
Terms for subject Environment containing prostorů | all forms
plánování prostoru vzdušnéhoairspace planning The activity of organizing or preparing for transportation through the atmosphere above earth's surface
prostor pro zeleňgreen space A plot of vegetated land separating or surrounding areas of intensive residential or industrial use and devoted to recreation or park uses
prostor vojenský bývalýdisused military site Military site where all activity has ceased. Such areas, being extremely well sheltered against outside disturbances and in many ways less affected by human landuse than many other open landscapes, can contain significant natural habitats and rare or endangered wildlife. Abandoned military territories constitute an important source of natural landscapes to be managed and restored in an environmentally sound way
prostor člověka životníhuman habitat Any of the conditions in which people live. Also all human settlements in villages, towns or major cities, which require environmental management to provide water, public spaces, remove public wastes, etc.
prostor životníliving space Any room, structure or area used as a residence and associated with subsistence activities, including sleeping, relaxing or eating
prostor životníliving environment External conditions or surroundings in which people live or work