
Terms containing soubor | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSadaptér souborufile adapter (An adapter that can read messages from the file system and submit them to the server, as well as write messages from the server to a file on the file system)
comp., MSadresář složených souborůcompound file directory (A structure used to contain per-stream information about the streams in a compound file)
comp., MSaktivace souborem XAMLXAML activation (The process of activating a workflow instance directly from the XAMLX file that contains the workflow definition rather than from a DLL or by using a configuration file)
comp., MSAktivní systém souboruLive File System (A file storage system that can be used to create CDs and DVDs. Discs formatted with Live File System allow you to copy files to the disc at any time, instead of copying (burning) them all at once)
crim.law., dat.proc.analytický pracovní souboranalysis work file
crim.law., dat.proc.analytický pracovní souborwork file for the purposes of analysis
crim.law., dat.proc.analytický pracovní souboranalysis file
comp., MSAnalýza souboru importuImport File Parse (A system job that parses a file used in data migration or import)
comp., MSanimovaný soubor GIFGIF animation (A file containing a series of graphics that are displayed in rapid sequence in a Web browser)
construct.architektonický souborarchitectural ensemble
ITasociace souborůfile association
comp., MSautomatické obnovení souborůautomatic file restore (A feature that replaces malware-infected system files with uninfected files from the cloud)
comp., MSbinární souborbinary file (A file that contains encoded information that is interpreted according to the application that created it. In general, a binary file can be edited only by the application in which it was created)
comp., MSblokování souborůfile screen (A File Server Resource Manager option that is used to block certain files from being saved on a volume or in a folder tree. A file screen is applied at the folder level and affects all folders and subfolders in the designated path)
comp., MScíl nezpracovaného souboruRaw File destination (An SSIS destination that writes raw data to a file)
comp., MScílový soubordestination file (The file that a linked or embedded object is inserted into, or that data is saved to. The source file contains the information that is used to create the object. When you change information in a destination file, the information is not updated in the source file)
comp., MSdatový soubordata file (A file consisting of data in the form of text, numbers, or graphics, as distinct from a program file of commands and instructions)
comp., MSdatový soubor aplikace Microsoft AccessMicrosoft Access data file (A database or project file for Microsoft Access)
comp., MSdatový soubor formulářeform data file (The file in which information gathered from electronic forms is stored)
comp., MSdefiniční soubor balíčkupackage definition file (An ASCII text file that contains predefined software distribution objects, such as programs and packages to be used for software deployment)
comp., MSdefiniční soubor kompatibility s OfficeOffice compatibility definition file (A file that stores information about compatibility issues and workarounds and makes it available to the Office Telemetry Log and Office Telemetry Dashboard)
comp., MSdefiniční soubor skinuskin definition file (An XML document that specifies the elements in a skin, along with their relationships and functionality. A skin definition file has a .wms file name extension)
comp., MSdefiniční souborydefinitions (Files that are used to help detect harmful or unwanted software and to prevent it from installing or running on your computer)
comp., MSdlouhý název souborulong file name (A folder or file name longer than the 8.3 file name standard (up to eight characters followed by a period and an extension of up to three characters). Most versions of Windows, including WindowsXP, Windows2000, WindowNT, Windows95, and Windows98 support long file names up to 255 characters)
comp., MSDTD souborDTD file (A document type definition that contains the definitions for the GdPDU INDEX.XML file)
comp., MSdávkový souborbatch program (An ASCII (unformatted text) file that contains one or more operating system commands. A batch program's file name has a .cmd or .bat extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, or when the batch program is run from another program, its commands are processed sequentially)
comp., MSdávkový souborbatch file (An ASCII (unformatted text) file that contains one or more operating system commands. A batch program's file name has a .cmd or .bat extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, or when the batch program is run from another program, its commands are processed sequentially)
stat., chem.dílčí výběrový souborsubsample
stat., chem.dílčí výběrový souborsub-sample
comp., MSEfektivní přenos souborůEfficient File Transfer (A feature that breaks a file up into granular chunks so that during re-open and re-save scenarios only the differences between client and server are sent over the network)
stat.efektivní rozsah výběrového souborueffective sample size
comp., MSEfektivní ukládání souborůEfficient File Storage (A storage method in which a file is split into pieces that are stored and updated separately, and streamed together when a user requests the file)
comp., MSfilmový soubormovie file (A file created by combining the audio, video, and still images contained in your project. Movie files are created when you publish your movie in Windows Movie Maker, and are saved as a Windows Media file with a .wmv file name extension)
comp., MSfiltr souborůfile filter (A DLL that controls the transfer of data between devices)
comp., MSformát souborufile format (The structure or organization of data in a file. File format is usually indicated by the file name extension)
comp., MSformátový souborformat file (A file containing meta information (such as data type and column size) that is used to interpret data when being read from or written to a data file)
comp., MSglobální souborglobal file (A Project file [Global.mpt] that contains information you can use for different projects. Information in a global file can include views, calendars, forms, reports, tables, filters, toolbars, menu bars, macros, and options settings)
construct.historický souborhistoric ensemble (staveb)
comp., MSHistorie souborůFile History (A Windows feature designed to help users avoid data loss by automatically saving versions of files and copies of deleted files so that users can recover them)
comp., MShlavní soubormaster file (The file installed with earlier versions of SQL Server used to store the master, model, and tempdb system databases and transaction logs and the pubs sample database and transaction log)
comp., MShlavní tabulka souborůMFT (An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume)
comp., MShlavní tabulka souborůmaster file table (An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume)
comp., MSidentifikátor souboruinode (A file identifier in UNIX. Each inode is identified by a unique number and contains user and group ownership information, access settings, file type, size, links, and modification information)
comp., MSindexový soubor balíčku prostředkůpackage resource index file (A binary file used in Windows Store apps to store resources for all languages, cultures, and scale factors)
comp., MSinformační souborinformation file (A file created for a particular adapter that provides the operating system with information required to set up a device, such as a list of valid logical configurations for the device, the names of driver files associated with the device, and so on. An .inf file is provided typically on a disk by the device manufacturer or may be included in the operating system)
comp., MSinformační soubor pracovní skupinyworkgroup information file (A file that Access reads at startup that contains information about the users in a workgroup. This information includes users' account names, their passwords, and the groups of which they are members)
comp., MSinfračervený přenos souborůinfrared file transfer (Wireless file transfer between a computer and another computer or device using infrared light)
comp., MSinicializační souborinitialization file (A text file used by the operating system and by individual applications to store persistent settings related to applications, drivers, or hardware. Supported for backward compatibility. Use the registry to store these settings)
IT, transp., avia.integrovaný soubor leteckých informacíintegrated aeronautical information package
comp., MSinteligentní souborsmart file (A file that is only available when a device is connected to the Internet so that the file's data uses little space in the device's storage)
law, fin.jednotný soubor pravidelsingle rulebook
law, fin.jednotný soubor pravidelsingle rule book
construct.kabelový souborcable installation
comp., MSklient systému souborů NFSNFS client (A computer running client software to access shared Network File System (NFS) resources)
comp., MSkompilovaný binární souborcompiled binary file (An Access 2007 database (.accdb) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
construct.komplexní soubor typových podkladůcomplex series of standard designs
comp., MSkonfigurační souborconfiguration file (A file that contains machine-readable operating specifications for a piece of hardware or software or that contains information on another file or on a specific user, such as the user's logon ID)
comp., MSkonfigurační souborconfig file (A file that contains machine-readable operating specifications for a piece of hardware or software or that contains information on another file or on a specific user, such as the user's logon ID)
comp., MSkonfigurační soubor aplikaceapplication configuration file (An XML-based file in a Microsoft .NET application that is used for storing application configuration settings. This file is named app.config in a Microsoft C project)
comp., MSkonfigurační soubor službyservice configuration file (The file that sets values for a service. The values that you can specify include the number of instances to deploy for each role, the values for the configuration parameters that you established in the service definition file, and the thumbprints for any SSL certificates associated with the service)
comp., MSkonfigurační soubor zdrojového kódusource code configuration file (A file that Build.exe uses to generate source code. A source code configuration file can be a dirs file, a sources file, or a makefile file)
comp., MSkonkordanční souborconcordance file (An index file with two columns: the first column lists the text in the document that you want to index, and the second column lists the index entries to generate from the text in the first column)
comp., MSkontrakt Aktualizování souborů v mezipamětiCached File Updater contract (A contract that enables an app to provide real-time updates and saving capabilities for specific files on the system)
comp., MSkontrakt Výběr a otvírání souborůFile Open Picker contract (A contract that enables developers to create apps that use the file picker to offer files to other apps)
comp., MSkontrakt Výběr a ukládání souborůFile Save Picker contract (A contract that enables devs to set up their app as a save location that the user can choose when they use the file picker to save files)
comp., MSkopírování souborůfile copy (The first of the three stages of Setup, where the Windows program files and any additional files specified are copied to the computer's hard disk)
comp., MSlicencovaný souborlicensed file (A Windows Media file that has an associated license that defines how the file can be played. The restrictions stated in the license vary depending on the license creator)
comp., MSmapování souborůfile mapping (The association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
comp., MSmediální soubormedia file (A file that contains audio, video, or script data)
comp., MSnabídka SouborFile menu (A common drop-down menu that includes commands for file operations, such as Open, Save, and Print)
comp., MSnaskenovaný souborscan (An image-bearing surface such as a single page or multi-page of text or picture that is passed through a scanner and has become a computer file)
comp., MSnejpoužívanější souborhot file (A file that is frequently accessed and frequently stored in memory)
comp., MSnepostradatelný souborcritical file (A file that is crucial for the system to perform)
comp., MSnezpracovaný souborraw file (A native format for fast reading and writing of data)
comp., MSNástroj pro migraci uživatelských souborů a nastaveníUSMT (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
comp., MSNástroj pro migraci uživatelských souborů a nastaveníUser State Migration Tool (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
comp., MSNástroj pro migraci uživatelských souborů a nastavení WindowsWindows User State Migration Tool (The tool designed to help IT professionals migrate files and settings to the next version of the Windows® operating system)
comp., MSnázev souborufile name (The set of letters, numbers, and allowable symbols assigned to a file to distinguish it from all other files in a particular directory on a disk. A file name is the label under which a computer user saves and requests a block of information)
comp., MSobjekt mapování souborůfile-mapping object (An object that maintains the association of a file's contents with a portion of the virtual address space of a process)
comp., MSobnovení souborůfile restore (An operation that restores one or more files of a database)
comp., MSobnovení souborůfile recovery (The process of reconstructing lost or unreadable files on disk)
comp., MSOchrana souborů systému WindowsWindows File Protection (A feature that runs in the background and protects your system files from being overwritten. When a file in a protected folder is modified, WFP determines whether the new file is the correct Microsoft version or whether the file is digitally signed. If not, the modified file is replaced with a valid version)
comp., MSodolný systém souborůResilient File System (A file system, introduced with Windows Server 8, that provides resiliency to both software and hardware errors. ReFS allows customers to maximize server uptime and prioritize volume availability without the use of expensive storage hardware)
comp., MSodolný systém souborůReFS A file system, introduced with Windows Server 8, that provides resiliency to both software and hardware errors. ReFS allows customers to maximize server uptime and prioritize volume availability without the use of expensive storage hardware (ReFS)
comp., MSOdstranění souborů režimu hibernaceHibernation File Cleaner (A feature that allows deletion of the files created during hibernation)
comp., MSOffline souboryOffline Files (A feature that makes network files available to an end user when a network connection to the server is unavailable or slow)
comp., MSoprávnění k souborům systému UNIXUNIX file permissions (A set of permissions that describes the access rights to a UNIX file or directory for the file owner, the group owner, and other users. Every UNIX file and directory possesses a set of permissions, and each user can have any combination of read, write, or execute access)
comp., MSosamocený soubororphan file (A file that remains on a system after it has ceased to be of use)
comp., MSOtevřít přijaté souboryOpen Received Files (An item on the File menu that opens files that the user has received via Communicator conversations)
comp., MSovládací prvek Soubor jako přílohafile attachment control (A control that allows users to attach files to their form when they fill it out)
comp., MSOvěření souborů systému OfficeOffice File Validation (A security feature that validates files before allowing them to be loaded by the application, in order to protect against file format vulnerabilities)
comp., MSpevné umístění souborufixed file location (The full or absolute address of a file - for example, www.microsoft.com/location/sublocation/filename.htm)
comp., MSplochý formát souborůflat file format (An image file format in which individual objects cannot be edited. Files stored in JPEG, GIF, and BMP formats are all flat files. The PhotoDraw MIX file format is not a flat file format)
comp., MSplochý souborflat file (A file consisting of records of a single record type in which there is no embedded structure information that governs relationships between records)
comp., MSpohotovostní souborstandby file (" In a restore operation, a file used during the undo phase to hold a "copy-on-write" pre-image of pages that are to be modified. The standby file allows reverting the undo pass to bring back the uncommitted transactions.")
comp., MSpopisovač sady souborůFile Set Descriptor (A part of the Universal Disc Format (UDF) file system)
comp., MSpopisovač souborufile handle (In MS-DOS, OS/2, and Windows, a token (number) that the system uses to identify or refer to an open file or, sometimes, to a device)
comp., MSprogram pro sdílení souborůfile sharing program (A peer-to-peer file sharing client used to connect to file sharing networks in order to download or share files)
comp., MSprohlížeč souborů ve formátu XPSXML Paper Specification Viewer A viewer that allows users to visualize, navigate, and customize the view of files with an XPS Document format (XML Paper Specification)
comp., MSprohlížeč souborů ve formátu XPSXPS Viewer (A viewer that allows users to visualize, navigate, and customize the view of files with an XPS Document format)
comp., MSprokládaný soubor GIFInterlaced GIF (A picture in GIF format that is gradually displayed in a Web browser, showing increasingly detailed versions of the picture until the entire file has finished downloading)
comp., MSPrůvodce exportem do souboru XMLExport XML Wizard (A feature in Microsoft CRM Customization that exports customized forms and views)
comp., MSPrůvodce importem ze souboru XMLImport XML Wizard (A feature in Microsoft CRM Customization that imports customized forms and views)
comp., MSPrůzkumník souborůFile Explorer (A utility in Windows that enables the user to locate and open files and folders)
comp., MSPrůzkumník správy zdrojových souborůSource Control Explorer (A window that is used to view and manage Team Foundation source control items which can include team projects folders and files)
comp., MSpředplacený souborsubscription file (An audio or video file that you rent from an online store, typically for a monthly fee)
comp., MSpřenos souborůfile transfer (The process of moving or transmitting a file from one location to another, as between two programs or over a network)
IT, tech., lawpřenos souborů a řízení přístupuelectronic file transfer access method
IT, tech., lawpřenos souborů a řízení přístupufile transfer and access management
IT, tech., lawpřenos souborů a řízení přístupuEFTAM
comp., MSpřenositelný spustitelný souborportable executable file (The file format used for executable programs and for files to be linked together to form executable programs)
comp., MSpřenositelný spustitelný souborPE file (The file format used for executable programs and for files to be linked together to form executable programs)
comp., MSPřijaté souboryReceived Files (An item on the View menu that displays the list of files that the user has received via instant message conversations)
comp., MSpřipojený systém souborůmounted file system (A file system located on a removable medium, such as a PC Card storage device. The operating system loads, or mounts, the file system when the medium is inserted into the device. It unloads, or unmounts, the file system when the medium is removed or when the user issues a command to do so)
comp., MSpřipravit instalační souborystage (To copy the directories and files to be installed to a destination computer without configuring registry settings)
comp., MSpřípona názvu souborufile name extension (A set of characters added to the end of a file name that identifies the file type or format)
construct.přírodní soubornatural complex
crim.law., law, int. law.příslušný souborrelevant population
crim.law., law, int. law.referenční souborreference population
comp., MSregistrovaný typ souboruregistered file type (File types that are tracked by the system registry and are recognized by the programs you have installed on your computer)
comp., MSrozdílová záloha souborůfile differential backup (A backup of one or more files containing only changes made to each file since its most recent file backup. A file differential backup requires a full file backup as a base)
comp., MSrozdílové zálohování souborůfile differential backup (A backup of one or more files containing only changes made to each file since its most recent file backup. A file differential backup requires a full file backup as a base)
comp., MSrozdílový soubor inventáředelta inventory file (A file generated during inventory cycles that occur after the initial complete inventory, containing only hardware or software properties that were added, removed, or changed since the previous inventory cycle)
stat., scient.rozsah výběrového souborusize of sample
stat., scient.rozsah výběrového souborusize of the sample
stat., scient.rozsah výběrového souborusample size
construct.roztříděný souborclassified set
construct.roztříděný souborset of classification
comp., MSRozšířené blokování souborůFile Block (A feature that allows end users and IT admins to control which file types and versions can be opened and saved in the application)
automat.selekční soubor dokumentůdocuments search file
comp., MSserver systému souborů NFSNFS server (A computer providing Network File System (NFS) disk resources to NFS clients)
comp., MSseznam souborůfile list (The list of files in the current project, located in the file pane of Visual SourceSafe Explorer)
construct.skladový souborwarehouses complex
comp., MSskupina souborůfile group (A File Server Resource Manager option that is used to define a namespace for a file screen, file screen exception, or storage report. It consists of a set of file name patterns, which in turn determine whether files are included or excluded from a group)
comp., MSsložený souborcompound file (A number of individual files bound together in one physical file where each individual file can be accessed as if it were a single physical file)
comp., MSSlužba replikace souborůFRS A service that provides multimaster file replication for designated directory trees between designated servers running Windows Server 2003. The designated directory trees must be on disk partitions formatted with the version of NTFS used with the Windows Server 2003 family. FRS is used by Distributed File System (DFS) to automatically synchronize content between assigned replicas and by Active Directory to automatically synchronize content of the system volume information across domain controllers (FRS)
comp., MSSlužba replikace souborůfile replication service (A service that provides multimaster file replication for designated directory trees between designated servers running Windows Server 2003. The designated directory trees must be on disk partitions formatted with the version of NTFS used with the Windows Server 2003 family. FRS is used by Distributed File System (DFS) to automatically synchronize content between assigned replicas and by Active Directory to automatically synchronize content of the system volume information across domain controllers)
comp., MSsoubor ACCDEACCDE file (An Access 2007 database (.accdb) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
comp., MSsoubor ADEADE file (A Microsoft Access project (.adp) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
comp., MSsoubor ADML.adml (An XML-based file used to describe the language-specific portions of Group Policy settings)
comp., MSsoubor ADMX.admx (An XML-based file used to describe the language-neutral portions of Group Policy settings)
agric.soubor agrotechnických opatřenísystem of cultivation measures
agric.soubor agrotechnických opatřeníagronomical complex system
comp., MSsoubor ASMXASMX file (A file that represents the addressable entry point for XML Web services created with managed code. Web service consumers utilize the functionality of a Web service by accessing its ASMX file)
comp., MSsoubor balíčku aplikace DACDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package)
comp., MSsoubor bodůmulti-point (A shape representing a union of a set of positions in a coordinate system)
construct.soubor budovcomplex of buildings
construct.soubor budovhousing complex
comp., MSsoubor CABcabinet file (A single file that stores multiple compressed files. These files are commonly used in software installation and to reduce the file size and the associated download time for Web content)
comp., MSsoubor CAB.cab file (A single file that stores multiple compressed files. These files are commonly used in software installation and to reduce the file size and the associated download time for Web content)
comp., MSsoubor CMRCMR file (A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog)
comp., MSsoubor cookiecookie (On the World Wide Web, a block of data that a Web server stores on a client system. When a user returns to the same Web site, the browser sends a copy of the cookie back to the server. Cookies are used to identify users, to instruct the server to send a customized version of the requested Web page, to submit account information for the user, and for other administrative purposes)
comp., MSsoubor cookie relacesession cookie (A cookie that is deleted at the end of the browser session)
comp., MSsoubor CSVcomma-delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
comp., MSsoubor cílůtargets file (In the context of MSBuild, an XML file that contains MSBuild target elements that can be used by one or more build projects. A target element contains one or more tasks to be performed in a build)
comp., MSsoubor databázedatabase file (One of the physical files that make up a database)
comp., MSsoubor datového připojenídata connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
comp., MSsoubor datového připojení OfficeOffice data connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
comp., MSsoubor datového připojení systému OfficeOffice data connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
comp., MSsoubor definice aplikaceapplication definition file (An XML file that fully describes a single Notification Services application. The ADF file contains the schemas for the events, subscriptions, and notifications; the rules for matching events with subscriptions; and may provide the name of the XSLT file used to format generated notifications)
comp., MSsoubor definice formulářeform definition file (An XML file with an .xsf extension that contains information about all other files and components used within a form, including user interface customizations, XML Schemas, views, business logic, events, and deployment settings)
comp., MSsoubor definice službyservice definition file (The file that determines the service model, such as the roles that comprise a service, optional local storage resources, configuration settings, and certificates for SSL endpoints)
comp., MSsoubor DLL.dll file (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
construct.soubor děrných štítkůstock of punched cards
construct.soubor děrných štítkůdeck
comp., MSsoubor EXE.exe file (A file that contains an executable program that runs on a computer when the file name is double-clicked)
comp., MSsoubor externího klíčeexternal key file (A file that contains the external key and is stored on an external media device. The name and contents of the file are internal to Microsoft and can change from version to version)
comp., MSsoubor hesla pro obnovenírecovery password file (A BitLocker Drive Encryption file that uses the naming convention: .bek (including the BitLocker .fve file extension), which contains the recovery key that is required to unseal the volume during recovery)
comp., MSsoubor hlavičekheader file (A file that is identified to be included at the beginning of a program in a language such as C and that contains the definitions of data types and declarations of variables used by the functions in the program)
comp., MSsoubor HTMLHTML file (A file format that can be viewed using a Web browser. With this file format, you can publish your reports directly to your Intranet or web site)
comp., MSsoubor ICOICO file (The file for the icon on the client's desktop used to launch a sequenced application)
comp., MSsoubor IDMIFIDMIF file (A type of Management Information Format (MIF) file that can be used to add new architectures or updates to existing architectures in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database to accommodate custom hardware inventory properties)
comp., MSsoubor importu CSVCSV import file (A comma separated value (CSV) file used to provision many new users at one time)
comp., MSsoubor INF.inf file (A file created for a particular adapter that provides the operating system with information required to set up a device, such as a list of valid logical configurations for the device, the names of driver files associated with the device, and so on. An .inf file is provided typically on a disk by the device manufacturer or may be included in the operating system)
automat.soubor informacímessage ensemble
environ.soubor informacíinformation kit A set or collection of materials compiled to convey knowledge on some subject and usually placed in some type of container
med.soubor informací pro zkoušejícíhoinvestigator's brochure
comp., MSsoubor INI.ini file (A text file used by the operating system and by individual applications to store persistent settings related to applications, drivers, or hardware. Supported for backward compatibility. Use the registry to store these settings)
comp., MSsoubor INS.ins file (A file that provides Windows Update Setup with Internet settings that configure the browser and associated components. You can create multiple versions of your browser package by changing the .ins file used by each package. Use the Profile Manager to create, save, and load .ins files)
comp., MSsoubor IntelliTraceIntelliTrace file (The file containing information that is collected by IntelliTrace. The file name extension is .iTrace)
comp., MSsoubor ISV.configISV.config file (An XML configuration document, with the .config file name extension, that contains settings that are used to update the navigation structure of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, including adding custom buttons, tabs, and menus to entity forms)
comp., MSSoubor jako výtiskFile as Printout (A command that will use a print driver installed by OneNote to create an image of a wide variety of filetypes. Files are printed to the print driver and inserted as images into OneNote)
comp., MSsoubor jazyka PostscriptPostScript file (A file created with PostScript page-description language. Nearly all high-resolution files are PostScript)
construct.soubor jevištních prostorůstage with ancillary premises
comp., MSsoubor knihovnylibrary file (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
comp., MSsoubor knihovny DLLdynamic-link library file (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
comp., MSsoubor kóducode-behind file (A code file containing the page class that implements the program logic of a Web Forms or ASP.NET mobile Web Forms application)
comp., MSsoubor křivekmulti-curve (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of curves)
comp., MSsoubor lomených čarmulti-line string (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of line strings)
comp., MSsoubor manifestumanifest file (A file containing a list of resources, such as grammar files and prompt databases, that Speech Server preloads and caches to improve performance. Speech Server automatically creates a manifest file (Manifest.xml) when a new project is created)
comp., MSsoubor MDEMDE file (Microsoft Access database (.mdb) file with all modules compiled and all editable source code removed)
comp., MSsoubor mezipaměticache file (A file used by DNS servers and clients to store responses to DNS queries. For Windows DNS servers, the cache file is named Cache.dns by default)
comp., MSsoubor MIBMIB (Information about aspects of a network that can be managed by using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This information is formatted in MIB files that are provided for each service that can be monitored. Most third-party monitors (clients) use SNMP and MIB files to monitor Web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and other Windows services. Using SNMP, developers or system administrators can write their own custom monitoring applications)
comp., MSsoubor MIBManagement Information Base Information about aspects of a network that can be managed by using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This information is formatted in MIB files that are provided for each service that can be monitored. Most third-party monitors (clients) use SNMP and MIB files to monitor Web, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and other Windows services. Using SNMP, developers or system administrators can write their own custom monitoring applications (Management Information Base)
comp., MSsoubor Microsoft Data LinkMicrosoft Data Link (A .UDL text file that stores an OLE DB connectstring (similar to an ODBC file data source))
comp., MSsoubor mnohoúhelníkůmulti-polygon (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of polygons)
comp., MSsoubor MOFMOF file (A text file that contains definitions of classes and instances using the Managed Object Format language)
comp., MSsoubor MOF.mof file (A text file that contains definitions of classes and instances using the Managed Object Format language)
comp., MSsoubor motivutheme resource (A file of supported type used in a theme)
comp., MSsoubor MPEGMPEG (The committee that creates international standards for coding audio-visual information to a digital, compressed format. The acronym MPEG is appended to the beginning of individual specifications developed by the committee. For example, MPEG-2 refers to the standard, ISO/IEC - 11172)
comp., MSsoubor MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group (The committee that creates international standards for coding audio-visual information to a digital, compressed format. The acronym MPEG is appended to the beginning of individual specifications developed by the committee. For example, MPEG-2 refers to the standard, ISO/IEC - 11172)
comp., MSsoubor MSI.msi file (A Windows Installer package file)
comp., MSsoubor NOIDMIFNOIDMIF file (A custom Management Information Format (MIF) file that Configuration Manager administrators can use to modify or append object classes and properties to existing client inventory data)
comp., MSsoubor Odběru hraničního serveruEdge Subscription file (The XML file that is exported on the Edge Transport server and imported on the Hub Transport server to establish an Edge Subscription)
comp., MSsoubor ODCOffice data connection file (A file that stores information about a connection to a data source, such as an Access database, spreadsheet, or text file, and that facilitates data source administration)
comp., MSsoubor odpovědíanswer file (A file that automates Windows Setup. This file enables the configuration of Windows settings, the addition and removal of components, and many Windows Setup tasks, such as disk configuration)
comp., MSsoubor offline datové krychleoffline cube file (A file you create on your hard disk or a network share to store OLAP source data for a PivotTable or PivotChart report. Offline cube files allow you to keep working when you are not connected to the OLAP server)
comp., MSsoubor offline složkyoffline folder file (The file on your hard disk that contains offline folders. The offline folder file has an .ost extension. You can create it automatically when you set up Outlook, or when you first make a folder available offline)
comp., MSsoubor oobe.xmloobe.xml file (A content file that can be used to store content to display in the customizable areas of Windows Welcome, Welcome Center, and the Get Connected Wizard)
gen.soubor opatřenípolicy mix
transp., environ.soubor opatření pro dopravu šetrnější k životnímu prostředíGreening Transport Package
comp., MSsoubor OSDOSD file (An XML-based file that instructs the client on how to retrieve the sequenced application from the Application Virtualization Management/Streaming Server and how to run the sequenced application in its virtual environment)
comp., MSsoubor OSDOpen Software Descriptor file An XML-based file that instructs the client on how to retrieve the sequenced application from the Application Virtualization Management/Streaming Server and how to run the sequenced application in its virtual environment (Open Software Descriptor)
comp., MSsoubor OSToffline folder file (The file on your hard disk that contains offline folders. The offline folder file has an .ost extension. You can create it automatically when you set up Outlook, or when you first make a folder available offline)
comp., MSsoubor PDBPDB file (A program database file (PDB). A PDB holds debugging and project state information that allows for incremental linking of a debug configuration of your program)
comp., MSsoubor PDFPDF (The Adobe specification for electronic documents that use the Adobe Acrobat family of servers and readers)
comp., MSsoubor PIFprogram information file (A file that provides information to Windows about how best to run MS-DOS-based programs. When you start an MS-DOS-based program, Windows looks for a program information file to use with it.program information files contain such items as the name of the file, a start-up directory, and multitasking options)
comp., MSsoubor PIFPIF (A file that provides information to Windows about how best to run MS-DOS-based programs. When you start an MS-DOS-based program, Windows looks for a program information file to use with it.program information files contain such items as the name of the file, a start-up directory, and multitasking options)
comp., MSsoubor plochmulti-surface (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of surfaces)
econ., fin.soubor podmínek pro ESMTerm Sheet on the ESM
econ., fin.soubor podmínek pro ESMTerm Sheet on the European Stability Mechanism
econ., fin.soubor podmínek pro Evropský mechanismus stabilityTerm Sheet on the ESM
econ., fin.soubor podmínek pro Evropský mechanismus stabilityTerm Sheet on the European Stability Mechanism
chem.soubor pokynů pro registraci, hodnocení, povolování a omezování chemických látekREACH guidance package
gen.soubor politikpolicy mix
comp., MSsoubor popisu webové částiWeb Part description file (An .xml file that defines the default property settings for a Web Part, including references to other files that are required to run and display the part)
comp., MSsoubor poznámekannotation file (A file that contains annotations)
comp., MSsoubor požadavku na údržbu kataloguCatalog Maintenance Request file (A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog)
gen.soubor pravidelSpecifications on the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact and Guidelines on the format and content of Stability and Convergence Programmes
comp., MSsoubor pravidelmakefile (A file that contains rules that describe how to compile source code or link object modules)
gen.soubor pravidelcode of conduct
comp., MSsoubor pro dočasné ukládánístash file (An internal structure that is used to stage a disc before recording it to media)
comp., MSsoubor pro odeslání žádostisend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
comp., MSsoubor pro vrácení zpětundo file (A file that saves the content of the pages in a database after they've been modified by uncommitted, rolled back transactions and before recovery restores them to their previous state. The undo file prevents the changes performed by uncommitted transactions from being lost)
construct.soubor programůsoftware package
construct.soubor programů počítačesoftware
comp., MSsoubor projektuproject file (The file that contains information about the files that have been imported into or captured in the current project, and how files or clips have been arranged)
comp., MSsoubor prostředkůresource file (A file that consists of resource data and the resource map that indexes it)
comp., MSsoubor protokolulog file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
comp., MSsoubor PRX.prx (The file name extension of a profile in Windows Media Encoder)
comp., MSsoubor přechodurollover file (A file created when the file rollover option causes SQL Server to close the current file and create a new file when the maximum file size is reached)
comp., MSsoubor režimu hibernacehibernation file (A file created during hibernation that contains all CPU memory and registers information)
comp., MSsoubor s nastavením internetuInternet settings file (A file that provides Windows Update Setup with Internet settings that configure the browser and associated components. You can create multiple versions of your browser package by changing the .ins file used by each package. Use the Profile Manager to create, save, and load .ins files)
comp., MSsoubor s výsledkyresults file (In Windows Assessment Services and Windows Assessment Console, the XML file that is produced after a job completes, that is standardized and presented in the Windows Assessment Console to identify issues on the system. The results contain individual assessment output, information about the computer that the assessment was run on, the job manifest information, a copy of the assessment manifests from each assessment included in the job, and event trace log (ETL) files)
comp., MSsoubor sady Management Packmanagement pack file (A file that is associated with an Operations Manager management pack and that incorporates overrides, custom monitors, and custom rules)
comp., MSsoubor sdílejícíhosharer file (A file using resources from another file, which can be another project file or a file containing only resource information, called a resource pool)
comp., MSsoubor skinuskin file (A file containing one or more control properties that define how the controls should look. Skin files are part of ASP.NET themes)
comp., MSsoubor skriptuscript file (A collection of scripting commands, parameters and expressions that enables you to automate tasks or perform bulk operations repeatedly)
comp., MSsoubor SPRJSPRJ file (An XML-based file in which the Sequencer stores its Exclusion Items and Parse Items information. The SPRJ file is used heavily in the creation of application records as well as during an upgrade to a package)
comp., MSsoubor SPRJSequencer Project file An XML-based file in which the Sequencer stores its Exclusion Items and Parse Items information. The SPRJ file is used heavily in the creation of application records as well as during an upgrade to a package (Sequencer Project)
comp., MSsoubor STFSFT file (A file that contains one or more applications that the Sequencer has repackaged -without altering source code-into a series of blocks of code that can be streamed. These blocks will have been optimized for rapid launch of the application on a SoftGrid Client)
construct.soubor strojůset of machinery
comp., MSsoubor .swm.swm file (One of a collection of read-only files that contain one or more volume images of a Windows operating system)
comp., MSsoubor THEME.theme file (A renamed .ini file that points to the theme resources and contains theme values such as colors, fonts, and window size metrics)
comp., MSsoubor THEMEPACK.themepack file (A renamed .cab file which contains a .theme file, and optionally one or more desktop backgrounds, icons, mouse pointer files, and sound files. It does not contain executables or screen savers)
comp., MSsoubor THEMEPACKtheme pack (A renamed .cab file which contains a .theme file, and optionally one or more desktop backgrounds, icons, mouse pointer files, and sound files. It does not contain executables or screen savers)
comp., MSsoubor transakčního protokolutransaction log file (A file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database. All changes to the database are recorded in the transaction log files before they are written into the database files. If a database shuts down unexpectedly, unfinished transactions can be restored by replaying the transaction log files into the database)
construct.soubor typových podkladůseries of standard designs
comp., MSsoubor ve formátu Windows MediaWindows Media file (A file that contains audio, video, or other data. The content of the file is encoded with one of the Windows Media codecs.)
agric.soubor výběrovýsampling population
comp., MSsoubor výkresudrawing file (A Visio file with a .vsd extension that contains a drawing)
construct.soubor výkresů projektuset of project drawings
comp., MSsoubor WEU.weu (The file name extension of a configuration file used by Windows Media 9 Encoding Script)
comp., MSsoubor .wim.wim file (A Windows image file, which can contain one or more Windows images)
comp., MSsoubor WSCWindows Script Component file XML files that are much like HTML files, but contain special elements that define the script component and its behavior (Windows Script Component)
comp., MSsoubor XSN.xsn file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
comp., MSsoubor zabezpečenísecurity file (A file that contains a digital code that makes it possible to seal messages or to add a digital signature to messages. This file can be stored on a 3.5-inch disk or on your computer's hard disk)
chem.soubor údajů o látcesubstance dataset
chem.soubor údajů pro hodnoceníScreening Information Data Set
comp., MSsoubor úložiště strukturovaný podle modelu COMCOM-structured storage file (A component object model (COM) compound file used by Data Transformation Services (DTS) to store the version history of a saved DTS package)
comp., MSsoubor šablony formulářeform template file (A cabinet (.cab) file with an .xsn file name extension that contains the files that make up a form template)
comp., MSsoubor šablony XMLXML template file (An XML file that contains the sample data that is displayed in the fields of a form before a user fills it out)
comp., MSsoubory ADMXADMX files (One .admx and .adml file, joined by a common name, that are used to describe Group Policy settings in Group Policy management tools)
comp., MSsoubory formulářeform files (A collection of files that are used to implement a form. File types can include .html, .xml, .xsd, .xslt, script, and other file types that are necessary to support the functionality of the form)
comp., MSsoubory IDC a HTXIDC/HTX files (Microsoft Internet Information Server uses an IDC file and an HTX file to retrieve data from an ODBC data source and format it as an HTML document)
comp., MSspouštěcí soubor BINDBIND boot file (A configuration file used by DNS servers running under versions of the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) software implementation. The BIND boot file is a text file, Named.boot, where individual lines in the file list boot directives used to start a service when the DNS server is started. By default, Microsoft DNS servers use DNS service parameters stored in the registry, but they allow the use of a BIND boot file as an alternative for reading boot configuration settings)
comp., MSspouštěcí souboryboot file (A system file needed to start Windows. The boot files include Ntldr and Ntdetect.com)
comp., MSspustitelný souborexecutable (A file in portable executable (PE) file format that can be loaded into memory and executed by the operating system loader. It can be either an .exe or a .dll file. In the .NET context, a PE file must be translated by the common language runtime into code before it can be executed by the operating system)
comp., MSspustitelný souborexecutable file (A file in portable executable (PE) file format that can be loaded into memory and executed by the operating system loader. It can be either an .exe or a .dll file. In the .NET context, a PE file must be translated by the common language runtime into code before it can be executed by the operating system)
comp., MSspustitelný soubor.exe file (A file that contains an executable program that runs on a computer when the file name is double-clicked)
crim.law., law, int. law.srovnávací souborreference population
astr.statistický souboruniverse
astr.statistický souboraggregate
astr.statistický souborpopulation
construct.stavební souborconstructional complex
construct.stavební souborcomplex of buildings under construction
comp., MSstránkovací souborswap file (A hidden file on the hard disk that Windows uses to hold parts of programs and data files that do not fit in memory. The paging file and physical memory, or random access memory (RAM), comprise virtual memory. Windows moves data from the paging file to memory as needed and moves data from memory to the paging file to make room for new data)
comp., MSstránkovací souborpaging file (A hidden file on the hard disk that Windows uses to hold parts of programs and data files that do not fit in memory. The paging file and physical memory, or random access memory (RAM), comprise virtual memory. Windows moves data from the paging file to memory as needed and moves data from memory to the paging file to make room for new data)
comp., MSstránkovací souborpagefile (A hidden file on the hard disk that Windows uses to hold parts of programs and data files that do not fit in memory. The paging file and physical memory, or random access memory (RAM), comprise virtual memory. Windows moves data from the paging file to memory as needed and moves data from memory to the paging file to make room for new data)
comp., MSstránkovací souborpage file (A hidden file on the hard disk that Windows uses to hold parts of programs and data files that do not fit in memory. The paging file and physical memory, or random access memory (RAM), comprise virtual memory. Windows moves data from the paging file to memory as needed and moves data from memory to the paging file to make room for new data)
comp., MSsystém souborůfile system (In an operating system, the overall structure in which files are named, stored, and organized. NTFS, FAT, and FAT32 are types of file systems)
comp., MSsystém souborů DFSDistributed File System A service that allows system administrators to organize distributed network shares into a logical namespace, enabling users to access files without specifying their physical location and providing load sharing across network shares (Distributed File System)
comp., MSsystém souborů DFSDFS (A service that allows system administrators to organize distributed network shares into a logical namespace, enabling users to access files without specifying their physical location and providing load sharing across network shares)
comp., MSsystém souborů EFSEncrypting File System A Microsoft file-based encryption technology that enables users to encrypt files and folders on NTFS volumes. EFS helps protect the confidentiality of data by ensuring that only authorized users can decrypt the encrypted files or folders (Encrypting File System)
comp., MSsystém souborů EFSEFS (A Microsoft file-based encryption technology that enables users to encrypt files and folders on NTFS volumes. EFS helps protect the confidentiality of data by ensuring that only authorized users can decrypt the encrypted files or folders)
comp., MSsystém souborů FATFAT (A file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems to organize and manage files)
comp., MSsystém souborů FAT32FAT32 (A derivative of the file allocation table (FAT) file system. FAT32 supports smaller cluster sizes and larger volumes than FAT, which results in more efficient space allocation on FAT32 volumes)
comp., MSsystém souborů FATfile allocation table A file system used by MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems to organize and manage files (File Allocation Table)
comp., MSsystém souborů HPFSHPFS (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
comp., MSsystém souborů HPFShigh-performance file system (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
comp., MSsystém souborů HPFShigh performance file system (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
comp., MSsystém souborů NFSNFS (A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X)
comp., MSsystém souborů NFSnetwork file system A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X (Network File System)
comp., MSsystém souborů NTFSNTFS file system (An advanced file system designed for use specifically with the Windows NT operating system. It supports long filenames, full security access control, file system recovery, extremely large storage media, and various features for the Windows NT POSIX subsystem. It also supports object-oriented applications by treating all files as objects with user-defined and system-defined attributes)
comp., MSsystém souborů NTFSNTFS (An advanced file system designed for use specifically with the Windows NT operating system. It supports long filenames, full security access control, file system recovery, extremely large storage media, and various features for the Windows NT POSIX subsystem. It also supports object-oriented applications by treating all files as objects with user-defined and system-defined attributes)
comp., MSsystém souborů UDFUniversal Disk Format A file system defined by the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) that is the successor to the CD-ROM file system (CDFS). UDF is used for removable disk media like DVD, CD, and magneto-optic (MO) disks (Universal Disk Format)
comp., MSsystém souborů UDFUDF (A file system defined by the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) that is the successor to the CD-ROM file system (CDFS). UDF is used for removable disk media like DVD, CD, and magneto-optic (MO) disks)
comp., MSsystémová mezipaměť souborůfile system cache (An area of physical memory that holds frequently used pages. It allows applications and services to locate pages rapidly and reduces disk activity)
comp., MSsystémový binární soubor firmwarufirmware system binary (A feature that enables partners to place a system binary from firmware into Windows without modifying a Windows binary or executable file. OEMs can use this to make sure that, even after a user has removed or reinstalled the operating system, features such as theft-recovery applications, remote data-deletion software, or the ability to provide a missing device driver are still available to the user)
comp., MStestovací soubortest file (A file used as part of a testing process to check the validity or correctness of a program or procedure)
comp., MStextový soubortext file (" A file composed of text characters. A text file can be a word-processing file or a "plain" ASCII file encoded in a format practically all computers can use.")
comp., MStextový soubor s oddělovačicomma-separated value file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
comp., MStextový soubor s oddělovačidelimited text file (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab)
comp., MStextový soubor s oddělovačicomma-separated values file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
comp., MStextový soubor s oddělovačicomma-delimited text file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
comp., MStextový soubor s oddělovačicomma-separated file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
comp., MStextový soubor s oddělovačicomma delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
comp., MStextový soubor s pevnou šířkoufixed-width text file (A file containing data, where each field has a fixed width)
comp., MStiskový souborprint file (A file that can be sent directly from a computer to a printer port without being opened first. PhotoDraw saves print files with a .prn file extension)
comp., MStopologie systému souborů DFSDFS topology (The overall logical hierarchy of the Distributed File System (DFS), including elements such as roots, links, shared folders, and replica sets, as depicted in the DFS administrative console. This is not to be confused with the DFS namespace, which is the logical view of shared resources seen by users)
comp., MStransformační soubortransform file (A template of the differences between two installer databases that can be applied to produce similar changes in other databases)
comp., MStrasovací soubortrace file (A file containing records of activities of a specified object, such as an application, operating system, or network. A trace file can include calls made to APIs, the activities of APIs, the activities of communication links and internal flows, and other information)
comp., MStrojský program rozesílající souboryTrojan dropper (A Trojan that contains malicious or potentially unwanted software, which the Trojan places and installs on the host computer)
comp., MStrvalý popisovač souborupersistent file handle (A file handle that has a persistent value for the lifetime of the file system object to which it refers)
comp., MStrvalý soubor cookiepersistent cookie (A cookie that remains on the user's computer between browser sessions; a cookie with an expiration time independent of when the browser is closed)
comp., MStrvanlivý popisovač souborudurable file handle (A file handle that allows a connection to an SMB server to survive brief network outages without having to incur the overhead of re-negotiating a new session)
comp., MStyp souborufile type (The format of a file, commonly indicated by its file name extension. The file type indicates which program the file was created in and can be opened with)
comp., MSvelikost souborufile size (The length of a file, typically given in bytes)
comp., MSvirtualizace souborů a registrufile/registry virtualization (A feature that allows standard users to run applications that normally write to per-computer files and registry keys. If these write operations fail, they are automatically redirected to equivalent per-user locations)
comp., MSvirtualizace souborů a registruFile and Registry Virtualization (A feature that allows standard users to run applications that normally write to per-computer files and registry keys. If these write operations fail, they are automatically redirected to equivalent per-user locations)
comp., MSvirtuální souborvirtual file (A file name within the virtual environment that is mapped to an alternate target location. A virtual file appears alongside other files in the containing directory, regardless of whether that directory is virtual or local)
comp., MSvirtuální soubor protokoluvirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
comp., MSvirtuální systém souborůvirtual file system (The subsystem that intercepts and redirects file system requests from application processes running in a virtual environment. These requests are processed based on the virtual files and directories defined in the application package and created or modified through interaction with a virtual application)
comp., MSvlastnost souborufile property (A detail about a file that helps identify it, such as a descriptive title, the author name, the subject, or a keyword that identifies topics or other important information in the file)
comp., MSvytváření bitové kopie na úrovni souborůfile-based imaging (The process of capturing information at the file level into a single volume, with metadata describing the files)
comp., MSvýběr souborůfile picker (A UI element that enables users to locate and select files)
stat.výběrový souborsample
comp., MSvýchozí datový soubordefault data file (The .pst data file used as the main delivery location for your e-mail messages)
comp., MSvýstupní souboroutput file (The packaged Windows Media file that is created with Windows Media Rights Manager SDK)
comp., MSzabalený soubor Windows Mediapackaged Windows Media file (A Windows Media file encrypted with a key, which consumers cannot play unless they have a key provided by a license. A packaged Windows Media file is produced by and protected through the implementation of digital rights management using the Windows Media Rights Manager Software Development Kit(SDK) or a program based on the Microsoft Windows Media Format SDK)
comp., MSzačátek souboruBOF (The starting location of a file on a disk relative to the first storage location on the disk. A data directory or catalog contains this location)
comp., MSzdroj nezpracovaného souboruRaw File source (An SSIS source that reads raw data from a file)
comp., MSzdrojový souborsource file (A file that contains the data that a program will process and store in a destination file)
comp., MSzdrojový soubor balíčkupackage source file (A file that is contained within an SMS/Configuration Manager package and that each advertised program needs before it can run)
comp., MSzhuštěný souborsparse file (A file that is handled in a way that requires much less disk space than would otherwise be needed. Sparse support allows an application to create very large files without committing disk space for those regions of the file that contain only zeros. For example, you can use sparse support to work with a 42-GB file in which you need to write data only to the first 64 KB (the rest of the file is zeroed))
ITzkomprimovaný souborzip file
comp., MSzměna souborufile rollover (The process when a program closes a file, based on a certain event, and creates a new file)
comp., MSzrcadlový soubormirror file (A file separate from your database model diagram in which you can save the code from your model)
comp., MSzvukový souborsound file (A file that contains the information a computer uses to play sounds on your computer. Sound files usually have the file extension .wav)
comp., MSzvukový souboraudio file (A file containing digitized audio, such as voice or music)
stat.základní souboruniverse
stat.základní souborpopulation
agric.základní souborparent population
comp., MSzáloha souborůfile backup (A backup of all the data in one or more files or filegroups)
comp., MSzálohování souborůfile backup (A backup of all the data in one or more files or filegroups)
comp., MSzáložní souborbackup file (A duplicate of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files)
comp., MSúložiště zdrojových souborůsource depot (An internal version control system that enables people to work on one project from separate workstations and still maintain an up-to-date version of each file)
comp., MSřídicí blok souborufile control block (A small block of memory temporarily assigned by a computer's operating system to hold information about an opened file. A file control block typically contains such information as the file's identification, its location on a disk, and a pointer that marks the user?s current (or last) position in the file)
comp., MSřídicí soubor lokalitysite control file (An ASCII text file (such as Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the settings of an SMS/Configuration Manager site)