
Terms for subject Dentistry containing 不可能 | all forms
二十四小时内不要漱口,漱口可能会影响凝血块的形成Don't rinse for twenty four hours as it may disturb blood clot
在一段时间里,您的牙齿可能会感觉不舒服Your tooth may be uncomfortable for a while
正畸治疗不但可以改善容貌而且可以改善牙齿的功能The orthodontic treatment will improve not only the esthetic problems but also the function of the teeth, Instructions after filling
治疗后牙齿可能有点不舒服。It might be a little uncomfortable after the treatment. Instructions after prosthetic treatment
由于托槽磨嘴唇和颊部,您可能会感觉不舒服You may feel uncomfortable with the braces, because they touch your cheek and lip
请不要用手指和舌头碰拔牙窝,它可能导致创口出血和感染Don't touch the extraction socket with a finger or tongue as it may lead to further bleeding and infection