
Terms containing disk | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSběžný diskbasic disk (A physical disk that can be accessed by MS-DOS and all Windows-based operating systems. Basic disks can contain up to four primary partitions, or three primary partitions and an extended partition with multiple logical drives)
comp., MSchyba stránkování na diskhard fault (The interrupt that occurs when a page that is on disk is sought in the file system cache and is not found)
comp., MSdisk Blu-rayBlu-ray Disc (A high definition optical disc format which uses a smaller focus blue-violet 405 nm laser allowing higher precision and storage density. A competitor to HD DVD)
comp., MSdisk CDCD (An optical storage medium for digital data)
comp., MSdisk CD-Rcompact disc-recordable (A type of CD-ROM that can be written (only once) on a CD recorder and read on a CD-ROM drive)
comp., MSdisk CD-RCD-R (A type of CD-ROM that can be written (only once) on a CD recorder and read on a CD-ROM drive)
comp., MSdisk CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory (A form of storage characterized by high capacity (roughly 650 MB) and the use of laser optics instead of magnetic means for reading data)
comp., MSdisk CD-ROMCD-ROM (A form of storage characterized by high capacity (roughly 650 MB) and the use of laser optics instead of magnetic means for reading data)
comp., MSdisk CD-RWCD-RW (A type of CD on which files can be copied, erased, and replaced)
comp., MSdisk CD-RWcompact disc-rewritable (A type of CD on which files can be copied, erased, and replaced)
comp., MSdisk DVDDVD (A form of storage characterized by high capacity (roughly 650 MB) and the use of laser optics rather than magnetic means for reading data. Optical disk storage commonly used for audio, video, and computer data. DVDs range in capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB, and can store significantly more than a CD-ROM)
comp., MSdisk DVDdigital video disk (A form of storage characterized by high capacity (roughly 650 MB) and the use of laser optics rather than magnetic means for reading data. Optical disk storage commonly used for audio, video, and computer data. DVDs range in capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB, and can store significantly more than a CD-ROM)
comp., MSdisk HD DVDHD DVD (A high definition optical disc format which uses a smaller focus blue-violet 405 nm laser allowing higher precision and storage density. A competitor to Blu-ray Disc)
comp., MSdisk High-Definition DVDhigh-definition DVD (A high definition optical disc format which uses a smaller focus blue-violet 405 nm laser allowing higher precision and storage density. A competitor to Blu-ray Disc)
comp., MSdisk kvoraquorum disk (The cluster disk on which configuration data is maintained in the quorum log, cluster database checkpoint, and resource checkpoints. The quorum disk is managed by the quorum resource, which is usually a special kind of physical disk resource)
comp., MSdisk s kopií clusteruwitness disk (For a failover cluster, a disk in the cluster storage that is designated to hold a copy of the cluster configuration database. A failover cluster has a witness disk only if this is specified as part of the quorum configuration)
comp., MSdisk Super Video CDSuper Video CD (An optical disc format used to store video on standard compact discs developed by China Recording Standards Committee in competition to the DVD format)
comp., MSdisk SVCDSVCD (An optical disc format used to store video on standard compact discs developed by China Recording Standards Committee in competition to the DVD format)
comp., MSdisk typu listleaf disk (The last disk in a chain with no child disks attached to it)
comp., MSdisk typu MBRMBR disk (A disk that uses the master boot record (MBR) partition style)
comp., MSdostupné diskyavailable disks (A storage pool that exposes physical disks that are currently available for inclusion in a storage pool on a particular storage subsystem)
comp., MSduplikace diskůdisk duplication (The process of using third-party hardware or software to copy a full master Windows installation onto the hard disks of multiple destination computers. The master computer and destination computers must have compatible hardware abstraction layers (HALs). The destination computer can be delivered directly to customers, or it might require additional processing on the factory production line)
comp., MSdynamicky se zvětšující virtuální pevný diskdynamically expanding virtual hard disk (A virtual hard disk that grows in size each time it is modified. This type of virtual hard disk starts as a 3 KB .vhd file and can grow as large as the maximum size specified when the file was created. The only way to reduce the file size is to zero out the deleted data and then compact the virtual hard disk)
comp., MSDynamická distribuce diskuDynamic Disk Fair Share (A feature that prevents sessions from over-utilizing disk usage by equal distribution of disk I/O among sessions)
comp., MSdynamický diskdynamic disk (A physical disk that provides features that basic disks do not, such as support for volumes that span multiple disks. Dynamic disks use a hidden database to track information about dynamic volumes on the disk and other dynamic disks in the computer. You convert basic disks to dynamic by using the Disk Management snap-in or the DiskPart command-line tool. When you convert a basic disk to dynamic, all existing basic volumes become dynamic volumes)
astr.galaktický diskgalactic disk
comp., MShybridní pevný diskhybrid hard disk (A hard disk that contains a small amount of solid-state nonvolatile memory which, when used as a cache, can realize significant benefits such as faster booting, extended battery life, and a more rugged PC)
comp., MSinformace o konfiguraci diskůdisk configuration information (Information in the Windows registry on assigned drive letters, simple volumes, striped volumes, mirrored volumes, spanned volumes, and RAID-5 volumes. You can change the disk configuration by using Disk Management)
comp., MSjednorelační disksingle session-only disc (A recordable media (such as CD-RW) to which you can only write once without reformatting)
comp., MSjednotka optického disku s nulovou spotřebouzero power optical disk drive Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use (ZPODD)
comp., MSjednotka optického disku s nulovou spotřebouZPODD (Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use)
comp., MSjednotka optického disku s nulovou spotřebouzero power ODD Pertaining to the ability to reduce the power consumption of optical disk drives in the operating system to zero to save energy when the drives are not in use (ZPODD)
comp., MSkompaktní diskcompact disc (An optical storage medium for digital data)
comp., MSkošilka disku CDCD sleeve (A case for holding CDs)
construct.magnetický diskmagnetic disk
comp., MSnepřidělené místo na diskuunallocated disk space (Any unpartitioned and unformatted space on a hard disk)
comp., MSNástroj systému Windows pro vypalování bitových kopií diskůWindows Disc Image Burner (A device that allows users to burn a CD or DVD from an ISO disc image file)
comp., MSomezení výkonu diskudisk bottleneck (A condition that occurs when disk performance is reduced to the extent that overall system performance is affected)
forestr.pevný diskhard drive
comp., MSprimární diskPrimary disk (The hard disk drive that contains the system and boot partitions used to start Windows)
comp., MSprogram Diagnostika diskůWindows Disk Diagnostic (Feature of Windows that proactively detects impending disk failures and can alert the support center to replace the failing hard disk before total failure occurs. For administrators, this feature will guide them through the process of backing up their data so the hard disk can be replaced without data loss)
comp., MSPrůvodce vytvořením virtuálního pevného diskuNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)
comp., MSPrůvodce úpravami virtuálního pevného diskuEdit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)
astr.pyrheliometr se stříbrným diskemsilver-disk pyrheliometer
astr.přechod planety přes sluneční disktransit of a planet across the solar disk
comp., MSpřehrávač zvukových disků CDcompact disc player (A device that reads the information stored on a compact disc. A compact disc player contains the optical equipment necessary for reading a disc's contents and the electronic circuitry for interpreting the data as it is read)
comp., MSpřehrávač zvukových disků CDCD player (A device that reads the information stored on a compact disc. A compact disc player contains the optical equipment necessary for reading a disc's contents and the electronic circuitry for interpreting the data as it is read)
comp., MSpřepisovatelný disk CDcompact disc-rewritable (A type of CD on which files can be copied, erased, and replaced)
comp., MSpřístupová doba diskudisk access time (The time needed for a read/write head in a disk drive to locate a track on a disk. Access time is usually measured in milliseconds and is used as a performance measure for hard disks and CD-ROM drives)
comp., MSrozdílový virtuální pevný diskdifferencing virtual hard disk (" A virtual hard disk that stores the changes or "differences" to an associated parent virtual hard disk for the purpose of keeping the parent intact. The differencing disk is a separate .vhd file that is associated with the .vhd file of the parent disk. Changes continue to accumulate in the differencing disk until it is merged to the parent disk.")
comp., MSrozsah diskudisk extent (A contiguous run of sectors on one disk)
comp., MSrozšířený filmový disk DVDenhanced DVD movie (A DVD from which the video section can be played on the DVD set top box. When inserted in the PC, the user can access additional features such as games, web links etc)
comp., MSrozšířený zvukový disk CDenhanced audio CD (An audio CD that contains both audio and other multimedia content)
comp., MSrychlost vypalovačky disků CDCD burner speed (The speed at which the CD drive will record the data)
astr.sluneční disksolar disc
astr.sluneční disksolar disk
agric.souprava diskůset of harrow discs
comp., MSspustitelný disk CD-ROMbootable CD (A CD-ROM that can be used to start a computer. An automated installation uses a bootable CD to start a computer)
comp., MSspuštění z disku CD-ROMCD boot (The process of starting a computer from the retail product CD-ROM and then installing Windows on the hard disk using the Setup program on the CD)
astr.střed slunečního diskucentre of the disk
astr.střed slunečního diskucenter of the disc
comp., MSUSB flash diskUSB flash drive (A small device used to store information. USB flash drives plug into computer USB ports so you can copy information to or from them, making it easy to share and transport information)
comp., MSUSB flash diskUSB drive (A small device used to store information. USB flash drives plug into computer USB ports so you can copy information to or from them, making it easy to share and transport information)
comp., MSvirtuální diskvirtual disk (A collection of one or more physical disks from a previously created storage pool)
comp., MSvirtuální pevný diskvirtual hard disk (The storage medium for a virtual machine. It can reside on any storage topology that the host operating system can access, including external devices, storage area networks, and network-attached storage. The file format is .vhd)
comp., MSvirtuální pevný disk pevné velikostifixed-size virtual hard disk (A virtual hard disk with a fixed size that is determined and for which all space is allocated when the disk is created. The size of the disk does not change when data is added or deleted)
comp., MSvolné místo na diskuavailable disk space (Memory that is not allocated to any program)
comp., MSvolné místo na pevném diskuavailable hard disk space (Memory that is not allocated to any program)
agric.vykrajovaný diskscalloped disc (of harrow)
agric.vykrajovaný diskserrated disc
agric.vykrajovaný diskcutaway disc
comp., MSvypalovačka disků CDCD burner (A device used to write CD-ROMs. Because a disc can be written only once on these machines, they are used most commonly to create CD-ROMs for data archives or to produce CD-ROM masters that can be duplicated for mass distribution)
comp., MSvypalování disků CD bez mezergapless CD burning (A feature of Windows Media Player that allows users to remove gaps between tracks that they burn to audio CDs)
astr.vzdálenost od středu diskudistance from the centre of the disk
comp., MSvícerelační diskmulti session-capable disc (A recordable media to which you can write several times without reformatting)
comp., MSweb uložený na místním diskudisk-based web site (A web site hosted on a local computer)
comp., MSzapisovatelný diskwriteable disc (A CD or DVD disc onto which files can be copied. Common writeable disc types include CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, and DVD-RW)
comp., MSzapisovatelný disk CDcompact disc-recordable (A type of CD-ROM that can be written (only once) on a CD recorder and read on a CD-ROM drive)
comp., MSzpráva o využití diskůDisk Utilization report (A DPS report that provides statistics on disk capacity, allocation, usage, and availability)
comp., MSzvukový disk CDaudio CD (A compact disc containing audio information (as opposed to a CD-ROM containing data and files))
comp., MSřetěz rozdílových diskůdifferencing chain (A linked set of differencing drives, in which a differencing drive can have another differencing drive as a parent)