
Terms for subject Finances containing 买价 | all forms | in specified order only
买人以外币计价的劳务purchase of services valuated in foreign currency
买人以外币计价的商品purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency
买人价buying rate
买人价buying price
买人价bid price (指由买方报出表示愿意按此水平买人的一个价格)
买人价值entry value
买人差价bid spread
买价buyer's price
买价ask price
买价调整帐户purchase price adjustment account
买卖价差bid-ask spread
买卖价差bid-and-asked spread
买卖价差率bid-and-asked spread rate
买卖报价bid-and-asked quotation
买卖报价bid-and-asked quote
买卖报价bid-and-offered quote
买卖报价bid-and-offered quotation
买卖报价bid-and-offered price
买卖报价bid-and-asked price
买卖有价证券损益profit and loss on buying and selling securities
买卖盘价值限制order consideration limit
买方出价bid quotation
买方出价bid quote
买方出价bid price
买方叫价ask price
买方叫价拍卖auction by offering price
买方喊价交易buyer's call
作价买卖market making
作实买卖价firm bid and ask quotations
减价买人buy minus
即期汇票银行买人价demand draft buying
即期汇票银行买入价格demand draft buying
均价买人期权average-price call option
外汇现钞买卖价buying and selling rate of foreign bank note
拍卖时以低于贷主所定最低价为贷主买回拍卖品buy in
按买进价on bid
无买卖差价交易方法choice market making
止损限价买盘stop-limit buy order
水平差价买卖horizontal speed
特别买人出价special bid
确定买价firm bid
证券买卖差价securities trading post
购买力平价原则purchasing power parity
购买力平价基础purchasing power parity basis
购买力平价法purchasing power parity (也称"国际比较项目法 (ICP)", 是由联合国统计局、世界银行等组织主持的一项旨在提供 GDP 及其组成部分的国际一致价格和物量的跨国比较体系,它是以国内商品价格同基准国家同种商品价格比率的加权平均值为购买力平价进行计算、衡量使用不同货币的两个国家或地区的经济水平、收人水平的一种计算法)
购买力平价理论theory of purchasing power parity (研究和比较各国货币之间购买力关系的理论,该理论认为货币汇率应该以每个国家之间的相对物价为标准)
购买地价格price loco
购买限价buying limit
买价call price (redemption price)
限价买盘limit buy order