
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一般押汇责任general letter of hypothecation
上市说明offering circular
不动产和个人财产所有权证title documents to real estate and personal property
与财产证分离的转让证assignment separate from certificate
业务授权binding authority
个人大股东通知individual substantial shareholders notification
临时保证interim warrant
临时拨款授权vote on account warrant
临时背facultative endorsement
临时配股通知provisional letter of allotment
写准确clerical accuracy
mark signature
面保证written pledge
面保证documentary assurance
面决议written resolution
面协议agreement in writing
面合伙契约written contract association
面回购letter repo
面备忘录written memorandum
面对账单written reconciliation statement
面所有权paper title
面承诺written undertaking
面承诺written commitment
面报告written statement
面披露written disclosure
面指令order in writing
面指示written direction
面提款委托written order of withdrawl
面提款指令written order of withdrawl
面提款指示written order of withdrawal (WOW)
监管机构面提醒written warning
面格式paper format
面警告written warning
面订单order in writing
面记录paper record
面许可written acknowledgment
面许可证签单written permission
面说明statement in writing
面陈述statement in writing
交换批准exchange of instrument of ratification
交易议定trade protocol
产地证明certificate of origin (CO)
产权证proprietorship certificate
人伙协议occupation permit
介绍会和承诺presentation and commitment letter
付款保证guarantee of due payment
付款保证certification payment
付款担保guarantee of due payment
付款通知notice of demand
付款通知debit advice
代替招股的说明书statement in lieu of prospectus
代替招股说明的报告statement in lieu of prospectus
代理power of attorney
代理委任proxy form
优惠认购股权证rights letter
会计审计意见accountants opinion
伪造的股票转让forged shares transfer
估价报告appraisal report
作废证certificate revocation list
保管证back bond
保荐人意见letter of sponsor opinions
信托声明declaration of trust
信汇委托正本original order of mail transfer
信汇通知mail transfer advice
修改通知证监会要求发行证券企业对其送审的招股书内容进行补充和修改的通知书deficiency letter
修改限制通知vary a restriction notice
借方确认debit confirmation
借贷的到期通知note notice
债券信托证debenture trust deed
债券出售授权bond power
债券认购权证bond warrant
债务人破产申请debtor's bankruptcy petition
债务协议schedule of arrangement
债务确认confirmation of debtor
债务确认admission of debt
债务结算deed of relief
债务证document of obligation
债务证debt certificate
债权证certificate of obligation
假冒背forged endorsement
偿还保证refundment guarantee
偿还保证refundment bond
偿还授权letter of reimbursement authorization
催交股款通知notice ofa call
催缴通知note of call
免税证certificate of exemption
免责保证bond of indemnity
全部转让申请application for transfer in entirety
公司委托corporate proxy
公司建议corporate proposal
公司授权corporate proxy
公司授权/委任书certificate of incumbency
公司经营证trading certificate
公司说明corporation manual
公开发行招股说明public offering prospectus
公断arbitral agreement
公认证recognized certificate
公证notarial certificate
公证人所发的拒付证notarial protest certificate
共同基金招募mutual fund prospectus
共同基金招募说明mutual fund prospectus
共同背joint endorsement
准招股preliminary prospectus
凭说明交易sale by specification
凭赔偿保证交易negotiation against letter of indemnity
出具面意见issue written opinions
分发招股issue prospectus
分发股票发行说明issue prospectus
股票分红通知letter of allotment
分配申报return of allotment
股票分配通知letter of allotment
分配通知dividend notification
分配通知allotment notice
初步委托preliminary engagement letter
单一的招股说明stand-alone prospectus
印制招股草稿printing red herring
印鉴证明letter of identification
原产地证明certificate of origin (CO)
参与证participating certificate
发债协议bond issue agreement
取款通知advice of drawing
受益背beneficiary endorsement
受益证beneficiary certificate
受票人须背endorsement required
可转让证明或文件negotiable certificate or document
合伙人资格证partnership certificate
合同保证contract bond
合法的拒付、拒绝承兑汇票的证authenticated protest
同意consent letter
同意释款letter of release
否定意见disclaimer of opinion
告股东管理层向股东报告业绩的信函shareholders' letter
回购票据申请application for retirement of bill
国库券增值证certificate of accrual on treasury securities
国库券计息证certificate of accrual on treasury securities
场外股票转让证street certificate
基金情况说明fund fact sheet
基金说明fund prospectus
声明与承诺董事和高管签署Statement and Commitment Letter
大量印刷的招股样本bulk print proof prospectus
如期完工保证completion bond
委付通知notice of abandonment
委任管理人文administrator's deed
委弃通知notice of abandonment
委托letter of trust
委托letter of authority/authorization
委托征集制度proxy solicitation system
委托征集期proxy season
委托持久效力durable power of attorney
委托人协议client agreement
委托人的委托principal's mandate
委托代收款背endorsement for collection
委托兑付authority to accept
委托决议final engagement letter
委托收款背endorsement for collection
委托文instrument of proxy
存放抵押品通知notice of deposit
存款保证guaranteed certificate of deposit
存款证bank certificate of deposit
审核标的标screening of bids
审计letter of auditor
审计证明中的保留意见qualification in certificate
对冲基金发行说明hedge fund prospectus
对大户的面警告written caution to big investors
证券交易所 对招股的内容概不负责take no responsibility for the contents of any prospectus
展期证明renewal certificate
属地宣誓affidavit of domicile
已背的债券endorsed bond
已背的应付票据账户endorsed notes payable a/c
常年提款授权general warrant
常青招股说明在证券交易委员会登记、持续募集股票的招股说明书evergreen prospectus
广告发行股票说明advertising prospectus
广告招股advertising prospectus
应得款项转让assignment of proceeds
延期还债letter of licence
开业证certificate to commence business
开业证明certificate to commence business
开放式招股说明open prospectus
开放式筹资说明open prospectus
弃权letter of renunciation
律师保证solicitor's undertaking
必要的担保背确认confirmation of endorsement required
意向letter of intent (L/I)
意向Letter of Intend
意愿认购offering wanted (OW)
意见letter of comments
成交fixing letter
成本通知cost memo
戴维森报告证券业审核委员会报告书Report of the Securities Review Committee
所有权证明title certificate
所有权证明certificate of ownership
执照证certificate of license
承兑letter of acceptance
承诺commitment letter
承诺手续费commitment letter fees
承诺谈判commitment letter negotiation
承诺阶段commitment letter phase
承诺保证promissory warranty
投标tender offer statement
投标建议bid proposal
投票权委托proxy statement
投资保证investment letter
投资政策说明statement of investment policy
投资者证制度investor's certificate system
投资项目建议investment project proposal
抵押信贷证mortgage credit certificate
抵押借款letter of hypothecation
抵押参与证mortgage-participation certificate
抵押参与证mortgage participation certificate
担保抵押证guarantee mortgage certificate
拒付弃权声明waiver of protest
拒绝付款证protest for nonpayment
拒绝承兑汇票通知protest for non-acceptance
招股rights issue prospectus
招股prospectus for issuing stock
招股印刷商financial printer
招股和全球售股的资料Information about this Prospectus and the Global Offering
招股登记registration of prospectus
招股草案draft prospectus
招股草稿red herring
招股责任prospectus liability
招股起草prospectus drafting
持续保证continuing guaranty
面规定执行交易subject to a print execution trading
按期付款委托standing order
授权letter of authority/authorization
授权authorization form
授权authority letter
授权条款power of attorney clause
授权证certificate of authority
接收人证receiver's certificate
提交标submit tender
提款通知notice to take delivery
撤销限制通知withdraw a restriction notice
支付保证payment bond
改进通知letter of deficiency
政策说明statement of policy
数字化证digital certificate
新开账户报告new account report
新证new certificate
无偿转让证voluntary deed
无效证certificate revocation list
无背公债clean bonds
无记名证bearer certificate
无证交易certificateless trading
无证股份uncertificated shares
暂时准许toleration letter
最后通知last reminder
最终招股说明final prospectus
有效背valid endorsement
有条件支付委托conditional order
有条件背restrictive endorsement
有条件背condition endorsement
期权交易确认options trade confirmation
期权协定option agreement
期权客户协议option client's agreement
期权开户协议option account agreement form
期权清算公司募资说明option clearing Co. prospectus
期满后背endorsement after maturity
期满通知notice of expiration
未确定用款目的发行说明open prospectus
购股权利letter of rights
权利移转证letter of subrogation
权益参与证certificate of participation
权益通知letter of rights
权证风险揭示warrants risk disclosure statement
条款汇总summary of terms and conditions
条款说明illustrative term sheet
查账员报告auditor's report
bidding documents
编制人bid producer
标准授权model authorization letter
核准letter of ratification
核定配股通知letter of allotment
止付通知stop-payment notice
正式拒付证formal protest
汇款通知remittance letter
法定招股说明statutory prospectus
法律顾问证明counsels opinion
注册的招股registered prospectus
派股通知allotment notice
派股通知allotment letter
清产管理人委任receiving order
灰皮英国央行对外汇、英镑和金条批发市场的监督规则Grey book
特另委托special proxy
特许证letter patent
独立招股separate prospectus
独立文separate instrument
独立的招股stand-alone prospectus
独立股票发行说明separate prospectus
现金核实证cash verification certificate
用途说明purpose statement
申诉保证appeal bond
留置权证明lien affidavit
登记证certificate of registration
白皮公司发出的公告文件white paper
破产申请bankruptcy petition
破产通知bankruptcy notice
确认confirmation note
第一份意见没有附录first submission without appendices
第三者背汇票made bill
简明招股short form prospectus
简略招股omitting prospectus
索赔statement of claim
红利证明bonus certificate
纪律处分意向disciplinary punishment letter of intent
经纪人交易确认local bill
经纪人投保通知broker's cover note
经营估算business forecast
结算协议clearing agreement
结算通知settlement advice
绝对背absolute endorsement
绿皮green book
编写招股writing the prospectus
编制简易招股create a clear prospectus
网上招股electronic prospectus
美式股票证American type share certificate
美联储公布的经济黄皮Beige Book
联名上诉joint petition
聘任letter of engagement
股东委托公司将其股息存人银行的委托dividend mandate
股东投资计算statement of stockholders investment
股东权益净值计算statement of stockholders net worth
股东权益计算statement of stockholders investment
股东签署委托条款provisions of proxy statement
股东签署的委托proxy statement of shareholders
股东签署的委托proxy statement
股份分配弃权证letter of renunciation
股份分配通知share allotment form
股份证share certificate
股份证scrip certificate
股份配发通知share allotment form
股利委托dividend mandate
股权让与stock power
股票信托证stock trust certificate
股票分派通知allotment letter
有误/不明endorsement irregular/illegible
汇票endorse a bill
背对背担保counter indemnity
获客户面授权obtaining written authorization
获得批准的招股说明authorized prospectus
董事会秘secretary to directorate
董事会秘directorate secretary
董事会秘对外公布公司信息secretary to directorate publishing company information
蓝皮计划国际货币改革行动计划大纲blue-book plan
融通背accommodation endorsement
融通背accommodation endorser
补发证服务certificate replacement service
裁决arbitral award
规定的担保背确认confirmation of endorsement required
规定的背endorsement required
解释说明the interpretive release (美证监会澄清董事问题的说明书)
解释说明interpretive release (美证监会澄清董事问题的说明书)
计划招股programme prospectus
计划招股说明programme prospectus
认股subscription forms
认股subscription application forms
认股权证发行说明warrant issue prospectus
认股证价值warrant value
认购新股通知rights letter
认购权rights letter
记名背endorsement in full
记息债券证明interest-bearing debt certificate
Z 证Z certificate
更换服务certificate replacement service
证券停止交易通知loss order
证券停止交易通知stop stop order
证券出售授权bond power
证券行业资格证qualification certificates for securities industry
证券过户授权bond power
调查嘱咐letter requisitory
调查委托letter requisitory
负债证certificates of indebtedness
财务建议financial proposals
财务情况说明statement explaining the financial situation
财务计划financial proposals
责任responsibility letter
责任承诺responsibility letter
质押权利letter of pledge
质权背endorsement for pledge
购进汇票核定authorization sheet for purchase of exchange
贷款证loan certificate
贷款通知facility letter
资产证明certificate of means
资产负债表审计证明certificate of balance sheet
资本报告statement of capital
赎回证明ransom bond
赔偿保证letter of indemnity (L/I)
赔偿担保bond of indemnity
跟单付示委托documentary payment order
转让transmittal letter
转让证抵押品转移产权契据deed of release
转让通知notice of assignment
转账通知account transfer memo
过户通知notice of transfer
违反了招股中所作的陈述contrary to representations made in prospectus
追加拨款授权vote on supplementary warrant
通过招股发行offer by prospectus
道义letter of moral intent
配售申报return of allotment
配股弃权证letter of renunciation
配股说明prospectus of a rights issue
配股通知allotment letter
配股通知letter of allotment
配股通知allotment certificate
采用标准转让的证券包括创业板securities using standard transfer form
鉴定证certificate of survey
银行保证banker's surety bond
银行保证bank guarantee letter
销售说明介绍投资产品等sales literature
长期面承诺standing commitment
附加风险披露说明ancillary risk disclosure statements
附有但with proviso
附条件付款保证conditional bond
零星股份证scrip certificate
非居民保证non-resident affidavit
非破产证明non-bankruptcy certificate
非证股份non-certificated share
证券交易所开的 非诉讼行为证no-action letter
验资报告capital verification report
黄皮英国证交会为伦敦交易市场制定的证券上市规则yellow book