
Terms for subject Environment containing průzkum | all forms | exact matches only
průzkum dna mořskéhosea bed exploitation Marine mineral resources extend far beyond those presently exploited; minerals are derived from two separate types of marine sources: from sedimentary deposits underlying the continental shelves and from inshore deposits on the surface of the continental shelves. By far the most valuable of the mineral resources exploited from marine environments is petroleum. Offshore placer deposits on the surface of the continental shelves yield gold, platinum, and tin. On the floors of the world's oceans manganese nodules are found as a result of pelagic sedimentation or precipitation; they are small, irregular, black to brown, friable, laminated concretionary masses consisting primarily of manganese salts and manganese-oxide minerals
průzkum geologickýexploration The search for economic deposits of minerals, ore, gas, oil, or coal by geological surveys, geophysical prospecting, boreholes and trial pits, or surface or underground headings, drifts, or tunnels
průzkum ložisek plynu zemníhonatural gas exploration Underground prospection conducted with various methods to discover natural gas deposits which are usually found in the immediate vicinity of crude petroleum
průzkum ložisek ropyoil exploration No definition needed
průzkum míněníopinion survey The canvassing of a representative sample of a large group of people on some question in order to determine the general opinion of a group
průzkum mínění veřejnéhopublic opinion polling The canvassing of a representative sample of a large group of people on some question in order to determine the general opinion of a group
průzkum prospěchu pro veřejnostpublic benefit inquiry An investigation, especially a formal one conducted into a matter of public utility by a body constituted for that purpose by a government, local authority, or other organization
průzkum sociologickýsociological survey Research on social questions or problems, especially focusing on cultural and environmental factors
průzkum společenskýsocial survey Data collections that employ both interviewing and sampling to produce quantitative data-sets, amenable to computer-based analysis
průzkum trhumarket research The systematic gathering, recording, computing, and analysing of data about problems relating to the sale and distribution of goods and services for certain time periods
průzkum v terénufield study Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory
průzkum veřejnostipublic inquiry An investigation, especially a formal one conducted into a matter of public utility by a body constituted for that purpose by a government, local authority, or other organization
středisko průzkumu dálkovéhoremote sensing centre Centre where remote sensing data are stored, handled and analyzed