
Terms containing 一步 | all forms | in specified order only
wushu.一字马步horizontal horse-riding stance
gen.一小步一小步地in small steps
proj.manag.一度被禁止的应急计划已初步成形Contingency planning, once taboo, is taking shape
hockey.一次跨步滑行one-stride glide
genet.一步 PCRone-step PCR
tech.一步single step
gen.一步pace (-0.75米)
gen.一步一步foot by foot
gen.一步一步地stage by stage
sport.一步一步地step by step
securit.一步交易one-step transaction
sport, bask.一步传球step pass
IT一步作业one-shot job
busin.一步作业one step
tech.一步作业one-step operation
tech.一步作业one-step job
tech.一步净化器one-step purifier
securit.一步到位式购买one-stop shopping
plast.一步制备法single-stage process
interntl.trade.一步制损益计算书single-step income statement
chem.一步加热树脂one-stage resin
earth.sc.一步动态规划one shot dynamic programming
voll.一步助跑one-step approach
sport, bask.一步勾手投篮one-step hook shot
telecom.一步去激活one-step deactivation
polym.一步反应共混法one-step reactive mixing
polym.一步发泡direct expansion
IT一步可诊断 t 个故障系统one step t-fault diagnosable system
tech.一步合成one-step synthesis
oil一步固控single-step solids control
polym.一步塑化single-stage plastication
gen.一步对一步地step for step
taekwondo.一步对练id-bo tueryon
taekwondo.一步对练one-step sparring
karate.一步对练ippon kumite
taekwondo.一步对练basic sparring combination
busin.一步single step form
chem.一步彩色胶片instant color film
tech.一步成像摄影one-step photography (术)
tech.一步成像摄影instant photography (术)
tech.一步成像照相机one-step camera
tech.一步成像照相机instant camera
plast.一步成型one-stage moulding
met.一步成型one step forming
textile一步成形法袜机one-process automatic hosiery machine
textile一步成形织袜法one-process hosiery manufacture
sport, bask.一步投篮shot
tech.一步摄影one-step photography
rem.sens.一步摄影胶片film pack
chem.一步摄影胶片instant photographic film
plast.一步操作one-shot operation
plast.一步酚醛树脂one-step resin
chem.一步酚醛树脂one-stage resin
genet.一步正选择one-step positive selection
chem.一步歧化one-stage disproportionation
oil一步氧化one-step oxidation
met.一步one-step method
textile一步one step
IT一步one step method
plast.一步one-stage process
polym.一步one-shot method
oil一步砾石充填技术one-trip gravel pack technique
polym.一步酚醛树脂single-stage resin
oil一步法三维偏移one-pass 3D migration
oil一步法三维偏移three-D migration in one step
oil一步法偏移single step migration
oil一步法充填装置one-trip packing system
textile一步法前处理single stage preparation
dril.一步法剪切敏感性封堵液single-stage, shear-sensitive plugging fluid
textile一步法工件夹紧系统single step work clamping system
textile一步法并捻one step doubling twisting
genet.一步法扩增one-step amplification
oil一步法技术one trip technique
oil一步法技术one step technique
polym.一步法树月旨single-step resin
polym.一步法树月旨one-stage resin
plast.一步法树脂one-stage resin
plast.一步法树脂one-step resin
tech.一步法树脂one stage resin
tech.一步法氨基甲酸酯泡沫涂层one-shot urethane coating
textile一步法热固着single thermal-fixation step
polym.一步法硬质聚氨酯one-shot rigid urethane
textile一步法纺纱integrated spinning
polym.一步法聚氨酯泡沫塑料one-shot urethane foam
polym.一步法自由基聚合one-stage free radical polymerization
plast.一步法酚醛树脂one-stage phenol resin
polym.一步法酚醛树脂one-step phenolic resin
chem.一步洗脱one-step elution
tech.一步洗脱法one-step elution
market.一步流模型one step flow model
telecom.一步激活one-step activation
met.一步炼钢one-step steelmaking
met.一步炼钢法direct steelmaking process
met.一步炼钢法direct steel process
genet.一步生长one-step growth
genet.一步生长曲线one-step growth curve
agric.一步生长曲线one step growth curve
tech.一步结晶法one-step crystallization
polym.一步聚合one-step polymerization
busin.一步转移概率one step transition probability
textile一步连续操作single stage operation
busin.一步迭代single step iteration
tech.一步迭代single-step iteration
tech.一步醇酸合成法one stage alkyd process
sport, bask.一步钩手投篮one-step hook shot
archit.一步pace (= 0. 75米)
oil一步静校正算法one-step statics algorithm
space一步预测one-step prediction
space一步预测协方差one-step prediction covariance
chem.一步黑白胶片instant black and white film
chem.一浴两步法one bath two stage process
tech.一种三步骤过程a three-step process
proj.manag.一种提供周期性信号的电路、 用于控制和同步其他电路A circuit that provides periodic signals to control and synchronize other circuits
econ.一系列步骤a number of gradual steps
tech.一级起步时差single offset
cryptogr.一般步进生成器alternating step generator
econ.一连串步骤successive round
expl.一部分煤气被一些工厂燃烧以提供过程热、结果导致现场二氧化碳排放量进一步增加、而其他工厂可能用电或其他能源作为替代Some plants will combust a portion of the gas supply to provide process heat leading to farther onsite CO₂ emissions, while others may employ electricity or other sources of energy as an
sport.三级跳远的三跳顺序是一次单足跳、一次跨步跳和一次跳跃The Triple Jump shall consist of a hop, a step and a jump in that order.
gymn.上前一步后空翻salto backward stretched with step-out
auto.一步next step
proj.manag.下一个数据以新的起始位开始独立的同步传输The next block of data is synchronized independently with the help of a new start bit preceding the data bits
IT下一事件同步仿真next event synchronous simulation
gen.不作任何一点让步not make one single concession
gen.不再进一步not any further
econ.乙方一点也不肯让步Party B is willing to make zero concession
gen.于第一步in the first place
sport.他在比赛获胜后跑步绕场一周,向观众挥手致意He took a victory run lapand waved to spectators
polo.以右肢出第一步right lead
space位一帧同步器bit and frame synchronizer
econ.作为用户的下一步业务运营next operation as customer
commer.你方在这一方面的进一步支援将使我方不胜感激Your further support in this respect will be much appreciated
econ.你方第124号订单暂停交货,等待你方进一步消息In this case the shipment under your Order 124 will be suspended until we hear from you again
gen.促进M进一步努力stimulate M to further efforts
econ.做进一步讨论的时机尚不成熟It is immature to make further discussion
China, polit.《关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education
bowl.关键步后的一步step after key step
bowl.关键步后面一步step after key step
gen.再深人一步go a step further
fenc.前进一步step forward
gen.前进一步make a step forward
gen.前进一步take a step forward
sport.单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作in the step he shall land on the other foot from which, subsequently, the jump is performed
sport.单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作The hop shall be made so that a competitor lands first on the same foot as that from which he has taken off
commer.卖方认为有必要进一步调查The seller thinks it desirable to make a further investigation
econ.合伙债权人的进一步请求权further rights of partnership creditors
busin.合伙债权人的进一步请求权further-rights of partnership creditors
fin.合伙债权人进一步之权利further rights of partnership creditors
el.同步传送信号第一级synchronous transport signal level 1
el.同步参考惟一字synchronizing reference unique word
geophys.同步声波一电阻率成像测井simultaneous acoustic/resistivity log
fenc.后退一步step backward
gen.后退一步step back
footb.向一侧跑跳步lateral skip-step
heavy.eq.向侧迈一步take a step sideways
archer.向前一步弓箭步advance lunge
fenc.向前一步step forward
gymn.向前一步双脚支撑转体180°step turn
heavy.eq.向前迈一步take a step forward
heavy.eq.向前迈一步advance on step
gen.M 向M前进一大步go far towards
fenc.向后一步step backwards
gen.和…步骤一致keep chime with
gen.和…采取一致步骤proceed in concert with
bowl.固定最后一步firm last step
bowl.固定最后一步firm the last step
sport.在短跑时、你的第一步不应跨得太大In sprinting, your first stride should not be too long
sport.在短跑时、第一步不能跨得太大In sprinting, the first stride should not be too long
commer.坦率交换意见肯定会促成双方更进一步加深理解The frank exchange of views will certainly contribute to better understanding between our two parties
IT基音同步更新一码激励线性预测编码pitch synchronous innovation-code excited linear prediction
chess.term.一步loss of a tempo
chess.term.一步loss of a tempo
met.奥托昆普一步炼铅法Outokumpu direct process
sport.如果你没有足够的空间塞进一双跑鞋,而你又住在空旷的地方,赤脚跑步会对你的骨骼和形体更加有好处If you don't have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form
proj.manag.如果您不想立即格式化该卷、请单去"不要格式化这个卷"、然后单击 "下一步"If you don't want to format the volume right now, click "Do not format this volume", and then click "Next"
econ.如果经销商的财务状况不足以保证进一步发货的付款时,制造商有权撤销订货单If the distributor's financial condition is inadequate to warrant the payment for further shipments, the manufacturer shall have the right to cancel the order
econ.如能赐给有关当前此项谈判的进,一步的信息,他们将很感激They will welcome further information pertinent to the current negotiation
light.安装灯具的第一步是在需要照明的区域选择合适的安装位置The first step to install a light fixture is to select the proper location of the fixture for the area that requires illumination
polo.左肢迈出第一步left lead
UN, econ.巴黎俱乐部债务的进一步免除write-offs of their Paris Club debts
securit.市场的进一步动荡further market convulsions
UN2000年大会第二十四届特别会议关于社会发展的进一步倡议Further Initiatives for Social Development of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly 2000
geophys.异步一同步传输适配器asynchronous to synchronous transmission adapter
railw.异步一同步变速器asynchronous synchronous converter
geophys.异步一同步适配器asynchronous/synchronous adapter
el.待进一步传送for further transfer
IMF.待进一步审议ad referendum
el.待进一步研究for further study
UN, tech.总部连,一个轻步兵连,一个侦察连headquarters company, one light infantry company, one reconnaissance company
gen.您认为在不久的将来电子银行还会有哪些进一步发展?What further advances do you think e-banking will make in the near future?
econ.我们不可能在价格上作进一步的让步了There is no likelihood of our making further concession on the price
econ.我们想了解一下建立合资企业应采取哪些步骤?We'd like to know what steps should be taken to establish a joint venture?
econ.我们愿意让一步,同意你们对这笔交易所提的条件We are prepared to stretch a point and agree to your terms for this transaction
commer.我们未预料到价格进一步上涨We didn't expect any further advance in price
commer.我们没有更进一步谈及此事的必要We have no occasion to refer to the matter still further
econ.我们设法劝说他们减价,但他们一点儿也不让步We tried to talk them into cutting down the price but they did not budge a step
econ.我们需进一步调査此事We need go further into the matter
gen.我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need
org.name.战胜饥饿国家联盟一般原则和初步准则General Principles and Initial Guidelines for National Alliances against Hunger
fin.承诺进一步加强宏观经济政策交流和协调commit to further strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination
gen.把 M 推进一步carry M a stage further
fin.推动人民币进一步国际化push for greater international use of renminbi
econ.推测经济进一步萧条的可能性speculate about the possibility of a deeper slump in the economics
archit.支承楼梯平台或一系列斜踏步的小梁apron piece
genet.改良一步成苗法an improved method for direct induction of pollen plant
avia.无进一步行动no further action
space无进一步要求no further requirement
space无进一步说明no further description
avia.无需进一步报告no further to report
multimed.SuperSync 是一个多媒体文件同步工具SuperSync
gen.一步still further
gen.更进一步still farther
gen.更进一步go a step further
gen.更进一步的近似to a further approximation
tech.两侧鼓状的最低一级楼梯踏步drum head
athlet.最后一步last stride
tech.楼梯的最高一级踏步竖板top riser
China, polit.法律案有重大问题需要进一步研究a legislative bill contain major questions calling for further study
gen.M 朝 M 迈进big, long step towards
gen.M 朝 M 迈进big, long step toward
gen.M 朝 M 迈进一大步make a long step towards
dipl.朝正确方向迈出前进一步be a step in the right direction
el.未作进一步描述no further description
el.未作进一步说明no further description
textile染色整理一步simultaneous dyeing and finishing
tech.柯克兰一奥克特两步法Cochran-Orcutt two-step technique
tech.楼梯第一踏步curtain step
tech.正走一步信号forward-step signal
busin.—步一个脚印imprint with every footstep
polo.每一运步间的步幅every stride
commer.没有必要进一步详述细节There is no necessity to go into further details
avia.没有进一步证实not further identified
met.波利登一步炼铅Boliden direct process
chem.波拉一步成像摄影Polaroid one step photography
chem.波拉一步摄影Polaroid photography
textile浆纱染整一步Milinerized process
proj.manag.燃煤减少对环境保护来说不失为一个好消息、然而又是经济发展崎岖维艰的进一步佐证The reduction in coal burning is good news for an environment, but a further indication of a spluttering economy
org.name.用于进一步加工的机械分割肉和禽肉的生产、贮藏和混合操作规范Code of Practice for the Production, Storage and Composition of Mechanically Separated Meat and Poultry Meat Intended for Further Processing
baseb.用力蹬一步take a jab step
econ.用同一步step for step
el.直到进一步通知until further notice
econ.空调业剧烈竞争极可能使价格进一步下跌Extremely keen competition in the air conditioner business makes even lower prices most necessary
sport.竞走的每一步过程中、运动员在后脚离地面前、他的前脚必须与地面保持接触During the period of each step, the advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground
space一步kick-in step
avia.一步first step
avia.一步kick in step
tech.一步投标stage-one bid
subm.一步气压调节器first stage regulator
oil一步炮眼充填first-stage perforation pack
eng.geol.一步近似first approximation
tech.第一个管理步骤first management step
econ.等到我们获取你方按所附账单款项开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement
corp.gov.管理层的进一步回应expanded management response
gen.精度上一个很大的进步quite an advance in accuracy
el.线性一步过渡linear one-step transition
commer.继我方本月三日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方已向贵方寄送所有要求的样品Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested
UN美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟进一步裁减和限制进攻性战略武器条约Treaty on the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
gen.腹痛一般是初步症状,也是最基本、最常见的症状,它可能是初期癌症的指征Abdominal pain is one of the basic symptoms, generally the initial and most frequent symptom and it can be an indication for the initial stage of cancer
commer.请尽早为我们提供进一步细节Please furnish us with further details as early as possible
met.诺兰塔型一步炼铜法Norantas, continuous copper smelting process
sport.走向成功的第一步get to first base
obs.走错一步make a false step
gen.走错一步take a false step
auto.汽车动力性试验时起步加速行驶一英里后的车速speed for flying mile
athlet.起跑第一步getaway stride
space超前一步预测模型one-step ahead prediction model
sport.跑步是一项对各年龄段的人都有益的运动Running is a good exercise for people of all ages
sport.比赛获胜后跑步绕场一周victory run
sport.跨一小步take a short step
gen.跨出成功的第一步get one's foot on the ladder
athlet.跨栏后第一步getaway stride
archit.踏步转角延伸的一个凸沿return nosings
China, polit.一步increase efforts to (do)
gen.一步take one step ahead
gen.一步go a step further
securit.一步上涨ratcheting up
securit.一步下跌的空间股市space for further declines
China, polit.一步修改、完善法律草案further revision and improvement a draft law
busin.一步削减deeper cut
busin.一步加工副产品的会计处理accounting for by-products further processed
China, polit.一步加强further strengthen
China, polit.一步加强队伍建设increase efforts to improve personnel
tech.一步加快环保计划further speed up environmental protection plan
tech.一步发展further development
China, polit.一步发挥代表作用give deputies a greater role to play
China, polit.一步发挥代表作用get deputies to play a greater role
China, polit.一步发挥代表作用get deputies to play a bigger role
China, polit.一步发挥代表作用give deputies a bigger role to play
China, polit.一步发挥代表作用give more play to deputies's role
China, polit.一步发挥代表作用further strengthen deputies's role (in)
China, polit.一步发挥重要作用will play a still more important role (in)
fin.一步实质性进展further, substantive progress
China, polit.一步审议further deliberation
China, polit.一步审议a further examination
busin.一步开发further development
fin.一步开放市场greater market access
agric.一步形成further formation
el.一步思考thinks in advance
fin.一步恶化further deterioration
fin.一步扩大内需further expanding domestic demand
fin.一步扩大双边贸易与投资further expand bilateral trade and investment
commer.一步扩大贸易额pursue greater efforts to enlarge the turnover
fig.skat.一步抽签further draw
gen.一步探索勘探,考察intake further exploration
fin.一步放宽民间投资市场准人further relax controls over market access for non-governmental investment
fin.一步放开利率further liberalize interest rates
fin.一步放松对跨境人民币流动的控制relax more of controls on cross-border renminbi flows
gen.一步斟酌go behind
China, polit.在修改法律中一步明确方针和目标further clarify the principles and goals for (in revising the Law)
gen.一步来说still more
busin.一步核实amplified verification
tech.一步沟灌more furrow irrigation
auto.一步测试further testing
bridg.constr.一步的发展further development
busin.一步的目的ulterior purpose
proj.manag.一步的试验further tests
tech.一步的误期prolonged delay
tech.一步研究further studies on
tech.一步研究further investigations of
tech.一步研究排水计划study on water management scheme
gen.一步研究问题go further into a question
securit.一步确保further assurance
brit.一步考虑后on second thoughts
brit.一步考虑后on second thought
gen.一步讨论研究move on (into,to)
avia.一步训练continuation training
gen.一步go further and say
China, polit.一步调动做某事的积极性give smb greater incentive to (smth)
tech.一步调查make further investigation
gen.一步调査further inquire
commer.一步进行可行性研究go further into the feasibility study
busin.一步阐明节约指标further spell out saving target
gen.一步领会achieve a better comprehension
gen.退一步to say the least of it
econ.采取一致步骤fall into line
econ.采取一致步骤come into line
fin.采取进一步措施take further steps
gen.采取进一步措施take ulterior steps
O&G. tech., tech.钻井技术进一步发展,已能适应油井作业的特殊环节,比如深井固井和水平井固井Well drilling technique has been developed to adapt to the special process of well operation such as deep well cementation and horizontal well cementation
securit.防止股市进一步泡沫prevent further bubbles of stock market
securit.防止表决和进一步收购的禁止令injunction to prevent voting or further purchase
org.name.附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
econ.随后一同步混合性combined lagging-synchronous type
avia.需要进一步的信息further information request
China, polit.需要进一步研究的重大问题major questions calling for further study