
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
下拉窗sash window
凸缘top flange
升亮度阶梯ascending luminance steps
层建筑供水管系水密性试验superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test
层建筑保养superstructure maintenance
层建筑修后检验superstructure survey after repair
层建筑压缩空气管系气密性试验superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test
层建筑合拢后检查结构完整性checking structure integrity of superstructure after closed
层建筑完工后检查结构完整性inspecting superstructure integrity after completed
层建筑排水管系排水试验superstructure drainage water piping to be done discharge test
层建筑控制空气管系气密性试验superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test
层建筑救生和消防设备检查superstructure lifesaving and fire-fighting equipment to be done inspection
层建筑检验superstructure survey
层建筑水密门窗冲水试验superstructure watertightness doors and windows to be done clashing test
层建筑水密门窗安装后检查inspecting watertightness doors and windows of superstructure after fitting
层建筑消防管系消防试验superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done firefighting test
层建筑烟雾探测管系气密性试验superstructure smoke detection piping to be done airtightness test
层建筑用漆superstructure paint
层建筑通风格子安装后检查inspecting air outlet grilles of superstructure after fitting
层建筑门superstructure door
层结构保养superstructure maintenance
层结构修后检验superstructure survey after repair
层结构和门窗superstructure, door and window
层结构排水管系进行排水试验superstructure drainage water piping to be done discharge test
层结构救生和消防设备检查superstructure lifesaving and fire fighting equipment to be done inspection
层结构检验superstructure survey
层结构涂漆superstructure painting
层结构消防管系试验superstructure fire-fighting piping to be done test
层结构烟雾管系进行气密性探测试验superstructure smoke detection piping to be done airtightness test
层结构的门superstructure door
拱梁cambered beam
拱梁弓背梁cambered beam
接口线upper edge line
桅帆topgallant sail
桥楼upper bridge
水运费downstream freight
海中日国际轮渡有限公司China-Japan International Ferry Co., Ltd, Shanghai
海中海集装箱运输股份有限公司China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd, Shanghai
海中远集装箱运输有限公司COSCO Container Lines Co., Ltd, Shanghai
海仁川国际轮渡有限公司Shanghai Inchon International Ferry Co., Ltd
海华利船舶工程有限公司Shanghai Huali ship Engineering Co., Ltd
海华利船舶工程有限公司Shanghai Huali Ship Engineer Co., Ltd
海华润大东船务有限公司Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd, Shanghai
海华润大东船务有限公司Huarun Dadong Dockyard Co., Ltd
海国际轮渡有限公司Shanghai International Ferry Co., Ltd
海外高桥造船有限公司Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
海天海海运有限公司Shanghai Tmsc Marine Shipping Co., Ltd
海新加坡航线Shanghai—Singapore shipping line
海泛亚航运有限公司Shanghai Panasia Shipping Co., Ltd
海浦海航运有限公司Shanghai Puhai Shipping Co., Ltd
海海华轮船有限公司Shanghai Hai Hua Shipping Co., Ltd
海海运集团公司Shanghai Shipping Group Company
海澄西船舶有限公司Shanghai Chengxi Shipyard Co., Ltd
海爱德华造船有限公司Shanghai Edward Shipbuilding Co., Ltd
海航华船务代理有限公司China Sailing International Shipping Agency Ltd
海航华船务代理有限公司China Sailing Int'l Shipping Agency Ltd
海航海仪器总厂Shanghai Marine Instrument General Factory
海船舶工业公司Shanghai Shipbuilding Industry Corporation
海船舶工艺研究所Shipbuilding Technology Research Institute of Shanghai
海船舶设计院Shanghai Ship Design Institute
海锦江航运有限公司Shanghai Jinjiang Shipping Co.Ltd
海锦江航运有限公司Shanghai Jinjiang Shipping Co. Ltd
滚筒upper tumbler
滚筒中心高center height of the upper tumbler
滚筒中心高center height of upper tumbler
甲板冲水试验clashing test of the upper deck
甲板冲水试验clashing test of upper deck
甲板吨位upper deck tonnage
甲板宽度top deck breadth
甲板梁拱camber on the upper deck
甲板梁拱camber on upper deck
甲板舷弧sheer on upper deck
go on board
船港port of embarkation
述规定above mentioned provisions
中国海港Shanghai Harbor, China
中国海船舶工艺研究所Shipbuilding Technology Research Institute, Shanghai' China
中国船级社海分社China Classification Society Shanghai Branch
中国船舶工业集团公司海船舶研究设计院Shanghai Merchant Ship Research & Design Institute, CSSC
中国长航海长江轮船公司CSC Shanghai Changjiang Shipping Corporation
中国长航海长江轮船公司南京分公司CSC Shanghai Changjiang Shipping Corporation Nanjing Branch
桅帆main topgallant sail
今天晚我们算出来,明天上午交给贵方。We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.
从名单除名remove a name from a list
价格price hiked
价格upward price adjustments
使用新造船工艺在长 200 米的船台建造长 300 米的超大型船舶use shipbuilding new technology on a length 200 m berth to construct length 300 m superlarge-scale ship
使用造船新工艺在长度 200 米的船台建造长度 300 米的超大型船舶use shipbuilding new technology on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m superlarge scale ship
俄罗斯海军将造船厂Admiralty Shipyard, Russia
先进水运载工具advanced marine vehicle
利用造船新技术在长 200 米的船台建造长 300 米的超大型船舶utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200 m berth to construct length 300 m superlarge-scale ship
利用造船新技术在长度200米的船台建造长度300米的超大型船舶utilize shipbuilding new technique on a length 200m berth to construct length 300m super large-scale ship
包括平舱费的船交货价free on board trimmed
包括理舱费的船交货价free on board stowed
包括装舱费的船交货价free on board stowed
包装的保护标志protective mark for packing
卸下船所装的货物unship cargo
原则我们一般不给折扣In principle we usually don't allow any discount.
吊下lift-on lift-out
国际海交通组织委员会International Committee for Organization of Traffic at Sea
国际海交通组织委员会International Committee for Organization of Traffic in Sea
国际海人命安全会议International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea
国际海保险联合会International Union of Marine Insurance
国际海生命安全会议International Conference on Safety of Life in Sea
在交货期和服务工作条件有竞争力competitive in terms of delivery and services
在平均数以above the average
在平均海平面以above mean sea level
在气缸头或活塞顶的储气腔air storage chamber
在这儿是不是应该加这样一句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.
它基本包括经过谈判双方一致同意的全部内容It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation.
完工后检查层建筑结构完整性inspecting superstructure integrity after completed
客船的窗window of passenger ship
层结构供水管系进行水密性试验superstructure water supply piping to be done watertightness test
层结构压缩空气管系进行气密性试验superstructure compressed air piping to be done airtightness test
层结构控制空气管系进行气密性试验superstructure control air piping to be done airtightness test
层结构水密门窗进行冲水试验superstructure water-tightness doors and windows to be done clashing test
封闭式层建筑closed superstructure ship
已装on board
已装laden on board
延伸式层建筑continuous superstructure ship
您知道近几个月来这种商品的价格涨了很多You know the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.
我们的订货量在很大程度取决于贵方的价格The size of our order depends greatly on your price.
我们认为马赛船交货价每吨 250 法郎左右比较合理We think an appropriate price should be around 250 Francs per ton, FOB Marseilles.
拉下的窗sash window
提单加盖或添上的批注条款superimposed condition in bill of lading
提单的数量B/L quantity
提单的质量B/L mass
提单的重量B/L weight
提单附加条款superimposed condition in bill of lading
旅客船港port of embarkation
日本海保安厅Maritime Safety Board, Japan
日本海自卫队Japan Maritime Self Defense Force
日本海自卫队Japan Maritime Selfdefence Force
曲轴的皮带轮crank pulley
曲轴的皮带轮crankshaft pulley
3 月旬是我们能办的最早交货日期。The earliest shipment we can make is early March.
point up
检查层建筑合拢后结构完整性checking structure integrity of superstructure after closed
检查货舱口围板在甲板安装精度inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board
检查货舱口围板在甲板的安装精度inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board
检查货舱口围板船安装精度inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board
检查驾驶甲板空调管和通风管结构inspection of air-condition duct and vent duct structure on wheel house deck
武汉到海的票价fare from Wuhan to Shanghai
俱乐部floating club
排泥管长度floating discharge pipe length
救生艇crash boat
旅馆floating hotel
饭店restaurant hulk
饭店floating restaurant
汽轮机盖安装installation of steam-turbine case
流线型层建筑streamlined superstructure ship
流线型层结构streamlined superstructure ship
《海保险法》Marine Insurance Act
功率裕度sea margin
安全委员会Maritime Safety Board
抢救maritime salvage
拖网渔船sea trawler
疏散系统marine evacuation system
采油平台off-shore production rig
采油平台offshore production rig
《海高速船人级与建造规范》Rules for Building and Classing Seagoing High Speed Ships
海军海救援处Admiralty Salvage Organization
潜艇浮舵角rise helm of submarine
焊接层建筑后检查结构完整性check the structure integrity of superstructure after welding
生产逐步production build-up
甲板层建筑物deck erection
甲板水密透光窗deck water-tight transparent window
甲板的梯子deck ladder
甲板的水密透光窗deck water-tight transparent window
甲板的装卸货设备deck cargo gear
甲板的货物cargo on deck
甲板纵桁above deck girder
甲板舱盖deck hatch-cover
甲板装卸货设备deck cargo gear
甲板运载carriage on deck
电压斜线voltage ramp
目的地船交货价ex ship
卫生间toilet of ship
厨房二氧化碳管系气密性试验galley carbon dioxide piping to be done airtightness test
厨房和洗衣间设备检查galley and laundry equipment to be done inspection
厨房热水器galley heater
吸烟室smoking room of ship
拖带装置、顶推设备和术语ship towing device, pushing equipment and terms
暖水瓶架thermos-bottle rack of ship
洗衣房laundry room of ship
测波仪shipboard wave meter
管理中心on board management center
管理中心onboard management center
管道、阀门和有关附件ship's pipe, valve and relative accessories
粮食库provision store of ship
船体和层建筑涂油漆hull and superstructure painting
船体结构、层建筑和舱室箱柜hull structure, superstructure, hold, room and cabinet
船台分段建造倒装法upside-down method of hull section construction at berth
船台分段建造正装法upright method of hull section construction at berth
船台分段正装建造法upright method of hull section construction at berth
船台测深仪安装检查inspecting installation of echo sounder on berth
船头下渡船fore-ramp ferry
船舶层建筑检修ship's superstructure examine and repair
船舶层建筑检修ship's superstructure examination and repair
船舶层建筑结构图ship's superstructure constructional drawing
船舶航线率rate of ships on operating line
船舶海避碰装置lookout assist device
装在甲板的货物提单on-deck bill of lading
让旅客pick up passenger
过闸向游航行lock up
这是我们的船交货报价单This is our FOB quotation sheet.
连续式层建筑continuous superstructure ship
锅炉filling boiler water
transom window
阶梯式层建筑stepped superstructure ship
排泥管land discharge pipe
排泥管长度land discharge pipe length
无线电导航台radio navigation land station
驾驶室甲板空调和通风管结构检查inspection of air-condition duct and vent ducts structure on wheel house deck