
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不合常规的背irregular endorsement
专利说明patent instruction
专利说明patent description
专家鉴定品质证明a certificate of quality by experts
个人签发或背的流通票据straight paper
临时关税完税证temporary duty certificate
临时应用议定简写为PPAprotocol of provisional application
in writing
面凭证written document
面契约written deed
产品保证product warranty
产地声明declaration of origin
仓库保证warehouse warrant
付款授权authority to pay
付款申请requisition for payment (比 request for payment 付款要求)
信电报形式by letter telegram
信电报形式by letter cable
以背进行担保guarantee by endorsement
仲裁面协议written agreement on arbitration
仲裁条款议定protocol on arbitration clauses
价值及原产地联合证明combined certificate of value and origin
估价证明certificate of appraisal
体系说明system specification
作业程序说明procedural specifications
供应厂商证明supplier's certificate
依据面证据独任仲裁员判被告胜诉The sole arbitrator decided for the defendant on the basis of documentary evidence
保证亦缩为 recogsrecognizances
保险申请insurance application
保险申请insurance slip
信用担保letter of guarantee
信用贷款申请credit application form
债券证document of obligation
债务证bill of debt
债权证title to debt
偿付授权reimbursement authorization
偿还保证refund ment bond
全名背indorsement in full
公司合法组成证certificate of incorporation
公司注册证corporate charter
公证人出具的拒绝证notarial protest certificate
公证证notarial certificate
公证证authentic act
共同海损无限责任保证unlimited general average guarantee
兹附去我方第100号销售确认一式两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate (in two copies)
兹附寄我方第999号销售确认一式两份We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 999 in duplicate
凭保结付款payment against letter of indemnity
凭保结押汇negotiation against letter of indemnity
凭担保交货delivery against letter of guarantee
凭说明规格买卖sale by specification
出厂证明manufacturer's certificate
出厂说明shop instructions
制造厂商检验证manufacturer's inspection certificate
制造厂商说明certificate of manufacturer
劳埃德船级社制冷机合格证Lloyd's Refrigeration Machinery Certificate
劳埃德船级社船机设备合格证Lloyd's machinery certificate
劳氏海损担保Lloyd's average bond
化验证certificate of analysis
双方同意仲裁的面文件arbitration bond
双方已互换批准The both parties have exchanged the instruments of ratification
发岀出险事故通知send an advice of fate
受益权证明certificate of beneficial interest
受限制的背restricted endorsement
受限定的背restricted endorsement
变产清理计算statement of realization and liquidation
品质证明旨在证明我方产品的良好质量The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products
品质说明quality specification
售主装运说明vendor's shipping instruction
售货确认sales note
售货确认acknowledgment of sales
商业信格式block style
商品检测证certificate of commodity inspection and testing
letter of
国际专利证中心International Patent Documentation Center
在协议上盖章append a seal to an agreement
在拒绝承兑时免作拒绝证no protest nonacceptance
在支票上背endorse a check
型式合格证type certificate
填写托收申请write an application for collection
保险委付letter of abandonment
委任a letter warrant of attorney
委托承兑authority to accept
委托支付authority to pay
审计标准说明statement on auditing standards
审计程序说明statement of auditing procedure
容积重量证明certificate of measurement and weight
寄售人通知consigner's note
对背保证counter indemnity
履约保证contract bond
岀口合格证明certificate for export
岀口押汇申请application for negotiation of drafts under L/C
岀口配额说明export quota certificate
岀境证明exit certificate
岀票授权authority to draw
工作说明job instruction
工厂检验证明work inspection certificate
工序说明process specification
已作成拒绝证汇票bill duly protested
已背债券endorsed bond
已背担保债券indorsed bond
已背票据endorsed note
已背票据endorsed bill
应付已背票据endorsed note payable
应付款委托warrants payable (命令)
应得款项让与assignment of claims
开证申请application for establishing L/C
当日有效委托day order
必须严格遵照说明The specification must be strictly adhered to
必须提供原产地证明Certificate of Origin is required
忠实担保保险机构或第三方担保总公司派驻分公司的主管职员忠于其总公司fidelity guarantee
总抵押协议general collateral agreement
总预算ledger budget
交易所成交证实floor report
成分证certificate of composition
我们已经收到你方金额为20,000美元的贷记通知We have received your credit note for US $20,000
我方已将1,000公吨花生装王子号货轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince
所有权证proprietorship certificate
菲律宾所有权转让证transfer certificate of title
托收背indorsement for collection
托运委托shipper's letter of instructions
托运申请shipper's letter of instructions
托运申请cargo shipping application
承运人货物缺损证明carrier's statement
技术熟练证明certificate of proficiency
把票据权利背转让给别人endorse over a bill to another person
投票委托proxy statement
抵押借款letter of pledge
押汇总质权general letter of hypothecation
押汇担保letter of hypothecation
押汇担保letter of pledge
押汇担保hypothecation agreement
担保letter of guarantee (L/G)
担保协议security agreement
担保抵押证guaranteed mortgage certificate
担保背indorsement guaranteed
担保解除证release of mortgage
担保赔偿letter of indemnity
拒付通知mandate of protest
拒绝承兑证protest for nonacceptance
拒绝证certificate of protest (汇票付款人拒绝承兑或付款时,持票人依法委托公证人 (notary public) 作成拒绝证书,以向出票人追索)
拟定一份意见develop a presentation
指示式背indorsement to order
按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
按规格说明买卖sale by description
按规格说明采购purchasing by specification
索赔损失赔偿申请claim letter
损害证明damage certificate
损益报告profit and loss report
损益计算statement of gain and loss (指收入报告书,收益表,损益表 (income statement))
损益计算income sheet
授予合格证的检验人certificated inspector
授予某人证明confer a certificate on (sb.)
授予某人证明award a certificate to (sb)
提单应制成空白抬头与空白背This B/L is to be made out to order and blank endorsed
提单按空白抬头与空白背制岀Bills of lading are to be made out "to order and blank endorsed"
操纵说明running book
支付委托payment order (指 debit advice 借项通知单)
收益收入计算statement of earnings
收益计算income statement
数量证明certificate of quantity
旅行支票申请purchaser's agreement
旅行支票申请purchaser's application form
无传染病健康证明clean bill of health
无息可转让提款通知non-interest bearing negotiable order of withdrawal
无拒绝证sans protest
无病害植物检疫证phytopathological certificate of freedom from disease
无记名委托blank power of attorney
无追索权背indorsement without recourse
日间信电报day letter
普惠制产地证明GSP certificate of origin
普通背general endorsement (即指空白背书 (blank endorsement))
普遍优惠关税产地证generalized system of preferences certificate of origin
有关我第5051号销售确认项下的信用证至今尚未岀现Your L/C covering our S/C No. 5051 has so far failed to appear
有关此次发货的检验证表明货物在装运时情况良好The Certificate of Inspection covering the shipment indicates that the goods were in sound condition when they were shipped
英国有合格证会计师chartered accountant
美国有合格证会计师certified public accountant
有合格证的特许会计师Chartered Accountant
有条件委托limited order
有条件背endorsement with recourse
有条件背qualified endorsement
版权属 ABC 图书公司This book is copyrighted by ABC Book Company
本合约按照接受上所印交易条件而签订The contract is concluded subject to the conditions of sale printed on the letter of acceptance
权益转让证letter of subrogation
材料检验证material certificate
构造证明specification for structure
检验证明inspection and testing certificate
植物消毒证明phytosanitary certificate
正式决算official account
残废证明disability certificate
残损证certificate of damage
汇兑交易报告advice sheet
汇入通知advice of inward remittance
汇款委托remittance order
汇款通知advice of drawing
汇款通知remittance advice
注册说明registration statement
海关许可证customs permit
海损异议master's protest
消毒检验证certificate of disinfection inspection
消毒证明certificate of disinfection
清算人或接管人债务证receiver's certificate
特别背indorsement in full
特别背direct endorsement
生产成本报告statement of production cost
生产程序说明process specification
申请亦缩为 APPLIapplication
电传确认confirmation of telex
电报确认confirmation of cable
电报确认confirmation of telegram
留置权lien letter
登记交付registered warrant
皮重证明certificate of tare
盈余公积计算statement of earned surplus
直接背special endorsement
确认背indorsement confirmed
确认背endorsement confirmed
票据拒付证明protest jacket
票据背endorser of a bill
票据背backer of a bill
离港证明certificate of departure
程序说明procedure statement
空运货物委托instruction for dispatch of goods
签发产地证明issue a certificate of origin
信用证签字式样证明letter of indication
信用证签字式样证明letter of identification
英,美等国经济白皮economic white paper
英国统计局红皮Pink Book
缴款通知paying in slip
美国有合格证会计师certified public accountant
联邦特惠证Commonwealth Preference Certificate
股东委托proxy statement
股东股息存入银行委托dividend mandate
股份分配通知allotment letter
股份分配通知letter of allotment
股权让与委托stock power
股票认购保证stock purchase warrant
亦缩为 ENDTendorsement
不符indorsement irregular (缩为 EI)
人责任endorser's liabilities
手续费indorsement commission
票据back a bill
种类kinds of indorsement (包括空白背书 (blank endorsement) (亦用 general endorsement 普通背书)、 特别背书 (special endorsement) (亦用 direct - 直接背书)、限制性背书 (restrictive endorsement)、有限度背书 (qualified endorsement)、有条件背书 (conditional endorsement))
种类kinds of endorsement (包括空白背书 (blank endorsement) (亦用 general endorsement 普通背书)、 特别背书 (special endorsement) (亦用 direct - 直接背书)、限制性背书 (restrictive endorsement)、有限度背书 (qualified endorsement)、有条件背书 (conditional endorsement))
船籍证明certificate of registry
船舶证ship's papers
船舶适航证明certificate of seaworthiness
船长申报captain's entry
英国有合格证会计师chartered accountant
营业报告statement of operations
营业收支计算account of business
营业收益计算statement of operations
营业证明certificate of business
补充概算supplementary estimates
表式报告tabular statement
装船通知letter of advice
装货通知shipping order
要约与接受letter of offer and acceptance
美国解雇通知pink slip
计划申请待核准project proposal for approval
议定草案draft protocol
记名股权证registered certificate of shares
记名背special endorsement (指直接背书 (direct endorsement))
亦缩为 instr.instrument
亦缩为 warrtywarranty
亦缩为 docu., dcmtdocument
证明亦缩为 certif 有时还缩为 Ccertificate
证明伪造forgery of a certificate
询价letter of inquiry
该证明一经法院或仲裁庭宣布无效The certificate ceases to be binding if it is set aside by a court or arbitration tribunal
说明亦缩为 specif.specification
说明亦缩为 instru.instruction
请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认项下有关信用证Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible
请尽早寄来说明Please send us the descriptive literature at your earliest convenience
请详尽向我方作面说明Please write us in full details
托收行给代收行的货款托收remittance letter
货物残损检验证inspection certificate of damaged cargo
货运承揽人证明forwarding agent's certificate of transport
货运承揽人证明forwarder's certificate of transport
质押general letter of hypothecation
购买确认purchase confirmation
一定时期按一定价格购买股票的选择权与认股option and warrant
购得货物的保证warranty for goods purchased
购货确认purchase note (与销售确认书 (sales confirmation) 相对)
购货确认purchase confirmation (与销售确认书 (sales confirmation) 相对)
贷款参加证participating certificate in loan
资本结余计算statement of capital surplus
跟单汇票托收申请documentary bill lodgement
转移证transfer certificate
转运通知transhipment delivery order
运货委托instruction for dispatch of goods
运费付讫证明freight release
这一证一经证明人撤销即告无效The certificate ceases to be binding if it is revoked by the certifier
进口商保证importer guarantee bond
进口证明certificate of importation
退票通知protest jacket
适合航海证明navigation certificate
递交国present one's credentials (与召回国书 (letter of recall) 相对)
通融资金背endorsor for accommodation
邮寄确认mail confirmation
采购授权authorization to purchase
重量尺码证明weight and measurement certificate
重量证明weight certificate (指公证人重量证明书(surveyor's weight certificate))
重量证明surveyor's report on weight (指公证人重量证明书(surveyor's weight certificate))
鉴定证assay certificate
铁路货物通知railway advice
银行委托bank's mandate
银行征信bank reference
银行担保bank letter of guarantee (缩为 L/G)
银行要求卖方提供一份保证,而后银行凭此给予贷款The bank asked the seller to supply an indemnity and, on the strength of such indemnity, made the credit available
附说明的报盘offer by description
限制性背endorsement with recourse
限定审计证明qualified audit certificate
零股证fractional certificate
项目执行project implementation order
预约保险陈报确认acknowledgment of declaration