
Terms for subject Microsoft containing systém | all forms | exact matches only
agent stavu systémusystem health agent A client software component that declares a client's health state (by providing a statement of health) to a NAP agent (System Health Agent)
agent stavu systémuSHA A client software component that declares a client's health state (by providing a statement of health) to a NAP agent (SHA)
Agent stavu zabezpečení systému WindowsWSHA (Windows system health agent (SHA) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Agent provides status of system health components that are monitored by Windows Security Center, such as the status of Windows Firewall, antivirus applications, and Windows Update)
Agent stavu zabezpečení systému WindowsWindows Security Health Agent (Windows system health agent (SHA) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Agent provides status of system health components that are monitored by Windows Security Center, such as the status of Windows Firewall, antivirus applications, and Windows Update)
Agent systémuSystem Agent (An agent that monitors checkpoints for potential threats making unauthorized or hazardous changes to your computer, such as altering your security permissions or system settings)
Aktivační služba procesů systému WindowsWindows Process Activation service (A service that provides process activation, resource management, and health management services for message-activated applications)
aktivní kanál, systém aktivních kanálůActive Channel (A Web site that has been enabled for Webcasting to information-receiving applications)
Aktivní systém souboruLive File System (A file storage system that can be used to create CDs and DVDs. Discs formatted with Live File System allow you to copy files to the disc at any time, instead of copying (burning) them all at once)
aktualizace systému BIOSflash the BIOS (To update the computer's BIOS software with a new version)
aplikace pracující s tokeny systému Windows NTWindows NT token-based application (A Windows application that relies on a Windows NT token to perform authorization of users)
aplikace pro systém WindowsWindows application (A software application designed for use with the Microsoft Windows environment)
aplikační systémapplication system (A system that defines a specific and reusable configuration of applications and other systems as members. You can configure these members and describe the communication pathways between them)
automatická ochrana instancí systému SQL ServerSQL Server instance auto-protection (A type of protection that enables DPM to automatically identify and protect databases that are added to instances of SQL Server that are configured for auto-protection)
Automatický telefonický systémAuto Attendant (A feature that supplies a caller with information and performs an action without the intervention of a human operator. It automatically routes calls based on selections made by the caller)
autonomní systémautonomous system (A group of routers or networks controlled by a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) for routing packets. Each autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an autonomous-system number (ASN))
autonomní systémAS (A group of routers or networks controlled by a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) for routing packets. Each autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number called an autonomous-system number (ASN))
Bankovní automatizovaný clearingový systémBanks Automated Clearing System (An automated clearinghouse system for electronic financial transactions)
bezdimenzionální měrný systémdimensionless measurement (A measurement whose dimension is one and whose unit of measure is either a dimensionless unit of measure or the unit one)
Biometrická služba systému WindowsWindows Biometric Service (A privileged Windows service that interfaces with biometric hardware through the Windows Biometric Driver Interface, and manages the capture, matching and storage of biometric data, and exposes this capability to applications through the Windows Biometric API)
bitová kopie systému WindowsWindows image (A single compressed file containing a collection of files and folders that duplicate a Windows installation on a disk volume)
bod validátoru stavu systémuSystem Health Validator point (The tool in the Configuration Manager console that is used to browse the status messages in the Configuration Manager site database)
centralizovaný platební systémcentralized payment system (" A payment processing system in which one company in an organization manages the incoming and outgoing payments between other companies in the same organization. The other companies still own the invoices. During the settlement process, applicable "due to" and "due from" transactions are generated.")
definice systémusystem definition (The definition of a system)
diagram systémusystem diagram (The diagram used to design an application system composed from applications or other systems. The system diagram (.sd) file contains information based on the System Definition Model (SDM))
Doplněk Organizační diagram pro aplikace systému Microsoft® OfficeOrganization Chart Add-in for Microsoft® Office programs (Microsoft supplemental software that enables users to create and edit organization charts in Microsoft Office programs)
důvěryhodné spuštění systémuTrusted Boot (A customized process that identifies and fixes potential problems during PC startup)
elipsoidní souřadnicový systémellipsoidal coordinate system (A coordinate system in reference to a flattened sphere)
enumerátor systému BIOSBIOS enumerator (In a non-ACPI Plug and Play system, the BIOS enumerator identifies the hardware devices on the motherboard of the computer. The BIOS supports a programming interface that allows all Plug and Play computers to be queried in a common manner)
externí doručovací systémexternal delivery system (A system, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, that delivers formatted notifications to destination devices)
Externí systémExternal System (A supported source of data that can be modeled by Business Connectivity Services, such as a database, Web service, or custom .NET Framework assembly)
funkce Bitová kopie pro nasazení systémuSDI (A feature in Windows which facilitates the preparation and maintenance of run-time images)
heslo systému WindowsWindows password (A password you use to log on to Windows. You can also change your settings so that you can log on to Windows without a password)
hodnocení systémusystem rating (A number that gives a general indication of the performance capability of your computer's hardware)
Hostitel diagnostického systémuDiagnostic System Host (A service that hosts the WDI (Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure) components that need to run in Local System context and enables problem detection, troubleshooting and resolution for Windows components)
hostovaný operační systémguest operating system (The operating system running on a virtual machine)
hranice systémusystem boundary (In a use case diagram, a boundary surrounding the use cases that indicates the system. You can resize the system boundary by dragging a selection handle on the System Boundary shape)
hraniční směrovač autonomního systémuautonomous system boundary router (A router that exchanges routing information with routers that belong to other autonomous systems. The ASBR then advertises external routes throughout the autonomous system. ASBRs can be internal or area border routers, and they might or might not be connected to the backbone)
hraniční směrovač autonomního systémuAS boundary router (A router that exchanges routing information with routers that belong to other autonomous systems. The ASBR then advertises external routes throughout the autonomous system. ASBRs can be internal or area border routers, and they might or might not be connected to the backbone)
hybridní nasazení systému ExchangeExchange hybrid deployment (A connection established between on-premises and cloud email systems that not only allows users to use email from either location with the same set of credentials, but provides a richer management experience)
identifikátor obchodního systémuLOB Id (An identifier used by the LOB system to perform create, update, and delete operations on an LOB entity. This identifier is unique per LOB entity type, but may not be unique across different types, solutions, and LOB systems)
ikona systému MS-DOSMS-DOS icon (The icon at the left end of the title bar. Clicking this icon displays the System menu for the MS-DOS window)
implementace finančního a účetního systémuFinance and Accounting System Implementation (A template that outlines the steps needed to implement a finance and accounting system. It assumes an existing system or process is in place and a new system will be replacing it. It also assumes that the new application software system has already been chosen)
implementace informačního systému personálního odděleníHuman Resources Information System Implementation (A template that outlines the steps, from an HR perspective and at a very high level, needed to implement a Human Resources Information System (HRIS))
Informace o systémuSystem Information (A program that shows details about a computer's hardware configuration, computer components, and software, including drivers)
informace o systémusystem info (The information about a computer that's derived from the System Information program)
informační systémyinformation systems (The formal name for a company's data processing department)
instalační program systému WindowsWindows Setup (The program that installs or upgrades the Windows operating system)
Instalační služba systému WindowsWindows Installer (A feature of Windows that defines and manages a standard format for application setup and installation, and tracks components such as groups of files, registry entries, and shortcuts)
Instalační služba systému WindowsWindows Installer service (A Microsoft Windows service that defines and manages a standard format for installing applications)
instance systému SQL ServerSQL Server instance (A copy of SQL Server running on a computer)
Integrované ověřování systému WindowsIntegrated Windows authentication (A configuration setting that enables negotiation of authentication protocols in Internet Information Services (IIS))
integrovaný operační systémembedded operating system (An operating system that is a component of a complete device and is expected to function without human intervention to perform one or a few specific tasks)
internetový systém lokalityInternet-based site system (A site system role that allows connections from clients when they are managed over the Internet)
jednodimenzionální měrný systémone-dimensional measurement (A measurement with a single characterization of the magnitude or extent of the property of an object)
jednoduchý systémsimple network (A type of operations network in which one operation is started and completed before the next operation begins)
klient systému souborů NFSNFS client (A computer running client software to access shared Network File System (NFS) resources)
komplexní systémcomplex network (A type of operations network in which simultaneous operations take place or in which operations overlap, are contingent on each other, or have other complex relationships)
konektor systému Exchange ServerExchange Server connector (A Configuration Manager technology that connects to Exchange Server to discover and manage mobile devices)
konfigurace systémusystem configuration (" In reference to a single microcomputer, the sum of a system's internal and external components, including memory, disk drives, keyboard, video, and generally less critical add-on hardware, such as a mouse, modem, or printer. Software (the operating system and various device drivers), the user's choices established through configuration files such as the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files on IBM PCs and compatibles, and sometimes hardware (switches and jumpers) are needed to "configure the configuration" to work correctly. Although system configuration can be changed, as by adding more memory or disk capacity, the basic structure of the system--its architecture--remains the same.")
kontext systémusystem context (The state of Windows after it first starts when some system services are loaded but no user is logged in and per-user settings are not available)
Konzola pro diagnostiku výkonu systému WindowsWindows Performance Diagnostic Console (A tool used in computer management to monitor the devices or processes on user's system)
kořenová složka systémusystemroot (The path and folder name where the Windows system files are located. Typically, this is C:\Windows, although you can designate a different drive or folder when you install Windows. You can use the value %systemroot% to replace the actual location of the folder that contains the Windows system files. To identify your systemroot folder, click Start, click Run, type %systemroot%, and then click OK)
kořenový aplikační systémroot application system (The top-level application system for which you are defining and evaluating deployment. The System View window displays all applications in the system, including the full expansion of all systems in the root system)
licenční smlouva Microsoft OEM System Builder License AgreementMicrosoft OEM System Builder License Agreement (The license agreement between a system builder and Microsoft Licensing, Inc., affixed to the side of every OEM Distribution Pack. By opening the package, you agree to all the terms of the Microsoft OEM System Builder Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of the agreement, contact the Microsoft OEM authorized distributor from which it was purchased and make arrangements to return the software)
logo systému Windows 7Windows 7 logo (Logo assigned to the products that have passed Microsoft-designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
metoda zjišťování skupin systému služby Active DirectoryActive Directory System Group Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
monitorování účtů systémem WindowsWindows accounting (The accounting process carried out by Windows as accounting provider)
místní systém zasílání zprávon-premises messaging system (The messaging system that an administrator runs on their own servers in their own company as compared to a messaging system that is run in the cloud (hosted))
měrný systémmeasurement (The magnitude of the property of an object calibrated against one or more units of measure)
nasazení operačního systémuoperating system deployment (A Configuration Manager feature that allows you to create operating system images and deploy those images to target computers)
nativní spuštění systémunative boot (An operating-system installation and configuration that uses a virtual hard disk as the running operating system. There is no host operating system or hypervisor in a native-boot configuration)
Nástroj aplikace DPM pro obnovení systémuDPM System Recovery Tool (Software provided with DPM to facilitate a Windows Server 2003 bare metal recovery for the DPM server and the computers that DPM protects)
Nástroj aplikace DPM pro obnovení systémuDPM SRT (Software provided with DPM to facilitate a Windows Server 2003 bare metal recovery for the DPM server and the computers that DPM protects)
nástroj Automatické obnovení systémuASR (A feature that helps you recover a system that will not start)
nástroj Hlášení o problémech systému WindowsWindows Problem Reporting (The Windows technology that manages information to help Microsoft create solutions to non-critical problems (problems that do not cause programs, services, or components to stop working))
nástroj Hodnocení výkonu systémuWindows System Assessment Tool (A tool that provides performance metrics and other information necessary for Windows and applications to make scaling decisions. It measures the performance attributes of: system memory, the storage sub-system, the CPU (or CPUs), and the graphics sub-system)
nástroj Klient aktivace systému WindowsWindows Activation Client (The application that helps the user to activate a Windows product with Microsoft)
nástroj Oprava spouštění systémuStartup Repair (A feature of Windows Vista that can automatically recover the system from a serious system problem or provide user with easy-to-use diagnostic information and support options to get the system running again)
Nástroj pro spouštění balíčků systému SQL ServerSQL Server Execute Package Utility (A graphical user interface that is used to run a Integration Services package)
Nástroj systému Windows pro vypalování bitových kopií diskůWindows Disc Image Burner (A device that allows users to burn a CD or DVD from an ISO disc image file)
nástroj Zálohování bitové kopie systémuWindows System Image Backup (A tool in Windows Vista that backs up the system image)
nástroje kontroly pravopisu systému Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Proofing Tools (Collections of proofing tools for different languages that that are available to users of Office applications)
Nástroje pro migraci systému Windows ServerWindows Server Migration Tools (A feature that includes five Windows PowerShell cmdlets for migrating some roles and features from servers that are running Windows Server 2003 or 2008 to servers that are running either Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 8)
Návrhář distribuovaných systémůDistributed System Designer (A set of design tools in Visual Studio 2005 Team Architect Edition that help reduce the complexity of developing and deploying service-oriented applications)
Návrhář systémuSystem Designer (The designer used to create and edit system diagrams)
název DSN systémuSystem Data Source Name (A data source name that can be used by any process on the computer)
obecný systém typů, specifikace CTScommon type system The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types (Common Type System)
objekt systému SQL ServerSQL Server object (An entity within SQL Server)
oblast řízení systémusystem control area (An area in the taskbar that shows icons for network connectivity, volume control, clock, and on laptops and Tablet computers, the battery)
Obnovení systémuSystem Restore (A tool that lets you restore your computer to a previous state, if a problem occurs, without losing your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e-mail))
Obnovení systémuSystem Recovery (A Windows feature that enables users to easily roll back their PC to an earlier good state while keeping their data safe)
obor připojeného systémuconnected system scope (A filter that defines what objects on the connected system to include in the target system)
Ochrana souborů systému WindowsWindows File Protection (A feature that runs in the background and protects your system files from being overwritten. When a file in a protected folder is modified, WFP determines whether the new file is the correct Microsoft version or whether the file is digitally signed. If not, the modified file is replaced with a valid version)
Ochrana systémuSystem Protection (A Windows technology that protects OS resources (files, folders registry keys) and prevents applications and administrators from making changes to a computer's resources in an arbitrary way)
odkaz na stav systému nástroje Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager health state reference (A reference that is published to Active Directory to refer to Configuration Manager NAP policy and stored for the System Health Validator(SHV) to use in determining policy compliance)
odolný systém souborůResilient File System (A file system, introduced with Windows Server 8, that provides resiliency to both software and hardware errors. ReFS allows customers to maximize server uptime and prioritize volume availability without the use of expensive storage hardware)
odolný systém souborůReFS A file system, introduced with Windows Server 8, that provides resiliency to both software and hardware errors. ReFS allows customers to maximize server uptime and prioritize volume availability without the use of expensive storage hardware (ReFS)
okno Zobrazení systémuSystem View window (A simple browser providing an outline view of available applications and systems used as a drag source to create references to Application Systems on the Application Connection Designer, System Designer and the System Deployment Designer)
online záložní systémhot backup (The ability to take systems online and offline without disrupting service. May also refer to a configuration in which one resource (such as a server running Host Integration Server 2004 software) can automatically handle sessions if another cannot)
operační systémoperating system (The software that controls the allocation and usage of hardware resources such as memory, central processing unit (CPU) time, disk space, and peripheral devices. The operating system is the foundation on which programs are built)
operační systém MS-DOSMS-DOS operating system (A Microsoft computer operating system with a command-line interface that is used to control many internal computer functions, such as running programs and organizing and maintaining files)
operační systém MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System (A Microsoft computer operating system with a command-line interface that is used to control many internal computer functions, such as running programs and organizing and maintaining files)
oprávnění k souborům systému UNIXUNIX file permissions (A set of permissions that describes the access rights to a UNIX file or directory for the file owner, the group owner, and other users. Every UNIX file and directory possesses a set of permissions, and each user can have any combination of read, write, or execute access)
ovladač nutný ke spuštění systémuboot critical driver (A driver that must be available in order for the operating system to successfully complete the boot process. Boot critical drivers include all boot start drivers)
Ověření souborů systému OfficeOffice File Validation (A security feature that validates files before allowing them to be loaded by the application, in order to protect against file format vulnerabilities)
podřízený systémdownstream system (A client, such as an IBM Communications Manager/2 system, that can access a host connection available on a computer running Host Integration Server 2004. Even though such a client does not use the Host Integration Server 2004 client/server interface, the client can use a downstream connection and a downstream LU to communicate with the host through Host Integration Server 2004. Host Integration Server 2004 passes the information between the downstream system and the host. With Host Integration Server 2004, a downstream system appears to the host as a logical unit, not a physical unit)
Pomocník pro aktivaci systému Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Activation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
Poradce pro ověření pravosti systému Windows XPWindows XP Validation Advisor (A program that determines whether the Windows product key installed on a computer matches the original Windows product key that was purchased and provides customized recommendations for resolution when an installation of Windows has failed validation)
Poradce pro upgrade na systém Windows VistaWindows Vista Upgrade Advisor (A downloadable Web application that helps Windows users identify which edition of Windows meets their needs, whether their PCs are ready for an upgrade to the next Windows version, and which features of the suggested Windows version will be able to run on their PCs)
počítačový systémcomputer system (The configuration that includes all functional components of a computer and its associated hardware. A basic microcomputer system includes a console, or system unit, with one or more disk drives, a monitor, and a keyboard. Additional hardware, called peripherals, can include such devices as a printer, a modem, and a mouse. Software is usually not considered part of a computer system, although the operating system that runs the hardware is known as system software)
pořadí spouštěcích zařízení v systému BIOSBIOS boot order (A list of all potential bootable devices listed in booting order. If the boot on the first device on the list does not yield a valid boot sector, the BIOS proceeds with the next device in the list)
požadavky na systémsystem requirements (A minimum hardware configuration of a computer (typically relates to CPU speed and type, size of RAM, free space on hard disk, and presence of other devices such as sound card, CD-ROM, etc) needed to run a software program on it)
preprocesor systému WindowsWindows preprocessor (A mechanism for user-mode applications and kernel-mode drivers to log real-time binary messages. The logged messages can subsequently be converted to a human-readable trace of the driver's operation)
profil systémusystem profile (The default, predefined templates that contain the necessary technical details for encoding a particular piece of content)
profil systému SQL ServerSQL Server profile (A Virtual Machine Manager library resource that contains instructions for customizing an instance of Microsoft SQL Server for a SQL Server data-tier application (DAC) when you deploy a virtual machine as part of a service)
program pro systém MS-DOSMS-DOS-based program (A program that is designed to run with MS-DOS and therefore may not be able to take full advantage of all Windows features)
Program přidělování loga systému Windows 7Windows 7 Logo Program (A program designed to identify compatible and reliable systems, software, and hardware products that have passed Microsoft-designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)
projekt aplikace na datové vrstvě v systému SQL ServerSQL Server data-tier application project (A Visual Studio project used by database developers to create and develop a DAC. DAC projects get full support from Visual Studio and VSTS source code control, versioning, and development project management)
protokol připojení klientů k externím systémůmtenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
Průvodce přípravou automatického obnovení systémuAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
Průzkumník stavového nástroje systému SQL ServerSQL Server Utility Explorer (A hierarchical tree displaying the objects in the SQL Server Utility)
předinstalace vázaná na systémSLP (Technology that helps restrict legitimately licensed operating system software to use with the computer system upon which it was originally distributed by a royalty OEM, all in accordance with the license rights granted)
Předinstalační prostředí systému WindowsWindows Preinstallation Environment (A minimal Win32 operating system with limited services that's used to prepare a computer for Windows installation, to copy disk images from a network file server, and to initiate Windows Setup)
připojený systém souborůmounted file system (A file system located on a removable medium, such as a PC Card storage device. The operating system loads, or mounts, the file system when the medium is inserted into the device. It unloads, or unmounts, the file system when the medium is removed or when the user issues a command to do so)
příkazový řádek systém MS-DOSMS-DOS prompt (The visual indication from the MS-DOS command processor that the operating system is ready to accept a new command. The default DOS prompt is a path followed by a greater-than sign (for example, C:>); the user can also design a custom prompt with the PROMPT command)
relační databázový systémRDBMS (A database system that organizes data into related rows and columns as specified by a relational model)
rovinný souřadnicový systémplanar coordinate system (A system of coordinates in reference to a planar space)
rozhraní API jazyka JavaScript pro systém OfficeJavaScript API for Office (A JavaScript API that provides simple and consistent programmatic access to Office documents and applications across Office client environments through common as well as application-specific data types, objects, functions and events)
rozhraní API systému WindowsWindows API (The functions, messages, data structures, data types, and statements you can use in creating applications that run under Microsoft Windows 95 or later, including procedure declarations, user-defined type definitions, and constant declarations)
Rozhraní API webových služeb systému WindowsWindows Web Services API (A native-code implementation of SOAP that provides a foundation for building Web services for internal Microsoft customers such as components of Windows and parts of Office)
rozhraní Fluent systému Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Fluent interface (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
rozhraní Fluent systému Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Fluent (Characterized by design and functional elements introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office suite user interface)
rozhraní Fluent systému OfficeOffice Fluent (Characterized by design and functional elements introduced in the 2007 Microsoft Office suite user interface)
Rychlý přístup k systému Exchange ServerExchange Fast Access (A feature that enables Exchange users to see new email messages and up-to-date calendar items as soon as they open Outlook, without waiting for it to finish synchronizing)
sada Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office SystemMicrosoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System (A family of Microsoft Visual Studio add-in software that allows developers to use Visual Basic and Visual C to write code behind Word- and Excel-based applications)
schopné rozpoznávat nastavení DPI systémusystem–DPI aware (Pertaining to an application that always renders at the system DPI setting, which is calculated by Windows based on the primary display at first logon)
server požadavků na stav systémuhealth requirement server (A software component that communicates with a Network Policy Server (NPS) and provides information that system health agents (SHAs) use to validate compliance. For example, a server running NPS might have to contact a policy server, such as an antivirus signature server, to check for the version of the current signature file. A policy server also communicates with a system health validator (SHV) to validate a statement of health (SoH) from an SHA)
server systému souborů NFSNFS server (A computer providing Network File System (NFS) disk resources to NFS clients)
sledovaný systémmonitored system (The system where a monitored ASP.NET application or web service runs and where the APM service is started)
služba Jednotné zasílání zpráv systému Microsoft ExchangeMicrosoft Exchange Unified Messaging Service (A service that implements Unified Messaging (UM) capabilities for UM-enabled users)
Služba prezentací systému OfficeOffice Presentation Service (A free online service that enables Office users to share presentations with people who view them on the web)
Služba pro nasazení systému WindowsWindows DS (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
Služba pro nasazení systému WindowsWindows Deployment Services (Software services that allow an administrator to set up new client computers remotely, without having to visit each client. The target clients must support remote booting)
služba System Center Audit ForwardingSystem Center Audit Forwarding service (The service that is used by an Operations Manager agent to be an Audit Collection Services (ACS) forwarder, which sends information about security events to the management server that is acting as the ACS collector when Audit Collection is enabled)
služba System Center Data AccessSystem Center Data Access service (A Windows service that runs on the management servers in each management group, and that allows client applications to access Operations Manager data and functionality)
služba System Center Global Service MonitorSystem Center Global Service Monitor (A cloud-based service that monitors the availability of external web-based applications from multiple locations around the world)
služba System Center Management APMSystem Center Management APM service (A service that processes events collected from the monitored systems)
služba System Center Management HealthSystem Center Management Health service (The Windows-based service responsible for executing management packs as part of the Operations Manager agent and server components)
služba Windows Update pro systém Windows MobileWindows Update for Windows Mobile (An application that performs the functions of Windows Update for Windows Mobile devices. WMDU enables the user to help keep their device protected and up to date by receiving important firmware updates automatically. The user can also check for important and optional updates manually. WMDU has 2 components: an on-device client and an OMA proxy server that mediates between Microsoft Update service and a Windows Mobile device)
smlouva Microsoft OEM System Builder AgreementMicrosoft OEM System Builder Agreement (The license agreement between a system builder and Microsoft Licensing, Inc., affixed to the side of every OEM Distribution Pack. By opening the package, you agree to all the terms of the Microsoft OEM System Builder Agreement. If you do not agree to all the terms of the agreement, contact the Microsoft OEM authorized distributor from which it was purchased and make arrangements to return the software)
soubor datového připojení systému OfficeOffice data connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
Souborový server pro systém MacintoshFile Server for Macintosh (A service that allows users of Macintosh computers to store, access, and share files on servers running Services for Macintosh)
současné používání více operačních systémůdual boot (A computer configuration in which two different operating systems are installed and either can be loaded at start-up)
součást systému SQL ServerSQL Server component (A SQL Server program module developed to perform a specific set of tasks - e.g., data transformation, data analysis, reporting)
spouštění více operačních systémůmultiple boot (A computer configuration in which two or more different operating systems are installed on the same computer hard disk, and you can choose which operating system to use when the computer starts)
spouštění více operačních systémůmultiboot (A computer configuration in which two or more different operating systems are installed on the same computer hard disk, and you can choose which operating system to use when the computer starts)
Správce bitových kopií systému WindowsWindows SIM (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
Správce bitových kopií systému WindowsWindows System Image Manager (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
Správce bitových kopií systému WindowsWSIM (A utility for creating and modifying answer files and configuration sets)
Správce nasazení operačního systémuOperating System Deployment Manager (A security role that grants permissions to administrative users so that they can create, deploy, and manage operating system images)
Správce připojení k systému SQL ServerSQL Server Connection Director (A connectivity technology where applications based on different data access technologies (.NET or native Win32) can share the same connection information. Connection information can be centrally managed for such client applications)
Správce spouštění systému WindowsWindows Boot Manager (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
správce systémusystem administrator (The person responsible for setting up and managing local computers, stand-alone servers, member servers, or domain controllers. An administrator performs such duties as assigning user accounts and passwords, establishing security access levels, watching for unauthorized access, allocating storage space, and helping users with networking problems)
správce systémusysadmin (The person responsible for setting up and managing local computers, stand-alone servers, member servers, or domain controllers. An administrator performs such duties as assigning user accounts and passwords, establishing security access levels, watching for unauthorized access, allocating storage space, and helping users with networking problems)
správce systému ExchangeExchange administrator (The administrator account with privileges to administer Exchange services)
Správce systému ExchangeExchange System Manager (A collection of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins that Microsoft Exchange provides)
Standardní protokol IEEE pro ověřování připojení přechodných zařízení úložiště k hostitelským systémůmIEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
Stavový nástroj systému SQL ServerSQL Server Utility (A way to organize and monitor SQL Server resource health. It enables administrators to have a holistic view of their environment)
stavový systémstatus system (The overall system that generates, collects, processes, replicates, and presents status messages and other data to the SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console)
svazek operačního systémuoperating system volume (A volume that contains an operating system (for example, Windows Vista) that can be loaded by Windows Boot Manager. A given system can have multiple operating system volumes. The operating system on the current volume can be started only if it has an entry in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD))
systém Active DesktopActive Desktop (One of the two components installed with Windows Desktop Update. Active Desktop allows users to add active content, such as a stock ticker, to their desktop, taskbar, or folders. Users can also single-click files to run and open them. Active Desktop can be disabled in the Internet Explorer Administration Kit, even if Windows Desktop Update is installed)
systém BIOSBIOS (The set of essential software routines that test computer hardware at startup, start the operating system, and support the transfer of information between hardware devices. The BIOS is stored in read-only memory (ROM) so that it can be run when the computer is turned on. Although critical to performance, the BIOS is usually invisible to computer users)
systém BIOSbasic input/output system (The set of essential software routines that test computer hardware at startup, start the operating system, and support the transfer of information between hardware devices. The BIOS is stored in read-only memory (ROM) so that it can be run when the computer is turned on. Although critical to performance, the BIOS is usually invisible to computer users)
Systém BIOS pro standard Plug and PlayPlug and Play BIOS (A BIOS with responsibility for configuring Plug and Play cards and system-board devices during system power up. Provides runtime configuration services for system board devices after startup)
systém DTMFdual-tone multiple-frequency The signaling system used in telephones with touchtone keypads, in which each digit is associated with two specific frequencies (Dual Tone Multiple-Frequency)
systém DTMFDTMF (The signaling system used in telephones with touchtone keypads, in which each digit is associated with two specific frequencies)
systém hlasové poštyvoice mail system (A system that records and stores telephone messages in a user mailbox)
systém hodnocení hergame rating system (A rating system for online games)
Systém hodnocení webůMicrosoft Web Rating System (A content rating system for Web sites developed by Microsoft)
systém jednoteksystem of units (A set of units used for measurement or exchange)
Systém kontroly sítěNetwork Inspection System (A detection system that helps guard against intrusion attempts targeting known and newly discovered vulnerabilities in network protocols)
systém lokalitysite system (A server or share that provides SMS/Configuration Manager functionality to an SMS/Configuration Manager site. The functionality provided by a site system depends on the assigned role. A site system can perform one or more roles)
systém Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office (A system of Microsoft productivity software that supports common business tasks, including word processing, e-mail, presentations, and data management and analysis)
systém Microsoft® Office 20072007 Microsoft® Office system (A version of the integrated system of Microsoft core desktop productivity tools, programs, servers, and services designed for information work)
systém Microsoft® OfficeMicrosoft® Office system (An integrated system of Microsoft core desktop productivity tools, programs, servers, and services designed for information work)
systém MS-DOSMS-DOS (A Microsoft computer operating system with a command-line interface that is used to control many internal computer functions, such as running programs and organizing and maintaining files)
systém OS/2OS/2 (A protected-mode, virtual memory, multitasking operating system for personal computers based on the Intel 80286, 80386, i486, and Pentium processors. OS/2 can run most MS-DOS-based programs and can read all MS-DOS disks)
systém PanosePanose (A font-classification method that measures values, such as serifs, weight, and stroke variations, for a TrueType font. These values are represented by a Panose number. The Panose number is then used to associate the font with other fonts of similar appearance but different names. The closer the Panose number of two fonts, the more similar they are)
systém pro přenos zprávMTS (The X.400 term for a messaging system, which is a product that enables electronic communication over a network)
systém pro správumanagement system (A network-enabled host running Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) management software. This software requests information from SNMP agents)
systém pro správu relačních databázírelational database management system (A database system that organizes data into related rows and columns as specified by a relational model)
systém přenosu zprávmessage transfer system (The X.400 term for a messaging system, which is a product that enables electronic communication over a network)
Systém přístupu pomocí klávesniceKeyboard Access System (A set of accelerator keys with associated icons)
systém souborůfile system (In an operating system, the overall structure in which files are named, stored, and organized. NTFS, FAT, and FAT32 are types of file systems)
systém souborů DFSDistributed File System A service that allows system administrators to organize distributed network shares into a logical namespace, enabling users to access files without specifying their physical location and providing load sharing across network shares (Distributed File System)
systém souborů DFSDFS (A service that allows system administrators to organize distributed network shares into a logical namespace, enabling users to access files without specifying their physical location and providing load sharing across network shares)
systém souborů EFSEncrypting File System A Microsoft file-based encryption technology that enables users to encrypt files and folders on NTFS volumes. EFS helps protect the confidentiality of data by ensuring that only authorized users can decrypt the encrypted files or folders (Encrypting File System)
systém souborů EFSEFS (A Microsoft file-based encryption technology that enables users to encrypt files and folders on NTFS volumes. EFS helps protect the confidentiality of data by ensuring that only authorized users can decrypt the encrypted files or folders)
systém souborů FATFAT (A file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems to organize and manage files)
systém souborů FAT32FAT32 (A derivative of the file allocation table (FAT) file system. FAT32 supports smaller cluster sizes and larger volumes than FAT, which results in more efficient space allocation on FAT32 volumes)
systém souborů FATfile allocation table A file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems to organize and manage files (File Allocation Table)
systém souborů HPFSHPFS (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
systém souborů HPFShigh-performance file system (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
systém souborů HPFShigh performance file system (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
systém souborů NFSNFS (A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X)
systém souborů NFSnetwork file system A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X (Network File System)
systém souborů NTFSNTFS file system (An advanced file system designed for use specifically with the Windows NT operating system. It supports long filenames, full security access control, file system recovery, extremely large storage media, and various features for the Windows NT POSIX subsystem. It also supports object-oriented applications by treating all files as objects with user-defined and system-defined attributes)
systém souborů NTFSNTFS (An advanced file system designed for use specifically with the Windows NT operating system. It supports long filenames, full security access control, file system recovery, extremely large storage media, and various features for the Windows NT POSIX subsystem. It also supports object-oriented applications by treating all files as objects with user-defined and system-defined attributes)
systém souborů UDFUniversal Disk Format A file system defined by the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) that is the successor to the CD-ROM file system (CDFS). UDF is used for removable disk media like DVD, CD, and magneto-optic (MO) disks (Universal Disk Format)
systém souborů UDFUDF (A file system defined by the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) that is the successor to the CD-ROM file system (CDFS). UDF is used for removable disk media like DVD, CD, and magneto-optic (MO) disks)
systém správy dokumentůdocument management system (An application service for storing and handling an organization's documents)
Systém správy prostředkůResource Management System (A technology that enables developers to localize their apps based on each user's preferred language and current resolution)
systém UNIXUNIX (A powerful, multiuser, multitasking operating system initially developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1969 for use on minicomputers. UNIX is considered more portable, that is, less computer-specific, than other operating systems because it is written in C language. Newer versions of UNIX have been developed at the University of California at Berkeley and by AT&T)
systém uvolňování pamětigarbage collector (The part of the operating system that performs garbage collection)
systém Windows CEWindows CE (An operating system specially designed for mobile devices)
systém Windows NTWindows NT (A Microsoft self-contained, 32-bit, preemptive multitasking operating system that features networking, symmetric multiprocessing, multithreading, and a graphical user interface)
Systém čeká na voláníWaiting for Call (A telephony signal that Network Connections has put the modem in Listen mode and is waiting for incoming calls)
systémem definovaný typ finanční dimenzesystem-defined financial dimension type (A financial dimension mapped to a table or view in the database that represents an entity type and whose values are in the domain of one attribute of that entity type)
testovaný systémSUT (A system that is being tested for correct operation)
testovaný systémsystem-under-test (A system that is being tested for correct operation)
Testování paměti systému WindowsWindows Memory Tester (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
topologie systému souborů DFSDFS topology (The overall logical hierarchy of the Distributed File System (DFS), including elements such as roots, links, shared folders, and replica sets, as depicted in the DFS administrative console. This is not to be confused with the DFS namespace, which is the logical view of shared resources seen by users)
tradiční americký systém jednotekU.S. Customary System (The system of weights and measurements maintained by the National Bureau of Standards in the United States)
typ výpisu stavu systémuCrash Dump Type (Specifies the file format Dr. Watson will use to store the information. The Full format contains the entire memory space of the program, as well as the program image itself, the handle table, and other information that will be useful to the debugger. The Mini format may include the full memory and handle table, or it may simply contain information about a single thread. The Windows NT 4.0-compatible Full format provides you with the opportunity to use older tools to analyze the dump file. Crash Dump Type is only available when you have selected the Create Crash Dump File check box)
uvítání systémem WindowsWindows Welcome (A feature of Microsoft Windows that configures the machine and customizes user accounts to ensure a functioning and engaging first boot experience)
uživatelské jméno v systému WindowsWindows user name (A unique name that identifies a user account to Windows. An account's user name must be unique among the other group names and user names within its own domain or workgroup)
uživatelské rozhraní Fluent systému Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Fluent user interface (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
uživatelské rozhraní Fluent systému OfficeOffice Fluent user interface (The user interface introduced with the 2007 Microsoft Office suite. It includes components and features such as the Ribbon, Galleries, Live Preview, the Mini Toolbar, and Contextual Tabs)
uživatelský účet systému WindowsWindows user account (All the information that defines a user to the operating system, including the user name and any required password, membership in groups, and the rights and permissions that are associated with the user)
validátor stavu systémusystem health validator A server software counterpart to a system health agent (SHA). A system health validator verifies the statement of health (SoH) made by its respective SHA (System Health Validator)
validátor stavu systémuSHV A server software counterpart to a system health agent (SHA). A system health validator verifies the statement of health (SoH) made by its respective SHA (SHV)
Validátor stavu zabezpečení systému WindowsWSHV (Windows system health validator (SHV) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Validator verifies status of system health components that are received in a statement of health (SoH) from NAP client computers that have the Windows Security Health Agent installed)
Validátor stavu zabezpečení systému WindowsWindows Security Health Validator (Windows system health validator (SHV) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Validator verifies status of system health components that are received in a statement of health (SoH) from NAP client computers that have the Windows Security Health Agent installed)
virtuální systém souborůvirtual file system (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects file system requests from application processes running in a virtual environment. These requests are processed based on the virtual files and directories defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
Vložené úložiště systému Office 2007Office 2007 Embedded Storage (An extension module that stores information (metadata) within Office 2007 files)
vázaný systémbound system (The application system whose applications are bound to logical servers as described on a deployment diagram)
vícedimenzionální měrný systémmultidimensional measurement (A measurement with many characterizations of the magnitude or extent of the property of an object)
výpis stavu systémucrash dump (A binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger to analyze the cause of the crash. It contains the contents of the memory when the crash occurred)
Webové služby systému ExchangeExchange Web Services (A set of features that provides a programming interface for accessing Microsoft Exchange data through the Client Access server role by using Web services)
Zabezpečení služeb systému WindowsWindows Service Hardening (A feature of Windows Vista that limits the damage that can be done to the system by an attacker by preventing the compromised service from changing important configuration settings in the file system or registry or from infecting other computers on the network. For example, the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service can be kept from replacing system files or modifying the registry)
Zasílání zpráv o chybách systému WindowsWindows Error Reporting (The Windows technology that collects data on system crashes or hangs and sends it to Microsoft)
Zavaděč operačního systému WindowsWindows OS Loader (A Boot Configuration Data (BCD) application object)
Zavaděč pro obnovení systému WindowsWindows Resume Loader (A utility that loads the executable code of a program into memory for execution after hibernation)
zobrazení Stavového nástroje systému SQL ServerSQL Server Utility viewpoints (A feature of SQL Server Utility that provides administrators a holistic view of resource health through an instance of SQL Server that serves as a utility control point (UCP))
zobrazovací systémdisplay system (The combination of monitor, video adapter, and display software)
zotavení systému po chyběcrash recovery (The ability of a computer to resume operation after a disastrous failure, such as the failure of a hard drive. Ideally, recovery can occur without any loss of data, although usually some, if not all, data is lost)
zpráva odpověďního systémusystem prompt (A short audio recording, installed on the Exchange Unified Messaging server, that is played to callers by the server. System prompts may be used to welcome callers, to inform them of their options when they use the system, and to make them aware of important information and of events and errors that have occurred)
zpráva odpověďního systémuprompt (An audio message played over the telephone to explain valid options to users)
zástupce System Engineersystem engineer (A Microsoft employee who assists one or more specific royalty OEMs as they prepare to manufacture computers that will use the version of Windows that is currently under development)
úložiště zpráv odpovědního systémuprompt publishing point (A file share where storage space is available for Unified Messaging custom prompts. Each dial plan has only one prompt publishing point)
úložiště záznamů odpovědního systémuprompt publishing point (A file share where storage space is available for Unified Messaging custom prompts. Each dial plan has only one prompt publishing point)
úplná záloha systémubare-metal backup (A backup that includes all critical volumes so that the recovered system is bootable. It can optionally include all the data volumes so that, if a recovery is performed to a new hard disk, the data volumes also get restored. You can rebuild a machine from scratch and it works on alternate hardware too)
úplné obnovení systémuBMR (A recovery of a system using a backup that contains critical volumes and, optionally, data files that you can use to rebuild a system from scratch or rebuild a system using alternate hardware)
úplné obnovení systémubare-metal recovery (A recovery of a system using a backup that contains critical volumes and, optionally, data files that you can use to rebuild a system from scratch or rebuild a system using alternate hardware)
účetní systémaccounting system (The accounting program)
čistý systémclean system (An installation of Windows that has not been modified and has not had any additional software installed on it)
řídicí panel Stavového nástroje systému SQL ServerSQL Server Utility dashboard (A dashboard that provides an at-a-glance summary of resource health for managed SQL Server instances and data-tier applications. Can also be referred to as the SQL Server Utility detail view or the list view with details)