
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
个中国人算法two Chinese algorithm
个图之交intersection of two graphs
个图的联合join of two graphs
个电路的感应耦合系数inductive coupling factor of two circuits
人完 备信息博弈two man complete information game
人零和博弈zero sum game
位字节two-bit byte
军问题two-army problem
分查找法binary chop
千年问题不顺应性Y2K noncompliant
千年问题顺应性Y2K compliant
双工系统biduplexed system
层客户机/服务器结构two-tier client/server
层文法two-level grammar
层格式two-level scheme
双重曝光double exposure
次扫描的汇编程序two-pass assembler
BootP 步引导过程BootP two-step bootstrap procedure
步激活two-step activation
步读出two step read
步读出two-step read
段封锁法two phase locking
点透视two-point perspective
端 口网络的输入导抗input immittance of two-port network
路归并排序two-way merge sorting
路相联高速缓冲存储器two-way associative cache
重编码two-part code
阶段加锁协议two-phase locking protocol
互易端 口网络reciprocal two-port network
交直流用电动机universal motor
图像值化image binarization
TCP/IP 模型个重要边界two important boundaries in TCP/IP model
YUV模式Y2K千年问题YUV mode
沿生成树走次算法twice-around-the-spanning-tree algorithm