
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
切牙central incisor
等痛moderate middle pain
主要是唾液的钙离子沉积在牙面上的软垢中形成了牙结石It is mainly calcium from the saliva which has formed hard deposits on the teeth
像这样把牙线绕在指上Wrap the floss around your middle fingers like this
吸唾器会吸出您口腔的唾液This aspirator will remove the saliva from your mouth
定位心钻start drill
您将在国呆多久?How long will you live in China?
您打算在国逗留一段时间吗?Are you going to stay in China for a while?
您有国的健康保险吗?Do you have a Chinese health insurance?
我将在您的口腔试个别托盘,您感觉痛吗?I'm going to try this tray in your mouth. Well, do you feel any pain?
我要在已经充填过的根管放置金属桩I have to put a metal core into the root canal after root canal filling
治疗过程牙齿可能敏感The tooth may be sensitive during treatment
牙刷头的长度应是示指和指宽度之和The length of the bristles row on the head of the toothbrush should be as long as the width of the index and middle fingers together
菌斑的细菌利用蔗糖形成酸,而酸会腐蚀牙釉质Bacteria in the plaque use sugars to fonn acid and the acid dissolves the enamel
请紧咬棉球二十分钟直到止血。然后把棉球吐到塑料袋系紧再丢入垃圾袋。Please bite firmly on a piece of gauze for twenty minutes until it has stopped bleeding, Then place the used gauze in a plastic bag and tie tightly before disposing it in the rubbish
mesial surface
distal surface