
Terms containing schéma | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaktivní schéma napájeníactive power plan (The power plan that is currently selected in Power Options in Control Panel)
automat.algoritmické blokové schémaalgorithm flow diagram
automat.algoritmické blokové schémaalgorithm flow chart
comp., MSbarevné schémacolor scheme (A predefined set of harmonized colors that you can apply to text and objects. Text and objects with an applied scheme color will change automatically when you switch to a new color scheme or modify the current color scheme)
comp., MSbarva schématuscheme color (One of the colors defined in a set of chosen colors. If you fill an object with a scheme color, the object's color changes whenever you choose another color scheme for that publication)
construct.blokové algoritmické schémablock diagram
automat.blokové schémaflow diagram
automat.blokové schémaflow chart
construct.deformované výpočtové schémadeformed calculation diagram
construct.dopravní schématraffic diagram
construct.dopravní schématransportation scheme
pharma.dávkovací schémadose regimen
pharma.dávkovací schémadosing regimen
pharma.dávkovací schémadosing regime
pharma.dávkovací schémadosage regimen
construct.ergonomické schémaergonomical scheme
construct.ergonomické schémaergonomic scheme
construct.fotografické schémaphotographic scheme
construct.funkční schémafunctional scheme
construct.geometrické schéma konstrukcegeometrical diagram of structure
comp., MShlavní server schématschema master (A domain controller that holds the schema operations master role in Active Directory. The schema master performs write operations to the directory schema and replicates updates to all other domain controllers in the forest. At any time, the schema master role can be assigned to only one domain controller in the forest)
construct.hmotové a dispoziční schémaspace-planning diagram
construct.hmotové schémaoverall-dimensions diagram
construct.hmotové schémaoverall-dimensions scheme
construct.jednopólové elektrické schémasingle-line circuit diagram
construct.kartografické schémaschematic map
construct.kartografické schémasketch map
construct.kartografické schémadiagrammatic map
comp., MSKlíčová slova tiskového schématuPrint Schema Keywords (The Print Schema Keywords document is a public schema that defines a set of element instances that can be used to describe device attributes and print job formatting)
construct.kompoziční schémacomposition scheme
construct.konstrukční schémastructural schematic drawing
comp., MSmapování schematschema mapping (A special kind of transformation whereby an XML document is converted from one XML schema to another)
construct.montážní schémaerection diagram
construct.montážní schéma elektrického zapojeníwiring diagram
construct.montážní schéma potrubípiping assembly diagram
construct.montážní schémataerection schemes
construct.montážní schémataerection charts
construct.nedeformované výpočtové schémanondeformed calculation diagram
construct.nezávislé schéma zapojování odběratelů teplaindependent local heating system scheme
construct.objemové schémaoverall-dimensions diagram
construct.objemové schémaoverall-dimensions scheme
construct.operační schémaoperational diagram
construct.operační schémaoperational circuit
econ.organizační schémaorganisation chart
comp., MSosobní preference schématu napájenípower plan personality (A preconfigured power plan tailored to fit a usage profile (Automatic, Power Saver, High Performance), which can be chosen and applied by the user)
fin.platební schémapayment scheme
comp., MSpodporující schémataschema-aware (Pertaining to a processing method based on a schema that defines elements, attributes and types that will be used to validate the input and output documents)
construct.projekční schéma zakládánífoundation design diagram
construct.prostorové a půdorysné schémaspace-planning diagram
construct.provozní schématraffic diagram
construct.provozní schémafunctional scheme
construct.provozní schémacirculation diagram
construct.prověrka schématuscheme check
construct.prověrka schématudiagram check
construct.radiální schéma tepelné sítěradial heating-system lay out
construct.rozměrové schémaoverall-dimensions diagram
construct.rozměrové schémaoverall-dimensions scheme
construct.rozpočtové schéma zakládánífoundation design diagram
comp., MSRámec tiskového schématuPrint Schema Framework (A public schema that defines a hierarchically structured collection of XML element types, and specifies how the element types can be used together)
comp., MSsada řádků schématuschema rowset (A specially defined rowset that returns metadata about objects or functionality on an instance of SQL Server or Analysis Services. For example, the OLE DB schema rowset DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS describes columns in a table, while the Analysis Services schema rowset MDSCHEMA_MEASURES describes the measures in a cube)
comp., MSschéma animaceanimation scheme (Adds preset visual effects to text on slides. Ranging from subtle to exciting, each scheme usually includes an effect for the slide title and an effect that is applied to bullets or paragraphs on a slide)
comp., MSschéma aplikace DuetDuet schema (An XML-based document that contains Duet framework- and application-related information in a format that the Duet engine understands)
comp., MSschéma databázedatabase schema (The names of tables, fields, data types, and primary and foreign keys of a database)
comp., MSschéma DCM DigestDCM digest (A predefined XML schema that is used with the desired configuration management feature to create and validate configuration baselines and configuration items)
construct.schéma dvoustupňového paralelního zapojování tepelných energetických zařízenídouble-phase parallel connection scheme of heating installations
construct.schéma dvoustupňového postupného zapojování tepelných energetických zařízenídouble-phase series connection scheme of heating installations
pharma.schéma dávkovánídose regimen
pharma.schéma dávkovánídosing regime
pharma.schéma dávkovánídosing regimen
pharma.schéma dávkovánídosage regimen
automat.schéma děrováníperforation scheme
construct.schéma funkčního zónovánífunctional zoning scheme
construct.schéma jednostupňového zapojování tepelných energetických zařízenísingle-phase connection scheme of heating installations
construct.schéma kanalizacedrainage scheme
construct.schéma kanalizacesewerage scheme
construct.schéma kanalizační sítě územídistrict sewerage-system scheme
comp., MSschéma mapovánímapping schema (A document which defines how Navision records and Outlook items are correlated. The Navision Synchronization Add-in which is installed on Outlook side receives the mapping schema from Navision in the XML format and keeps it in the isolated storage)
comp., MSschéma mapování klávesnicekeyboard mapping scheme (A set of keystroke combinations that you can use while working in the integrated development environment. You can choose from several predefined schemes or define your own)
comp., MSschéma napájenípower plan (A group of preset power-management options. For example, you can set elapsed times for putting your computer on standby and for turning off your monitor and hard disk. You save these settings as a named power scheme)
comp., MSschéma napájení pro dobu mimo špičkunon-peak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
comp., MSschéma napájení pro dobu ve špičcepeak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
comp., MSschéma nastavení napájenípower scheme (A group of preset power-management options. For example, you can set elapsed times for putting your computer on standby and for turning off your monitor and hard disk. You save these settings as a named power scheme)
comp., MSschéma oddílůpartition scheme (A database object that maps the partitions of a partition function to a set of filegroups)
environ.schéma organizačníchart A formal written record of transactions, proceedings, etc., as of a society, committee, or legislative body; act
construct.schéma prouduflow-line diagram
construct.schéma provětráváníventilation-system scheme
comp., MSschéma písemfont scheme (A pre-designed combination of fonts that work well together)
construct.schéma rozdělení zatíženíload diagram
construct.schéma silniční osygeneral layout of route
comp., MSschéma služby Active DirectoryActive Directory schema (The set of definitions of every object class that can be created in Active Directory, as well as the definitions of every attribute that can be assigned to that object class)
construct.schéma směrného územního plánugeneral layout scheme
comp., MSschéma softwarové továrnysoftware factory schema (The model that defines the structure of a factory. The schema organizes the assets and the custom process around a set of architectural views. The schema also describes the outputs of the factory)
construct.schéma stokové sítěsewerage-system scheme
construct.schéma technického vybaveníservice installations scheme
construct.schéma technického zařízeníservice installations scheme
construct.schéma tepelné sítěheating-system layout
construct.schéma vodovoduwater-supply scheme
comp., MSschéma vyhledávánísearch schema (A data structure that describes crawled properties, managed properties, and the mapping between them)
construct.schéma výpočtu potrubípiping design diagram
comp., MSschéma Web Service Description LanguageWeb Service Description Language Schema (An interface implemented in the XML message format for describing the network services offered by the server)
comp., MSschéma WSDLWSDL Schema (An interface implemented in the XML message format for describing the network services offered by the server)
comp., MSschéma XMLXML schema (The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard language used for creating XML schema documents. The XML schema contains two parts: a set of predefined types (for example, string, dateTime, decimal), and an XML language for defining new types (for example, complexType, minOccurs, element))
construct.schéma zapojeníconnection diagram
construct.schéma zatíženíload diagram
construct.schéma značeníidentification-mark diagram
construct.schéma zásobování vodouwater-supply scheme
comp., MSschéma úložiště SQLRepository SQL schema (A set of standard tables used by the repository engine to manage all repository objects, relationships, and collections)
construct.schéma širších vztahů trasygeneral layout of route (silnice)
fin.sekuritizační schéma s více prodávajícímimulti-seller securitisation scheme
construct.skladebné schémacomposition scheme
comp., MSsnímek schématuschema snapshot (A snapshot that includes schema for published tables and objects required by replication (triggers, metadata tables, and so on), but not user data)
construct.stratigrafické schémastratigraphic scheme
construct.technologické schémaflow sheet
construct.technologické schémaprocess scheme
construct.technologické schémaprocess flow chart
construct.technologické schémaflow chart
construct.technologické schémaflowsheet
comp., MSTiskové schémaPrint Schema (A schema that provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based format for expressing and organizing a large set of properties that describe either a job format or PrintCapabilities in a hierarchically structured manner. It includes two components: the Print Schema Keywords and the Print Schema Framework)
econ.valorizační schémaindexation scheme
comp., MSvnitřní vlastnost schématuin-schema property (A metabase property predefined in the metabase schema file)
construct.výpočtové schémadesign scheme
construct.výpočtové schémadesign system
construct.výškové schéma vodovodních objektůwater-supply elevation scheme
construct.zokruhované schéma tepelné sítěring heating-system layout
construct.základní schéma elektrického zapojeníkey diagram
construct.základní schéma elektrického zapojeníbasic circuit
construct.závislé schéma zapojování odběratelů tepladirect heating system connection scheme