
Terms for subject Microsoft containing protokolu | all forms | exact matches only
Agent čtečky protokolůLog Reader Agent (In Replication, the executable that monitors the transaction of each database configured for transactional replication, and copies the transactions marked for replication from the transaction into the distribution database)
akce protokolu SOAPSOAP action (A parameter that can be used to specify a URI that identifies the intent of a SOAP message)
anonymní ověřování protokolu FTPanonymous FTP authentication (A protocol that makes it possible for a user to retrieve documents, files, programs, and other archived data from anywhere on the Internet without having to establish a logon name and password)
aplikační protokolapplication log (A record of events that are generated by the applications running on a system)
chyba protokolu SOAPSOAP fault (A collection of elements in a SOAP message that identify the code and cause of an error)
depeše protokolu SNMPSNMP trap (An unsolicited Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) packet sent from one SNMP entity to another usually in response to a stimulus or an event on the sending entity)
depeše protokolu SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol trap (An unsolicited Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) packet sent from one SNMP entity to another usually in response to a stimulus or an event on the sending entity)
doručovací protokoldelivery protocol (The set of communication rules used to route notification messages to external delivery systems)
duální sada protokolůdual stack (For Windows CE .NET, an IP protocol stack that supports IPv4 and IPv6 independently or jointly. The DNS name resolution may yield both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Algorithms are used to determine source and destination addresses, thus determining which stack - IPv4 or IPv6 - to use)
hromadná záloha protokolůbulk log backup (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
hromadné zálohování protokolůbulk log backup (A backup that includes log and data pages changed by bulk operations. Point-in-time recovery is not allowed)
identifikátor URI protokolu packpack URI (" A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) based on the "pack://" URI scheme and RFC2396 standard. Similar to an " http://" URI, a "pack://" URI identifies an entity that holds a collection of relevant parts.")
komponenta naslouchající protokolulog listener (A component that hooks up to a log object)
konfigurace přesouvání protokolulog shipping configuration (A single primary server, one or more secondary servers (each with a secondary database), and a monitor server)
Konzola pro správu protokolu SNMPSNMP Management Console (The interface through which a manager, either a user or a program, performs management activities)
mezipaměť protokolu ARPARP cache (A table of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses and their corresponding media access control (MAC) address. There is a separate ARP cache for each interface)
modul plug-in řídicího protokolucontrol protocol plug-in (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to communicate with clients and other servers through different network protocols)
objekt protokolu IPIP object (A performance object that includes counters that describe the rates at which internet protocol (IP) datagrams are transmitted by a computer using the IP protocol. It also describes various error counts for the IP protocol)
Ochrana protokolu IPsec proti útokům DoSIPsec Denial of Service Protection (A feature that helps client machines to provide basic protection against denial-of-service attacks)
Ochrana protokolu IPsec proti útokům s cílem způsobit odepření službyIPsec Denial of Service Protection (A feature that helps client machines to provide basic protection against denial-of-service attacks)
odběr protokolu POPPOP subscription (A subscription that gathers messages from POP3 mailboxes and delivers the messages to a designated Outlook Live mailbox so that the Outlook Live end user can centralize their e-mail accounts and only have to check one mailbox)
operační protokoloperational log (A log that contains information about operations carried out by a computer in the process of executing a program)
ověřování protokolem TLSTLS authentication (Authentication by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol)
partnerský uzel protokolu BGPBGP peer (A peer connected to other peers on the Border Gateway Protocol level)
položka protokolulog entry (A record in a log file)
protokol AFTPAFTP (A file transfer protocol used in IBM host systems, the IBM Advanced Program-to-Program Communications equivalent to the TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol)
protokol AFTPAdvanced Program-to-Program Communication File Transfer Protocol A file transfer protocol used in IBM host systems, the IBM Advanced Program-to-Program Communications equivalent to the TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol (Advanced Program-to-Program Communication File Transfer Protocol)
protokol akcíaction log (A record of the actions that have been taken during the lifetime of an incident to resolve the incident. Examples include comments by the analyst, communications from the user, attachments, and task outputs)
protokol aktivitactivity log (A historic record of the state of a source document)
protokol ARPARP (In TCP/IP, a protocol that uses broadcast traffic on the local network to resolve a logically assigned Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address to its physical hardware or media access control (MAC layer address). In asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), ARP is used two different ways. For classical IPv4 over ATM (CLIP), ARP is used to resolve addresses to ATM hardware addreses. For ATM LAN emulation (LANE), ARP is used to resolve Ethernet/802.3 or Token Ring addresses to ATM hardware addresses)
protokol ARPAddress Resolution Protocol In TCP/IP, a protocol that uses broadcast traffic on the local network to resolve a logically assigned Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address to its physical hardware or media access control (MAC layer address). In asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), ARP is used two different ways. For classical IPv4 over ATM (CLIP), ARP is used to resolve addresses to ATM hardware addreses. For ATM LAN emulation (LANE), ARP is used to resolve Ethernet/802.3 or Token Ring addresses to ATM hardware addresses (Address Resolution Protocol)
protokol auditování poštovní schránkymailbox audit log (A log that is generated for each mailbox that has mailbox audit logging enabled. Log entries are stored in the Audits subfolder of the audited mailbox Recoverable Items folder)
protokol auditování správceadministrator audit log (An auditing record that records any action, based on a Windows PowerShell cmdlet, performed by an administrator. This can help the administrator troubleshoot configuration issues or identify the cause of security- or compliance-related problems)
protokol AuthIPAuthIP (A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements)
protokol AuthIPAuthenticated IP A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements (Authenticated IP)
protokol AuthIPAuthenticated Internet Protocol A protocol extension to Internet Key Exchange (IKE) that supports additional authentication mechanisms and the combination of user and computer authentication requirements (Authenticated Internet Protocol)
protokol BAPBAP (A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) control protocol that is used on a multiprocessing connection to dynamically add and remove links)
protokol BAPbandwidth allocation protocol A Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) control protocol that is used on a multiprocessing connection to dynamically add and remove links (Bandwidth Allocation Protocol)
protokol BINDBIND (An implementation of Domain Name System (DNS) written and ported to most available versions of the UNIX operating system. The Internet Software Consortium maintains the BIND software)
protokol BINDBerkeley Internet Name Domain An implementation of Domain Name System (DNS) written and ported to most available versions of the UNIX operating system. The Internet Software Consortium maintains the BIND software (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
protokol BOOTPBOOTP (A protocol used primarily on TCP/IP networks to configure diskless workstations. RFCs 951 and 1542 define this protocol. DHCP is a later boot configuration protocol that uses this protocol. The Microsoft DHCP service provides limited support for BOOTP service)
protokol CBCPCallback Control Protocol The Network Control Protocol that negotiates the use of callback over PPP links (Callback Control Protocol)
protokol CBCPCBCP (The Network Control Protocol that negotiates the use of callback over PPP links)
protokol CHAPCHAP (A challenge-response authentication protocol for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections described in RFC 1994. It uses the industry-standard MD5 hashing algorithm to hash the combination of a challenge string issued by the authenticating server and the user's password in the response)
protokol CHAPChallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol A challenge-response authentication protocol for Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections described in RFC 1994. It uses the industry-standard MD5 hashing algorithm to hash the combination of a challenge string issued by the authenticating server and the user's password in the response (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
protokol chyberror log (A file that lists errors that were encountered during an operation)
protokol clusterucluster log (A trace log of Cluster service events and activities on a node)
protokol DCTCPDCTCP (A TCP-like protocol for data center networks which leverages Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in the network to provide multi-bit feedback to the end hosts)
protokol DCTCPData Center Transmission Control Protocol A TCP-like protocol for data center networks which leverages Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in the network to provide multi-bit feedback to the end hosts (Data Center Transmission Control Protocol)
protokol DCTCPData Center TCP A TCP-like protocol for data center networks which leverages Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in the network to provide multi-bit feedback to the end hosts (Data Center TCP)
protokol DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol A TCP/IP service protocol that offers dynamic leased configuration of host IP addresses and distributes other configuration parameters to eligible network clients. DHCP provides safe, reliable, and simple TCP/IP network configuration, prevents address conflicts, and helps conserve the use of client IP addresses on the network (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
protokol DHCPDHCP (A TCP/IP service protocol that offers dynamic leased configuration of host IP addresses and distributes other configuration parameters to eligible network clients. DHCP provides safe, reliable, and simple TCP/IP network configuration, prevents address conflicts, and helps conserve the use of client IP addresses on the network)
protokol Digest AccessDigest Access protocol (A lightweight authentication protocol for parties involved in communications that are based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL))
protokol DRTDRT protocol (The protocol used to exchange cache information and find routes in the DRT mesh)
protokol ECPEncryption Control Protocol The Network Control Protocol for negotiating the use of encryption over PPP links. ECP is defined in RFC 1968 (Encryption Control Protocol)
protokol ECPECP (The Network Control Protocol for negotiating the use of encryption over PPP links. ECP is defined in RFC 1968)
protokol Exchange ActiveSyncExchange ActiveSync (A protocol that makes it possible for users to sync their e-mail, calendar, contact, and task data from Exchange Server to supporting devices)
protokol FTPFTP (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols, used to copy files between two computers on the Internet. Both computers must support their respective FTP roles: one must be an FTP client and the other an FTP server)
protokol FTPFile Transfer Protocol A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols, used to copy files between two computers on the Internet. Both computers must support their respective FTP roles: one must be an FTP client and the other an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol)
protokol HCAPHost Credentials Authorization Protocol A protocol used by Access Control Server (ACS) to send and receive statements of health to and from other NAP infrastructure components. HCAP is installed on NPS so that it can function with Access Control Server (ACS) (Host Credentials Authorization Protocol)
protokol HCAPHCAP (A protocol used by Access Control Server (ACS) to send and receive statements of health to and from other NAP infrastructure components. HCAP is installed on NPS so that it can function with Access Control Server (ACS))
protokol HCEPHealth Certificate Enrollment Protocol The protocol used by the NAP agent to request health certificates from the Health Registration Authority (HRA) and to prove the health of a client computer (Health Certificate Enrollment Protocol)
protokol HCEPHCEP (The protocol used by the NAP agent to request health certificates from the Health Registration Authority (HRA) and to prove the health of a client computer)
protokol HDLCHigh-level Data Link Control A protocol for information transfer adopted by the ISO. HDLC is a bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message-packaging) layer (layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model) for computer-to-microcomputer communications (High-level Data Link Control)
protokol HDLCHDLC (A protocol for information transfer adopted by the ISO. HDLC is a bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message-packaging) layer (layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model) for computer-to-microcomputer communications)
protokol historieHistory Log (The section in an Account, Business Contact, or Opportunity record that contains all items (such as phone logs, business notes, and e-mail messages) that are linked to the record)
protokol HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol The Internet protocol used to deliver information over the World Wide Web (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
protokol ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol A required maintenance protocol in the TCP/IP suite that reports errors and allows simple connectivity. ICMP is used by the Ping tool to perform TCP/IP troubleshooting (Internet Control Message Protocol)
protokol ICMPICMP (A required maintenance protocol in the TCP/IP suite that reports errors and allows simple connectivity. ICMP is used by the Ping tool to perform TCP/IP troubleshooting)
protokol IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol (A protocol used by Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighboring multicast routers)
protokol IGMPIGMP (A protocol used by Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) hosts to report their multicast group memberships to any immediately neighboring multicast routers)
protokol IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol A method computers use to send and receive e-mail messages. It allows you to access e-mail without downloading it to your computer (Internet Message Access Protocol)
protokol IMAP4Internet Message Access Protocol 4 A standard client/server protocol for receiving e-mail. The user (or the user's e-mail client) can view just the heading and the sender of the letter and then decide whether to download the mail (Internet Message Access Protocol 4)
protokol IMAP4IMAP4 (A standard client/server protocol for receiving e-mail. The user (or the user's e-mail client) can view just the heading and the sender of the letter and then decide whether to download the mail)
protokol IMAPIMAP (A method computers use to send and receive e-mail messages. It allows you to access e-mail without downloading it to your computer)
protokol indexovánígatherer log (A log that is updated each time Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server updates a content index. Log entries contain data about URLs accessed while creating an index)
protokol Internet Storage Name ServiceiSNS (A lightweight protocol designed to make the automated discovery, management, and configuration of iSCSI and Fiber Channel Protocol (FCP) devices on a TCP/IP network easier by providing a common mechanism for initiators and targets to discover one another and for handling zoning and authentication of both targets and initiators)
protokol IPIP (A routable protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite that is responsible for IP addressing, routing, and the fragmentation and reassembly of IP packets)
protokol IPInternet Protocol A routable protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite that is responsible for IP addressing, routing, and the fragmentation and reassembly of IP packets (Internet Protocol)
protokol IPSecInternet Protocol security A set of industry-standard, cryptography-based services and protocols that help to protect data over a network (Internet Protocol security)
protokol IPsecIPsec (A set of industry-standard, cryptography-based services and protocols that help to protect data over a network)
protokol IPv6IPv6 (A revised version of the Internet Protocol (IP) designed primarily to address growth on the Internet. IPng is compatible with, but an evolutionary successor to, the current version of IP, IPv4 (IP version 4), and was approved as a draft standard in 1998 by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). It offers several improvements over IPv4 including a quadrupled IP address size (from 32 bits to 128 bits), expanded routing capabilities, simplified header formats, improved support for options, and support for quality of service, authentication, and privacy)
protokol IPv6Internet Protocol version 6 A revised version of the Internet Protocol (IP) designed primarily to address growth on the Internet. IPng is compatible with, but an evolutionary successor to, the current version of IP, IPv4 (IP version 4), and was approved as a draft standard in 1998 by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). It offers several improvements over IPv4 including a quadrupled IP address size (from 32 bits to 128 bits), expanded routing capabilities, simplified header formats, improved support for options, and support for quality of service, authentication, and privacy (Internet Protocol version 6)
protokol IPv4Internet Protocol version 4 An Internet Protocol that has 32-bit source and destination addresses. IPv4 is the predecessor of IPv6 (Internet Protocol)
protokol IPv4IPv4 (An Internet Protocol that has 32-bit source and destination addresses. IPv4 is the predecessor of IPv6)
protokol IPXIPX (A network protocol native to NetWare that controls addressing and routing of packets within and between LANs. IPX does not guarantee that a message will be complete (no lost packets))
protokol IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange (A network protocol native to NetWare that controls addressing and routing of packets within and between LANs. IPX does not guarantee that a message will be complete (no lost packets))
protokol iSNSInternet Storage Name Service (A lightweight protocol designed to make the automated discovery, management, and configuration of iSCSI and Fiber Channel Protocol (FCP) devices on a TCP/IP network easier by providing a common mechanism for initiators and targets to discover one another and for handling zoning and authentication of both targets and initiators)
protokol KerberosKerberos (An authentication protocol that provides a mechanism for mutual authentication between a client and a server, or between one server and another, before a network connection is opened between them)
protokol kvoraquorum log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
protokol L2CAPlogical link control and adaptation protocol A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractions (Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol)
protokol L2CAPL2CAP (A protocol used in personal wireless network applications that provides connection-oriented and connectionless data services to upper layer protocols with protocol multiplexing capability, segmentation and reassembly operation, and group abstractions)
protokol LCPLink Control Protocol A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection (Link Control Protocol)
protokol LCPLCP (A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection)
protokol LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol The primary access protocol for Active Directory. LDAP is an industry-standard protocol, established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), that allows users to query and update information in a directory service. Active Directory supports both LDAP version 2 and LDAP version 3 (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
protokol LDAPLDAP (The primary access protocol for Active Directory. LDAP is an industry-standard protocol, established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), that allows users to query and update information in a directory service. Active Directory supports both LDAP version 2 and LDAP version 3)
protokol MADCAPMulticast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol An extension to the DHCP protocol standard used to support dynamic assignment and configuration of IP multicast addresses on TCP/IP-based networks (Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol)
protokol MADCAPMADCAP (An extension to the DHCP protocol standard used to support dynamic assignment and configuration of IP multicast addresses on TCP/IP-based networks)
protokol MLSMessage Layer Security A cryptographic protocol that provides domain-to-domain secure transmission of SMTP messages on the Internet by using cryptography. The protocol enables SMTP servers to communicate directly or by using an SMTP relay over the Internet in a manner designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery (Message Layer Security)
protokol NCBnetwork control block (NetBIOS data structures that contain information about the command to perform an optional post routine, an optional event handle, and a pointer to a buffer that is used for messages or other data)
protokol NCBNCB (NetBIOS data structures that contain information about the command to perform an optional post routine, an optional event handle, and a pointer to a buffer that is used for messages or other data)
protokol NetBEUINetBIOS Extended User Interface (A network protocol native to Microsoft Networking. It is usually used in small, department-size local area networks (LANs) of 1 to 200 clients. NetBEUI can use Token Ring source routing as its only method of routing. NetBEUI is the Microsoft implementation of the NetBIOS standard)
protokol NetBEUINetBEUI (A network protocol native to Microsoft Networking. It is usually used in small, department-size local area networks (LANs) of 1 to 200 clients. NetBEUI can use Token Ring source routing as its only method of routing. NetBEUI is the Microsoft implementation of the NetBIOS standard)
protokol NNTPNNTP (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and clients (newsreaders) on the Internet. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored on a server in a central database, thus enabling a user to select specific items to read)
protokol NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and clients (newsreaders) on the Internet. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored on a server in a central database, thus enabling a user to select specific items to read (Network News Transfer Protocol)
protokol NTLMNTLM (A protocol using a challenge-response mechanism for authentication in which clients are able to verify their identities without sending a password to the server. It consists of three messages, commonly referred to as Type 1 (negotiation), Type 2 (challenge) and Type 3 (authentication))
protokol NWLinkNWLink (The Microsoft implementation of the Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) protocol used on NetWare networks. NWLink allows connectivity between Windows-based computers and NetWare networks running IPX/SPX. NWLink also provides network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) functionality and the Routing Information Protocol (RIP))
protokol o sestaveníbuild log (The recorded text output of a Visual Studio build, often indicating command lines issued and status of each step in the build process. For a C++ build, this file is called BuildLog.htm)
protokol obnovenírecovery log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
protokol OCSPOnline Certificate Status Protocol (A protocol that allows real-time validation of a certificate's status by having the CryptoAPI make a call to an OCSP responder and the OCSP responder providing an immediate validation of the revocation status for the presented certificate. Typically, an OCSP responder responds with the revocation status check request based on the certificate revocation list (CRL) or other forms of revocation status it retrieves from the certification authorities)
protokol OSPFOSPF (A routing protocol for Internet Protocol (IP) networks. OSPF allows a router to calculate the shortest path to each node for sending messages. The router sends information on the nodes it is linked to, called link-state advertisements, to other routers on the network to accumulate link-state information to make its calculations)
protokol OSPFopen shortest path first A routing protocol for Internet Protocol (IP) networks. OSPF allows a router to calculate the shortest path to each node for sending messages. The router sends information on the nodes it is linked to, called link-state advertisements, to other routers on the network to accumulate link-state information to make its calculations (Open Shortest Path First)
protokol PCTPrivate Communication Technology A proposed protocol standard that supports authentication and encryption to secure privacy in Internet communications. PCT is similar to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol (Private Communication Technology)
protokol PCTPCT (A proposed protocol standard that supports authentication and encryption to secure privacy in Internet communications. PCT is similar to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol)
protokol PNRPPNRP (A standard set of formats and procedures which enables secure and dynamic publication, registration and resolution of computer names and IP addresses including the ability to register multiple names on a single computer, multiple computers to a single name, and have names registered by applications)
protokol PNRPPeer Name Resolution Protocol A standard set of formats and procedures which enables secure and dynamic publication, registration and resolution of computer names and IP addresses including the ability to register multiple names on a single computer, multiple computers to a single name, and have names registered by applications (Peer Name Resolution Protocol)
protokol POP3Post Office Protocol version 3 An Internet standard protocol that allows a user to download e-mail from his or her inbox on a server to the client computer where messages are managed. This protocol works well for computers that are unable to maintain a continuous connection to a server (Post Office Protocol version 3)
protokol POP3POP3 (An Internet standard protocol that allows a user to download e-mail from his or her inbox on a server to the client computer where messages are managed. This protocol works well for computers that are unable to maintain a continuous connection to a server)
protokol PPPPPP (A set of industry-standard framing and authentication protocols that are included with Windows to ensure interoperability with other remote access software. PPP negotiates configuration parameters for multiple layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. The Internet standard for serial communications, PPP defines how data packets are exchanged with other Internet-based systems using a modem connection. PPP is documented in RFC 1661)
protokol PPPPoint-to-Point Protocol A set of industry-standard framing and authentication protocols that are included with Windows to ensure interoperability with other remote access software. PPP negotiates configuration parameters for multiple layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. The Internet standard for serial communications, PPP defines how data packets are exchanged with other Internet-based systems using a modem connection. PPP is documented in RFC 1661 (Point-to-Point Protocol)
protokol PPPoEPPPoE (A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the Internet through a broadband connection, such as a single DSL line, wireless device, or cable modem. Using PPPoE and a broadband modem, LAN users can gain individual authenticated access to high-speed data networks. By combining Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPPoE provides an efficient way to create a separate connection for each user to a remote server)
protokol PPPoEPoint-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the Internet through a broadband connection, such as a single DSL line, wireless device, or cable modem. Using PPPoE and a broadband modem, LAN users can gain individual authenticated access to high-speed data networks. By combining Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPPoE provides an efficient way to create a separate connection for each user to a remote server (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
protokol PPTPPPTP (Networking technology that supports multiprotocol virtual private networks (VPNs), enabling remote users to access corporate networks securely across the Internet or other networks by dialing into an Internet service provider (ISP) or by connecting directly to the Internet. PPTP tunnels, or encapsulates, Internet Protocol (IP) or Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) traffic inside IP packets. This means that users can remotely run applications that depend on particular network protocols. PPTP is described in RFC 2637)
protokol PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol Networking technology that supports multiprotocol virtual private networks (VPNs), enabling remote users to access corporate networks securely across the Internet or other networks by dialing into an Internet service provider (ISP) or by connecting directly to the Internet. PPTP tunnels, or encapsulates, Internet Protocol (IP) or Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) traffic inside IP packets. This means that users can remotely run applications that depend on particular network protocols. PPTP is described in RFC 2637 (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
protokol pracovní položkywork item log (A log that lists the current notes you are typing and the uneditable historical conversation that has already been saved)
protokol PXEPXE protocol (An extension to the DHCP protocol that enables information to be sent to network-bootable systems and enables these systems to find RIS servers)
protokol přenosutransfer log (A log, located on the DPM server, that stores pending changes to a replica)
protokol připojení klientů k externím systémůmtenant-level external data log (An error log that contains errors and exceptions that occur when SharePoint tries to connect to external systems through Business Connectivity Services. It can be retrieved by tenant administrators)
protokol RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service A proposed Internet protocol in which an authentication server provides authorization and authentication information to a network server to which a user is attempting to link (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)
protokol RADIUSRADIUS (A proposed Internet protocol in which an authentication server provides authorization and authentication information to a network server to which a user is attempting to link)
protokol RDPRemote Desktop Protocol A proprietary protocol to provide remote display and input capabilities over network connections for Windows®-based applications between two computers (Remote Desktop Protocol)
protokol RDPRDP (A proprietary protocol to provide remote display and input capabilities over network connections for Windows®-based applications between two computers)
protokol RFCRFC (A SAP protocol that enables external systems to call SAP ABAP function modules. RFCs enable remote calls between two SAP systems or between a SAP system and a non-SAP system)
protokol RFCRemote Function Call A SAP protocol that enables external systems to call SAP ABAP function modules. RFCs enable remote calls between two SAP systems or between a SAP system and a non-SAP system (Remote Function Call)
protokol RPCRPC (A communication mechanism that allows computers to communicate with one another over a network. An RPC consists of a procedure identifier, parameters passed to the procedure, and a value returned to the caller (client computer) after the procedure has executed on the remote system (server computer))
protokol RTSPRTSP (A network protocol, defined in RFC 2326, for controlling one or more digital media streams or a presentation (the aggregate of related media streams))
protokol RTSPReal-Time Streaming Protocol A network protocol, defined in RFC 2326, for controlling one or more digital media streams or a presentation (the aggregate of related media streams) (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
protokol server-to-serverserver-to-server protocol (An authentication protocol between two servers or services)
protokol S-HTTPSecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol A protocol that provides a secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connection (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
protokol S-HTTPS-HTTP (A protocol that provides a secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connection)
protokol SIPSIP (A standard signaling protocol for establishing multi-media communications sessions between two or more users over an IP network)
protokol SIPSession Initiation Protocol A standard signaling protocol for establishing multi-media communications sessions between two or more users over an IP network (Session Initiation Protocol)
protokol SMBSMB (A file-sharing protocol designed to allow networked computers to transparently access files that reside on remote systems over a variety of networks. The SMB protocol defines a series of commands that pass information between computers. SMB uses four message types: session control, file, printer, and message)
protokol SMBServer Message Block A file-sharing protocol designed to allow networked computers to transparently access files that reside on remote systems over a variety of networks. The SMB protocol defines a series of commands that pass information between computers. SMB uses four message types: session control, file, printer, and message (Server Message Block)
protokol SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols that governs the exchange of electronic mail between message transfer agents (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
protokol SMTPSMTP (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols that governs the exchange of electronic mail between message transfer agents)
protokol SNMPSNMP (A network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. In Windows, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is used to provide status information about a host on a TCP/IP network)
protokol SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol A network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. In Windows, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is used to provide status information about a host on a TCP/IP network (Simple Network Management Protocol)
protokol S2SS2S protocol (An authentication protocol between two servers or services)
protokol TCPTransmission Control Protocol The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP, and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IP (Transmission Control Protocol)
protokol TCPTCP (The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP, and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IP)
protokol TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol A set of networking protocols widely used on the Internet that provides communications across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and various operating systems. TCP/IP includes standards for how computers communicate and conventions for connecting networks and routing traffic (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
protokol TCP/IPTCP/IP (A set of networking protocols widely used on the Internet that provides communications across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and various operating systems. TCP/IP includes standards for how computers communicate and conventions for connecting networks and routing traffic)
Protokol telemetrie OfficeOffice Telemetry Log (A feature that displays an Office event log in Excel format and helps the user to find and resolve known compatibility issues for Office files and solutions)
protokol TelnetTelnet (A protocol that enables an Internet user to log on to and enter commands on a remote computer linked to the Internet, as if the user were using a text-based terminal directly attached to that computer. Telnet is part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols)
protokol TLSTransport Layer Security A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network. TLS encrypts communications and enables clients to authenticate servers and, optionally, servers to authenticate clients. TLS is a more secure version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol (Transport Layer Security)
protokol TLSTLS (A protocol that provides communications privacy and security between two applications communicating over a network. TLS encrypts communications and enables clients to authenticate servers and, optionally, servers to authenticate clients. TLS is a more secure version of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol)
protokol trasovánítrace log (The file that contains the information gathered during trace logging)
protokol UDPUser Datagram Protocol A connectionless transport protocol in the TCP/IP protocol stack that is used in cases where some packet loss is acceptable, for example, with digital media streams (User Datagram Protocol)
protokol UDPUDP (A connectionless transport protocol in the TCP/IP protocol stack that is used in cases where some packet loss is acceptable, for example, with digital media streams)
protokol událostíevent log (A record of activities on a computer system. Events can include attempts to establish communication, successful establishment of sessions, failures of system components, attempts to use files that are damaged or missing, configuration problems, and responses from remote systems)
protokol WAPWireless Application Protocol A standard protocol for providing Internet communications and advanced telephony services on phones, pagers, PDAs, and other wireless terminals (Wireless Application Protocol)
protokol WAPWAP (A standard protocol for providing Internet communications and advanced telephony services on phones, pagers, PDAs, and other wireless terminals)
protokol WebDAVWebDAV (A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet)
protokol WebDAVWeb Distributed Authoring and Versioning A set of extensions to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that facilitates collaborative editing and file management between users located remotely from each other on the Internet (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)
protokol WebSocketWebSocket protocol (A feature of Internet Information Services (IIS) that lets the server establish a long-running, full-duplex, bidirectional TCP connection to the client and that lets the server push data to the client)
protokol WEPWired Equivalent Privacy An encryption algorithm system included as part of the 802.11 standard, developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as a security measure to protect wireless LANs from casual eavesdropping. WEP uses a shared secret key to encrypt packets before transmission between wireless LAN devices and monitors packets in transit to detect attempts at modification. WEP offers both 40-bit and 128-bit hardware-based encryption options (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
protokol WPADWPAD (A standard networking protocol used to help Internet client software automatically locate and interface with cache services within a network)
protokol WPADWeb Proxy AutoDiscovery A standard networking protocol used to help Internet client software automatically locate and interface with cache services within a network (Web Proxy AutoDiscovery)
protokol WS-F PRPWS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile An implementation of the WS-Federation specification that proposes a standard protocol for how passive clients (such as Web browsers) apply the federation framework. Within this protocol, Web service requestors are expected to understand the new security mechanisms and be capable of interacting with Web service providers (WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile)
protokol WS-F PRPWS-F PRP (An implementation of the WS-Federation specification that proposes a standard protocol for how passive clients (such as Web browsers) apply the federation framework. Within this protocol, Web service requestors are expected to understand the new security mechanisms and be capable of interacting with Web service providers)
protokol 802.1X802.1X (An Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that defines port-based network access control which either allows or denies connection requests to IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet networks or IEEE 802.11 wireless networks)
protokol zabezpečenísecurity protocol (A specification that defines security-related data objects and rules about how the objects are used to maintain security on a computer system)
protokol změnchange log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
protokoly volánícall logs (A list of incoming calls and outgoing calls, showing information such as the name of the caller or call recipient, the date and the time of the call)
přenos protokolu RPCRPC transport (The underlying network services used by the remote procedure call (RPC) runtime for communications between network nodes)
přesouvání protokolulog shipping (Copying, at regular intervals, log backup from a read-write database (the primary database) to one or more remote server instances (secondary servers). Each secondary server has a read-only database, called a secondary database, that was created by restoring a full backup of the primary database without recovery. The secondary server restores each copied log backup to the secondary database. The secondary servers are warm standbys for the primary server)
sada protokolů AppleTalkAppleTalk Protocol suite (The set of network protocols on which AppleTalk network architecture is based. The AppleTalk Protocol is installed with Services for Macintosh to help users access resources on a network)
služba Protokol událostíEvent Log service (A service that records events in the system, security, and application logs)
soubor protokolulog file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
soubor transakčního protokolutransaction log file (A file that contains a record of the changes that were made to an Exchange database. All changes to the database are recorded in the transaction log files before they are written into the database files. If a database shuts down unexpectedly, unfinished transactions can be restored by replaying the transaction log files into the database)
Standardní protokol IEEE pro ověřování připojení přechodných zařízení úložiště k hostitelským systémůmIEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
systémový protokolsystem log (A record of events that are generated by the operating system components)
síťový protokolnetwork protocol (A set of rules and parameters that defines and enables communication through a network)
transakční protokoltransaction log (A file that records transactional changes occurring in a database, providing a basis for updating a master file and establishing an audit trail)
transportní protokol NWLink kompatibilní s protokoly IPX/SPX/NetBIOSNWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol (The Microsoft implementation of the Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) protocol used on NetWare networks. NWLink allows connectivity between Windows-based computers and NetWare networks running IPX/SPX. NWLink also provides network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) functionality and the Routing Information Protocol (RIP))
Trojský protokol TelnetTrojan telnet (A type of Trojan malware that installs a telnet server on a user's computer without the user's knowledge)
Typ protokolu EAPEAP type (A feature that allows the user to select the type of Extensible Authentication Protocol used)
tělo protokolu SOAPSOAP body (A collection of zero or more elements in a SOAP message)
virtuální soubor protokoluvirtual log file (Non-physical files that are derived from one physical log file by the SQL Server Database Engine)
vytvoření partnerského vztahu protokolu BGPBGP peering (The process of route exchange between peers via the Border Gateway Protocol)
všesměrové vysílání pomocí protokolu IPInternet Protocol multicasting (The extension of local area network multicasting technology to a TCP/IP network. Hosts send and receive multicast datagrams, the destination fields of which specify IP host group addresses rather than individual IP addresses. A host indicates that it is a member of a group by means of the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP))
zprostředkovatel protokolulog provider (A provider that logs package information at run time. Integration Services includes a variety of log providers that make it possible to capture events during package execution. Logs are created and stored in formats such as XML, text, database, or in the Windows event log)
záloha protokolu poškozené databázetail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
záloha protokolůlog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
záloha transakčních protokolůtransaction log backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
zálohování protokolu poškozené databázetail-log backup (A log backup taken from a possibly damaged database to capture the log that has not yet been backed up. A tail-log backup is taken after a failure in order to prevent work loss)
zálohování protokolůlog backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
zálohování transakčních protokolůtransaction log backup (A backup of transaction logs that includes all log records not backed up in previous log backups. Log backups are required under the full and bulk-logged recovery models and are unavailable under the simple recovery model)
úloha přesunutí protokolulog shipping job (A job performing one of the following log-shipping operations: backing up the transaction log of the primary database at the primary server (the backup job), copying the transaction log file to a secondary server (the copy job), or restoring the log backup to the secondary database on a secondary server (the restore job). The backup job resides on the primary server; the copy and restore jobs reside on each of the secondary servers. See also: primary database, primary server, secondary database, secondary server)
účet podporující protokol POPPOP-enabled account (An account that can receive mail using the POP3 protocol)
čistá záloha protokolupure log backup (A backup containing only the transaction log covering an interval without any bulk changes)
čisté zálohování protokolupure log backup (A backup containing only the transaction log covering an interval without any bulk changes)
řetěz protokolůlog chain (A continuous sequence of transaction logs for a database. A new log chain begins with the first backup taken after the database is created, or when the database is switched from the simple to the full or bulk-logged recovery model. A log chain forks after a restore followed by a recovery, creating a new recovery branch)