Development Service Office of East Africa
中国海仲裁委员会maritime arbitration commission (China)
中英贸易理Sino-British Trade Council
件报告遥测系统澳大利亚event reporting telemetry system
件树分析法event tree analysis
件概率的回归估计regression estimation of event probabilities
件矩阵法event matrix method
故下限lower hazard limits
故分析hazard analysis
故切断emergency shutdown
故原因资料报告failure cause data report
故报告failure report
故报废井junked and abandoned
故树分析法failure tree analysis
故模拟模型fault simulation model
故潜在指数damage potential index
故记录failure record
故频率溃坝damage frequencies
亚洲和太平洋地区理Asian and Pacific Council
亚洲工业发展理Asian Council of Industrial Development
亚洲环境理Asian Environment Council
仪表使用注意instrumentation notice
全国大地测量与地球物理理National Council for Geodesy and Geophysics
全国对外贸易理national foreign trade council
全国投资者理National Investors Council
全国放射性故协定National Arrangements for Incidents Involving Radioactivity
全国独立石油协会理National Council of Independent Petroleum Association
全国生产率理National Productivity Council
全国辐射防护与测量理national council on radiation protection and measurements
全球大气研究计划务局GARP Activities Office
全球海上失与安全系统global maritime distress and safety system
公共务信息局Public Affairs Information Service
地理专家组military geography specialist team
地理信息和文件military geographic information and documentation
地理研究所Institute of Geographic Military
基地military bases
用地military land
加拿大国家科学研究理National Research Council of Canada
加拿大地球科学理Canadian Geoscience Council
劳动人管理信息系统labour and personnel management information system
南非国家南极调查理South African National Council for Antarctic Research
印度洋海洋务会议Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Conference
印度洋海洋务合作委员会Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation
印美贸易理India American Trade Council
厄尔尼诺天气El Nino Event
史密森学会科学件警报台网Scientific Event Alert Network Smithsonian Institution
国家地震预报评审理National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council
国家实用化学理National Chemurgy Council
国家工业污染控制理National Industrial Pollution Control Council
国家水资源理印度,菲律宾National Water Resources Council India, Philippines
国家水资源理印度,菲律宾National Water Resources Council
国家海研究所National Maritime Institute
国家海管理局National Maritime Board
国家港口理national ports council
国家环境研究理美,英National Environment Research Council
国家石油和有害物质意外故计划National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan
国家石油理national petroleum council
国家科学研究理National Research Council
国家科学研究理会地震委员会National Research Council Committee on Seismology
国家科学院-国家工程院-国家研究理National Academy of Sciences-National Academy of Engineering-National Research Council
国家科学院-国家研究理National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
国家航空与航天理national aeronautics and space council
国防部军测绘局加拿大Military Survey Department of National Defence Canada
国际图表设计协会理International Council of Graphic Design Associations
国际工业设计学会理International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
国际常务理International Executive Council
国际技术通信理International Council for Technical Communication
国际海洋务合作计划Cooperative International Marine Affairs Program
国际海洋科学务小组委员会International Marine Science Affairs Panel
国际环境务协会International Institute of Environment Affairs
国际社会科学理联合国International Social Science Council
国际科学务局Office of International Scientific Affairs
国际科学协会理International Council of Scientific Unions
国际科学联合会理会国际生物学规划特别委员会ICSU Special Committee for the International Biological Programme
国际科学联合会理会地球动力学联合会间委员会ICSU Inter-Union Commission for Geodynamics
国际科学联合会理会-文摘委员会International Council of Scientific Unions-Abstracting Board
国际科学联合会理会文摘编辑部ICSU Abstracting Board
国际科学联合会理会科学技术数据委员会ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology
国际航空科学或宇宙空间科学International Council of Aeronautical sciences (or Aerospace)
国际远程通信卫星理International Telecommunication Satellite Council
国际锡研究理International Tin Research Council
国际锡金属理International Tin Council
地热研究理Scientific Council on Geothermal Studies
地热资源理Geothermal Resources Council
地球科学理Council of the Earth Sciences
地面测得ground level event
地面观测到的ground level event
埃及环境务局Egyptian Environment Affairs Agency
基于件的时空数据模型event-based spatiotemporal data model
基本basic event
基础公用业用地basic public project land
外国投资理Foreign Investment Council
外空间务局联合国outer space affairs division
太平洋及亚洲务理事会Pacific and Asian Affairs Council
太平洋海协会Pacific Maritime Association
太平洋科学理Pacific Science Council
概率probability of failure
学院化学咨询理Advisory Council on College Chemistry
工业发展研究理Industrial Development Research Council
工程学会理Council of Engineering Institutions
工程学会联合理Engineering Institutions Joint Council
年最大annual largest events
年最小annual smallest events
应急务管理中心Emergency Operations Center
应急务管理研究所Emergency Management Institute
拉丁美洲海委员会Latin American Maritime Commission
持续上升的污染persistent elevated pollution episodes
援外务管理局foreign operations administration
操作注意operation notice
政府间海协商组织intergovernmental maritime consultative organization
政府间海洋务局intergovernmental sea service
日本国家宇宙业开发团National Space Development Agency of Japan
日本对外贸易理Japan Foreign Trade Council Inc.
日本海协会Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
日本科学理Science Council of Japan
日本金属矿业业团Metal Mining Agency of Japan
日照日故测定系统检查大坝安全sunny day hazard rating system
时间和time and events
最大可信maximum credible event
最小件内时间minimum interevent time
期刊发行者协会理Council for Periodical Distributors Associations
机构间地热协调理Interagency Geothermal Coordinating Council
机构间海洋资源理Inter-Agency Council on Ocean Resources
样本均值件输入sample mean event load
核研究理Nuclear Research Council
欧洲工业联合会理Council of European Industrial Federations
欧洲核子研究理European Council for Nuclear Research
土地违法行为illegal act against civil laws
水研究理Water Research Council
水质研究理Water Quality Research Council
水资源理Water Resources Council
污染和环境理Council on Pollution and Environment
沉积作用sedimentation event
泛美经济社会理Inter-American Economic and Social Council
信息中心maritime information centre
卫星系统maritime satellite
咨询委员会Maritime Advisory Committee
委员会maritime commission
研究咨询委员会Maritime Research Advisory Committee
管理局maritime administration
轨道试验卫星maritime orbital test satellite
海岸工程研究理Coastal Engineering Research Council
海洋务局Office of Ocean Affairs
海洋务气象小组委员会panel on meteorological aspects of ocean affairs
海洋科学理Marine Science Council
海洋缺氧oceanic anoxygenous events
海洋资源和工程开发理Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development
澳大利亚-新西兰土地信息理Australia-New Zealand Land Information Council
澳大利亚水资源理Australian Water Resources Council
澳大利亚环境理Australian Environment Council
澳大利亚科学技术理Australian Science and Technology Council
澳大利亚采矿工业理Australian Mining Industry Council
爱尔兰环境务部Department of the Environment Ireland
环境务执行局Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
环境务部南非Department of Environment Affairs
环境environmental matters
环境恶化environmental deteriorating event
环境科学务管理局environmental science services administration
环境综合评价理Environmental Assessment Council, Inc
环境质量理Environmental Quality Council
环境质量研究理Environmental Quality Study Council
环太平洋理Circum-Pacific Council
环太平洋能源和矿产资源理Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources
瑞典海联合会Swedish Maritime League
瑞典自然科学研究理Swedish Natural Science Research Council
白垩纪资源、地质件和周期性Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms
皇家地理学会副理Vice-President of the Royal Geographical Society
盐湖城水Salt Lake City Water Department
石油公司国际海讨论会oil companies international marine forum
石油和易燃天然气资源开发理Petroleum and Inflammable Natural Gas Resources Development Council
石油工业协调研究理Coordinative Research Council of the Petroleum Industry
磁带式件记录器magnetic tape event recorder
科学和工业研究组织理Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Organizations
科学和工程研究理science and engineering research council
科学技术学会理Council of Science and Technology Institutes
科学研究协作理coordinating research council
科学研究协调理会-空气污染咨询委员会Coordinating Research Council-Air Pollution Research Advisory Committee
科罗拉多州资源开发理Colorado Resources Development Council
索马里公共务协会Somali Institute for Public Affairs
经济与社会研究理Economic and Social Research Council
经济研究理Economic Research Council
综合应急务管理信息系统integrated emergency management information system
美国图书出版商理American Book Publishers Council
美国学术团体理American Council of Learned Societies
美国核能理American Nuclear Energy Council
美国海委员会maritime commission (us)
美国独立实验室理American Council of Independent Laboratories
美国环境理American Council on the Environment
美国环境科学业管理局研究所实验室ESSA Research Laboratories
美国米制理American National Metric Council
美国能源效应经济理American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
美国自动控制理American Automatic Control Council
美国自然资源理Natural Resources Council of America
美国草原理American Grassland Council
美国金刚石理Diamond Council of America
联合国亚太经济与社会理Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
联合国环境规划管理理Governing Council of United Nations Environment Programme
联合国环境计划署理United Nations Environment Programme/General Council
联合国经济与社会理United Nations Economic and Social Council
联合国经济及社会理Economic and Social Council of United Nations
联合国经济及社会理economic and social council (UN)
联合国经济社会理economic and social council
联合工业理joint industrial council
联邦应急务管理局federal emergency management agency
联邦放射理Federal Radiation Council
联邦海委员会Federal Maritime Commission
联邦采矿与冶金学会理Council of Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Institutions
能源紧急务管理信息系统energy emergency management information system
自动工资、成本、人系统automated payroll, cost, and personnel system
自然环境研究理Natural Environment Research Council
自然环境研究理会野外光谱装备部Natural Environment Research Council Equipment Pool for Field Spectroscopy
自然资源紧急保护业局emergency conservation work
英国国际贸易促进理British Council for Promotion of International Trade
英国科学研究理British Research Council
英联邦人类生态学理Commonwealth Human Ecology Council
西北电力规划理Northwest Power Planning Council
西方世界贸易理World Trade Council of the West
西海湾海协会West Gulf Maritime Association
西部诸州水委员会Western State Waters Council
设计基本design basis event
试验所记录理Testing Laboratory Registration Council
贸易发展理Trade Development Council
贸易和发展理联合国Trade and Development Board
跨行业环境计划理Interprofessional Council on Environmental Design
采矿和冶金学会理Council of Mining and Metallurgical Institutions
金属矿业业团Metal Mining Agency of Japan
铜出口国理Council of Copper Exporting Countries
镉业理Cadmium Council
非洲经济和社会研究发展理Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa
韦西克斯水管理局Wessex Water Authority
香港贸易发展理Hong Kong Trade Development Council