
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
亿分之几parts per trillion
一千ten million
一千亿quadrillion (10¹⁵)
一百one million
亿billion (英国)
亿分之一part per trillion
亿分之几parts per trillion
位存储器myriabit storage
元产值取水量water demand of output of ten-thousand-Yuan
元产值排水量water discharged output of ten-thousand-Yuan
元产值排污量discharge capacity of output of ten-thousand-Yuan
元定额ten-thousand-Yuan norm
分表尺ten-thousandth micrometer
利板woodwool slab
利板woodwool board
接轴universal-joint spindle
悬挂gimbal mount
联轴universal coupling
联轴节十字头universal-joint cross
universal joint shaft
向仪direction instrument
向传动轴universal driving shaft
向传动轴universal drive shaft
向传动轴护罩universal drive shaft guard
向伺服电动机gimbal servo motor
向倾斜计universal inclinometer
向关节universal joint
向关节cardan link
向关节托架cardan bracket
向关节轴cardan axis
向十字接头joint cross
向反射镜cardanic mirror
向吊环pivot bracket
向吸附剂all-round absorbent
向喷嘴gimbaled nozzle
向喷头gimbaled nozzle
向套节universal socket
向平衡式吊架组合gimbaled hanger assembly
向弯管机universal bender
向悬挂式动力装置gimbaled power plant
向悬挂架gimbal suspension
向悬挂架cardan mounting
向悬挂架cardanic suspension
向挂器universal hanger
向按头cardan joint
向接头ball joint
向接头universal connector
向接头gimbal suspension
向接头swivelling head
向接头swiveling head
向接头ball coupling
向接头传动cardan gear
向接头传动cardan drive
向接头传动装置cardan gear
向接头伸缩轴telescopic multiple par shaft
向接头关节universal-joint knuckle
向接头十字轴knuckle centre
向接头叉头universal yoke
向接头套管轴telescopic multiple par shaft
向接头插销knuckle pin
向接头润滑脂universal-joint lubricant
向接头装置universal-joint assembly
向接头轴承universal-joint cross bearing
向接矢支轴cardan fulcrum
向摇臂钻床universal rocker arm drilling machine
向操纵杆universal lever
向支架自由度gimbal freedom
向杆universal rod
向架位置传感器gimbal pick-up
向架支座火箭发动机gimbaling rocket motor
向架支承的发动机gimbal-mounted engine
向火箭发动机gimbaled rocket
向环cardan ring
向球关节universal ball joint
向球度universal ball joint
向球铰接universal ball joint
向球铰螺杆ball jointed screw
向的general purpose
向联管节universal pipe joint
向联轴器cardan joint
向联轴器ball coupling
向联轴节Hooke's universal joint
向联轴节ball coupling
向联轴节十字头universal-joint spider
向节gimbal joint
向节cross pin type joint (头)
向节中心环universal-joint center ring
向节中心球universal-joint centering sphere
向节中心球销universal-joint center ball pin
向节传力凸缘universal-joint transmission flange
向节传动universal-joint driving
向节传动universal-joint drive
向节传动joint drive
向节凸缘universal-joint flange
向节凸缘轭universal-joint flange yoke
向节加油嘴universal-joint lubricating nipple
向节十字叉衬环universal-joint spider bushing ring
向节十字头cross connecting piece
向节十字轴universal-joint cross trunnion
向节十字轴spider center
向节十字轴油嘴universal-joint cross grease fitting
向节十字轴溢油阀universal-joint cross relief valve
向节压力润滑器universal-joint pressure lubricator
向节叉universal-joint fork
向节壳universal-joint casing
向节壳体universal-joint housing
向节壳弹簧universal-joint casing spring
向节壳盖universal-joint housing cap
向节式测功仪joint dynamometer
向节弹簧圈装卸钳universal-joint snap ring pliers
向节护罩universal-joint boot
向节支枢gimbal pivot
向节机构universal-joint mechanism
向节油封帽环universal-joint oil seal cap ring
向节流系统gimbal throttle system
向节滑叉universal-joint slip yoke
向节滚柱universal-joint roller
向节爪universal-joint jaw
向节球universal joint
向节球universal ball
向节盖universal-joint cap
向节管universal pipe joint
向节系统gimbal system
向节耳轴universal-joint trunnion
向节耳轴座universal-joint trunnion block
向节花键轴universal-joint splined shaft
向节衬圈universal-joint knuckle retainer
向节衬套及球十字架universal-joint bushing and ring spider
向节衬套盖universal-joint bushing plate
向节轭universal-joint yoke
向节轴universal-joint shaft
向节轴cardan shaft
向节轴universal-jointed shaft
向节轴cardan axis
向节轴承universal-joint bearing
向节轴承衬universal-joint bearing gasket
向节轴承衬套universal-joint bearing bushing
向节连接轴universally-jointed axle
向节针式轴承universal-joint needle bearing
向节销pin of universal joint
向节销gudgeon of universal joint
向虎钳universal vise
向虎钳toolmaker's vise
向转台universal angle plate
向转塔铣床milling machine with universal turret head machine
向转轴universal shaft
向转轴articulated shaft
向转镜articulated mirror
向轴multiple direction shaft
向轴versatile spindle
向轴cardan axle
向轴传动转盘shaft-driven rotary
向连接universal connection
向阀universal valve
向龙头universal cock
吨采掘比ratio of development meters to ten thousands tons of mined ore
国劳动协会International Labour Association
国博览会Worlds Fair
国邮政公约Universal Convention of Post
圣之圣Holy of the Holies
字饰swastika fylfot
寿菊French marigold
年历perpetual calendar
年积雪perpetual snow
年积雪firn cover
年雪neve snow
年雪冰ice firn
年雪冰firn ice
年雪区firn area
年雪线line of firn
long arm
无一失be on the safe side
为了无一失to be on the safe side
有域universal domain
有引力mass attraction
有引力常数gravitational constant
有引力常数universal gravitation constant
有引力常数constant of universal gravitation
有斥力gravitational repulsion
有曲线universal curve
有系数定理universal coefficient theorem
有紧群universal compact group
有覆盖面universal covering surface
有集universal set
general utility
general service
安伏欧AVO meter
用仪表multipurpose instrument
用夹盘universal chuck
用成型片固定器universal matrix retainer
用控制器universal controller
用支撑杆universal support rod
用数字计算机universal digital computer
用旋转台U stage
用旋转台universal stage
用旋转台Fedorov stage
用测试器multiple-purpose tester
用滤波器universal filter
用焊接吹管universal blowpipe
用电表multiple meter
用电表circuit tester
用表circuit tester
用记录器multiclass sender
用试纸universal pH test paper
用连接器thrift mate
用键控器general purpose manipulator
用附件universal attachment
神殿式圆屋顶pantheon dome
米波myriametrical wave
米波myriametric wave
能 V 形弯曲模universal V-die
接头universal joint
装载机all-purpose loader
universal gauge
universal gage
能三角板universal set-square
能两脚规universal compass
能仪universal apparatus
能传送装卸机universal transported loader
能保护涂层材料all-purpose protective coating (material)
能倾斜台universal tilting table
能内圆磨床universal internal grinder
能刀universal knife
能分度中心universal index center
能分度头universal indexing head
能分线规universal dividers
能刨combination plane
能刮刀universal scraper
能制图机universal drafting machine
能制轮机universal wheel wright machine
能剪冲床universal shearing and punching machine
能剪切机universal shears
能升降台式铣床universal knee-and-column miller
能升降台式铣床universal head and column miller
能叉式提升机universal fork-lift
能叉车universal fork-lift
能取景器varifocal viewfinder
能取景器universal viewfinder
能取景器multifocus viewfinder
能可逆式粗轧机座universal reversing roughing mill
能台universal stand
能后支架universal back rest
能吸附剂all-round absorbent
能喷嘴all-purpose nozzle
能圆锯universal circular saw
能型灯porcelain enamelled standard dome lamp
能型灯porcelain enameled standard dome lamp
能型电子显微镜universal electron microscope
能塞规combination standard gauge
能塞规combination standard gage
能外圆磨床universal grinding machine external
能夹具universal fixture (台)
能夹具universal chuck (台)
能夹持器universal clamp
能夹盘universal chuck
能封罐机universal seamer
能工作台universal worktable
能工作机械universal machine
能工具multipurpose instrument tool
能工具combination square
能工具台universal fixture
能工具显微镜universal tool maker's microscope
能工具机all-purpose machine
能工具磨床universal cutter grinder
能工具磨床universal cutter and tool grinder
能工具铣床universal tool milling machine
能工具铣床universal tool miller
能平面规universal surface gauge
能平面规universal surface gage
能底漆universal primer
能底漆all-purpose primer
能开关universal switch
能式干燥机universal drier
能式拆卸器universal puller
能式板坯初轧机universal slabbing mill
能式粗轧机座universal roughing mill
能式钢梁轧机铣床universal beam mill
能弧形衬砖universal ladle brick
能强制器universal compulsator
能截煤机universal coal cutter
能截煤机longwall-shortwall coalcutter
能手摇切片机universal rotary microtome
能手术台universal operation table
能手术台附件accessories of universal operation table
能手柄universal handle
能打桩机universal pile driving plant
能扭力试验机universal torsion tester
能拆卸机universal puller
能拆装器universal claw
能拉出器universal puller
能拉力试验机universal tensile testing machine
能拔桩机universal pulling machine
能拖拉机multipurpose tractor
能拖拉机carryall tractor
能拖拉机general purpose tractor
能拖拉机all-purpose tractor
能挂钩universal drawbar
能指示剂universal indicator
能挖土机universal excavator
能挖掘机universal excavator
能接头spider trunnion
能推土机side dozer
能提升机universal lifting gear
能摄影操纵仪universal camera control system
能摇臂钻床universal radical drill
能摇臂钻床universal radial drilling machine
能操作台universal operation table
能支架universal stand
能支腿universal leg
能数字记录机universal digital recording machine
能旋转台universal stage
能显影液universal developer
能显微镜universal microscope
能曲尺universal bevel
能木工机universal woodworking machine
能木工车床universal wood turning lathe
能木材加工机general joiner
能机床universal machine
能机床combination lathe
能机械手翻钢推床universal manipulator
能机械手general purpose manipulator
能杆件universal rod body
能杆件universal member
能材料试验机universal material testing machine
能杠杆universal lever
能板材universal plate
能活动量角规universal bevel protractor
能活塞压钳universal piston vice and press
能测定显微镜universal measuring microscope
能测试仪universal tester
能测量显微镜universal measuring machine
能测齿仪universal gear tester
能浮动工具夹具universal floating tool holder
能润滑油multipurpose lubricant
能润滑脂multipurpose grease
能滑动切片机universal sliding microtome
能滑轮universal pulley
能滚焊机universal seam welder
能滚节机universal mill
能照像显微镜universal camera microscope
能牛头刨床universal shaping machine
能牛头刨床universal shaper
能牵引滑轮universal extension pulley
能牵引车do-all tractor
能犁体turf bottom
能电动工具universal electrical tool
能电动工具universal electric tool
能电表universal electric meter
能电表universal electrical meter
能电表universal meter
能疲劳试验机universal fatigue testing machine
能的general duty
能真空吸尘器all-purpose vacuum cleaner
能研磨机universal grinding machine
能磨削universal grinding
能磨床附件universal grinding attachment
能磨机universal grinder
能磨粉机universal mill
能立铣装置universal spindle milling attachment
能笔magic ink
能管形钻universal tube drill
能管接头universal pipe joint
能精密切片机universal precision microtome
能组合式牵引床universal overhead traction frame assembly
能绘图机universal plotting instrument
能绘图机universal drafting machine
能维护车universal handling dolly
能耦合器universal coupling
能联合冲剪机universal combined punching and shearing machine
能联轴器universal coupling
能胶粘剂universal cementing agent
能自动测试设备versatile automatic test equipment
能花盘universal face plate
能虎钳universal vise
能螺丝把universal screw-key
能螺旋扳手universal screw wrench
能螺旋扳手monkey spanner
能螺旋钻式回填机auger backfiller
能螺纹磨床universal thread grinding machine
能螺纹磨床universal thread grinder
能表universal electrical meter
能表universal electric meter
能装卸机universal loader
能装卸机universal forklift truck
能装卸机universal crane
能装卸机cherry picker
能装卸车straddle carrier
能装料机all-purpose loader
能角尺bevel protractor
能角规universal angle block
能试验指示器universal test indicator
能试验机universal tester
能试验机multiple-purpose tester
能调整器universal compressor
能车刀universal turning tool
能轧机轧出的工字钢梁universal mill beam
能轨距尺universal track gauge
能轨距尺universal track gage
能转换开关master changeover switch
能辅助探照灯universal supplementary search light
能道尺universal track gauge
能道尺combined track gauge and level
能道尺universal track gage
能道尺combined track gage and level
能量角器universal bevel protractor
能钢杆件fabricated universal steel members
能钢板universal steel plate
能钥匙skeleton key
能钥匙grandmaster key
能钥匙系列锁master-keyed lock
能钳universal pliers
能钳universal tongs (子)
能钳combination pliers (子)
能钳engineer's pliers (子)
能钳combination cutting and twisting pliers (子)
能钻孔测斜仪versatile borehole surveying instrument
能铣削装置universal milling attachment
能铣床universal milling machine
能铣床universal miller
能铣镗机床universal milling and boring machines
能铲床universal slotting machine
能铲齿车床universal relieving lathe
能锚碇all-round anchorage
能键universal key
能锯universal saw
能锯台universal saw table
能锯台universal saw bench
能锯断机universal sawing machine
能镗刀盘universal boring head
能镗床universal boring machine
能镗床universal borer
能镗钻两用机universal boring and drilling machine (床)
能附件universal attachment
能鞍架universal saddle
能顶锻焊机universal upsetting welder
能黏合剂almighty adhesive
能黏合剂all-purpose adhesive
能齿轮试验机universal gear testing machine
能龙头universal cock
里长城the Great Wall
里长城Great Wall
三爪能卡盘three-jaw universal chuck
三球枢轴式向节three-ball and trunnion universal joint
三百人现代城市1922年法国勒•拘比西埃提出的理想城市规划方案plan de la ville de 3 millions d'habitants
三维能组合图形three-dimensional composite multiple-purpose figure
下端向节lower cardan
斯一伯尔单位Evans-Burr unit
斯分级机Evans classifier
分杆式等速向联轴器Rzeppa constant velocity joint
分科教室department system
吉斯莫型装载能采掘机mucking gismo
吉斯莫型钻眼能采掘机drill gismo
圆牵引加向接头circle draft frame ball socket
开式向传动轴open-type propeller shaft
开式向联轴节bare universal joint
能钥匙的系列series of master-keyed locks
球形向接头universal ball joint
球形向接头ball-and-socket joint
球形向接头ball-and-socket coupling
球形向联轴节ball-and-socket joint
球形向联轴节ball-and-socket coupling
球形向节ball-and-socket joint
球形向节ball-and-socket coupling
球窝向节self-contained cardan joint
球笼向节Rzeppa constant velocity joint
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