
Terms containing 买价 | all forms | in specified order only
IMF.不变购买力平价constant purchasing power parity
securit.专家经纪公司买方报价specialises bid
commer.为接管另一企业而购买其股票的岀价take-over bid
gen.定,代purchase money
econ.买主不会出我们能够接受的价The buyer would not bid a high price acceptable to us
tech.买主垄断价格oligopsony price
econ.买主寡头垄断价格an oligopsony price
busin.买主寡头垄断价格oligopsony price
econ.买主已对原料价格大幅下降不再抱有希望The buyers have relinquish-ed their hope for a sharp fall in the price of material
econ.买主控制的价格oligopsony price
econ.买主的出价purchase price
econ.买主的最高出价reserve price
securit.买人代价purchase consideration
fin.买人以外币计价的劳务purchase of services valuated in foreign currency
fin.买人以外币计价的商品purchase of goods valuated in foreign currency
fin.买人价bid price (指由买方报出表示愿意按此水平买人的一个价格)
fin.买人价buying price
fin.买人价buying rate
securit.买人价bid price
fin.买人价值entry value
securit.买人价/发行价purchase/issue price
proj.manag.买人价格purchase consideration
securit.买人债券溢价premium on bonds purchased
proj.manag.买人-出售价差put-call parity
fin.买人差价bid spread
securit.买人差价long spread
securit.买人时的市场价格buying market price
securit.买人碟式看涨期权价差long butterfly call spread
securit.买人碟式看跌价差long butterfly put spread
textile买价bank's buying rate
busin.买价bankers buying rate
fin.买价buyer's price
met.买价purchase price
fin.买价ask price
commer.买价buying price (与卖价 (selling)相对)
interntl.trade.买价purchasing price
interntl.trade.买价purchase money
interntl.trade.买价bid price
interntl.trade.买价buying price
busin.买价barks buying rate
econ.买价bid quotation
interntl.trade.买价buying rate
tech.买价bid rate
tech.买价与卖价bids and offers
econ.买价卖价purchasing and selling prices
textile买价和卖价purchasing and selling prices
interntl.trade.买价和卖价purchasing and selling price
securit.买价成交hit the bid
commer.买价押金purchase money mortgage
interntl.trade.买价昂贵paid dearly for
econ.买价极便宜的货物dead bargain
interntl.trade.买价调整purchase price adjustment
fin.买价调整帐户purchase price adjustment account
busin.买价调整账单purchase price adjustment account
interntl.trade.买价调整账户purchase price adjustment account
securit.买价高于所购净资产价值excess of cost over net assets acquired
tech.买入价purchasing price (格)
interntl.trade.买入价buying rate
tech.买入价buying price (格)
econ.买入价和卖出价bid and asked
busin.买入成本价buying cost
interntl.trade.买入汇价buying rate
commer.买卖价值sale value
fin.买卖价差bid-and-asked spread
fin.买卖价差bid-ask spread
busin.买卖价差bid-offer spread
fin.买卖价差率bid-and-asked spread rate
interntl.trade.买卖价格basis of price
busin.买卖价格基础basis of price
busin.买卖价格差距较大的市场wide opening, wide market
securit.买卖价格差额巨大的市场wide market
securit.买卖价记录bid and ask record
textile买卖双方价格坚挺的市场two-way market
textile买卖双方价格坚挺的市场two-sided market
IMF.买卖差价buy-sell spread
IMF.买卖差价bid-offer spread exchange rates
IMF.买卖差价bid-ask spread
busin.买卖差价bid-asked spread
econ.买卖差价jobber's turn
securit.买卖差价bid and asked spreads
fin.买卖报价bid-and-asked quote
fin.买卖报价bid-and-asked price
fin.买卖报价bid-and-asked quotation
fin.买卖报价bid-and-offered quote
fin.买卖报价bid-and-offered quotation
fin.买卖报价bid-and-offered price
securit.买卖报价bid and asked quotation
securit.证券买卖报价收益利差spread of the yields of ask and bid quotations
fin.买卖有价证券损益profit and loss on buying and selling securities
busin.买卖有价证券损益profit and loss in buying and selling stock
busin.买卖有价证券损益profit and loss on buying and selling stock, bond
securit.买卖有价证券损益profit and loss on buying and selling stocks and bonds
fin.买卖盘价值限制order consideration limit
securit.买后定价期货商品价格由买方在签署合同后决定back pricing
proj.manag.买回溢价call premium
securit.买多市场价值long market value
securit.买家报价指标bid tick indicator
tech.买廉价货buy goods at the sale
econ.买廉价货buy goods at the transactions
tech.买廉价货bargain hunting
securit.买廉价货的人close buyer
securit.买断报价outright quote
econ.买方仓库交货价free godown
interntl.trade.买方仓库交货价ex buyer's godown
busin.买方仓库交货价free into store
shipb.买方仓库交货价ex buyer's warehouse
interntl.trade.买方仓库交货价格ex buyer’s godown
interntl.trade.〔法语〕买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
tech.买方仓库交货价格ex buyer's godown
textile买方价格buyer's price
securit.买方价格buyers price
econ.买方保税关栈交货价格…关税未付ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
interntl.trade.纳税后买方关栈交货价ex bond
econ.买方关栈交货价ex bond
interntl.trade.买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
ecol.买方出价buying offer
fin.买方出价bid price
fin.买方出价bid quote
textile买方出价buyer's price
textile买方出价buyer's offer
fin.买方出价bid quotation
securit.买方出价bid rate
tech.买方出价最高者highest bidder
securit.买方参考报价throwaway bid
interntl.trade.买方发价buying offer (bid)
busin.买方发价buying offer
fin.买方叫价ask price
securit.买方叫价buyer's call
fin.买方叫价拍卖auction by offering price
nautic., tech.买方叫价拍卖advance price
fin.买方喊价交易buyer's call
busin.买方垄断价格oligopsony price
econ.买方处交货价delivered free
securit.买方定价call sale
commer.买方居住地交货价格free delivery
commer.买方居住地交货价格franco domicile
interntl.trade.买方居住处所交货价franco domicile
commer.买方岀价bid rate
textile买方报价buyer's offer
securit.买方报价bid-side quote
securit.买方核实后报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
securit.买方溢价buyers premium
proj.manag.买方的讨价还价能力buyers' bargaining power
shipb.买方看货后的出价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
econ.买方船上交货价free on board buyer
econ.买方货仓交货价ex buyer's godown
busin.买方递盘价bid price
busin.买方降价depreciation by purchase
commer.买方预料价格要下跌而停止购进Buyers are holding off in anticipation of lower prices
interntl.trade.买更高价的东西trade up
gen.劝…买更高价的东西trade up
interntl.trade.买率价buying rate
econ.买空抬高市价rig the market
securit.买空看涨期权价格套利call price spread bullish
busin.买进价buying price
textile买进价格buying price
archit.买进出价和卖出喊价bid and asked
busin.买进出价和卖出喊价bid-and-asked price
busin.买进出价和卖岀叫价bid and asked
econ.买进和卖出喊价bid-and-asked price
busin.买进过多而价高的股票overbought stock
busin.买高价bad buy
busin.买高价商品trade up
gen.今天的现钞买入价是688元人民币兑换100美元。您带护照了吗?Today's rate for cash purchase is 100 U. S. banknotes for 688 RMB. Do you have your passport with you?
econ.他买了比票面价值高的股票He has bought shares above par
econ.他们出价要买下我们的商店They made a bid for our business
econ.他用旧汽车作为折价物,换买了一辆新的He gave an old car as a trade-in, and bought a new one
econ.以书面形式报价购买put in a bid for (something, 某物)
econ.以书面形式报价购买enter a bid for (something, 某物)
interntl.trade.以买方检验或接受为准的报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
interntl.trade.以买方看货后定的报价offer subject to buyers' inspection or approval
tech.以低于平均价格买进average down
commer.以四分之一价格购买某物buy sth. for a quarter of the price
commer.以固定价格买入无形资产acquire intangible assets at a fixed price
tech.以美国为权数的购买力比价US weighted purchasing power parity
proj.manag.以英特尔处理器的性能为例、看一下晶体管的平均价格---- 1968 年、一美元可以买一个晶体管Processor performance on Intel chips, the average price of a transistor—1968, you could buy one transistor for a dollar
tech.以谣诼压价收买房地产block busing
busin.价廉物美的购买best buy
securit.价格上扬时买人buy on rally
securit.价格强劲时买人buy on strength
gen.伦敦银行同业往来存款市场的买方出价London interbank bid rate
econ.低于帐面价值买入purchase at less than book value
securit.低于账面价值买人purchase at less than book value
busin.低于账面价值买入purchase at less than book value
gen.低价高价买到某物get sth. at a high figure
gen.低价高价买到某物get sth. at a low figure
securit.低价买人take under
securit.低价买人bottom fishing
proj.manag.低价买人而高价卖出buy low and sell high
interntl.trade.低价购买gazundering verbal
securit.低价购买buy minus
securit.低价购买指令buy minus order
fin.作价买卖market making
econ.作价买进无形资产acquire intangible assets at fixed price
fin.作实买卖价firm bid and ask quotations
econ.作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price
econ.你可以按市价买进或卖出股票You may buy in or sell out shares at the current prices
gen.你是低价买回来的吗?Did you buy it at a cheap price?
tech.保证价格购买guaranteed purchase
busin.偶然买得廉价货pick up bargains
econ.免费送货到买方仓库价free warehouse
fin.减价买人buy minus
tech.减价拍买Dutch auction
econ.出价1000 英镑bid £ 1000 for (the jewels, 这些宝石)
econ.出价买…make a bid for
tech.拍卖时出价买make a bid for
interntl.trade.出价400元买这台机器offer $ 400 for the machine
IMF.出价收买takeover bid
IMF.出价收买tender offer
gen.出价M来买Noffer M for (N)
interntl.trade.出高价买offer a high price for...
tech.出高价买offer a high price for
tech.出高价买bid a high price for
textile出高价,高价买进give a long price for
busin.利用当前市场情况以低价买进take advantage of the present market conditions to buy at cheap prices
commer.到岸价格合同买主CIF buyer
busin.劝买更高价的东西trade up
busin.劝…买高价商品trade up
textile包括买价和卖价的双向报价单two-way price quotation
tech.包括买价和卖价的双向报价单two-way quotation
securit.卖出/买人远期平价put/call forward parity
commer.卖方与买方之间价格差距很大There is a wide difference between the seller's price and the buyer's
econ.卖方和买方已经就下文确定的一切产品的价格达成协议The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows
fin.即期汇票银行买人价demand draft buying
securit.即期汇票银行买人价格demand draft buying price
busin.即期汇票银行买入价demand draft buying
fin.即期汇票银行买入价格demand draft buying
tech.原价购买full-price offer
commer.买价may-buy price
securit.名义买价券商向客户提供的throwaway bid
securit.售出资产买价的分配allocation of purchase price to assets sold
econ.因为他购买了大量货物,他只付了价目单定价的 3/4Because he bought a large quantity of goods, he paid only three quarters of the list price
busin.土地购买价land purchasing price
interntl.trade.在买方所在地仓库交货价free godown
securit.在低价位买人bargain hunting
el., tools在这里,你可以买到任何你想要的工具,从圆锯到带式砂磨机,且零售价可享受8-9折优惠You can get any tools you want here from circular saws to belt sanders at 10%-20 % off retail
fin.均价买人期权average-price call option
busin.垂直价差买卖vertical spread
commer.垂直差价买卖vertical spread
securit.外汇买人价buying rate
econ.外汇卖出价和买入价ask rate and bid rate
fin.外汇现钞买卖价buying and selling rate of foreign bank note
commer.大多数买主对报价不愿贸然接受Most buyers are hesitant about accepting the offer
securit.大误差买价严重偏离市场价格的买价deep bid
commer.大量购买很大程度上影响了市场价格Considerable buying affected the market prices to a large extent
securit.头寸买价position bid
gen.如果你买的话,我可以从“制造商建议零售价”里折掉500美元I can take $500 off the MSRP if you buy it
econ.如果你方购买铅笔超过100打,我方可减价 2%If you buy more than 100 dozen pencils, we will reduce the price by 2%
econ.如果你方降价5%,我们可以为你公司找到买主If you cut your price by 5%, we may locate buyers for your company
econ.如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss
econ.如这笔转让业务未做成,购买价格将不能降低If such assignment cannot be effected, any abatement in the purchase price shall not be made
econ.完税后买方关栈交货价ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid
construct.〔法语〕完税后买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid
construct.完税后买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty paid
tech.完税后买方关栈交货价格ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty paid
securit.定价买进无形资产acquire intangible assets at a fixed price
econ.实际买入价格actual purchase price
securit.寡头垄断买价oligopsony price
interntl.trade.对买主有利的价格bargain price
tech.对买主有利的价格buyer's price
securit.对买方有利的价格bargain price
gen.将M作价购买Ntrade in M on (N)
gen.将M作价购买Ntrade in M for (N)
interntl.trade.少数买主垄断价格oligopsony price
busin.少数买主垄断购买价oligopsony price
securit.差价买卖money spread
manag.差别待遇的独占垄断,对不同买主在价择上有差异的垄断discriminating monopoly
securit.市价下跌时买方的不合理索赔market claim
securit.市价买人buy market order
oil市场买入价market buying rate
proj.manag.平均价格买人期权average price call
proj.manag.2005年、中国已成为世界第四大经济体、若以购买力平价标准衡量的话、甚至是世界第二大经济体It became the fourth largest economy in the world in 2005, and is second in terms of purchasing power parity
interntl.trade.廉价买得的knock out
textile廉价买进buy cheap
econ.廉价买进buy at a bargain price
commer.廉价买进某物buy something cheap
securit.廉价购买权bargain purchase option
securit.开盘价买进buy on open/opening
commer.总价购买lumpsum purchase
commer.总价购买basket purchase
econ.我们愿向你方推荐购买另一种质优价廉的产品We would like to recommend you to buy another quality products at a low price
adv.我们要利用超级市场特价和买一送一的机会去购物We should take advantage of special offers and BOGOFs in shopping mall
econ.我方价目单上的价格公道,定能使你方有优先与我方做买卖的意向The moderate quotation in our price-list will surely cause you to have a preference for doing business with us
gen.我花了大价钱买这双凉鞋These sandals cost me an arm and a leg
tech.或买或卖出价buy-sell offer
securit.买价降到最低minimizing purchase price
interntl.trade.抑制购买的价格prohibitive price
textile折价买卖trade-in sale
econ.报价以现金购买make a cash bid
gen.抬价竞买bid against (sb.)
securit.抬高买价blowout bid
fin.拍卖时以低于贷主所定最低价为贷主买回拍卖品buy in
securit.买价卖价on bid offer
commer.按买方价格at buyer's limit (与按卖方价格(at seller's limit) 相对)
busin.按买方货币所定价格price fixed in buyer's currency
fin.按买进价on bid
econ.按价或廉价买进at or better
interntl.trade.按价或廉价买进at or better
securit.按卖价买人take the offer
interntl.trade.按指定价格水平买卖的指示stop-order (stop loss order)
adv.按次计费节目购买价buy rate
textile按现货价买进buying sight rate
interntl.trade.按现货价格买进buying sight rate
securit.按要价购买buy on the offer
busin.按议购价格购买purchase at negotiated price
econ.按购买者价格计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product in purchaser's values
commer.按银行买价at banker's buying price
interntl.trade.授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利share option
securit.提高买价top a bid
securit.提高买方报价top a bid
busin.收买股票等待涨价long of stocks
securit.收盘买价closing bid
securit.收盘价买进buy on close
securit.买价without a bid
fin.无买卖差价交易方法choice market making
tech.无知的高价购买innocent purchase for value
textile时间差价买卖time spread
securit.最优价购买buy at best
busin.最后买入价法most recent purchase method
securit.最后买盘价格last bid price
busin.最后购买价格法method of price of the last purchase
securit.最新最佳买价买方报价the latest best bid price
securit.最高买价maximum margin
securit.最高买价best bid
tech.最高价竞买人highest bidder
securit.期权买人价格option purchase price
proj.manag.期权购买价option purchase price
interntl.trade.期票买价buying rate for time bill
busin.期票买入价buying for time bill
interntl.trade.未完税买方货栈交货价格ex buyer's bounded warehouse, duty unpaid
econ.未完税的买方关栈交货价ex buyer's bonded warehouse, duty unpaid
securit.杀价买人的票据shaving a note
econ.杀价买进shave (期票等)
econ.杀价买进期票shave a note
busin.杀价购买jew down
securit.杀价购买bargain hunting
econ.杀价购买股票的投机商bargain hunter
securit.某一买价以1/16单位报出steenth 1/16
busin.标定买进价target purchased price
econ.根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价pull-and-call price (交易所用语)
securit.根据任意买卖契约所定的牌价交易所用语put-and-call price
fin.止损限价买盘stop-limit buy order
fin.水平差价买卖horizontal speed
econ.照帐面价值买入purchase at book value
busin.照账面价值买入purchase at book value
fin.特别买人出价special bid
securit.特别买方报价special bid
busin.现价买进buying sight rate
busin.银行现钞买入价banknote buying rate
busin.现钞买入价bank notes buying rate
econ.由于我店的商品价廉物美,许多买主从别处转而惠顾我店A lot of buyers divert their patronage to our shop because of the competitive prices and excellent quality of our goods
busin.电汇买价telegraphic transfer buying
busin.目标购买价target purchased price
interntl.trade.目的地买方指定地点交货价franco render
tech.目的地买方指定地点交货价franco rendu
securit.看涨同价买卖出票bull straddle writing
fin.确定买价firm bid
securit.确定买卖价格firm bid and ask quotations
busin.税后买方关栈交货价ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid
tech.指投标的竞买的最低价出价最低的投标lowest bid
tech.竞买的最高价highest bid (指投标的)
securit.竞价购买buy on bid
adv.组合媒体购买折扣价combo rate
busin.美国购买价American purchase price
interntl.trade.美国购买价American purchasing price
el.联营购买价pool purchase price
securit.股价跌到最低点时买人bottom fishing
securit.股市底价买进buy dips
securit.股票买人价格beginning price
econ.股票的价格买卖权stock spreads
shipb.船舶买价buying price of ship
tech.讨价还价买卖策略bargaining strategy
busin.议价购买negotiated purchase
interntl.trade.议价购买negotiate purchase
tech.议价购买buy at a bargain price
fin.证券买卖差价securities trading post
interntl.trade.证券市场买价卖价差额turn of the market
econ.证券市场买卖价差额the turn of the market
tech.评价买卖sale at a valuation
securit.试探买价subject bid
commer.该货定价适中,一般水平的人可以买得起As the goods are moderately priced, people of average means can afford to buy them
busin.说服顾客买高价物品try to trade the customer up
econ.请努力劝使买方提价Please try to induce the buyer to raise the price
textile调整价格准备买或卖make a market
interntl.trade.买价purchase price
commer.买价purchasing price
interntl.trade.买价purchase price
interntl.trade.买价buying price
securit.买价格平价purchasing price parity
securit.买价格确定purchase-price determination
tech.购买与租赁价格比purchase-to-lease ratio
proj.manag.购买代价purchase consideration
interntl.trade.购买力价值purchasing power value
textile购买力单价purchasing power unit
econ.购买力平价purchasing power of parity
busin.购买力平价purchasing-power parities
IMF.购买力平价purchasing power parity
commer.购买力平价缩写为PPPparity of purchasing power
busin.加塞尔学说的购买力平价purchasing power parity
IMF.购买力平价GDP助推器PPP-GDP booster
interntl.trade.购买力平价原则purchasing-power parity doctrine
fin.购买力平价原则purchasing power parity
fin.购买力平价基础purchasing power parity basis
econ.购买力平价学说purchasing power parity theory
securit.购买力平价学说purchasing power parity
proj.manag.购买力平价指数purchasing power parity
IMF.购买力平价汇率PPP exchange rate
IMF.购买力平价汇率purchasing power parity exchange rate
fin.购买力平价法purchasing power parity (也称"国际比较项目法 (ICP)", 是由联合国统计局、世界银行等组织主持的一项旨在提供 GDP 及其组成部分的国际一致价格和物量的跨国比较体系,它是以国内商品价格同基准国家同种商品价格比率的加权平均值为购买力平价进行计算、衡量使用不同货币的两个国家或地区的经济水平、收人水平的一种计算法)
nautic., tech.购买力平价法purchasing power parity
econ.购买力平价理论purchasing power parity theory (说)
interntl.trade.购买力平价理论purchasing-power-parity theory
interntl.trade.购买力平价理论theory of purchasing power parity
fin.购买力平价理论theory of purchasing power parity (研究和比较各国货币之间购买力关系的理论,该理论认为货币汇率应该以每个国家之间的相对物价为标准)
textile购买力平价理论purchasing power parity
busin.购买力平价理论purchasing power parity theory
busin.购买力平价矩阵matrix of purchasing power parity
IMF.购买力平价GDP补调机制PPP-GDP booster
interntl.trade.购买力平价说purchasing power parity theory
econ.购买力平价说theory of purchasing power parity
interntl.trade.购买地价格price local
fin.购买地价格price loco
adv.购买某商品的赠品或折价品展示near pack display
adv.购买某商品获赠其他商品或折价的促销活动near pack event
adv.购买某商品获赠其他商品或折价的套装near pack
commer.购买者价值purchaser value
busin.购买者价值体系system of purchasers value
IMF.购买者价格purchaser's price
IMF.购买者价格purchasers' value
interntl.trade.购买者价格by market price: producer's price;purchaser's price
commer.购买者价格purchaser price (与出售者价格 (seller price) 相对)
econ.购买进价余额方法the purchasing methods for keeping merchandise inventory
busin.按照认股证上注明购买退股人股票的价格exercise price
fin.购买限价buying limit
fin.买价call price (redemption price)
interntl.trade.趁行市跌价买进的人afternoon buyer
econ.趁行市跌价买进的人an afternoon buyer
proj.manag.跨价买卖straddle trading
proj.manag.跨价买卖spread trading
securit.跨期买卖差价期权calendar spread options
O&G. tech., tech.这些结晶器由300系列不锈钢制成,有不同的规格可供客户选择。我们的客户能以极具竞争力的价格购买到化工结晶器These crystallizers are manufactured from 300-grade stainless steel and can be availed by our clients in different specifications Our clients can avail chemical plant crystallizers at competitive prices
adv.这件裙子原价8 000美元,但你可以花800美元买下它,因为打一折The dress priced 8,000 dollars at first, but you can buy it with 800 dollars since it's 90% off
securit.远期汇票买价usance buying rate
textile远期汇票买入价buying rate for usance bill
busin.退回原购买价refund the purchase price
securit.通过参考买卖双方股价确定价格determining price by reference to buyer's/seller's stock price
textile重购买价repurchase price
busin.银行买价bank buying rate
econ.银行买价bank's buying rate
interntl.trade.银行买价banker's buying rate
interntl.trade.银行买价buying rate
busin.银行买价即银行买进外汇的牌价banker's buying rate
commer.银行买价汇率buying rate
busin.银行买入外汇价bank's buying rate
busin.间接购买力平价indirect purchasing-power parity
busin.间接购买力平价indirect PPPs
econ.限买高价prohibitive price
securit.限价买单客户发出的对交易价格有一定限制的指令buy limit order
commer.限价买卖指令stop order
fin.限价买盘limit buy order
econ.限价预托买进call (股票)
econ.香港银行间买方出价Hong Kong interbank bid rate
econ.高于帐面价值买入purchase at more than book value
securit.高于账面价值买人purchase at more than book value
busin.高于账面价值买入purchase at more than book value
tech.高价give a long price for
econ.高价买…give a long price for...
busin.高价买进give a long price for
tech.高价购买paid dearly for
interntl.trade.高价购买...give a long price for
securit.高价购买give a long price for
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