
Terms containing strukturu | all forms | exact matches only
gen.africká struktura pro mír a bezpečnostAfrican Peace and Security Architecture
construct.analýza strukturystructural analysis
construct.architektonická strukturaarchitectural structure
agric.buněčná strukturacellular structure
environ.chemická strukturachemical structure
comp., MSdatová strukturadata structure (An organizational scheme, such as a record or array, that can be applied to data to facilitate interpreting the data or performing operations on it)
construct.demografická struktura obyvatelstvademographic composition of population
agric.deskovitá struktura půdyslab structure of soil
agric.destičkovitá struktura půdylaminated structure of soil
agric.destičkovitá struktura půdyslaty structure of soil
comp., MSdiagram logické struktury datacentralogical datacenter diagram (The diagram used to create a logical representation of a datacenter. The logical datacenter diagram (.ldd) file contains information based on the System Definition Model (SDM))
comp., MSdiagram statické strukturystatic structure diagram (A diagram that shows the static structure of a model; that is, the elements that exist (such as classes and types), the internal structure of the elements, and their relationships to one another)
comp., MSdiagram struktury ROOMROOM structure diagram (A graphical model of a system's components and their relationships (the structure), and of the system's response to events (its behavior))
comp., MSdolovací strukturamining structure (A data mining object that defines the data domain from which the mining models are built)
comp., MSdoménová strukturaforest (One or more Active Directory domains that share the same class and attribute definitions (schema), site and replication information (configuration), and forest-wide search capabilities (global catalog). Domains in the same forest are linked with two-way, transitive trust relationships)
construct.dopravní strukturatransportation system structure
agric.drobnohledná strukturamicrostructure
agric.drobtovitá struktura půdycloddy structure of soil
agric.drobtovitá struktura půdycrumble structure of soil
agric.drobtovitá struktura půdyloess-like structure of soil
busin., labor.org.dualistická strukturadual board structure
busin., labor.org.dualistická strukturatwo-tier system
busin., labor.org.dualistická strukturadual board regime
comp., MSdůvěryhodná doménová strukturatrusted forest (A forest that is trusted to make authentication statements for security principals in that forest. Assuming forest A trusts forest B, all domains belonging to forest A will trust all domains in forest B, subject to policy configuration)
mater.sc., construct.Evropská laboratoř pro ověřování strukturEuropean Laboratory for Structural Assessment
construct.funkční strukturafunctional structure
comp., MShierarchická struktura uživatelůUser Breakdown Structure (The structure that describes an organization's hierarchy. The RBS code defines the hierarchical position that a resource holds in the organization)
comp., MShierarchická struktura zdrojůResource Breakdown Structure (The structure that describes an organization's hierarchy. The RBS code defines the hierarchical position that a resource holds in the organization)
construct.hmotová prostorová strukturadouble layer grid
econ.hospodářská strukturaeconomic structure
agric.houbovitá struktura půdyspongy structure of soil
agric.hranolovitá struktura půdyprismatic structure of soil
agric.hraškovitá struktura půdypea structure of soil
agric.hrubozrnná půdní strukturacoarse grain structure of soil
agric.hrubě zrnitá struktura půdycoarse-grained structure
agric.hrudovitá struktura půdylumpy structure of soil
astr.hyperjemná strukturahyperfine structure
econ.institucionální strukturainstitutional structure
astr.jemná strukturafine structure
astr.jemná struktura chromosférychromospheric fine structure
fin.jiná struktura financováníother financing structure
construct.kompoziční strukturaarchitectural composition
comp., MSkonfigurace doménové strukturyforest configuration (A configuration object used to model Active Directory forests)
agric.kostečkovitá struktura půdysmall-nut structure of soil
agric.kostkovitá struktura půdycube structure of soil
comp., MSkořenová doména doménové strukturyforest root domain (The first domain created in a new forest. The forest-wide administrative groups, Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins, are located in this domain. As a best practice, new domains are created as children of the forest root domain)
comp., MSkořenová doména strukturyforest root domain (The first domain created in a new forest. The forest-wide administrative groups, Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins, are located in this domain. As a best practice, new domains are created as children of the forest root domain)
chem.kvantitativní vztah mezi strukturou a aktivitouquantitative structure-activity relationship
pharma., chem.kvantitativní vztah mezi strukturou a vlastnostmiquantitative structure property relationship
comp., MSlogická struktura datacentralogical datacenter (A logical representation of an actual or physical deployment datacenter environment)
agric.lístkovitá struktura půdylaminated structure of soil
agric.lístkovitá struktura půdyslaty structure of soil
transp., avia.manažer struktury vzdušného prostorunetwork manager
comp., MSmetoda zjišťování lokalit a podsítí v doménových strukturách služby Active DirectoryActive Directory Forest Discovery method (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for Active Directory sites and subnets in Active Directory forests)
gen.mezivládní strukturaintergovernmental structure
construct.model struktury sítěstructural network model
busin., labor.org.monistická strukturaunitary board structure
busin., labor.org.monistická strukturaunitary board regime
busin., labor.org.monistická strukturaone-tier system
comp., MSmultidimensionální strukturamultidimensional structure (A database paradigm that treats data as cubes that contain dimensions and measures in cells)
econ.měnová strukturacurrency structure
med., pharma.nosná strukturascaffold
comp., MSNávrhář logické struktury datacentraLogical Datacenter Designer (The designer used to create and edit diagrams of interconnected logical servers that represent the logical structure of a datacenter)
comp., MSNávrhář logické struktury datacentraLDD (The designer used to create and edit diagrams of interconnected logical servers that represent the logical structure of a datacenter)
astr.oblouk s paprskovitou strukturouRA
astr.oblouk s paprskovitou strukturouarc with ray-structure
polit.Oddělení pro financování politických struktur a inventářPolitical Structures Financing and Inventory Unit
agric.ojediněle částicová struktura půdysingle-grain structure of soil (rozprášená struktura půdy)
construct.orientovaná strukturaoriented structure
construct.ortogonální strukturasquare or rectangular grid
agric.ořechovitá struktura půdynutty structure of soil
soil.ořechovitá struktura půdynut-structure of soil
agric.oříškovitá struktura půdysmall-nut structure of soil
agric.plstnatá strukturafelted structure
econ.politika zemědělských strukturpolicy on agricultural structures
soil.porušení strukturystructure deformation
gen.Pracovní skupina pro zemědělské struktury a rozvoj venkova Egejské ostrovyWorking Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development Aegean Islands
gen.Pracovní skupina pro zemědělské struktury a rozvoj venkovaWorking Party on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development
agric.prašná struktura půdypowder structure of soil
construct.prostorové strukturydouble layer grids
econ.prostředek ovlivňující strukturutexture agent
food.ind.protein modifikující strukturu leduanti-freeze protein
food.ind.protein modifikující strukturu leduIce Structuring Protein
astr.prstencová strukturaring pattern
agric.práškovitá strukturapowdery structure
econ.průmyslová strukturaindustrial structures
astr.pás s paprskovitou strukturouRB
astr.pás s paprskovitou strukturouband with ray-structure
agric.půdní strukturasoil structure
dat.proc., life.sc.rozpoznávání struktury žilvein pattern recognition
dat.proc., life.sc.rozpoznávání struktury žilvascular pattern recognition
econ.rybářské strukturyfisheries structure
comp., MSsdílené datové strukturyCommon Structure Services (The mechanism in Team Foundation for describing a feature hierarchy)
polym.skeletální strukturaskeletal structure
agric.sloupkovitá struktura půdycolumnar structure of soil
tax., energ.ind.směrnice Rady 2003/96/ES, kterou se mění struktura rámcových předpisů Společenství o zdanění energetických produktů a elektřinyEnergy Taxation Directive
tax., energ.ind.směrnice Rady 2003/96/ES, kterou se mění struktura rámcových předpisů Společenství o zdanění energetických produktů a elektřinyCouncil Directive 2003/96/EC restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity
astr.spirální strukturaspiral structure
econ.společenská strukturasocial structure
comp., MSstromová struktura doménydomain tree (In DNS, the inverted hierarchical tree structure that is used to index domain names. Domain trees are similar in purpose and concept to the directory trees used by computer filing systems for disk storage. For example, when numerous files are stored on disk, directories can be used to organize the files into logical collections. When a domain tree has one or more branches, each branch can organize domain names used in the namespace into logical collections)
comp., MSstromová struktura složekfolder tree (A hierarchy of folders in the Exchange store very similar in structure to the standard file system. A single folder can contain child folders, which, in turn, can contain other child folders)
environ.struktura atmosféryatmospheric structure The gaseous area surrounding the planet is divided into several concentric spherical strata (layers, like shells) separated by narrow transition zones. The boundaries are know as "pause". More than 99% of the total atmospheric mass is concentrated in the first 40 km from the Earth's surface. Atmospheric layers are characterized by differences in chemical composition that produce variations in temperature
construct.struktura bytové výstavbystructure of housing construction
environ.struktura chemickáchemical structure The arrangement of atoms in a molecule of a chemical compound
comp., MSstruktura databázedatabase structure (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
construct.struktura dopravytransportation system structure
construct.struktura dopravystructure of city traffic
agric.struktura dřevatimber texture
agric.struktura dřevatimber structure
environ.struktura ekonomickáeconomic structure The underlying framework, including transportation and communications systems, industrial facilities, education and technology, that enables a country or region to produce goods, services and other resources with exchange value
construct.struktura fondusoil body structure
environ.struktura institucionálníinstitutional structure An organization's complex system of mutually connected and dependent elements or parts, which make up a definite manner of arrangement
construct.struktura investicstructure of capital investments
construct.struktura kartotékysoil body structure
astr.struktura kometstructure of comets
construct.struktura kódového označenícode sign structure
construct.struktura kódového slovacode sign structure
fin., invest.struktura "master-feeder"master-feeder structure
fin., invest.struktura "master-feeder"master-feeder fund structure
fin., invest.struktura "master-feeder"master-feeder fund
astr.struktura meteorického proudumeteor stream structure (roje)
astr.struktura meteoritůstructure of meteorites
environ.struktura městaurban structure The built-up components, the street system and the facilities which make up an urban unit
environ.struktura obyvatelstvapopulation structure The organization of, and inter-relationships among, inhabitants of a given region, country or city
agric.struktura osevnich plochdisposition of crops
agric.struktura osevnich plochdisposition of sown area
agric.struktura osevního postupustructure of crop rotation
construct.struktura osídlenípopulation distribution pattern
environ.struktura podnikucompany structure The type of organization of a company. Three kinds of structure are usually recognized: centralized, formal or hierarchical
econ.struktura podnikucompany structure
construct.struktura pojivástructure of binding matter
fin.struktura poplatkůcharging structure
construct.struktura průmyslové výstavbycomposition of industrial construction
environ.struktura průmysluindustrial structure No definition needed
environ.struktura půdnísoil structure The combination or aggregation of primary soil particles into aggregates or clusters, which are separated from adjoining peds by surfaces of weakness. Soil structure is classified on the basis of size, shape, and distinctness into classes, types, and grades
agric.struktura půdního fondustructure of land resources
environ.struktura regionálníregional structure The organization or arrangement of a large geographical territory or a designated division of a country or state that may be formulated according to some administrative, biological, political, economic or demographic criteria
environ.struktura rybářstvífisheries structure Refers to all the structures (fishing vessels, trawling nets, factory ships, catcher boats, etc.) used in fishing industry
construct.struktura s membránovou střechougrid with membrane roof covering
environ.struktura sociálnísocial structure A term loosely applied to any recurring pattern of social behaviour; or, more specifically, to the ordered interrelationships between the different elements or a social system or society
agric.struktura stádaflock structure
agric.struktura stádaherd structure
econ.struktura státní správyadministrative structures
transp., avia.struktura vzdušného prostoruairspace structure
environ.struktura zaměstnanostiemployment structure The organization and proportions of the various job types and skill levels in an enterprise or economy
econ.struktura zaměstnanostiemployment structure
environ.struktura zemědělskáagricultural structure The buildings, machinery, facilities, related to agricultural production
agric.struktura zemědělstvístructure of agriculture
construct.struktura základních fondůstructure of basic assets
comp., MSstrukturovaný rozpis prací, hierarchická struktura činností, WBSWBS (A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work)
astr.teorie spirální strukturytheory of spiral structure
astr.tvary bez paprskovité strukturyforms without ray-structure
astr.tvary s paprskovitou strukturouforms with ray-structure
astr.velejemná strukturahyperfine structure
astr.vláknitá strukturafilamentary structure
agric.vláknitá strukturafibrous structure
agric.vodostálá struktura půdywater-stable structure of soil
agric.voštinovitá struktura půdycellular structure of soil
agric.vytváření strukturyformation of structure
comp., MSvztah důvěryhodnosti doménové strukturyforest trust (A trust between two Windows Server 2003 forests that forms trust relationships between every domain in both forests. A forest trust can be created only between the forest root domains in each forest. Forest trusts are transitive, and they can be one-way or two-way. An administrator must manually establish a forest trust, unlike an automatically established trust, such as a parent-child trust)
chem.vztah mezi strukturou a aktivitoustructure-activity relationship
environ.vztah struktura-působenístructure-activity relationship The association between a chemical structure and carcinogenicity
comp., MSvícenásobné ověřování skupin napříč doménovou strukturoumultiple forest group validation (A mode of the group validation activity that places cross forest members of a group in the FSP set associated with the forest in which the group resides)
fish.farm., polit.Výbor pro struktury rybolovu a akvakulturyCommittee on Structures for Fisheries and Aquaculture
gen.Výbor pro zemědělské struktury a rozvoj venkovaCommittee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development
construct.výrůstky na stromě s vlnitou strukturoucyst
construct.výrůstky na stromě s vlnitou strukturouexcrescence
construct.výrůstky na stromě s vlnitou strukturoucurly grain
construct.věková struktura obyvatelstvapopulation composition by age
comp., MSvětev doménové strukturydomain tree (In Active Directory, a hierarchical structure of one or more domains, connected by transitive, bidirectional trusts, that forms a contiguous namespace. Multiple domain trees can belong to the same forest)
agric., construct.zemědělská strukturaland tenure
econ.zemědělská strukturaagricultural structure
agric., construct.zemědělská strukturarural structure
agric., construct.zemědělská strukturafarming structure
agric., construct.zemědělská strukturaagrarian structure
stat., social.sc.zjišťování o struktuře výdělkůstructure of earnings survey
agric.zrnitá strukturagranular structure
agric.zrnitá struktura půdygranular structure of soil
agric.zrnitá struktura půdycrumble structure of soil
construct.územně plánovací strukturaplanning structure
comp., MSúčetní strukturaaccount structure (A configuration of the main account financial dimension and other financial dimensions)
comp., MSčlen v jiné doménové struktuřecross-forest member (A member of a security group whose user account is in a different forest from the group account)
agric.čočkovitá struktura půdylenticular structure of soil
dat.proc., life.sc.čtečka struktury žilvein reader
dat.proc., life.sc.čtečka struktury žilvein scanner
dat.proc., life.sc.čtečka struktury žilvein pattern scanner
dat.proc., life.sc.čtečka struktury žilvein pattern reader
polit.Ředitelství pro financování politických struktur a jiné službyDirectorate for Political Structures Financing and Other Services
polit.ředitelství pro zemědělské struktury, rozvoj venkova, agromonetární a finanční zemědělské otázky, zdraví rostlin, ekologické produkty, kvalitu potravin, geneticky modifikované organismy, Codex Alimentarius a ochranu rostlinDirectorate for agricultural structures, rural development, agri-monetary and agri-financial questions, plant health, organic products, food quality, GMOs, Codex Alimentarius, plant protection
polit.ředitelství pro zemědělské struktury, rozvoj venkova, agromonetární a finanční zemědělské otázky, zdraví rostlin, ekologické produkty, kvalitu potravin, geneticky modifikované organismy, Codex Alimentarius a ochranu rostlinDirectorate 2 - Agricultural structures, rural development, agri-monetary and agri-financial questions, plant health, organic products, food quality, GMOs, Codex Alimentarius, plant protection
polit.ředitelství 2 - zemědělské struktury, rozvoj venkova, agromonetární a finanční zemědělské otázky, zdraví rostlin, ekologické produkty, kvalita potravin, geneticky modifikované organismy, Codex Alimentarius a ochrana rostlinDirectorate for agricultural structures, rural development, agri-monetary and agri-financial questions, plant health, organic products, food quality, GMOs, Codex Alimentarius, plant protection
polit.ředitelství 2 - zemědělské struktury, rozvoj venkova, agromonetární a finanční zemědělské otázky, zdraví rostlin, ekologické produkty, kvalita potravin, geneticky modifikované organismy, Codex Alimentarius a ochrana rostlinDirectorate 2 - Agricultural structures, rural development, agri-monetary and agri-financial questions, plant health, organic products, food quality, GMOs, Codex Alimentarius, plant protection
agric.šupinkovitá struktura půdyflaky structure of soil