
Terms for subject Business containing 买价 | all forms | in specified order only
买主寡头垄断价格oligopsony price
买价barks buying rate
买价bankers buying rate
买价调整账单purchase price adjustment account
买入成本价buying cost
买卖价差bid-offer spread
买卖价格基础basis of price
买卖价格差距较大的市场wide opening, wide market
买卖差价bid-asked spread
买卖有价证券损益profit and loss on buying and selling stock, bond
买卖有价证券损益profit and loss in buying and selling stock
买方仓库交货价free into store
买方发价buying offer
买方垄断价格oligopsony price
买方递盘价bid price
买方降价depreciation by purchase
买进价buying price
买进出价和卖出喊价bid-and-asked price
买进出价和卖岀叫价bid and asked
买进过多而价高的股票overbought stock
买高价bad buy
买高价商品trade up
价廉物美的购买best buy
低于账面价值买入purchase at less than book value
偶然买得廉价货pick up bargains
利用当前市场情况以低价买进take advantage of the present market conditions to buy at cheap prices
劝买更高价的东西trade up
劝…买高价商品trade up
即期汇票银行买入价demand draft buying
土地购买价land purchasing price
垂直价差买卖vertical spread
少数买主垄断购买价oligopsony price
按买方货币所定价格price fixed in buyer's currency
按议购价格购买purchase at negotiated price
收买股票等待涨价long of stocks
最后买入价法most recent purchase method
最后购买价格法method of price of the last purchase
期票买入价buying for time bill
杀价购买jew down
标定买进价target purchased price
照账面价值买入purchase at book value
现价买进buying sight rate
银行现钞买入价banknote buying rate
现钞买入价bank notes buying rate
电汇买价telegraphic transfer buying
目标购买价target purchased price
税后买方关栈交货价ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid
美国购买价American purchase price
议价购买negotiated purchase
说服顾客买高价物品try to trade the customer up
购买力平价purchasing-power parities
加塞尔学说的购买力平价purchasing power parity
购买力平价理论purchasing power parity theory
购买力平价矩阵matrix of purchasing power parity
购买者价值体系system of purchasers value
按照认股证上注明购买退股人股票的价格exercise price
退回原购买价refund the purchase price
银行买价bank buying rate
银行买价即银行买进外汇的牌价banker's buying rate
银行买入外汇价bank's buying rate
间接购买力平价indirect purchasing-power parity
间接购买力平价indirect PPPs
高于账面价值买入purchase at more than book value
高价买进give a long price for