
Terms containing type | all forms
astr.aktivní protuberance typu slunečních skvrnactive sunspot prominence
comp., MSanonymní typanonymous type (A class type whose name is generated by the compiler and that inherits directly from Object. Members of an anonymous type are properties that are inferred from the object initializer that creates instances of the type)
comp., MSaplikace typu klient-serverfront-end/back-end application (" An application consisting of a "back-end" database file that contains tables, and copies of a "front-end" database file that contain all other database objects with links to the back-end tables.")
comp., MSaplikace typu kontejnercontainer application (An application that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another application)
comp., MSargument obecného typugeneric type argument (The type that the user specifies when creating instances of a generic type or when calling a generic method)
astr.asociace typu OO-association
astr.asociace typu OО association
astr.asociace typu TT-association
astr.asociace typu TT association
comp., MSatribut typu změnychange type attribute (An attribute applicable to text file and database management agents that denotes the type of change (that is, add, modify, or delete) to be made to a connector space object)
med.beta-laktamáza typu AmpCAmpC β-lactamase
med.beta-laktamáza typu AmpCAmpC beta-lactamase
agric.biologický typbiotype
construct.bodový dům chodbového typucorridor-type residential tower block
forestr.bylinný typherb type
construct.byt hotelového typuflat of hotel-accomodation type
comp., MSceločíselný datový typInteger data type (A fundamental data type that holds integers. An Integer variable is stored as a 16-bit (2-byte) number ranging in value from -32,768 to 32,767)
industr.certifikát ES schválení typuEC type-approval certificate
transp.certifikát schválení typutype-approval certificate
glasschemické sklo typu pyrexpyrex (80% SiO2)
health., med.choroba ze střádání glykogenu typu IIacid maltase deficiency
health., med.choroba ze střádání glykogenu typu IIglycogenosis type II
health., med.choroba ze střádání glykogenu typu IIglycogen storage disease type II
health., med.choroba ze střádání glykogenu typu IIPompe disease
crim.law., law, int. law.chyba prvního typutype I error
health.chřipka typu AH1N1novel influenza A H1N1
health.chřipka typu AH1N1novel H1N1 flu
health.chřipka typu AH1N1North American influenza
health.chřipka typu AH1N1North American flu
health.chřipka typu AH1N1Mexican influenza
health.chřipka typu AH1N1Mexican flu
health.chřipka typu AH1N1human swine influenza A H1N1
health.chřipka typu AH1N1influenza A H1N1
health.chřipka typu AH1N1influenza A H1N1 v
health.chřipka typu AH1N12009 H1N1 flu
comp., MScílový typtarget type (The type of target, which has certain characteristics and behavior)
comp., MSdatový typdata type (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
comp., MSdatový typ BooleanBoolean data type (A data type with only two passable values, True (-1) or False (0). Boolean variables are stored as 16-bit (2-byte) numbers)
comp., MSdatový typ charchar data type (A character data type that holds a maximum of 8,000 characters)
comp., MSdatový typ Dlouhé celé čísloLong data type (A fundamental data type that holds large integers. A Long variable is stored as a 32-bit number ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
comp., MSdatový typ DoubleDouble data type (A fundamental data type that holds double-precision floating-point numbers. It's stored as a 64-bit number ranging in value from approximately -1.797E308 to -4.940E-324 (negative), from 4.94E-324 to 1.797E308 (positive), and 0)
comp., MSdatový typ Hypertextový odkazHyperlink data type (A data type for an Access database field that stores hyperlink addresses. An address can have up to four parts and is written using the following format: A data type for an Access database field that stores hyperlink addresses. An address can have up to four parts and is written using the following format: displaytextaddresssubaddress)
comp., MSdatový typ IntegerInteger data type (A fundamental data type that holds integers. An Integer variable is stored as a 16-bit (2-byte) number ranging in value from -32,768 to 32,767)
comp., MSdatový typ LongLong data type (A fundamental data type that holds large integers. A Long variable is stored as a 32-bit number ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
comp., MSdatový typ ObjektObject data type (A fundamental data type representing any object that can be recognized by Visual Basic. Although you can declare any object variable as type Object, it is best to declare object variables according to their specific types)
comp., MSdatový typ Objekt OLEOLE Object data type (A field data type that you use for objects created in other applications that can be linked or embedded (inserted) in an Access database)
comp., MSdatový typ polefield data type (A property of a field that defines the kinds of data the field can store)
comp., MSdatový typ SCODESCODE (A data-type which specifies a particular warning or error code)
comp., MSdatový typ SingleSingle data type (A data type that stores single-precision floating-point variables as 32-bit (4-byte) floating-point numbers ranging in value from -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values and 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values)
comp., MSdatový typ StringString data type (A fundamental data type that holds characters, one character per 2 bytes. A fixed-length string can contain 1 to 64K characters; a variable-length string can contain 1 to 2 billion)
comp., MSdatový typ typu blittableblittable type (A data type that has a unique characteristic and an identical presentation in memory for both managed and unmanaged environments. It can be directly shared)
comp., MSdatový typ VariantVariant data type (The default data type for variables that don't have type-declaration characters when a Deftype statement isn't in effect. A Variant can store numeric, string, date/time, Null, or Empty data)
comp., MSdefinice obecného typugeneric type definition (The definition of a generic type, in which type parameters act as placeholders for types that the user supplies when creating instances to use. These instances are not instances of the generic type definition, but of the constructed type formed by specifying type arguments)
comp., MSdisk typu listleaf disk (The last disk in a chain with no child disks attached to it)
comp., MSdisk typu MBRMBR disk (A disk that uses the master boot record (MBR) partition style)
comp., MSdlouhý celočíselný datový typLong data type (A fundamental data type that holds large integers. A Long variable is stored as a 32-bit number ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
comp., MSdokumentový typ obsahudocument-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for document libraries)
comp., MSdotazovatelný typqueryable type (The type of the query variable in a LINQ query. The type of the variable that represents the data source is also a queryable type. A queryable type can be implicitly or explicitly typed, but in either case it must be a generic IEnumerable or IQueryable type)
construct.dům hotelového typulodging house
construct.dům hotelového typuhotel-type residential building
biol.ekologický typhabitat type
biol.ekologický typecotype
comp., MSentita typu osobaperson-type entity (An entity that represents a person, declared as such in metadata)
health.epilepsie typu petit malpetit mal
health.epilepsie typu petit malpetit mal epilepsy
health.epilepsie typu petit malabsence epilepsy
obs., transp., tech.ES schválení typuEC type-approval
obs., transp., tech.ES schválení typuEU type-approval
transp., tech.EU schválení typuEC type-approval
transp., tech.EU schválení typuEU type-approval
astr.galaxie přechodného typutransition-type nebula
astr.galaxie přechodného typutransition-type galaxy
health., med.glykogenóza typu IIglycogenosis type II
health., med.glykogenóza typu IIacid maltase deficiency
health., med.glykogenóza typu IIglycogen storage disease type II
health., med.glykogenóza typu IIPompe disease
astr.hvězdy pozdních spektrálních typůlate-type stars
astr.hvězdy raných spektrálních typůearly-type stars
comp., MSjednoduchý typsimple type (An element that can only contain text and appears as in an XML document, or any attribute of an element. Attributes are considered simple types because they contain only text)
law, transp., tech.jednorázové schválení typusingle-step type-approval
comp., MSknihovna typůtype library (A file (or component within another file) that contains Automation standard descriptions of exposed objects, properties, and methods)
law, transp., tech.kombinované schválení typumixed type-approval
comp., MSkomplexní typcomplex type (An element that can contain other elements or attributes and appears as in an XML document)
comp., MSkomplexní typcomplex type (An element that can contain other elements or attributes and appears as
comp., MSkonstruovaný obecný typconstructed generic type (A generic type whose generic type parameters have been specified. A constructed type or method can be an open generic type if some of its type arguments are type parameters of enclosing types or methods, or a closed generic type if all of its type arguments are real types)
comp., MSkontrola typůtype checking (The process performed by a compiler or interpreter to make sure that when a variable is used, it is treated as having the same data type as it was declared to have)
astr.koróna přechodného typuintermediate corona
construct.krajinný typcountry type
comp., MSkrátký desetinný datový typSingle data type (A data type that stores single-precision floating-point variables as 32-bit (4-byte) floating-point numbers ranging in value from -3.402823E38 to -1.401298E-45 for negative values and 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values)
comp., MSkurzorový datový typcursor data type (A special data type used to reference a cursor)
construct.křižovatka typu "čtyřlístek"clover-leaf crossing
agric., forestr.lesoorný typ agrolesnictvísilvoarable agroforestry
comp., MSliterál typu datumdate literal (Any sequence of characters with a valid format that is surrounded by number signs (). Valid formats include the date format specified by the locale settings for your code or the universal date format)
law, stat.loď typu ro-roro-ro vessel
law, stat.loď typu ro-roroll-on roll-off ship
law, stat.loď typu ro-roroll-on roll-off vessel
law, stat.loď typu ro-roro-ro ship
construct.ložisko eolového typueolian deposit
construct.ložisko fluvioglaciálního typufluvioglacial deposit
construct.ložisko glaciálního typuglacial deposit
construct.ložisko stratiformního typublanket deposit
construct.ložisko stratiformního typubedded deposit
comp., MSmapování typu objektuobject type mapping (" A relationship between an object type that is used to represent a resource in ILM "2" and an object class that is used to represent that object in the metaverse.")
construct.miskleněná příze typu annerální vatamineral wool
comp., MSModel informací o typu úložištěRepository Type Information Model (A core object model that represents repository type definitions for Metadata Services)
construct.most hřibového typumushroom-type bridge
construct.most hřibového typumushroom-shaped bridge
health., med.mukopolysacharidóza typu IIImucopolysaccharidosis type III
health., med.mukopolysacharidóza typu IIISanfilippo syndrome
construct.mísič činidla hydraulického typuperforated reagent mixer
construct.městská komunikace autodráhového typuurban arterial highway
construct.městská komunikace autodráhového typuthoroughfare
construct.měřidlo membránového typulevel gauge of membrane type
construct.měřič membránového typulevel gauge of membrane type
health., med.nemoc ze střádání glykogenu typu IIglycogen storage disease type II
health., med.nemoc ze střádání glykogenu typu IIacid maltase deficiency
health., med.nemoc ze střádání glykogenu typu IIglycogenosis type II
health., med.nemoc ze střádání glykogenu typu IIPompe disease
comp., MSneshoda typůtype mismatch (A general error that happens when assigning a value to a variable of another type or when comparing values of incompatible data types)
health., med.neurofibromatóza typu 1von Recklinghausen's disease (neurofibromatosis)
health., med.neurofibromatóza typu 1neurofibromatosis type 1 (neurofibromatosis)
health., med.neurofibromatóza typu 1neurofibromatosis
health., med.neurofibromatóza typu 1multiple neurofibromatosis
comp., MSneurčený datový typVariant data type (The default data type for variables that don't have type-declaration characters when a Deftype statement isn't in effect. A Variant can store numeric, string, date/time, Null, or Empty data)
comp., MSnevázaný typunbound type (A type that is referenced in a project and that IntelliSense and the C compiler cannot match to a declaration)
health.Niemannova-Pickova choroba typu CNiemann-Pick Disease type C
construct.nomenklatura typů budovnomenclature of building types
econ.nový typ zaměstnánínew type of employment
environ.náhradní chladivo typu drop-indrop-in refrigerant
comp., MSobecné typygenerics (A feature of the common language runtime, conceptually similar to C++ templates, that allows classes, structures, interfaces, and methods to have placeholders (generic type parameters) for the data types they store and manipulate. Generic types are a form of parameterized types)
comp., MSobecný systém typů, specifikace CTScommon type system The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types (Common Type System)
comp., MSobecný typgeneric type (A class, interface, or structure whose definition has placeholders, called generic type parameters, for one or more types that are used in its member definitions. A user specifies real types (generic type arguments) for the type parameters when creating an instance of a generic type)
comp., MSobecný typ obsahuitem-based content type (A content type that inherits settings from a base content type that was designed for any type of SharePoint list item)
comp., MSobjektový typobject type (An opaque data structure that defines a protected entity that is implemented and manipulated by the operating system. For example, the system service that reads a file operates on an open file object)
life.sc.odchylný typoff-type
comp., MSodkazový typ atributureference attribute type (" An attribute type in which the values of the attribute are the ObjectIDs (globally unique identifiers) of other resources in ILM "2".")
comp., MSodkazový typ, odkazreference type (" A data type that is represented by a reference (similar to a pointer) to the type's actual value. If a reference type is assigned to a variable, that variable references (or "points to") the original value. No copy is made. Reference types comprise classes, interfaces, delegates, and boxed value types. ")
vent.odsávání otevřeného typuopen-type exhausting system
vent.odsávání uzavřeného typuclosed-type exhausting system
comp., MSodvození typu místní proměnnélocal type inference (A process in which the compiler infers the type of a local variable that is declared with the var keyword in C or without an As clause in Visual Basic. The compiler infers the type of the variable from the type of the initializer expression)
comp., MSodvození typu proměnnétype inference (A process in which the compiler determines the data type of a local variable that has been declared without an explicit data type declaration. The type is inferred from the initial value provided for the variable)
comp., MSomezení parametru obecného typugeneric type parameter constraint (A way of limiting the types that can be specified for a generic type parameter. For example, types substituted for the type parameter can be constrained to inherit from a particular type, to implement a specific interface, to provide a parameterless constructor, and so on)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu IBlegvad-Haxthausen syndrome (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu ILobstein disease (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu Ibrittle bone syndrome (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu Iosteogenesis imperfecta (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu Iosteogenesis imperfecta type I (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu Iglass bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu Ibrittle bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu ILobstein's disease (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu IAdair Dighton syndrome (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, osteogenesis imperfecta tarda, osteogenesis imperfecta)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu IIosteogenesis imperfecta type II (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita letalis, osteogenesis imperfecta typ 2)
health., med.osteogenesis imperfecta typu IIVrolik disease (osteogenesis imperfecta congenita letalis, osteogenesis imperfecta typ 2)
comp., MSotevřený obecný typopen generic type (A constructed generic type in which one or more of the generic type arguments substituted for its generic type parameters is a type parameter of an enclosing generic type or method. Open generic types cannot be instantiated)
ITpaměťová karta typu flashflash memory card
comp., MSparametr obecného typugeneric type parameter (In a generic type definition, a placeholder for a type that the user specifies (generic type argument) when creating instances of a generic type or when calling a generic method)
comp., MSparametrizovaný typparameterized type (A type whose definition has placeholders for actual types that the user specifies when creating and using instances of the type. C++ templates and common language runtime generics are examples of parameterized types)
econ., stat.parita Fisherova typuFisher-type parity
econ., stat.parita Fisherova typuFisher type PPP
econ., stat.parita Laspeyresova typuLaspeyres-type parity
econ., stat.parita Laspeyresova typuLaspeyres-type PPP
econ., stat.parita Paascheho typuPaasche-type parity
econ., stat.parita Paascheho typuPaasche type PPP
comp., MSpole typu Ano/NeYes/No field (A type of field with content set to either Yes or No. For example, the Recurring field indicates whether the task is a recurring task)
construct.polopříčková příhradová soustava typu KK-truss
comp., MSpomocný typbacking type (A type in a given type system that defines the object that is created when parsing a XAML object element or instantiating a XAML type. In XAML for WPF, a backing type is a CLR type)
comp., MSpopisovač typutype descriptor (An object that defines the data type of an input, output or return parameter of a method instance object)
transp.postup ES schválení typuEC type-approval procedure
transp.postup schválení typutype-approval procedure
law, transp., tech.postupné schválení typustep-by-step type-approval
comp., MSpovýšení typutype promotion (The promotion of an element's scope to the namespace containing the module)
IT, tech.počítač typu slateslate style tablet computer
IT, tech.počítač typu slateslate computer
IT, tech.počítač typu tablettablet computer
IT, tech.počítač typu tablettablet
comp., MSprofilace typu Monte CarloMonte Carlo profiling (A software diagnostic procedure that involves interrupting the system at a high rate and recording the interrupted address)
comp., MSprohlížeč hierarchie typů MorphXMorphX Type Hierarchy Browser (A view that displays the structure of the selected Application Object Tree (AOT) class node and its inheritance hierarchies)
astr.proměnná typu...... -type variable
astr.proměnná typu AlgolaAlgol variable
astr.proměnná typu AlgolaAlgol-type eclipsing binary
astr.proměnná typu RR Lyraecluster variable
astr.proměnná typu RR Lyraecluster-type variable
astr.proměnná typu RR LyraeRR Lyrae star
astr.protuberance typu slunečních skvrnsunspot prominence
comp., MSpísma Type 1Type 1 fonts (Scalable fonts designed to work with PostScript devices)
build.struct.příhradovina typu Howe . Pratttriangular lattice
econ.půdní typsoil type
comp., MSregistrovaný typ souboruregistered file type (File types that are tracked by the system registry and are recognized by the programs you have installed on your computer)
comp., MSreplikace typu uložit a předatstore-and-forward replication (A replication model, used by Active Directory, in which changes are not sent directly from one domain controller to all other domain controllers. Instead, a system of replication partners is created automatically by the system, taking advantage of the existing connections. Replication through neighboring systems is also called transitive replication)
agric.rozdílnost typutype-diversity
construct.rozměrový typ stavebních prvkůtype and size of building elements
construct.rychlostní komunikace dálničního typuexpressway
construct.rychlostní komunikace dálničního typufreeway
construct.rychlostní komunikace dálničního typuhigh-speed arterial highway
law, transp., mil., grnd.forc.schválení typutype approval
law, transp., tech.schválení typu vozidlaECWVTA
law, transp., tech.schválení typu vozidlapan-European type-approval
law, transp., tech.schválení typu vozidlavehicle type approval
law, transp., tech.schválení typu vozidlaEU whole-vehicle type-approval
law, transp., tech.schválení typu vozidlawhole-vehicle type-approval
law, transp., tech.schválení typu vozidlaEC whole-vehicle type-approval
comp., MSseznam parametrů obecného typugeneric type parameter list (The list of generic type parameters of a generic type or method, specified as part of the definition of the generic type or generic method)
construct.seznam typů budovnomenclature of building types
comp., MSsilného typustrongly-typed (Pertaining to a collection element whose type matches the actual type of the elements stored in the same collection, rather than the type of a base class)
comp., MSskalární datový typscalar data type (A data type defined as having a predictable and enumerable sequence of values that can be compared for greater-than/less-than relationships. Scalar data types include integers, characters, user-defined enumerated data types, and (in most implementations) Boolean values)
construct.sklad pavilónového typupavilion-type depot
construct.složená příhradová soustava typu Xdouble diagonal Pratt truss
astr.spektrální typspectral type
comp., MSspolečnost typu CC corporation (An United States tax law designation given to any corporation that is a unique entity apart from and taxed separately from its owners)
comp., MSspolečnost typu SS corporation (An United States tax law designation given to any corporation that elects to pass corporate income, losses, deductions, and credit through to shareholders for federal tax purposes)
commer., polit.srovnatelný typ výrobkucomparable product type
construct.stanice metra otevřeného typuopen-air underground station
biol.stejného typuuniform
biol.stejného typumonotypic
biol.stejného typuhomeotypic
biol.stejného typusingle-type
biol.stejného typuhomotypic
agric.step lučního typumeadow steppe
ITstolní počítač typu tenký klientdesktop thin client
construct.strojní zařízení běhounového typu pro hašení a mletí vápnarunner-type slaking machine
med., pharma.studie typu case-controlcase-control study
transp., avia.státní letadlo přepravního typutransport type State aircraft
astr.supernova typu Isupernova of type I
gen.sušená syrovátka syřidlového typurennet-type whey powder
health., med.svalová dystrofie Duchenneova typuDuchenne's muscular dystrophy (dystrophia musculorum progressiva, typus Duchenne)
health., med.svalová dystrofie Duchenneova typuDuchenne type muscular dystrophy (dystrophia musculorum progressiva, typus Duchenne)
health., med.svalová dystrofie Duchenneova typuMeryon's disease (dystrophia musculorum progressiva, typus Duchenne)
health., med.svalová dystrofie Duchenneova typuMuscular dystrophy - Duchenne type (dystrophia musculorum progressiva, typus Duchenne)
health., med.svalová dystrofie Duchenneova typupseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy (dystrophia musculorum progressiva, typus Duchenne)
health., med.svalová dystrofie Duchenneova typuDuchenne muscular dystrophy (dystrophia musculorum progressiva, typus Duchenne)
comp., MSsystémem definovaný typ finanční dimenzesystem-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
construct.sídliště městského typuurbanized settlement
construct.sídliště městského typuposad (craftsmen and tradesmen settlement in Old Russia, v předrevolučním Rusku)
econ.sýr holandského typusemi-soft cheese
econ.sýr roquefortského typublue-veined cheese
comp., MStest typu černá skříňkablack box test (A test that is based on a component's actual behavior, without regard to its implementation)
construct.točna bubnového typurotary stage drum (jeviště)
comp., MStrojcestné ověřování typu handshakethree-way handshake (The method for initializing a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) session between two hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The three-way handshake synchronizes the sequence number and acknowledgment numbers of the two hosts establishing a connection, exchanges TCP window sizes, and exchanges other TCP options, such as the maximum segment size)
comp., MStyp akceaction type (A classification that describes what an action does)
comp., MStyp artefaktuartifact type (A type of data that a tool exposes publicly so that other tools can refer to it. Each artifact must have an artifact type. Each artifact must be identified by a unique and immutable artifact identifier)
construct.typ budovytype of building
astr.typ chvostu kometycometary-tail type
comp., MStyp dokladudocument type (A designation that identifies a document's purpose)
environ.typ dokumentudocument type Any one of a number of diverse classes of written, printed or digitized items furnishing information or evidence, and distinguished by content, form or function
comp., MStyp doručovacího kanáludelivery channel type (The protocol for a delivery channel, such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or File)
life.sc.typ dědičnostiinheritance pattern
environ.typ ekosystémuecosystem type Ecosystems can be classified according to various criteria: from the point of view of energy source, two major types of ecosystems can be distinguished. Autotrophic ecosystems have primary producers as a principal component and sunlight has the major initial energy source; etherotrophic ecosystems depend upon preformed organic matter that is imported from autotrophic ecosystems elsewhere. Ecosystems can also be classified in terrestrial, marine and freshwater
comp., MStyp firmybusiness type (The kind of business organization or sector (such as a public company, a partnership, a private corporation, and so on))
comp., MStyp hardwaruhardware type (A classification for similar devices. For example, Imaging Device is a hardware type for digital cameras and scanners)
comp., MStyp hrozbythreat type (A category of entry points to an asset that could be used by an adversary to adversely affect that asset. Threat types include: Spoofing identity, Tampering with data, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege)
comp., MStyp Integerinteger (A natural number, zero, or the negative of a natural number)
comp., MSTyp kampaněCampaign Type (The field in a Campaign form in which you can select the type of campaign that is being run. Possible types are Advertisement, Direct Marketing, Event, and Other)
comp., MStyp klasifikaceGrade Values (An assignment property that indicates whether grades for the assignment are numeric or non-numeric)
comp., MStyp klientaclient type (Information that determines how a cache client functions and impacts the performance of your application. There are two client types: a simple client type and a routing client type)
environ.typ klimatuclimate type Weather conditions typical of areas roughly corresponding to lines of latitude
comp., MStyp kolektorucollector type (A logical wrapper around the SQL Server Integration Services packages that provide the actual mechanism for collecting data and uploading it to the management data warehouse)
construct.typ krajinycountry type
med.typ kůžeskin type
med.typ kůžeskin phototype
med.typ kůžephototype
transp., avia.typ letadlatype of aircraft
transp., avia.typ letadlaaircraft type
comp., MStyp nasazenídeployment type (A technology that is used to deploy an application to devices. A deployment type is contained within an application; for example, Windows Installer could be a deployment type for the "Visio 2007" application)
tech., lawtyp návrhudesign type
comp., MStyp objektuobject type (" A part of a schema that defines the representation of a resource in ILM "2".")
construct.typ objektůtype of structures
comp., MStyp obsahucontent type (A group of reusable settings that describes the shared attributes and behaviors of a list item, a document, or a folder)
comp., MStyp odolnostiresiliency type (A setting that allows the user to select the specific resiliency of data across multiple disks in a virtual disk or storage space)
astr.typ ohonu kometycometary-tail type
comp., MStyp operaceoperation type (Information that is requested on the resource managed by ILM through the Web service. This includes information on creating and deleting objects, and reading and modifying object attributes. In addition, Add/Remove operations let you apply further control to the modify operation to control only addition of attributes or their removal)
comp., MStyp oprávněnípermission type (One of 2 or 3 possible permissions that a user can grant to users or domains in the Options dialog box, on the Permissions tab. For individual users, the possible permissions are Allow and Block. For domains, the three types of permissions are Allow, Block, and Notify)
soil.typ pedogenetickýtype of soil formation
comp., MStyp plněníallotment type (A unit of service, such as a case or a range of coverage dates, specified in a service contract that indicates how much access a customer has to customer service)
comp., MStyp polefield type (The name that identifies the action or effect the field has in the document. Examples of field types are AUTHOR, COMMENTS, and DATE)
comp., MStyp položkyitem type (The data definition for a class of items stored in a Web application. An item type consists of its name and references to the default set of fields (properties) associated with items of that class)
comp., MStyp položkyentry type (The kind of tool used to store Account History, Business Contact History or Opportunity (for example, an e-mail message, note, task, or appointment). The type of utility used to store an entry)
astr.typ polární zářeauroral type
transp., mil., grnd.forc.typ poplašného systému vozideltype of vehicle alarm system
comp., MStyp použitíusage type (In Exchange Server 2007, the type of connector that is determined by the intended use of the connector. The usage type determines the default settings for the connector. This includes the SIDs that are authenticated, the permissions that are assigned to those SIDs, and the authentication mechanism)
comp., MStyp pracovní položkywork item type (A named definition associated with a project in a Team Foundation Server. Types are composed of fields, a form and work flow. They are defined using XML. Definitions are portable between Team Foundation Servers)
comp., MStyp projektuproject type (A classification that determines how a project is posted to the ledger. Project type identifies an external project as fixed price or time and materials and an internal project as cost, investment, or time)
comp., MSTyp protokolu EAPEAP type (A feature that allows the user to select the type of Extensible Authentication Protocol used)
comp., MStyp prácejob type (A classification of jobs based on the sequence in which they occur, from the time a job enters the work center to the time it leaves the work center)
comp., MStyp písmaface (A set of characters that share common characteristics, such as stroke width and the presence or absence of serifs (short lines at the upper and lower edges of characters))
comp., MStyp písmatypeface (A set of characters that share common characteristics, such as stroke width and the presence or absence of serifs (short lines at the upper and lower edges of characters))
construct.typ písmacharacter
comp., MStyp připojeného objektuconnected object type (The object type in the connected system to which the ILM objects are connected)
comp., MStyp připojeníconnection type (The type of Web Part connection. For example, the Provide Row To connection type passes a row of data from one Web Part to another Web Part)
comp., MSTyp případuCase Type (A sub-category of customer service issues that indicates whether an issue is a question, problem, or request)
environ.typ půdnísoil type A phase or subdivision of a soil series based primarily on texture of the surface soil to a depth at least equal to plow depth (about 15 cm)
soil.typ půdotvornýtype of soil formation
soil.typ půdotvorný podzolovýpodzolic typ of soil formation
soil.typ půdotvorný černozemníchernozem type of soil formation
soil.typ půdysoil type
comp., MStyp rolerole-type (A predefined role definition)
comp., MStyp rámceframe type (The way in which a network type, such as Ethernet, formats data to be sent over a network. When multiple frame types are allowed for a particular network type, the packets are structured differently and are, therefore, incompatible. All computers on a network must use the same frame type to communicate)
comp., MStyp s možnou hodnotou nullnullable type (In C, an instance of the System.Nullable struct that can represent the normal range of values for its underlying value type, plus an additional null value)
comp., MSTyp schváleníApproval Type (The UI field that specifies the role of a document approver)
transp., mil., grnd.forc.typ sedadlaseat type
comp., MStyp sestaveníbuild type (A template used to manage the conditions under which a single solution or a set of solutions will be built)
comp., MStyp sestavyreport type (A category of reports that all contain similar information)
comp., MStyp skupinygroup type (The value that specifies whether the group is used for e-mail distribution, securing resources, or both)
comp., MStyp směnného kurzuexchange rate type (A classification that groups exchange rates)
comp., MStyp souborufile type (The format of a file, commonly indicated by its file name extension. The file type indicates which program the file was created in and can be opened with)
construct.typ stavebních prvkůtype of structural elements
construct.typ stavebních strojůtype of construction machines
comp., MStyp stavové zprávystatus message type (The nature of the status message, such as audit, detail, or milestone)
comp., MStyp testutest type (A set of functionality and/or a template to help expose parts of the underlying test framework)
comp., MStyp událostievent type (The event type for a performance event is "information", and the event type for an exception event is 'error')
comp., MStyp uzlu rozhraní NetBIOSNetBIOS Node Type (A designation of the exact mechanisms by which network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) names are resolved to IP addresses)
comp., MStyp vazbylink type (The type of task dependency. The four dependency types are Finish-to-start [FS], Finish-to-finish [FF], Start-to-start [SS], and Start-to-finish [SF])
environ.typ vedení podnikutype of management The different, specific methods of business administration
transp., mil., grnd.forc., tech.typ vozidlavehicle type
transp., mil., grnd.forc., tech.typ vozidlatype of vehicle
comp., MSTyp vyzváněníRing type (An option that allows the user to specify the type of alert the device will produce in response to an incoming call)
comp., MSTyp vztahuRelationship Type (A field in the contact form that specifies the relationship of the account to the organization that uses Microsoft CRM)
comp., MStyp výkresudrawing type (A Visio file (template) with a .vst extension that opens with the stencils, styles, and settings you need to create a particular type of drawing)
comp., MStyp výpisu stavu systémuCrash Dump Type (Specifies the file format Dr. Watson will use to store the information. The Full format contains the entire memory space of the program, as well as the program image itself, the handle table, and other information that will be useful to the debugger. The Mini format may include the full memory and handle table, or it may simply contain information about a single thread. The Windows NT 4.0-compatible Full format provides you with the opportunity to use older tools to analyze the dump file. Crash Dump Type is only available when you have selected the Create Crash Dump File check box)
soil.typ vývoje půdytype of soil formation
comp., MStyp workflowuworkflow type (A set of metadata and event handlers in the Application Object Tree (AOT) that defines a workflow design template)
comp., MStyp zaměstnanceemployee type (A category of employees for which a specific compensation plan is designed, such as Executive, Salaried, or Hourly)
comp., MStyp zařízenídevice type (A value from a developer-defined list that specifies the types of devices that a given application will support)
environ.typ znečištěnípollution type
comp., MStyp zobrazeníview type (The basic structure of a view. When you create a view, you must first select one of five view types (table, timeline, day/week/month, card, or icon) to determine how information will be arranged and formatted in your new view)
comp., MStyp zprávymessage type (A definition of a Service Broker message. The message type specifies the name of the message and the type of validation Service Broker performs on incoming messages of that type)
comp., MStyp záznamurecord type (The representation of all the instances of a particular record. When changes are made to a record type, those changes will affect all individual records of that type)
econ.typ údržbytype of tenure
comp., MStyp úkolutask type (A characterization of a task based on which aspect of the task is fixed and which aspects are variable. There are three task types: Fixed Units, Fixed Work, and Fixed Duration. The default task type in Project is Fixed Units)
comp., MStypy dat polefield data types (A characteristic of a field that determines what kind of data it can store. For example, a field whose data type is Text can store data consisting of either text or number characters, but a Number field can only store numerical data)
construct.typy písmalettering style standard specifications
comp., MSUložit jako typSave as type (An option in the Save As dialog that enables a user to save a file in different formats or versions)
comp., MSuzavřený obecný typclosed generic type (A constructed generic type that has no unspecified generic type parameters, either of its own or of any enclosing types or methods. Closed generic types can be instantiated)
comp., MSuzel typu listleaf node (A node with no child objects represented in the tree)
comp., MSuživatelem definovaný typ finanční dimenzeuser-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a user-defined list of values)
comp., MSuživatelsky definovaný typuser-defined type (A base data type that is explicitly defined by using the pre-compiler typedef directive)
comp., MSuživatelsky definovaný typUDT (A user-written extension to the scalar type system in SQL Server)
comp., MSuživatelsky definovaný typ v jazyce CLRCLR user-defined type (A user-defined data type created against a SQL Server assembly whose implementation is defined in an assembly created in the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR))
construct.velkodrůbežárna brojlerového typubroiler poultry farm
law, transp., tech.vnitrostátní schválení typunational type-approval
comp., MSvnořený typnested type (A type defined within the scope of another type. A nested type is typically used for encapsulating implementation details of the top-level type)
construct.vozovka novodobého typuimproved road pavement
law, transp., mil., grnd.forc.vícestupňové schválení typumulti-stage type approval
law, immigr.vízum typu Aairport transit visa
law, immigr.vízum typu Bvisitor in transit visa
law, immigr.vízum typu Btransit visa
law, immigr.vízum typu Cvisit entry clearance
law, immigr.vízum typu Cvisit visa
law, immigr.vízum typu Cshort-stay visa
law, immigr.vízum typu C pro více vstupůshort-term multiple entry visa
law, immigr.vízum typu C pro více vstupůshort-stay multiple-entry visa
law, immigr.vízum typu Dlong-stay visa
law, immigr.vízum typu Dlong term visa
construct.výměník tepla policového typushelf-type heat exchanger
comp., MSvýraz typu datumdate expression (Any expression that can be interpreted as a date. This includes any combination of date literals, numbers that look like dates, strings that look like dates, and dates returned from functions)
comp., MSvýraz typu Variantvariant expression (Any expression that can evaluate to numeric, string, or date data, as well as the special values Empty and Null)
tech., lawvýrobní typproduction type
comp., MSvýčtový datový typenumerated data type (A data type consisting of a sequence of named values given in a particular order)
fin.zajištěný dluhopis typu Jumbojumbo covered bond
fin.zajištěný dluhopis typu Jumbojumbo bond
health., pharma.změna typu Itype I variation
health., pharma.změna typu IItype II variation
comp., MSznak literálního přepisu typuliteral type character (A textual representation of a particular value of a data type. For example, 2147483647 represents a value of integer data type)
comp., MSznak číselného přepisu typuidentifier type character (" A character that that forces a literal to assume a data type other than the one its form indicates. You do this by appending the character to the end of the literal. For example, "%" forces the Integer data type of the literal "L" in the following declaration: Dim L%.")
comp., MSznakový datový typchar data type (A character data type that holds a maximum of 8,000 characters)
industr.značka ES schválení typuEC type-approval mark
health.záchvat typu petit malpetit mal seizure
health.záchvat typu petit malabsence seizure
comp., MSzástupný typalias type (A user-defined data type based on one of the SQL Server system data types that can specify a certain data type, length, and nullability)
comp., MSčástečná definice typupartial-type definition (The definition of a class across mulitple source files)
transp., tech.číslo schválení typutype-approval number
construct.řada rozměrových typůstandard dimensions series
comp., MSřetězcový datový typString data type (A fundamental data type that holds characters, one character per 2 bytes. A fixed-length string can contain 1 to 64K characters; a variable-length string can contain 1 to 2 billion)
comp., MSšablona nadřazeného typu obsahuparent content type template (A type of content that exists prior to the association with an actual Windows SharePoint Services list. This distinction is made since items cannot use a type until it is associated with a WSS list)