
Terms containing obal | all forms | exact matches only
astr.expandující obalexpanding shell
construct.ionizující obalionizing coating
agric.jaderní obalnuclear membrane
commer., industr.jednorázový obalone-way packaging
commer., industr.jednorázový obalnon-reusable pack
chem.Je-li nutná lékařská pomoc, mějte po ruce obal nebo štítek výrobku.If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
environ.kompozitní obalcomposite packaging
environ.kompozitní obalcomposite
agric.květní obalperianth
bot.květní obalfloral envelope
bot.květní obaly plfloral envelope
bot.květní obaly plperianth
agric.květní obaly trubkovitétubular perianth
environ.obal doplňkovýadditional packaging Additional packaging around the normal sales packaging. For example as protection against theft or for the purpose of advertising; the customer may leave the additional packaging in the shop for waste collection
weld.obal elektrodyelectrode coating
forestr.obal hadicehose wrap
forestr.obal hadicespiral guard
astr.obal hvězdyshell (of a star)
environ.obal nevratnýnon-returnable container Any container for which no specific provisions for its return from the consumer or final use has been established
bot.obal pupenubud scale
bot.obal pupenuintegument
bot.obal pupenucoat of ovule
bot.obal pupenubud envelope
bot.obal vajíčka vsemeníkuovule coat
environ.obal vratnýreturnable container Container whose return from the consumer or final user is assured by specific means (separate collection, deposits, etc.), independently on its final destination, in order to be reused, recovered or subjected to specific waste management operations
environ.obal znovu použitelnýreusable container Any container which has been conceived and designed to accomplish within its life cycle a minimum number of trips or rotations in order to be refilled or reused for the same purpose for which it was conceived
bot.obal zrnachaff
bot.obal zrnahusk
astr.obaly kometyshells of a comet pl
astr.obaly kometyenvelopes of a comet pl
construct.ochranný obalprotective taping
construct.ochranný obalprotective wrapping
chem.Odstraňte obsah/obal ...Dispose of contents/container to …
comp., MSpevný obalcase (A receptacle for holding goods to be stored or transported)
bot.pigmentový obal zrnapigmental layer of grain
bot.pigmentový obal zrnapigmental coat of grain
construct.plynotvorný obalgas-producing coating
construct.rutilový obalrutile coating
agric.semenný obalseed coat
agric.semenný obalseed cover
chem.Skladujte na dobře větraném místě. Uchovávejte obal těsně uzavřený.Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.
environ.směrnice ES o obalechEC directive on packaging EC Directive proposed on 15 July 1992 aiming at harmonizing national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste; the directive covers all packaging placed on the market
astr.stacionární obalstationary shell
weld.struskotvorný obalslag forming coating
weld.struskotvorný obalfusible coating
weld.struskotvorný obalflux coating
chem.Tlakový obal: nepropichujte nebo nespalujte ani po použití.Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.
agric.tukový obaladipose membrane
chem.Uchovávejte obal těsně uzavřený.Keep container tightly closed.
chem.Uzemněte obal a odběrové zařízení.Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.
bot.vaječný obalovule coat
med., life.sc.virový obalenvelope
med., life.sc.virový obalviral envelope
chem.vložený obalintermediate packaging
tech.vnější obaloutside packaging
environ.Výbor pro provádění směrnice o obalech a obalových odpadechCommittee for implementation of the directive on packaging and packaging waste
astr.zářivý obalradiative envelope