
Terms for subject Securities containing 东 的 | all forms | in specified order only
为股东的最佳利益着想in the best interests of shareholders
为股东的最佳利益而行动act in the best interest of shareholders
使股东蒙受不必要的风险exposing shareholders to unnecessary risk
债权人与股东的冲突conflict between bondholders and stockholders
公司与股东间的交易transaction between corporation and shareholders
公司股东的决定corporate action
兼并中向股东披露的信息information disclosed to stockholders in merger
分股利的股东holder of record
利润对股东自有资本的比率ratio of profit to stockholder's equity
受要约公司的股东offeree shareholder
在公司与股东之间使利润最大化的平衡机制balanced profit maximization mechanism between companies and shareholders
大股东的投机违法行为big speculative stockholders' illegal behaviors
大股东占用的上市公司的非经营性资本listed companies' non-operational capital occupied by major shareholders
少数股东的评估权力appraisal rights of minority stockholders
平衡股东之间的权益balancing shareholders interests
强制原有股东卖股的权力drag along rights
拥有多数投票权的股东majority shareholder
持反对意见的股东dissenting stockholders
持大量股的股东substantial shareholder
持异议的股东dissident shareholder
持有10%以上的股份的股东holders of more than 10% shares
持股5%以上的股东shareholders holding more than 5% shares
按来源报告股东的股权reporting stockholder's equity by sources
损害股东利益的行为act detrimental to shareholder's interest
授予投票权的股东enfranchised shareholder
掌管股东股息支付或股东权益的机构disbursing agent
接受报价公司的股东offeree shareholder
接管前大股东的交易pre-takeover trading by the large shareholder
提高大股东的守法意识improve the law observing awareness of the main players
摩根士丹利国际投资公司的欧洲、澳大利亚和远东指数Morgan Stanley Capital International Europe, Australia, and Far East
新股发行时无偿发放给股东的股票gratis stock
易受伤害的股东vulnerable shareholder
有影响力的股东significant shareholder
有权利的股东interested share holder
未经全体股东一致同意的修改协议amending agreements without all shareholders' consents
活跃的股东active participant
索要股息的股东dividend clientele
给股东的材料materials to shareholders
给股东的通知circular to shareholders
绝大多数股东同意的修改supermajority amendment
东的公平待遇fair treatment of shareholders
东的唯一选择only choice for shareholder
东的权利stockholder right
东的财产净值stockholders' equity
东的资本价值shareholder value
东的附属企业shareholders' affiliated enterprise
股东利益与公司股价的联系relationship between shareholders' interests and the listed companies' stock prices
股东委托公司将其股息存人银行的委托书dividend mandate
股东投人的资本capital invested by stockholders
股东拥有的资产净值stockholder equity
股东签署的委托书proxy statement of shareholders
股东签署的委托书proxy statement
股东账户中的资金funds in a shareholder's account
股东资本的利息interest on equity capital
脆弱的股东vulnerable shareholder
血本无归的股东shareholders wiped out
诱使股东进行不必要的交易inveigling a shareholder into a unnecessary trade
隐蔽的股东closet shareholders