
Terms for subject Business containing 专利权 | all forms | in specified order only
不实施专利权non-working of patent
不行使专利权non-exploitation of patent
不行使专利权non-use of patent
专利所有权title to patent
专利权industrial property right
专利权proprietary right
专利权与商标权摊销patent and trademark amortization
专利权任务patent assignment
专利权摊销amortization of patents
专利权收入income from royalty
专利权期满失效准备reserve for expiration of patents
专利权期满终止lapse of a patent
专利权期满终止lapse of patent
专利权未定pend patent pending
专利权满期准备reserve for expiration of patents
专利权申请patent application
专利权终止lapse of patent
专利权letter of patent
专利权账户patent account
专有技术和专利权proprietary technology and patents
专有绘图设计权利special drawing rights
丧失专利权forfeiture of a patent
交换专利许可权patent cross-licensing
侵犯专利权patent infringement
侵犯专利权infringement of patent
侵犯专利权infringement of monopoly
关税及专利权上诉法院court of customs and patent appeal
发明专利权monopoly of one's invention
取得…专利take out a patent for
国际专利权公约International on Patents
尚未投入使用的专利权paper patent
得到…专利take out a patent for
按滑动费率支付专利权使用费sliding scale royalty
按滑动费率支付专利权sliding-scale royalty
提岀专利权申请书file a patent application
专利权和无专利权的工艺patented and non-patented technology
专利权工厂的制品指专利产品ethical goods
专利权的发明patented invention
未获专利权的发明unpatented invention
独家专利权exclusive patent
独家专利权exclusive patent right
独家专利权exclusive licence
由于扩大发明范围而取得的专利权fencing patent
相互使用专利权cross licensing
给予专利权grant a patent
请求保护专利权claim in a patent application
预交专利权advance of royalties