
Terms for subject Electronics containing 上 升 | all forms | in specified order only
上升step up
上升、下降脉冲rise/ fall pulses
上升lift force
上升周期rising period
上升支管ascending arm
上升时间分析器rise time analyzer
反应性扰动上升时间常数rise time constant
上升时间指示器rise-time indicator
上升时间选通前沿触发脉冲rise-time gated leading edge trigger
上升ascending arm
上升气流upward flow
上升气流up flow
上升riser flow
上升流动ascending current
上升海岸rising coast
上升特性upward characteristic
上升rate of rise
上升lift pipe
上升lifting tube
上升管型旋流分离riser type cyclone
上升能力climbing capacity
上部堆内构件提升机具【核】upper internals lifting rig
主励磁机电压上升速度main exciter response ratio
反应堆事故功率急速上升accidental power excursion
价格上升price escalation
功率上升power rise
功率上升power escalation
励磁电压上升速度excitation response ratio
励磁电压初始上升速度initial response of excitation system response
反应堆功率急速上升reactor excursion
堆芯上部构件提升设备【核】upper core structure lifting rig
处理机控制上升时间time processor control rise
电机外部负荷上升特性series rising characteristic
失控上升指堆功率或反应性uncontrolled runaway
失控上升功率uncontrolled rise
气泡上升速度bubble rise velocity
气球上升形不稳定性ballooning instability
真空度上升vacuum up
瞬时大地电位上升transient ground potential rise
程控电压上升programmed ROR of voltage
脉冲上升时间pulse-rise time
脉冲上升时间pulse leading-edge time
脉冲上升时间判别器pulse rise-time discriminator
脉冲上升时间常数time constant of pulse rise
脉冲上升时间常数pulse-rise time constant
脉冲上升rate of pulse rise
负荷上升loading rate
输出电压上升速率slewing rate
通量指数上升exponential flux rise