
Terms containing 买卖合同 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.买卖合同contract note
tech.买卖合同contract of sales
busin.买卖合同buying-selling contract
busin.买卖合同buying and selling contract
econ.买卖合同purchase contract
tech.买卖合同sales contract
interntl.trade.买卖合同bought and sold note
interntl.trade.买卖合同sales or purchase contract
textile买卖合同punitive and sale contract
textile买卖合同buy-sell contract
textile买卖合同buy-sell agreement
interntl.trade.买卖合同bargain and sale
interntl.trade.买卖合同contract of sale
interntl.trade.买卖合同证书contract note
busin.买卖合同purchase and sale contract
textile买卖合同trading agreement
textile买卖合同selling agreement
ecol.买卖合同business contract
interntl.trade.买卖合同理论bargain theory
econ.买卖合同理论bargaining theory
tech.买方和卖方直接合同buyer and supplier contract
busin.买空卖空合同gambling contract
textile公司货物买卖合同merchandise trade contract
interntl.trade.1964 年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约1964 . 7. 1Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods The Hague, 1964
textile买卖合同销售sale on purchase contract
busin.买卖合同销售sales on purchase contract
interntl.trade.分批交货的买卖合同contract for the delivery of goods by installments
econ.分批交货的买卖合同contract for the delivery of goods by instalments
tech.分期交货的买卖合同contract for delivery of goods by installment
fin.分期付款买卖合同contract for the payment of goods by installment
tech.分期付款的买卖合同contract for the payment of goods by instalment
interntl.trade.分期付款的买卖合同contract for the payment of goods by installments
tech.分期付款的买卖合同contract for delivery of goods by installment
interntl.trade.分期分批的买卖合同installment sales contract
econ.分期分批的买卖合同instalment sales contract
interntl.trade.口头买卖合同oral sale
econ.口头买卖合同oral transaction (销售)
fin.商品房产买卖合同contract for the sales of commercial estate
commer.国际买卖合同成立统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
textile国际买卖合同洽商international negotiation of contract
textile国际商品买卖契约,国际货物买卖合同international contract of sale of goods
busin.国际货物买卖合同international contract of sale of goods
textile国际货物买卖合同contract for international sale of goods
interntl.trade.国际货物买卖合同contract of international sale of goods
busin.国际货物买卖合同international contract of selling of goods
nautic., tech.国际货物买卖合同contract of international goods sales
interntl.trade.国际货物买卖合同成立统一法the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
textile国际货物销售合同,国际货物买卖合同contract of international goods sale
econ.国际贸易中的买卖合同contract of international sale of goods
econ.在本合同有效期内,甲方不得从事本货物的买卖Party A shall not engage in merchandising of this article during the continuance of this contract
busin.外汇买卖合同exchange contract
econ.年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964
interntl.trade.1964 年海牙关于订立国际货物买卖合同的统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the Hague, 1964)
tech.建筑物买卖合同contract of sale of a building
commer.撤消买卖合同recede from a bargain
interntl.trade.撤销买卖合同recede from a bargain
interntl.trade.无效的买卖合同invalid sale contract
busin.期权买卖合同optional contract
interntl.trade.期货外汇的买卖合同exchange contract
econ.本合同中的上述各项保险适用于买卖双方The above insurances under this contract will cover the buyer and the seller
busin.现金买卖合同contract of sale for cash
econ.直到代理合同期满,我公司才能与你公司做买卖Our company couldn't transact with yours until the agency contract expires
interntl.trade.联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条件和标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
econ.联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖共同条件和标准合同格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
busin.货物买卖合同merchandise selling contract
busin.货物买卖合同merchandise trade contract
textile货物买卖合同contract for sale of goods
busin.货物买卖合同buying and selling contract of goods
busin.买方在卖方限定期内购买卖方指定商品的合同requirement contract
securit.远期外汇买卖合同future exchange contract
busin.选择权买卖合同optional contract
busin.选择权买卖合同option contract
busin.附条件买卖合同conditional sale contract
busin.附条件如搭配买卖合同tying contract
econ.附条件的买卖合同conditional sale contract