
Terms for subject Microsoft containing organizace | all forms | exact matches only
CA organizaceenterprise CA (A computer service that issues digital certificates that can only be used inside a business or organization)
certifikační autorita organizaceenterprise certification authority (A computer service that issues digital certificates that can only be used inside a business or organization)
deklarace identity organizaceorganization claim (A claim in intermediate or normalized form within an organization's namespace)
globální šablona organizaceenterprise global template (A collection of default settings, such as views, tables, and fields, that are used by all projects across the organization. These settings exist within a special project in Project Server)
ISO, Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaciInternational Organization for Standardization (An international association of 157 countries/regions, each of which is represented by its leading standard-setting organization-for example, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) for the United States. The ISO works to establish global standards for communications and information exchange. Primary among its accomplishments is the widely accepted ISO/OSI reference model, which defines standards for the interaction of computers connected by communications networks)
kód oddělení organizacedepartment organization code (A code that represents the department in which an employee performs a job)
malá organizacesmall organization (An organization with between 1-49 employees and 24 or less personal computers)
maticová organizacematrix organization (An organizational structure in which employees report to multiple managers for different purposes, such as to one manager for administrative purposes and to another for project purposes)
Microsoft Office 365 pro vzdělávací organizaceMicrosoft Office 365 for education (An online suite of services from Microsoft that combines the familiar Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of communications and collaboration services: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and others to be added in the future. The education version is geared towards students and offers student access to online storage)
nadřazená organizaceparent business (A business in which any action taken on the main business can propagate to the subordinate business)
organizace ANSIANSI (A voluntary, nonprofit organization of U.S. business and industry groups formed in 1918 for the development of trade and communication standards. ANSI is the American representative of the International Standards Organization and has developed recommendations for the use of programming languages including FORTRAN, C, and COBOL)
organizace ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute A voluntary, nonprofit organization of U.S. business and industry groups formed in 1918 for the development of trade and communication standards. ANSI is the American representative of the International Standards Organization and has developed recommendations for the use of programming languages including FORTRAN, C, and COBOL (American National Standards Institute)
organizace CEROCERO (A non-profit, self-regulatory organization which applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Japan)
organizace Computer Entertainment Rating OrganizationComputer Entertainment Rating Organization (A non-profit, self-regulatory organization which applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Japan)
organizace ESRBESRB (A self-regulatory body which independently applies and enforces interactive game ratings adopted by the industry in the United States)
organizace ESRBEntertainment Software Rating Board A self-regulatory body which independently applies and enforces interactive game ratings adopted by the industry in the United States (Entertainment Software Rating Board)
organizace ICRAInternet Content Rating Association An international nonprofit group that has developed a content advisory service for the Internet. ICRA's aim is to protect children from potentially harmful material on the Internet (Internet Content Rating Association)
organizace ICRAICRA (An international nonprofit group that has developed a content advisory service for the Internet. ICRA's aim is to protect children from potentially harmful material on the Internet)
organizace IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers " A society of engineering and electronics professionals based in the United States but boasting membership from numerous other countries/regions. The IEEE (pronounced ""eye triple ee"") focuses on electrical, electronics, computer engineering, and science-related matters." (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
organizace IEEEIEEE (" A society of engineering and electronics professionals based in the United States but boasting membership from numerous other countries/regions. The IEEE (pronounced "eye triple ee") focuses on electrical, electronics, computer engineering, and science-related matters.")
organizace MPAAMotion Picture Association of America Advocate group for the American motion picture, home video and television industries (Motion Picture Association of America)
organizace MPAAMPAA (Advocate group for the American motion picture, home video and television industries)
organizace PEGIPEGI (A self-regulatory body which independently applies and enforces interactive game ratings adopted by the industry in Europe)
organizace PEGIPan-European Game Information A self-regulatory body which independently applies and enforces interactive game ratings adopted by the industry in Europe (Pan-European Game Information)
organizace Unterhaltungssoftware SelbstkontrolleUnterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (An independent self-regulatory agency which applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Germany)
organizace USKUSK (An independent self-regulatory agency which applies and enforces interactive game ratings in Germany)
projekt nesouvisející s organizacínon-enterprise project (A project that has not been published to Project Server, either because it is being saved by someone who is not a project manager on the project, or because there is not a valid connection to the server)
projekt organizaceenterprise project (A project that is stored in Project Server to ensure information integrity. To make changes to an enterprise project, users with access permissions are required to check it in and out from Project Server)
správa organizace jen pro čteníView-Only Organization Management (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
střední organizaceMORG (An organization with between 50-999 employees and between 25-499 personal computers)
uzel Konfigurace organizaceOrganization Configuration node (In Exchange Server 2007, a node in the Console pane of the Exchange Management Console that administrators use to configure administrative access roles for users or groups)
velká organizaceLORG (An organization with more than 1000 employees and more than 500 personal computers)
zdroj organizaceenterprise resource (A resource that is part of an organization's entire list of resources. Enterprise resources can be shared across projects)
účet Microsoft pro organizaceMicrosoft Account for Organizations (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)
Účet organizaceorganizational account (A user account assigned by an organization (work, school, non-profit) to one of their constituents (an employee, student, customer) that provides sign in access to one or more of the organization's Microsoft cloud service subscriptions, such as Office 365 or Windows Azure. These accounts are stored in an organization's cloud directory (also known as Windows Azure Active Directory), and are typically deleted when the user leaves the organization. Organizational accounts differ from Microsoft accounts in that they are created and managed by admins in the organization, not by the user)
účet pro organizaceaccount for organizations (The Microsoft Commerce Platform portal that gives organizations the ability to view, manage, and purchase Microsoft organizational services, licenses, and subscriptions, like O365, Windows Intune, and GSM, from a single location)