
Terms containing komponenty | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSdiagram komponentcomponent diagram (An implementation diagram that shows the structure of the code itself)
forestr.hydraulické komponentyhydraulic components
comp., MSkomponenta naslouchající protokolulog listener (A component that hooks up to a log object)
comp., MSkomponenta produktuproduct component (A part of a product)
construct.komponenta sdílení tepla konvekcíconvection heat-exchange component
construct.komponenta sdílení tepla radiacíradiation heat-exchange component
comp., MSkomponenta Služby komponentComponent Services component (A Component Object Model (COM) component that executes in the COM+ run-time environment. A COM+ component is commonly known as a COM+ application. A COM+ component must be a dynamic-link library (.dll) file that implements a class factory to create objects and that describes all of the interfaces of the component in a type library to facilitate standard marshaling)
comp., MSkomponenta využívající vláknový model apartmentapartment-threaded component (A COM component that resides on a single thread of execution. Apartment-threaded components rely on COM to synchronize calls to them. All COM objects created with Visual Basic are apartment threaded)
construct.komponenty generelugeneral-layout components
construct.komponenty podrobného územního plánugeneral-layout components
agric.mateřský komponentfemale component
comp., MSobjekt Služby komponentComponent Services object (A Component Object Model (COM) object that executes in the COM+ run-time environment)
agric.otcovský komponentmale component
comp., MSpodokno komponentcomponent tray (A rectangular region that appears at the bottom of the Windows Forms Designer when it is in Design view. The component tray is a container for components, which are controls that are not visible. It appears only after a component is added to the current form and provides a way for users to access and set the properties of those components)
comp., MSprůvodce kanálovou komponentou z šablony ATLATL Pipeline Component Wizard (A Visual C++ wizard that uses ATL and additional templates to facilitate the development of pipeline components)
comp., MSSlužba komponentMicrosoft Component Services (An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management)
comp., MSSlužba komponentComponent Services (An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management)
agric.snížené zemědělské komponentyreduced agricultural components
agric.zemědělské komponentyagricultural components
comp., MSZákladní komponenty webového serveruCore Web Server (The Windows services that make up the core of IIS 7. The Core Web server provides the foundation for the modular architecture of IIS)