
Terms for subject Securities containing 买价 | all forms | in specified order only
专家经纪公司买方报价specialises bid
买人代价purchase consideration
买人价bid price
买人价/发行价purchase/issue price
买人债券溢价premium on bonds purchased
买人差价long spread
买人时的市场价格buying market price
买人碟式看涨期权价差long butterfly call spread
买人碟式看跌价差long butterfly put spread
买价成交hit the bid
买价高于所购净资产价值excess of cost over net assets acquired
买卖价格差额巨大的市场wide market
买卖价记录bid and ask record
买卖差价bid and asked spreads
买卖报价bid and asked quotation
证券买卖报价收益利差spread of the yields of ask and bid quotations
买卖有价证券损益profit and loss on buying and selling stocks and bonds
买后定价期货商品价格由买方在签署合同后决定back pricing
买多市场价值long market value
买家报价指标bid tick indicator
买廉价货的人close buyer
买断报价outright quote
买方价格buyers price
买方出价bid rate
买方参考报价throwaway bid
买方叫价buyer's call
买方定价call sale
买方报价bid-side quote
买方核实后报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
买方溢价buyers premium
买空看涨期权价格套利call price spread bullish
价格上扬时买人buy on rally
价格强劲时买人buy on strength
低于账面价值买人purchase at less than book value
低价买人take under
低价买人bottom fishing
低价购买buy minus
低价购买指令buy minus order
卖出/买人远期平价put/call forward parity
即期汇票银行买人价格demand draft buying price
名义买价券商向客户提供的throwaway bid
售出资产买价的分配allocation of purchase price to assets sold
在低价位买人bargain hunting
外汇买人价buying rate
大误差买价严重偏离市场价格的买价deep bid
头寸买价position bid
定价买进无形资产acquire intangible assets at a fixed price
寡头垄断买价oligopsony price
对买方有利的价格bargain price
差价买卖money spread
市价下跌时买方的不合理索赔market claim
市价买人buy market order
廉价购买权bargain purchase option
开盘价买进buy on open/opening
买价降到最低minimizing purchase price
抬高买价blowout bid
买价卖价on bid offer
按卖价买人take the offer
按要价购买buy on the offer
提高买价top a bid
提高买方报价top a bid
收盘买价closing bid
收盘价买进buy on close
买价without a bid
最优价购买buy at best
最后买盘价格last bid price
最新最佳买价买方报价the latest best bid price
最高买价maximum margin
最高买价best bid
期权买人价格option purchase price
杀价买人的票据shaving a note
杀价购买bargain hunting
某一买价以1/16单位报出steenth 1/16
根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价交易所用语put-and-call price
特别买方报价special bid
看涨同价买卖出票bull straddle writing
确定买卖价格firm bid and ask quotations
竞价购买buy on bid
股价跌到最低点时买人bottom fishing
股市底价买进buy dips
股票买人价格beginning price
试探买价subject bid
买价格平价purchasing price parity
买价格确定purchase-price determination
购买力平价学说purchasing power parity
跨期买卖差价期权calendar spread options
远期汇票买价usance buying rate
通过参考买卖双方股价确定价格determining price by reference to buyer's/seller's stock price
限价买单客户发出的对交易价格有一定限制的指令buy limit order
高于账面价值买人purchase at more than book value
高价购买give a long price for