
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
一杠侧向手倒立cross one bar hand balance
一杠侧向肩倒立one bar cross shoulder balance
一臂前one-arm lifts fore-upward
下移动travel up and down
体伸展trunk extension
体前倒的后踢腿leg kicking backward with trunk falling forward
体前倾做手翻lean forwards to the handspring
体前倾做手翻lean forward to the handspring
体前屈high-low hand
体前弯bend the trunk forwards
体后仰的后踢腿legs kicking backward with trunk bend over
体后倒bend the trunk backwards
体直立的后踢腿leg kicking backward with trunk straightened
体绕环body circle
前一步后空翻salto backward stretched with step-out
杠成分腿直角型支撑mount to straddle "L" support
杠成分腿直角支撑mount to straddle L support
杠成分腿直角站立mount to straddle L stand
杠成分腿立撑mount to straddle stand
foot contact
步侧举腿提踵step slide leg sideward
步前举腿提踵step slide leg forward
步屈膝举腿提踵step slide both legs bent
臂内旋forward rotation of upper limb
臂外旋external rotation of upper arm
臂外旋backward rotation of the upper limb
upward swing
不相称的non commensurate mount
不相称的no commensurate mount
两人以的技巧动作combined stunt
两人以的技巧动作combination stunt
两手叉腰体左右变bend the trunk sideways with the hands on the hips
两手放头hands on head
两腿蹬杠柱屈伸lazy man's skip
两腿蹬杠柱屈伸lazy man's kip
双杠两腿蹬杠柱屈伸lazyman's kip
两臂arms upward raise
两臂举的结束姿势standing ovation
两臂侧arms side-upward
两臂前arms lift fore-upward
两臂前斜arms obliquely fore-upward
两臂后arms lift back-upward
两臂头hands in arch position
伊藤屈伸屈伸上转体180°itoh kip
俄式环全旋360°double Russian
俄罗斯屈伸Russian kip
倒十字用力压成倒立press from inverted cross to handstand
倒立落下前摆Stemme forward from handstand
倒立落下前摆stem forward from handstand
分腿前成臂外分腿支撑straddle upstart
分腿立撑回环straddle circle mount
平衡木分腿跳straddle mount
front uprise
forward uprise
forward uprise
越杠下seat rise to dismount
转体360° 成反正握Takemoto
转肩stoop in
转肩成扭臂握stoop through into one full el-grip giant
转肩成扭臂握stoop-thru into full L-grip giant
前摆front uprise
前摆forward uprise
前摆Stemme forward
前摆forward rise
助跑屈伸long under-swing with running and upstart
助跑长振屈伸long underswing with running and upstart
单手绕绳抛双手接rope thrown up and taken back by two hands while single hand swinging
单腿依次摆越平移成环后撑travel spreading
单臂引体向one-arm chin
双手头抛圈并反转1周circle thrown above the head and reversed 360° by two hands
双杠倒立转体handstand pirouette on parallel bar
双杠倒立转体handstand pirouette on parallel bars
反屈伸rear kip
反屈伸成悬垂rear kip hang
反握大回环接直体屈伸Wyler kip
反握大回环接直体屈伸straight body kip from undergrip giants
反握屈伸rear kip
反身屈伸reverse upstart
back upstart
back upstart backward
back shoot-up
felge upward
back kip
倒立peach basket to handstand
倒立不停nominal handstand
倒立nominal handstand
成后撑kip up backward into rear support
成水平十字back kip to support scale at ring height
后倒前back upstart with backward seat
后倒屈伸drop upstart
后倒屈伸drop kip
后摆back up
后摆Stemme backward
后摆stem backward
后摆back uprise
后摆侧摆越成后撑back uprise and flank vault to support rearways
后摆侧摆越成后撑back uprise and flank vault to support rear-ways
后摆分腿前摆成直角支撑back upstart forward straddled to " L" support
后摆分腿摆越back up and straddle
后摆分腿摆越成后悬垂单杠动作back uprise and straddle under hands to hang rearways
后摆分腿摆越成直角支撑back uprise and straddle under hands to "L" support
后摆分腿摆越成直角支撑back uprise and straddle under hands to L support
后摆分腿直角转体180°back uprise-straddle double near vault
后摆接分腿直角转体180°back uprise-straddled double rear vault
后摆接分腿转体180° 成分腿支撑back up circle straddle
后摆接向前挺身下back uprise and hecht dismount (with turns too)
后摆接直角转体180°成后撑back uprise and double rear in
后摆直角摆越back uprise and double rear vault to support
后摆直角摆越成站立、支撑或悬垂back uprise double rear vault to stand, support or hang
后摆直角摆越back uprise and double rear vault to stand
后摆直角摆越back uprise and double rear vault to hang
后摆直角摆越成后撑back uprise double rear vault to rear support
后摆跳转90° 越杠成悬垂前摆跳下back uprise and rear vault over bar with ¹⁄₄ turn to swing forward in hang to dismount
后摆转体90° 侧上摆back uprise and side swing with ¹⁄₄ turn
后水平直臂用力压成十字pull to cross from back lever with straight arms
交换腿跳upward jump with change of legs
向后慢反成支撑back up slowly to support
向后慢翻成支撑back up slowly to support back
向后跳成蹲撑mount to squat stand backward
器械的动作apparatus work
在一杠正手倒立front hand balance
在两臂长度滚圈circle rolling from the right arm to the left one
在两臂长度滚球ball rolled from left arm to the right one
在双脚做肩倒立shoulder stand on feet
在肩仰平衡reverse bird on shoulder
回滚圈circle rolling forward then turning backward
前倒fall forward
后倒fall backward
屈伸起neck kip
翻腾floor tumbling work
翻腾动作tumbling on the cushion
运动mattress exercise
大摆动giant swing
大摆翻half giant swing
大摆翻half giant circle
大摆落下屈伸giant glide kip
单臂倒立转体360°one-hand balance on the head roll around
水平转动圈circle rolling horizontally above the head
屈伸kip up
屈伸bar snap
屈伸转体upstart with half turn
平衡木动作屈单腿跳wolf mount
带侧tape thrown side-upward
带在头水平绕环tape circled horizontally above the head
引体向bent-arm hang
引体向chin up
引体向pull up
引体向bend hanging
弧形felge across
弧形push away
弧形shoot up
弧形成倒立shoot up to handstand
弧形成支撑shoot up to support
弧形接后摆cast to backward swing
快拉成支撑vertical fast pull-up
急振whip swing mount
急振quick upstart
急振circus kip
悬垂屈伸hang kip-up
悬垂屈伸hang kip
悬垂摆动后翻felge backward from swing
悬垂摆动屈伸hang upstart
slow uprise
慢拉still upstart
成套动作时间的安排temporal order of combination
倒立hand-to-hand balance
站立hand foot balance
扭臂握右摆el-grip stemme
扭臂握摆el-grip swing stemme-uprise
扭臂握摆L-grip swing stem-uprise
扭臂握摆L-grip stem
技术的正确完成technically correct execution
抬高climb upward
成支撑vertical pull-up
吊环动作成支撑vertical pull-up
持带绕环后tape thrown back-upward with tape grasped hand circling
挂膝knee mount
挂膝knee forward half circle
挂臂后摆back uprise from upper arm hang
挂臂屈伸upper arm kip
挂臂屈伸upper arm position
挂臂屈伸upstart from upper arm
挂臂屈伸upstart from upper-arms
挂臂屈伸shoulder circle
挂臂成屈伸upper arm support kip
挂臂撑前摆upper arm cross hang front up
挂臂撑前摆front uprise from upperarms
挂臂撑后摆upper arm cross back up
挂臂撑后摆back uprise from upper arms
挂臂撑后摆back uprise from upper-arms
挂臂撑后摆转体180°成支撑upper arm cross hang up with ¹⁄₂ turn to support
挂臂撑屈伸upstart from upper arm hang
挺胸体后屈trunk bending with back arched
捷克式摆Czech stem
捷式摆uprise rearways
双人技巧脚俯撑stomach balance
掌心向palm up
提踵步侧举腿step slide leg sideward
提踵步前举腿step slide leg forward
提踵步屈膝举腿step slide both legs bent
摆动后back kip swing
摆越两杠直角Kreiskehre (下)
摆越两杠直角直角下double rear vault
支撑后倒屈伸short upstart
支撑后倒屈伸support kip
支撑后倒屈伸drop-back short upstart
支撑后倒弧形成挂臂撑support falling backward arch mount to upper arm hang
支撑后倒弧形成支撑support falling backward arch mount to the original position
支撑后倒弧形短振屈伸drop-back short underswing upstart
支撑后倒成挂臂撑屈伸top kip
支撑后倒成挂臂撑屈伸kick upstart
支撑后倒挂臂屈伸drop-back upstart from upper arms
数字的错误numerical error
施坦内曼摆uprise rearways
施坦内曼摆uprise rear-ways
施坦内曼摆Steinemann stem
木端前滚翻roll forward out of approach to the beam
over the bars
直体全旋转体 360°Moore
直体全旋转体 360°double front round
杠下空翻成倒立under somersault mount to handstand
杠端分腿跳接双腿全旋straddle in on one end to double -leg circle
棒在臂下水平绕环Indian clubs circling horizontally above and below the arms
横劈叉体前倾触地split lean
正握后悬垂向前摆uprise rearways
正握后悬垂向前摆Steinemann stem
正握后悬垂向前摆uprise rear-ways
正握后悬垂向前摆Czech stem
深握屈伸deep kip bend
全旋double-leg circles on the pommel
回环circle on the rings
直体转体Russian swings
环外站立跳起反进至环正撑Turn flank
用力压成十字pull to cross
用力慢muscle up
用力慢成正撑arm bending and stretching into support
用力慢成直角支撑muscle up- "L"
用力慢翻吊环动作felge with strength backward
用力慢翻slow roll backward
吊环动作用力慢翻slow roll backward
吊环动作用力慢翻felge with strength backward
由马端至环外全旋同时转体90°rear vault ¹⁄₄ turn mount
直臂直体不碰杠屈伸倒立flying kip
直角摆动骑成骑撑gliding mill-up swing
短振屈伸support kip
短振屈伸short upstart
短振屈伸kip up with short underswing
短振屈伸180° upstart with short underswing
短振屈伸drop-back short upstart
站在腿体后屈back arch on leg
纱巾下摆动gauze kerchief swung up-downward
经直角悬垂摆动屈伸upstart from "L" pike hang
吊环动作fall over
upward circle
吊环动作fall over
felge upward swing
swing up
upward swing
back circle mount
成手倒立circle up to handstand
成手倒立swing up to handstand
成手倒立upward circle to handstand
成手倒立circle mount to handstand
成手倒立bird up to handstand
成支撑并沿身体纵轴转体360° 跳下felge forward to support and ¹⁄₁ turn around longitudinal axis of body to dismount
成正撑upward circle to front rest
成正撑back circle mount to front rest
成正撑back circle mount to front resting
屈肘手放耳旁plug the ears
手倒立hand to shoulder stand
双人技巧滚翻roll over back
背腾越rear vault
双人技巧站立foot-to-foot balance
双人技巧站立foot to foot balance
双人技巧手翻knee roll
双人技巧手翻knee roll
双人技巧手翻knee hansdspring
arm held upward
换握grasp over
臂侧arm held side-upward
芬兰式Finnenstemme (Finnish back uprise)
落在翻腾板land on the track
vault mount
向后转体 ¹⁄₂ 成蹲立mount with ¹⁄₂ turn backward to squat stand
成分腿直角站立mount to straddle "L" stand
成分腿立撑straddle mount
成分腿立撑jump to straddle stand
木中成分腿立撑jump to straddle-stand
成前臂撑jump to forearm-support
成单腿跪撑step on mount
成单腿蹲撑step on mount
成单臂倒立jump to handstand on one arm
成屈体站立jump to pike stand
成屈体站立jump to pike-stand
成屈右腿的侧弓步撑jump to squat stand with the right leg
成悬垂jump to a hang
成挂臂撑jump to upper arm hang
成挂臂撑jump to upper-arm hang
成支撑jump to support
成跪撑jump to knee support
成蹲撑mount to squat stand
直体全旋转体 180°Moore mount
直角入kehre-in mount
经手倒立转体90° 侧翻下simple Hollander
跳起后成支撑jump uprise backward to rest
蹲跳squat mount
转体180° 成一杠的外侧坐¹⁄₂ turn to cross sitting position on one bar
长振屈伸underswing kip
长振屈伸glide kip-up
长振屈伸layout upstart
长振屈伸long underswing upstart
长振屈伸slide kip
长振屈伸glide kip
面对横木站立一侧腾越成后撑from side stand frontward-flank over to rear support
鞍环平移travel on the pommels
鞍马needle mount
single-leg upstart with leg straight
鞍马needle mount
mill circle mount
鞍马mill circle mount
骑撑后倒骑single-leg upstart
高杠仰卧屈伸short kip-up on HB
高杠仰卧屈伸rear lying hang