
Terms containing 主题 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一级主题primary term
telecom.美国《 石油文摘》一级基本主题primary basic subject
libr.一般主题复分general subdivision
el.上下文外主题subject word out-of-context
libr.专业主题词表subject thesaurus
libr.个人名称主题personal name as subject
libr.中国分类主题词表Chinese Classified Thesaurus
tech.中心主题central motif
libr.中文主题Chinese Subject Headings
fin.中证内地主题指数CSI China Mainland Thematic Indices
fin.中证香港上市可交易主题指数CSI HK Listed Tradable Thematic indices
fin.主权债务问题sovereign debt problems
libr.主标题title proper
libr.主标题formal title
IT主标题main heading
busin.主标题subject heading
tech.主标题main title
el.主标题权限目录subject heading authority list
hydroel.st.主要工程地质问题Main engineering geological considerations
interntl.trade.主要标题main headings
securit.主要议题principal issue
met.主要质量问题major quality problem
auto.主要问main problem
commer.主要问题major problem
econ.主要问题key problem
tech.主要问题primal problem
tech.主要问题principal problem
China, polit.主要问题the major issues
agric.主要问题main problems
China, law主要问题major issue
China, law主要问题main question
securit.主要问题principal issue
el.主要问题文件master question file
tech.主观斑纹问题subjective speckle problem
tech.主问题primal problem
environ.主题subject No definition needed (无需定义。)
agric.主题topic (topicus)
el.主题major subject
hydroel.st.主题subject matter
sport.主题central theme
gen.意大利语 主题soggetto
adv.主题一致的媒介组合广告coordinated advertising
avia.主题专家subject matter expert
multimed.主题为中心的多文档综述topic-focused multi-document summarization
work.fl.主题书目topical bibliography
work.fl.主题书目subject bibliography
el.主题事项subject matter
exhib.主题公园theme park
work.fl.主题内容subject content
agric.主题分析subject analysis
multimed.主题分析topic analysis
telecom.主题分类subject classification
libr.主题分类法subject classification
tech.主题分类表subject classification table
tech.主题判图thematic mapping
oil主题判读样片subject key
tech.主题判读样片subject key (遥感摄影)
eng.geol.主题制图thematic mapping
avia.主题单元标识符text element identifiers
multimed.主题发现topic discovery
work.fl.主题发言opening address
work.fl.主题发言keynote address
tech.主题发言人keynote speaker
exhib.主题口号theme slogan
IT主题thematic map
IT主题topic maps
avia.主题theme image
tech.主题图案墙纸subject wallpaper
eng.geol.主题地图thematic map
tech.主题地图special subject map
securit.主题基金根据一定标准进行投资的共同基金theme fund
busin.主题子标题subject subheading
el.主题字段参考代码subject-field reference code
corp.gov.主题审查thematic review
tech.主题导卡subject guide card
UN, afr.主题小组thematic clusters
adv.主题广告theme break
multimed.主题建模topic modeling
libr.主题性元数据subject metadata
tech.主题报告keynote presentation
tech.主题报告keynote speech
tech.主题报告keynote address
tech.主题报告人keynote speaker
work.fl.主题报告发言人keynote speaker
telecom.主题报文subject message
IT主题抽取theme extraction
anim.husb.主题指南美国生物文摘之一部分Subject Guide
tech.主题排架法subject arrangement
telecom.主题探查subject probe
work.fl.主题控制subject control
AI.主题数据data mart
IT主题数据库subject database
tech.主题数据库subject data base
UN, ecol.主题方案网络thematic programme networks
exhib.主题晚会theme party
tech.主题标准档subject authority file
work.fl.主题标引subject indexing
libr.主题标引专家subject indexing specialist
telecom.主题标目subject heading
libr.主题标目系统subject heading system
nautic., tech.主题标签hashtag
work.fl.主题标题subject heading
IT主题topic tree
multimed.主题subject tree
multimed.主题检测topic detection
multimed.主题检测与跟踪topic detection and tracking
IT主题检索subject retrieval
libr.主题检索subject search
IT主题森林topic forestTT
libr.主题概念标引subject concept indexing
multimed.主题模型topic model
libr.主题款目subject entry
sport.主题theme song
tech.主题subject indexing method
multimed.主题漂移topic drift
psychol.主题理解测验thematic apperception test
IT主题目录topical bibliography
IT主题目录thematic bibliography
IT主题目录subject catalogue
agric.主题目录topic bibliography
work.fl.主题目录subject category
agric.主题目录subject bibliography
hydroel.st.主题目录,专题目录subject catalogue
textile主题礼服motivation dress
fin.主题稽核theme inspection
nautic., tech.主题管辖权subject matter jurisdiction
libr.主题类别subject category
IT主题索引subject index
libr.音乐主题索引thematic index
work.fl.主题索引款目subject index
multimed.主题topic group
el.主题绘图仪thematic mapper
market.主题统觉测验thematic apperception test
market.主题统觉测验thematic apperception tests
libr.主题编目subject cataloging
libr.美国国会图书馆主题编目手册Subject Cataloging Manual
libr.美国国国会图书馆主题编目手册:主题标引Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings
libr.美国国国会图书馆主题编目手册:分类Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification
libr.美国国国会图书馆主题编目手册:排架Subject Cataloging Manual: Shelflisting
telecom.美国科学情报研究所主题自动引文快报Automatic Subject Citation Alert
tech.主题花纹principal motif
textile主题花纹图案印花motif printing
work.fl.主题范围subject area
work.fl.主题范围subject field
telecom.主题草图subject drift
tech.主题subject heading list
libr.主题规范档subject authority file
libr.美国主题规范档合作项目Subject Authority Cooperative Program
libr.美国主题规范档合作项目成员手册SACO Participants' Manual
telecom.主题规范表subject authority list
work.fl.主题议题thematic issue
libr.主题topical term
libr.主题index term
libr.主题subject term
IT主题top term
IT主题subject word
tech.主题subject terms
tech.主题topical words
tech.主题key word
libr.主题词检索search by subject heading
libr.主题词检索点subject access point
telecom.英国 INSPEC 主题词表INSPEC Thesaurus
nurs.主题词表thesaurus, subject headings
libr.主题词表subject thesaurus
work.fl.主题词表thesaurus pl. thesauri
IT主题词表构成thesaurus construction
telecom.主题词表管理系统thesaurus management system
heavy.eq.主题课程main-theme curriculum
telecom.主题组主题转移topic drift
proj.manag.主题转移topic drift
space主题通信语言agent communication language
multimed.主题链接topic linking
cryptogr.主题问题专家subject matter expert
libr.主题附加款目subject added entry
libr.主题附加款目added entry under subject
libr.主题附注notes pertaining to subject access
agric.主题领域subject domain
org.name.人道主义问题顾问办公室Office of the Humanitarian Advisor
libr.主题为基准的采购计划approval plan
libr.主题为基准的采购计划blanket order
libr.主题为基准的采购计划publisher-based acquisition plan
libr.主题为基准的采购计划subject-based acquisition plan
tech.以卷形为主题的装饰scroll work
textile以民间手工艺为主题的饰品folklore craft-based accessories
econ.你们最好将售后服务问题交给卖主处理You'd better refer the aftersale to the vendor
UN, ecol.供审查的关键主题性专题thematic topics for review, key
avia.供应商评估报告——主要问题SER supplier evaluation report-major finding
libr.倒置主题标目inverted subject heading
gen.偏离主题branch out
IT关键词主题索引Keyword subject index
econ.关闭的主题closed subject
agric.农业主题agricultural thematic map
fin.准确把握时代主题accurately grasp the theme of the times
telecom.分析主题索引analytic subject index
UN, afr.刚果民主共和国问题协商小组Consultative Group for the Democratic Republic of the Congo
telecom.加拿大主题检索程序Canadian Subject Retrieval Program
libr.加拿大主题词表Canadian Subject Headings
earth.sc.化学文摘主题索引提示Chemical Abstracts Subject Index Alert
chem.美国化学文摘主题索引通报Chemical Abstracts Subject Index Alert
chem.化学文摘集成主题文档Chemical Abstracts Integrated Subject File
chem.化学文摘集成主题文档CA Integrated Subject File
environ.区域主题网络regional thematic network
libr.医学主题标目medical subject heading
libr.美国国家医学图书馆医学主题词表Medical Subject Headings
tech.十进位主题分类decimal division
org.name."千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
org.name."千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
tech.印刷本主题索引printed subject indexes
econ.双方中之任何一方都可以主动将问题提请仲裁Either of the parties can submit the question to arbitration upon their own initiative
tech.反映企业思想主题的色彩colour policy
IMF.反洗钱/打击恐怖主义融资专题信托基金Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism Topical Trust Fund
tech.发明主题索引index to subjects of invention
tech.发明的主题subject matter of an invention
tech.取自然界的装饰主题ornamental motif taken from nature
tech.取自自然界的装饰主题decorative motif taken from nature
adv.变换主题和演员的电视系列剧anthology drama
tech.古典式主题classical motif
tech.古典式主题classic motif
tech.古式的主题antique motif
tech.古老的主题antique motif
telecom.Usenet 模型中的可选主题alt.
libr.名称和题名主题name and title as subject
avia.售主服务通报标题vendor service bulletin title
libr.团体名称主题corporate body as subject
libr.美国国会图书馆主题标引Library of Congress Subject Headings (Big Red Book)
libr.美国国会图书馆主题标引Big Red Book
libr.美国国家农业图书馆主题规范档National Agricultural Library Subject Authority File
earth.sc.国家图集与主题测绘组织印度National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organization India
UN, police国际恐怖主义问题国际会议international conference on international terrorism
econ.国际法主题subject of international law
gen.M 在处理,对待M方面的一个主要问题a major problem with
UN在所有部门将老龄问题主流化mainstream the issue of ageing in all sectors
libr.地区主题复分geographic subdivision
libr.地区主题标目geographic subject heading
libr.地名主题标目geographic subject heading
textile地域主题region motif
AI.地球主义的问题Terran problem
libr.地理名称主题geographic name as subject
China, polit.坚持民主集中制、集体行使职权、集体决定问题、依法按程序办事的原则uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures
libr.复合主题标目compound subject heading
busin.主题研究multisubject study
busin.主题调查multi-subject survey
busin.主题调查系统multi-subject survey system
busin.主题调査multisubject survey
libr.多语种主题multilingual thesaurus
sport.奥林匹克主题Olympic theme song
sport.奥运会主题Olympic theme song
gen.如果镜框或者镜片有问题,请立即致电与店主联系If there is something wrong with the optical frame or lens, please make a call to the shopkeeper immediately
IT字顺主题分类法alphabetical subject classification
econ.字顺主题索引alphabetic subject index
libr.学科主题topical subject
libr.学科主题复分topical subdivision
libr.学科主题复分topic subdivision
libr.学科名称主题topical subject
libr.家族名称主题family name as subject
social.将特定性别问题主流化targeted gender mainstreaming
social.将特定性别问题纳入主流计划targeted gender mainstreaming
adv.小字主标题上的大字短小标题reverse kicker
libr.美国国会图书馆少儿文学主题标目Annotated Card headings
libr.美国国会图书馆少儿文学主题标目表Annotated Card subject headings
libr.美国国会图书馆少儿文学主题标目项目Annotated Card Program
earth.sc.工程与科学名词主题词表thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms
earth.sc.工程用主题subject headings for engineering
libr.希尔斯主题词表Sears List of Subject Headings
exhib.帮助主题help topics
libr.年代主题chronological subject
econ.广告主题advertising theme
adv.广告活动主题campaign theme
tech.建筑主题motif of architecture
tech.建筑设计主题思想architectural motif
tech.建筑风格主题architectural motif
social.性别平等问题主流化mainstreaming gender equity
UN, police恐怖主义问题国际会议International Conference on the Question of Terrorism
gen.户外休闲主题区:户外休闲用品、各种休闲场所及俱乐部等Outdoor leisure theme zone: outdoor leisure commodities, all kinds of entertainment sites and clubs etc
libr.按书籍主题排架shelving by subject
telecom.提问课题主词profile subject
org.name.援助实效问题巴黎宣言: 自主决策、协调实施、目标一致、追求实效、共同负责Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: Ownership, Harmonisation, Alignment, Results and Mutual Accountability
org.name.援助实效问题巴黎宣言: 自主决策、协调实施、目标一致、追求实效、共同负责Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
space改进型主题测绘仪enhanced thematic mapper
avia.主题new subject
China, polit.时代主题the theme of the present times
libr.普通主题general subject
tech.有关主题related topics
textile服装主题clothing theme
textile服装总主题look of clothes
textile服装设计主题motif of garments design
telecom.英国期刊主题索引British Subject Index to Periodicals
commer.本函的主旨是澄清双方对这一问题的看法The purport of our letter is a clarification of both partie' views on this issue
gen.本章的主题有三点三方面in this chapter our theme is three fold
telecom.标准主题subject authority list
tech.标准化主题subject of standardization
hydroel.st.档案主题词表archives thesaurus
libr.概括主题general subject
fin.欧元区主权债务问题Eurozone sovereign debt problems
libr.《汉语主题词表》Chinese Thesaurus
libr.《汉语主题词表》Chinese Subject Thesaurus
tech.油漆的主题painted motif
textile流行主题fashion theme
avia.测试主题test subject
textile热门主题popular theme
securit.特别主题审查special theme inspection
libr.特定主题词汇discipline-specific thesauri
earth.sc.环境问题主管environment issues manager
textile生态学主题motif from ecology
anim.husb.生物学主题索引Biological Abstracts Subject in Context
adv.由广告主题与产品类别提示而说出品牌产品的关联研究法triple associates method
gen.主题the staples of...
expl.直到今天、炸药和爆破温室气体问题尚未在文献中予以充分考虑、而且尚未成为爆破破岩程序的主题To date, the issue of GHGs from explosives and blasting has not been given wide consideration in the literature and has not been a subject of the fragblast proceedings
libr.直接地名主题复分direct geographic subdivision
tech.相关主题related subject
econ.石油文摘字顺主题索引Alphabetic Subject Index to Petroleum Abstract
proj.manag.确定主要的环境问题key environmental issue identification
UN, police第七届联合国预防犯罪和罪犯待遇大会区域间筹备会议知名人士会议第一主题: 发展情况下犯罪和预防犯罪的新层面Interregional Preparatory Meeting Meeting of Eminent Persons for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders on topic I: New Dimensions of criminality and crime prevention in the context of development: challenges for the future
telecom.第二基本主题secondary basic subject
libr.类型主题复分form subdivision
econ.经济主题economic subject
ceram.绘师的创作从传统主题转变为对他们自己从未见过的人物和地点的描述,例如圣经《圣经》场景、早期油画大师的作品Artists switched from traditional motifs to depictions of people and places they'd never seen—biblical scenes, images from Old Master paintings
avia.给定主题assigned subject number
libr.综合性主题general subject
org.name.联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment
org.name.联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence
org.name.联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment
textile自然图案主题natural motif
tech.花的主题flower motif
econ.苏联社会主义经济问题economic problems of socialism in the USSR
proj.manag.若数据线也正常、则有可能是主机的 USE 接口出现问题了If the data cable works well, it is possible that USB interface on the computer goes wrong
earth.sc.英国期刊主题索引Subject Index to Periodicals (British)
gen.英国期刊论文主题索引British Subject Index to Periodicals
tech.菱形主题diamond-shaped motif (装饰)
tech.装饰主题ornamental motif
archit.装饰主题特色decorative motif
tech.装饰主题decorative motif
textile装饰派艺术主题motif art déco
tech.装饰的主题subject for decoration
telecom.计算机辅助主题标引computer-assisted subject heading
libr.讨论主题discussion topic
China, polit.议案的主要问题the main questions concerning the bills
textile设计主题motif of design
tech.设计主题design motif
gen.超重儿童存在发生严重且花费巨大的健康问题的风险,而这些健康问题曾经主要属于中年人易犯疾病的范围,如2型糖尿病和心脏病Overweight children are at the risk of developing serious and costly health problems that used to be primarily the province of middle-aged adults, like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease
IT轮排主题索引permuterm subject index
sport.运动会主题theme song of the games
sport.运动会主题games' theme song
tech.通用主题索引neutral index
proj.manag.通过主题树或者搜索引擎可以找到你感兴趣的领域Either on the subject tree or with a search engine the fields of interest can be found
fin.问题主权债务troubled sovereign debt
consult.问题的实质、任何重要的决定判断和结论、决定性时刻、转折点、主要性质、基本特点bottom Li Ne
libr.间接地名主题复分indirect geographic subdivision
tech.雕刻主题carved motif
tech.雷达图像主题判读thematic interpretation of radar imagery
el.非主要基本主题non-primary basic subject
libr.非控制主题uncontrolled subject term
org.name.非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
org.name.非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
fin.面临突出的国家主权债务问题face acute sovereign debt problems
libr.题名主题title as subject
libr.题名主款目title main entry
work.fl.馆藏主题范围subject coverage