
Terms for subject International trade containing 买价 | all forms | in specified order only
买价bid price
买价purchase money
买价buying rate
买价purchasing price
买价buying price
买价和卖价purchasing and selling price
买价昂贵paid dearly for
买价调整purchase price adjustment
买价调整账户purchase price adjustment account
买入价buying rate
买入汇价buying rate
买卖价格basis of price
买方仓库交货价ex buyer's godown
〔法语〕买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
买方仓库交货价格ex buyer’s godown
纳税后买方关栈交货价ex bond
买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
买方发价buying offer (bid)
买方居住处所交货价franco domicile
买更高价的东西trade up
买率价buying rate
以买方检验或接受为准的报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
以买方看货后定的报价offer subject to buyers' inspection or approval
低价购买gazundering verbal
出价400元买这台机器offer $ 400 for the machine
出高价买offer a high price for...
在买方所在地仓库交货价free godown
对买主有利的价格bargain price
少数买主垄断价格oligopsony price
廉价买得的knock out
抑制购买的价格prohibitive price
按价或廉价买进at or better
按指定价格水平买卖的指示stop-order (stop loss order)
按现货价格买进buying sight rate
授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利share option
期票买价buying rate for time bill
未完税买方货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty unpaid
目的地买方指定地点交货价franco render
美国购买价American purchasing price
议价购买negotiate purchase
证券市场买价卖价差额turn of the market
买价purchase price
买价purchase price
买价buying price
购买力价值purchasing power value
购买力平价原则purchasing-power parity doctrine
购买力平价理论theory of purchasing power parity
购买力平价理论purchasing-power-parity theory
购买力平价说purchasing power parity theory
购买地价格price local
购买者价格by market price: producer's price;purchaser's price
趁行市跌价买进的人afternoon buyer
银行买价buying rate
银行买价banker's buying rate
高价购买...give a long price for