
Terms for subject Air defense containing 中频 | all forms | in specified order only
中脉冲重复频率测距medium-PRF ranging
中频分集intermediate frequency diversity
中频分集IF diversity
中频定向medium frequency direction finding
中频对消IF cancellation
中频对消器intermediate frequency canceller
中频放大器intermediate frequency amplifier'
中频放大器增益intermediate frequency amplifier gain
中频放大电子管intermediate frequency amplifier valve
中频旁瓣对消器IF sidelobe canceller
中频测向器medium-frequency direction finder
中频测向机medium frequency direction finder
中频滑环medium frequency slip-ring
中频-甚高频测向站medium-and-very high frequency direction-finding station
中频积累IF integration
中频谐波干扰intermediate frequency harmonic interference
中频锁相相参脉冲雷达intermediate frequency phase-locked coherent pulse radar
中频、高频和甚高频测向medium, high and very high frequency direction-finding
中、高频测向站medium and high frequency direction finding station
低频与中频low frequency/medium frequency
单调谐中频放大器single tuned intermediate frequency amplifier
中频dual IF
双调谐中频放大器double-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier
图像中频变压器vision intermediate-frequency transformer
图像中频放大器vision intermediate-frequency amplifier
宽带中频放大器broad band intermediate frequency amplifier
宽频带中继网络broad band relay network
射频中频增量RF/IF delta
射频干扰空中侦察RF interference air reconnaissance
并行中频相干积累parallel-IF coherent integration
接收机中高频端front end
数字中频处理器digital IF processor
数字中频存储器digital IF memory
数字中频接收机digit intermediate frequency receiver
机载中频均时干扰相干雷达IF time averaged clutter coherent airborne radar
空中截击控制共用频率air intercept control common frequency
线性对数中频放大器linear logarithmic intermediate-frequency amplifier
联合频谱中心joint spectrum center
通用通信中频universal communication IF
限幅式中频放大器limiting intermediate frequency amplifier
中频信号zero intermediate frequency signal
中频接收机zero intermediate frequency receiver
频率中速搜索frequency moderate-speed-scanning
频率稳定性测量中的短期问题short look problem in frequency stability measurement
频谱中心接收frequency spectrum-center reception
频谱中心接收电路spectrum center receive circuit
频谱中心频率接收机spectrum center frequency receiver
中频接收机high IF receiver
中频超外差式接收机high-intermediate-frequency receiver