
Terms for subject Securities containing 上市 | all forms | in specified order only
一级市场上市公司数据库primary market database
上市come into the market
上市上诉委员会Listing Appeals Committee
上市中止listing suspension
上市事宜listing matter
上市事宜谅解备忘录修订Amended and Restated Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding Governing Listing Matters
上市交易introduction of transactions
上市交易信息public trading information
上市交易基金publicly trade fund
上市交易证券exchange-traded security
上市交易银团public syndicate
上市listed price
上市会计及招股章程审阅部香港联合交易所有限公司Listing Accountancy and Prospectus Vetting Department Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
上市保荐人listing sponsor
上市公关顾问public relations consultancy
上市公司listed corporation
上市公司listed vehicle
上市公司listed firm
上市公司public company
上市公司公开发行股票、出售股票所有权的公司public corporation
上市公司专业委员会professional commissions of listed company
上市公司业务独立性business independence of listed company
上市公司交叉持股listed companies conducting cross holding
上市公司信息披露标准information disclosure standards of listed companies
上市公司信息披露管理办法上海证券交易所,深圳证券交易所Measures on Administration of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies
上市公司信息披露规则listed companies' information disclosure
上市公司信用记录listed companies credit record
上市公司信用记录credit record of listed company
上市公司内利益冲突conflict of interest in listed company
上市公司内部控制体系listed companies' internal control system
上市公司再融资的效率refinancing efficiency of listed company
上市公司半年报告semi-annual report of listed company
上市公司参股金融机构listed companies taking stakes in financial institution
上市公司参股非上市银行listed companies taking stakes in non-listed bank
上市公司国有股减持reduce state's stocks in listed company
上市公司对其股份权益有进行调查的权力power of listed corporation to investigate ownership of interests in its shares
上市公司年中报告semi-annual report of listed company
上市公司年度报表ten-K report 10-K report 10-K
上市公司总成交金额listed companies' total turnover
上市公司手册companies handbook
上市公司收购takeover of listed company
上市公司收购public company acquisition
上市公司收购管理办法上海证券交易所,深圳证券交易所Measures on Administration of Listed Companies' Acquisition
上市公司数目No. of companies listed
上市公司数量number of listed companies
上市公司未决诉讼记录pending litigation records of listed company
上市公司格式化投资public-format investment
上市公司治理专项活动special governance of listed company
上市公司治理结构corporate governance structure of listed company
上市公司法律风险listed companies legal risk
上市公司法律风险指数排名listed companies legal risk index rankings
上市公司澄清公告listed companies' clarification announcement
上市公司的 XBRL 可扩展商业报告语的言信息XBRL information of listed company
上市公司的中坚力量mainstay of listed companies
上市公司的刑事责任criminal liability of listed company
上市公司的子公司subsidiary company of a corporation listed on the stock market
上市公司的投资参股公司listed companies' stake-taking company
上市公司的整体质量overall quality of listed company
上市公司的正常经营normative operation of listed company
上市公司监管部证监会Department of Listed Company Supervision CSRC
上市公司破产案件bankruptcy occurred in listing companies
上市公司自我评估报告self-evaluation report by listed company
上市公司董事会行为规范Code of Conduct of Directorate of Listed Company
上市公司董事证券交易的规范守则Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
上市公司董秘listed company's secretary to directorate
上市公司行业分类上海证券交易所industry classification of SSE listed companies
上市公司被公开谴责记录open condemnation records of listed company
上市公司诚信记录listed companies credit record
上市公司调查持股权的权力listed corporation's powers to investigate ownership
上市公司财务部香港联合交易所有限公司Listing-Corporate Finance Department Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
上市公司质量quality of listed company
上市公司质量listed companies' quality
上市公司资质提高quality improvement of listed company
上市公司重大资产重组管理办法Administration Measures for Significant Asset Restructuring of Listed Companies
上市公司非流通股non-floating shares of listed company
上市公告listing declaration
上市公告listing announcement
上市公用控股公司public utility holding company
上市决策委员会Listing Decisions Panel
上市决策小组Listing Decisions Panel
上市准备工作完成lists closed
上市Pre initial public offering
上市前发行pre initial public offering
上市前投资pre-IPO investment
上市前辅导pre-listing tutoring
上市发行go public
上市发行人listed issuer
上市发行手续费handling fee for open offering
上市发行规则regulation governing the public offering
上市发行证券协会Public Securities Association
上市后价格变动范围historical trading range
上市后的收购交易post-listing acquisition
上市后私募投资private investment in public equity
上市后表现令人失望的股票stock performed disappointingly after listing
上市后集资post issue fundraising
上市品牌listed brand
上市地点listings venue
上市委员会成员履历listing committee members' biographies
上市委员会报告listing committee report
上市委托处理程序list order processing program
上市子公司quoted subsidiary
上市子公司a listed arm
上市安排listing arrangement
上市审批listing approval
上市审查listing examination
上市审核listing approval
上市审议小组/委员会Listing Review Panel
上市工具listed instrument
上市平台listings venue
上市开放式基金listed open-end fund
上市批准listing approval
上市投资listed investment
上市报告listing report
上市披露的信息listing particulars
上市推荐人/做市商teneur de marhe
上市推荐报告booster shot
上市提名委员会香港联合交易所有限公司Listing Nominating Committee Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
上市搁置listing suspension
上市收益净额承销经纪人net listing
上市政策委员会Listing Policy Committee
上市文件listing particulars
上市文件offering list
上市文件listing document
上市普通股public common stock
上市暂停listing suspension
上市最低要求threshold for listing
上市有限公司public limited company
上市有限责任公司public liability company (PLC)
上市期权合同listed option contract
上市权证listed warrant
上市材料副本copy of listing material
上市材料印制商financial printer
上市材料印刷financial printing
上市材料文本copy of listing material
上市条件listing requirement
上市标准admission criteria
上市步骤listing procedures
上市法人listed corporation
上市listing heat
上市物业公司listed property company
上市申请listing application
上市申请人listing applicant
上市申请进展报告progress report for new listing application
上市的企业listed enterprise/firm
上市的投资目标publicized investment target
上市的时间time to market
上市的期权交易listed option trading
上市的直接和间接利益相关方direct or indirect interested party of the listing
上市的线型低密度聚乙烯Listing Linear Low Density polythene
上市监管部门listing department (交易所职能部门)
上市Listing Division (Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, 香港联合交易所有限公司)
上市程序listing procedures
上市空壳公司重开业务reactivation of quoted shell company
上市终止listing termination
上市终结listing termination
上市经纪人listing broker
上市经纪人listed broker
上市结构性产品listed structured products
上市综合公司listed conglomerate
上市股份公司open corporation
上市股份公司open company
上市股份有限公司public limited company (PLC)
交易所上市股票listed stock
上市股票listing stocks
上市股票listed share
上市股票listed equities
上市股票交易所public stock exchanges
上市股票协议listing agreement
上市股票发行listed stock issues
上市股票契约listing agreement
上市股票总值total market value of listed shares
上市股票数量number of shares listed
上市股票数量number of listed stocks
上市股私募投资private investment in public equity
上市融资go public
上市规则rules on listing matters
上市规则最新修订Listing Rule Update
上市规则的执行enforcement of listing regulations
上市规定listing requirement
上市订单处理程序list order processing program
上市证券public securities
上市证券on-board security
上市证券到期日程表maturity schedules of marketable security
上市证券协会模型public securities association model
上市证券发行public securities offering
上市证券境外交易listing securities for trading abroad
上市证券投资基金listed securities investment fund
上市证券收付统计表statistics of deposit/withdrawal listed securities
上市证券数目No. of listed securities
上市证券最佳组合optimized portfolio of listed securities
上市证券月回报变化monthly return on movement of listed securities
上市证券管理局public securities administration
上市说明listing particulars
上市说明书offering circular
上市财产公司listed property company
上市资源要上市的各种证券、股票、债券等为上市资源listing resource
上市金融工具listed instrument
上市门坎threshold for listing
上市限价指令public limit order
上市集体投资计划listed collective investment schemes
上市集资go public
上市非担保债务public unsecured debt
上市非担保定期债务public unsecured term debt
上证上市公司SSE-listed company
上市股票挂钩的票据listed equity linked instrument
与证券上市有关的非经营性活动non-operating activities related to the securities listing
两地上市的企业dual-listed company
两地上市股票dually listed stocks
两地发行的首次公开上市dual-listed IPO
两地同步上市simultaneous dual listing
两地同步上市安排cross-listing arrangement
严格审查上市申请critical scrutiny of application for listing
中国公司在香港上市指南刊物Listing Chinese Companies in Hong Kong publication
买壳上市shell reactivation
买壳上市go public through buying a shell
买壳上市back door listing
二次上市发行secondary public offering
二级首次公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
互联网上首次公开上市发行服务internet initial public offering service
互联网首次公开上市发行服务internet initial public offering service
交叉上市mutual cross-listing
交叉上市cross listing
交叉上市安排cross-listing arrangement
交易所上市规则Exchange Listing Rules
交易所新股上市规则exchange's new listing rules
介绍上市情况的文件introduction documents
从属首次公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
从股票未上市的附属公司所得的股利dividend from unquoted subsidiary
以介绍方式上市listing by introduction
企业上市listing of a company
借壳上市shell merger
借壳上市find a shell company
借壳上市back door listing
债券上市的核准bond listing verification and approval
债券上市规定bond listing requirement
全球上市global listing
全面上市global listing
公司上市发行public issue
公司债券上市规则Listing Rules of Corporate Bonds
公司债券的发行、上市及交易corporate bonds' issuance, listing and trading
公开上市public listing
公开上市交易的投资基金publicly traded investment fund
公开上市交易的资产publicly traded assets
公开上市交易资金管理人publicly traded money manager
公开上市公司public listed company
兼并上市shell merger
上市公司quasi-public corporation
上市公司pro listed company
上市股票quasi-public stock
准予上市admission to dealings
准予上市交易admission to trading
准许上市admitted to dealings
创业板上市委员会GEM Listing Committee
创业板上市规则Listing Rules of the Growth Enterprise Market
创业板上市规则Growth Enterprise Market Listing Rules
创业板上市规则GEM Listing Rules
制定上市规则work out the Listing Rules
上市公司semi-public company
单独上市separate listing
即将上市的股票share pending listing
参股非上市金融企业stake-taking in non-listed financial enterprises
双重上市股票dually listed stocks
取得上市地位obtain a listing
取消上市资格建议delisting proposal
取消上市资格的公司delisted company
受企业欢迎的上市地点subject of enterprises to welcome the listing
上市国债tradable bond
可比上市公司comparable public company
合格上市股票名单eligible list
同步定价和同步上市发行 A 股和 H 股simultaneous pricing and listing for issuing A and H shares
后门上市back door listing
向政府提交加强上市监管事宜的意见submission to the Government to enhance the regulation of listing
国内上市公司domesticalized company
国外上市foreign quoted share
在美国上市的股票US-listed share
在香港上市listing in Hong Kong
基本上市文件base listing document
基金上市规则深圳证券交易所Regulations on the Listing of Fund
境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引Guidance on the Vetting and Regulation of the Applications by Domestic Enterprises for Getting Listed on Hong Kong Growth Enterprise Market
境外上市企业overseas listing of enterprise
境外上市公司overseas-listed company
境外上市公司章程必备条款Mandatory Provisions for the Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas
境外上市外资股overseas listed foreign share
境外上市外资股份公司foreign shares company listed overseas
境外上市foreign quoted share
境外发行股票和上市管理通知国务院Notice on Regulation of Share Issues and Listings in Overseas Markets State Council
增强上市公司的吸引力strengthen attraction of listed company
外国上市证券foreign securities listed
多国上市multinational listing
多处上市multiple listing
多重上市multiple listing
大股东侵占上市公司资本encroachment upon capitals of listed companies by major shareholders
大股东占用的上市公司的非经营性资本listed companies' non-operational capital occupied by major shareholders
子公司海外上市发行overseas listing of subsidiary company
上市公司的公开谴责public censure to listed company
上市公司进行公开谴责和批评conduct public censure or criticism to listed company
对于上市公司有效透明的监管机制effective transparent regulatory mechanism for listed companies.
寻找上市公司信息finding information on public companies
将要上市的公司would-be-listed company
上市交易的空壳公司trading shell
已倒闭的上市公司failed company listed
开发上市业务的海外资源developing overseas resources for listing
强化上市公司内部约束机制enhance internal regulatory mechanism of listed companies
快速上市speed to market
恢复上市listing resumption
恢复上市公告announcement of resumption
想要上市的公司would-be-listed company
执行上市规则的目的listing enforcement objectives
找壳上市find a shell company
上市股票shares proposed to be listed
挂牌上市public listing
掏空上市公司尤指大股东或管理层emptying listed company
推动上市公司治理工作boost listed companies' governance
推迟了上市计划postpone listing plan
上市new listing
上市全流通股newly listed totally floating shares
上市公司newly floated company
上市公司报告new listing report
上市公司数目No. of Newly-listed companies
上市银行newly-listed bank
新修改的上市规则newly amended listing rules
上市股发行的市场listless market
暂停上市suspension of listing
暂停上市公告announcement of suspension
暂停注册上市shelf listings
暂停股票上市suspend listing of shares
暂时搁置上市发行shelf listings
最新上市公司信息latest listed company information
最活跃上市股票名单most active list
有关上市规则执行的公告Listing Enforcement Announcements
上市与上市公司private vs. public companies
上市交易的空壳公司non-trading shell
上市的期权unlisted option
上市股份投资股利dividend from unquoted investment
上市股票unquoted issue
上市股票unlisted share
上市证券unlisted security
上市证券投资unlisted investment
上市证券的市场unlisted securities market
本地上市local listing
正式上市official listing
海外上市公司的上市程序listing process for overseas issuers
海外上市外资股non-domestic listed foreign funded shares
海外上市foreign quoted share
深化上市公司治理监管deepen governance supervision of listed companies
深圳证券交易所上市公司SZSE-listed company
独家上市exclusive listing
现有上市证券current securities
申请上市apply for listing
申请上市报告registration statement
相互上市cross listing
私人投资上市公司private investment in public equity
空壳公司上市集资blind pool offering
第一次上市primary listing
第二次上市secondary listing
第二次原始公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
等候上市的股票share pending listing
管理证券上市的规则rules governing the official listing of securities
终止股票上市termination of listings of shares
终止股票债券上市terminate listing of securities
给未上市的企业融资financing for unlisted company
上市场行情同步系统computerized market timing system
网上首次公开上市发行internet initial public offering service
美国上市证券名单green book
A + H 股上市listing of A + H shares
上市公司未完成股权分置改革的上市公司S-share listed company S
股份不上市closely held
股份整批上市block listing of shares
A 股和 H 股同步上市发行simultaneous issuance and listing of A and H shares
A 股市场加纳斯达克市场两地上市发行模式A + N shares offering Model
股票上市share listing
股票上市交易floatation of shares
股票上市发行floatation of shares
股票上市规则Stock Listing Rules
股票不上市公司closely held company
股票初次上市发行primary distribution
股票恢复上市resumption of listings of shares
股票暂停上市suspension of listings of shares
补充/增补上市文件supplemental/supplementary listing document
被无限期中止上市资格suspended listing for an indefinite period
要求出示有关上市公司记录和文件的权力power to require production of records and documents concerning listed corporations
规范上市公司董事的交易行为regulate the trading behavior of listed companies' directors
计划上市的公司company planning to go to listing
计划上市股票shares proposed to be listed
证券上市floating an issue
证券上市审查securities listing examination
证券上市审查examination of securities listing
证券上市offering date
证券上市申请security listing application
证券交易所上市规则Stock Exchange Listing Rules
证券交易所上市规则securities exchange listing rules
证券交易所上市证券securities listed on the Exchange
证券交易所处理涉及违反上市规则纪律事宜Settlement of Stock Exchange Disciplinary Matters Involving Listing Rule Breaches
证券恢复上市listing resumption of securities
证券终止上市delisting of securities
调查上市公司所有权的权力power to investigate ownership of listed corporation
豁免上市公司exemption of listed company
豁免上市资格exempt listing status
赴港上市listing heat to Hong Kong
跨国上市multinational listing
跨境上市指上市公司同时在境内外证券市场挂牌上市cross-border listing
跨境多重上市mutual cross-listing
违反上市发行规则failure to comply with offering rules
连续上市合规continuous listing compliance
连续上市的标准continuous listing standards
重组或改制后上市的企业firm reorganized or restructured listing on stock market
上市交易unlisted trading
上市交易权unlisted trading privileges
上市企业non-public enterprise
上市企业closely-held firm
上市企业closed corporation
上市公众公司non-listed public company
上市公司non-public company
上市公司unlisted company
上市公司unquoted company
上市公司non-listed company
上市发行unquoted issue
上市可交易股份trading only stock
上市国债non-tradable bond
上市有限公司证券limited company unquoted on stock exchange
上市私营企业closely-held private company
上市股发行non-public shares issuance
上市股本private equity
上市股票unquoted equity
上市股票unlisted share
上市股票unlisted equity
上市股票公开发行公司non-listed public company
上市证券outside security
上市证券non-listed security
上市证券交易over the counter
上市证券市场unlisted securities market
上市证券市场unlisted market
上市证券投资unlisted investment
上市证券组成的一个独立的市场discontinuous market
上市资产unquoted assets
上市资产unlisted assets
上市零售结构性产品unlisted retail structured products
非公开上市公司private company
非公开上市private company share
非金融类上市公司投资收益investment income of non-financial listed company
非金融类的上市公司non-financial listed company
首次上市primary listing
首次上市发行费用initial listing fee
首次上市时管理层股东initial management shareholder
首次公开上市发行initial open offering
首次公开上市发行initial public offering
首次公开上市发行价格发现体制IPO price discovery system
首次公开上市审查examination of IPO
首次公开上市禁售期、原始股锁定期IPO lock-up
香港上市台资企业指数T-share index
香港上市Hong Kong Listing Authority
香港上市的股票Hong Kong-listed shares
高质量企业上市high-quality enterprises' listing