
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一财政年度盈余额surplus in proceding fiscal year
下限协议ceiling-floor agreement
交税金tax delivery
升三角形ascending triangle
升底部rising bottoms
升底部ascending bottoms
升的信贷rising credit
升缺口upside gap
升谷底趋势rising bottom
升趋势upside trend
升趋势ascending trend
升通道ascending channel
升顶部ascending tops
半年结算settlement for the first half year
市书offering book
市公司quoted corporation
市公司股权分置问题issue of floating non-tradable shares of listed companies
市公司董事进行证券交易的标准守则》Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
市公告listing particulars
市发行marketable issues
市型开放式基金listed open-ended fund
市日offering day
市日期listing date
市日期date of listing
市期权listed option (世界上最早的股票类衍生品之一)
市法团listed corporation
市空壳公司quoted shell company
市股票quoted stock
市股票市价总值aggregate value of listed stock
市股票的期权交易listed option trading
市要求listing requirements
市规则listing rules
市证券on-board securities
市证券交易dealing in listed securities
市证券投资quoted securities investment
市货币权证listed currency warrant
市附属公司quoted subsidiary
keep book
结转余额balance brought forward from last year
年度prior year
年度previous year
年度的未决赔偿责任loss portfolio on the preceding year
日收市价previous close price
prior period
期滚结额amount brought forward
海 B 股Shanghai B share
海 A 股Shanghai A share
海世博会Shanghai World Expo
海农村商业银行Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank (2005年8月25日成立的股份制商业银行,其核心资本规模在2013年《银行家》全球银行1000强榜单中名列第212位,在中国全国的银行中名列第19位)
海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (简称"上合组织",是中华人民共和国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦六国组成的一个国际组织)
海商业银行有限公司Shanghai Commercial Bank
海国家会计学院Shanghai National Accounting Institute
海国际集团Shanghai International Group
海2010年世博会Shanghai 2010 World Exposition
海期货交易所Shanghai Futures Exchange (简称"上海期交所")
海浦东发展银行Shanghai Pudong Development (简称"浦发银行",1992年8月28日设立,1993年1月9日开业,1999年在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第53位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第125位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第460位)
海联合产权交易所Shanghai United Assets and Equity change
海股市Shanghai stock market
海证券中央登记结算公司Shanghai Securities Central Clearing and Registration Corporation
海金融控股集团Shanghai Financial Holdings
海银行bank of Shanghai (股份制商业银行,成立于1995年12月29日,其核心资本规模在2013年《银行家》全球银行1000强榜单中名列第158位,在中国全国的银行中名列第16位)
海银行同业拆人利率Shanghai inter-bank bid rate
海银行同业拆放利率Shanghai inter-bank offered rate
涨失效期权up-and-away option (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
涨失效期权up-and-out option (这是一种障碍期权,在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效)
涨失效期权up and out
涨失效看涨期权up-and-out call option
涨失效看跌期权up-and-out put option
涨失效看跌期权up-and-out put
涨失效障碍期权up-and-out barrier option
涨生效期权up and in
涨生效期权up-and-in option (这是一种触碰生效期权,在基础资产市价升至约定水平时才生效的期权)
涨生效期权pop-up option
涨生效看涨期权up-and-in call option
涨生效看跌期权up-and-in put option
涨生效看跌期权up-and-in put
涨生效障碍期权up-and-in barrier option
涨股票advancing stock
涨股票advancing shares
涨趋势曲线up-curving trendline
涨风险upside risk
行压力upward pressure
证企业债指数Shanghai Stock Exchange Corporate Bond Index
证国债指数Shanghai Stock Exchange T-bond index
证指数Shanghai index
证综合指数Shanghai Composite Index
诉委员会appeal panel
调商业银行存款准备金率raise reserve requirements for commercial banks
调基准利率lift benchmark interest rates
调存款准备金率raise the reserve requirement
调存款准备金率reserve rate hike
调官方利率raise official interest rates
调贷款利率raise lending rates
调银行存款准备金率raise bank reserve requirements
门取货付款凭单collection voucher
upper band
页结转brough forward
下跌生效涨失效看跌期权down-in-and-up-out put option
不断升的债务水平rising debt levels
不断升的通胀率rising inflation
世界主要经济体world's leading economies
世界增长最快的大型经济体world's fastest growing large economies
世界市值最大的银行world's most valuable bank
世界最具竞争力的国家world's most competitive countries
世界最具竞争力的国家world's most competitive nations
世界最大的美元投资国world's largest dollar investor
世界最大的能源消费国world's largest energy consumer
世界最富裕国家world's richest countries
世界相对低迷的富国world's relatively sluggish rich countries
世界第一大经济体world's largest economy
世界第二大经济体world's second-largest economy
世界速度最快的超级计算机world's fastest supercomputer
世界顶尖银行家world's leading bankers
东京海日动火灾保险公司Tokyo Marine Holdings (日本历史上第一家也是规模最大的财产保险公司,创建于1879年,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第218位)
两地dual listing
〔中〉海证券交易所Shanghai Stock Exchange (简称"上交所")
<中〉海黄金交易所Shanghai Gold Exchange (简称"上海金交所")
中止suspension of listing
中证香港市可交易主题指数CSI HK Listed Tradable Thematic indices
为未来经济前景蒙一层阴影cast a cloud over the outlook
主张或反对内部报告采用变动成本法的理由case for or against variable costing for internal reporting
《主板市规则》Main Board Listing Rules
习惯的一些实务问题some customary practices
从社会借款borrow from the public
以管理可控制与否为基础base of administrative control
价格涨失控的威胁threat of runaway price rises
价格涨的翘尾影响carry-over effect of the CPI increase
价格涨预期expectations of higher prices
价格upper price limit
会计持续观念continuity concept (of accounting)
会计的客观性objectivity in accounting
会计的改革整顿accounting reorganization
会计的资本accounting capital
会计衡量观念measurement concept (of accounting)
传统conventional cap
保险单的受益人背书beneficiary endorsement
信用等级在投资级以的企业债enterprise obligations with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
信用等级在投资级以的金融债券financial debentures with the credit rating at the investment grade or above
信贷限制度credit ceiling system
借壳shell reactivation
借壳shelf merger
借壳back-door listing
债务限协议debt ceiling deal
债务限最后期限debt ceiling deadline
停止营业时价格closing high
全面broad-based rally
股票公开going public
公开市公司publicly listed companies
内陆水运输保险inland marine insurance
市前交易pre-IPO deals
市前基金pre-IPO fund (投资于企业上市之前或预期企业可近期上市的基金)
市前股东pre-IPO shareholders
市前资本pre-BPO capital
分享式限期权participating cap
创业板市委员会GEM Listing Committee
《创业板市规则》即"《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》 (Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited)"GEM Listing Rules
利润profit delivery
利率下限interest-rate collar
利率下限协议floor-ceiling agreement
利率下限期权collar option
利率interest-rate rises
利率interest-rate ceiling
利率interest-rate cap
利率限掉期rate-capped swap
利率限期权cap option (一种协助持有人规避利率上升风险的金融衍生工具,期限通常为 2-5 年,有效期内可按约定的时段行使权利)
制度的限制institutional restrictions
双重dual listing
只有市才可交易的股票trading only stock
合同的收益contractual revenue
合格市证券securities eligible for market operation
名义的交易nominal exchange
名义的汇兑nominal exchange
名义的营业支出nominal expenditure (revenue expenditure)
名义的负债指长期租赁notional liability
后门市/借壳上市back door listing
交易trading up
吸收资产负债表的亏损absorb losses on one's balance sheets
国有企业缴收人revenue from state enterprises profit
国营企业缴利润审计state-owned enterprise turning over profit audit
国际舞台应有的地位rightful place on the global stage
某人for account of
在世界舞台扮演更加核心的角色take a more central role on the world stage
在会计的应用accounting applications
在全球性问题协调合作work in concert on global issues
在分界线above the line
在市场的融资tapping markets
在支票背书back a check
在新的历史征程奋勇前进forge ahead on our historic course
在购买乱花钱lavish money on purchases
在遵循一致性原则基础制定规章以及措施formulate their regulations and measures in a consistent manner
在防范危机加强合作strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention
基础市文件base listing document
境外市外资股non-domestic listed foreign funded shares
外汇储备的rise in reserves
大幅rise substantially
存款利率deposit rate ceiling
存款利率ceiling limit for deposit interest rates
完善股票发行市制度improve the system for IPO and listing on stock markets
官定汇率的下限upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange
对冲通胀率的hedge against an increase in inflation
将存款准备金率调0.5个百分点raise the required deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points
将所购货物记在某人帐put the purchase down to sb's account
就债务限达成协议reach an agreement on the debt ceiling
工资物价的螺旋wage-price spiral
工资、物价、税收的螺旋wage-price-tax spiral
工资、物价、货币的螺旋wage-price-money spiral
已打印在保险单的文字printed text of policy
市场market upward
市场流通的货币总额sum total of currency in circulation
货币money on account
2010 年海世博会Expo 2010 in Shanghai
应付级的帐款account payable to superior
移动shift upward
总店帐之分店费用branch expenses on home office books
总店帐之记录entries on home office books
恒生 H股指数市基金Hang Seng H-Share Index ETF
恒生指数市基金Hang Seng Index ETF
把款项打在现金收入记录机ring up
扭转过快涨势头reverse the trend of rapid inflation
brought forward
brough forward
承销帐户于资产负债表之表现consignment in accounts in the balance sheet
把一年期基准利率调25个基点increase one-year rates by 25 basis points
把总额记在我方帐charge the amount to our account
报表端之名称statement heading
持续升的货币供应rising money supply
控制物价过快涨的货币条件control the monetary conditions for commodity prices rising too rapidly
推动价格provoke a rise in the price
推动经济发展再新台阶propel economic development to a new level
推动经济向价值曲线的端发展move the economy up the value-curve
提供"纸黄金"网交易产品offer "paper gold" online trading products
提高债务raising the ceiling
提高债务increase the borrowing limit
提高债务raise the debt ceiling
提高债务increase in the debt ceiling
撤回withdrawal of appeal
支票的承兑申明statement of acceptance on a cheque
收盘时closing high
收购诉委员会Takeovers Appeal Committee (香港证监会 (SFC)下设委员会)
放弃人民币事实钉住美元的汇率cut the renminbi's de facto peg to the US dollar
市证券unseasoned securities
证综合指数SSE New Composite Index
新企业市国际委员会International Committee on the Listing of New Enterprises
下限的浮动利率票据collar floating rate note
限的浮动利率票据capped floating rate note
有利率限的浮息票据capped note
有资格市证券qualified listed security
市交易unlisted trading
市交易优先权unlisted trading privilege
市债券unlisted bond
市公司unquoted corporation
市公司unlisted corporation
市公司unquoted company
市公司unlisted company
权重weighting cap
交易upstairs trade
委托upstairs order
市场upstairs market
欧式涨失效看涨期权European up-and-out call option
正现金流量限期权positive cash flow collar
每日价格下限daily trading limit
汇率exchange appreciation
汇率raising of exchange rate
法令的考虑legal considerations
法令的阻碍legal impediments
海外市外资股overseas listed foreign share
混合hybrid cap
浇油throw fuel onto the fire
物价涨率rate of price increase
物价涨的可能性possibility of rising prices
物价-工资螺旋式price-wage spiral
物价快速rapid price increases
独立separate listing
现金至cash is king
生活成本不断rising costs of living
期转来carried forward
电脑在会计的用途accounting uses of the computer
离岸offshore listing
第一primary listing
第二secondary listing
第二次市发行secondary public offering
粮食价格rising food prices
粮食价格food-price inflation
纪律诉委员会Disciplinary Appeals Committee
交易paper trading
交易链paper chain
线项目支出above-the -line expenditure
经济无力偿付economic insolvency
经济的互利性mutual economic benefits
经济学的成本economic cost
经费的保障financial security
结算settlement cap
交易on-line transaction
交易on-line trading
交易平台on-line trading platform
客户on-line client
广告internet presence
订购on-line order
证券公司on-line brokerage
购物shopping online
购物on-line buying
购物on-line shopping
购物electronic shopping
转账on-line transfer
银行on-line bank
银行internet bank
银行服务on-line banking
销售on-line sales
零售on-line retail
零售商店on-line retailer
美元平价dollar parity upvaluation
美国海关及专利权诉法院United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
美钞高高在的地位greenback's exalted position
股市rising markets
股票分拆equity carve-out
股票整批block listing of shares
而下投资法top-down approach
而下的投资策略top down
自下而的投资策略bottom up
交货价格FOB vessel
融资upper limit for the financing
螺旋式升的通货膨胀spiraling inflation
行情raising of quotation
补充市文件supplemental listing document
装货burden (manufacturing or factory overhead)
观念的涵义conceptual implications
计算的货币money of account
订明prescribed limit
记在帐put down
记某人账for account of
证券市申请securities listing application
证券交易所每日正式市牌价Stock Exchange Daily Official List
证券及期货事务诉审裁处Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal
评价以above par value
诉讼赔偿损失责任liability under pending lawsuit
豁免市地位exempt listing status
财产的债权property encumbrance
财政挥霍无度fiscal profligacy
资产负债表之处理treatment in the balance sheet
跨国多重mutual cross-listing
跨境cross-border listing
跨境cross listing
跨市场cross listing
输人港船交货价格free overside
过去成本即实际成本期成本historical past cost
新台阶scale new heights
逐步升价格escalation price
通胀inflation rise
通胀increases in inflation
通胀升的可能性possibility of rising inflation
通胀和资产价格行压力upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices
通胀率继续continuing rise of inflation
造成行压力create upward pressure
遏制物价combat rising prices
遏制物价过快prevent fast price rises
道•琼斯海指数Dow Jones Shanghai Index
防范物价protect against rising prices
运输保险land transportation insurance
随着时间的推移而rise over time
市股票unlisted shares
市股票unquoted shares
市股票outside shares
市证券unquoted securities
预期通胀升的迹象sign of expectations of higher inflation
首次市费initial listing fee
香港市公司商会Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies
香港市子公司Hong Kong-listed subsidiary
香港市股票Hong Kong-listed shares
香港网经纪协会Hong Kong Association of Online Brokers
《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券市规则》Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
《香港联合交易所有限公司证券市规则》 Rules of the Exchange 《交易所规则》Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
鼓励扩大人民币在国际的使用encourage more international use of renminbi