
Terms for subject Microsoft containing cílem | all forms | exact matches only
cíl iSCSIiSCSI target (A logical entity created in order to manage the connections between an iSCSI device and the servers that need to access it over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. A target defines the portals (IP addresses) that can be used to connect to the iSCSI device, as well as the security settings (if any) that the iSCSI device requires in order to authenticate the servers that are requesting access to its resources)
cíl nezpracovaného souboruRaw File destination (An SSIS destination that writes raw data to a file)
cíl přesměrování zpracováníoffload target (The combination of miniport driver, intermediate driver(s) and hardware Network Interface Card (NIC) that is presented to the host stack as a single miniport device capable of offloading some functions from the host stack)
cíl SLASLA target (The specified duration of time in which the IT organization must respond to or resolve an incident or service request)
cíl vazbybinding target (In data binding, the object that consumes the value of the binding)
cíl vykreslovánírender target (In computer graphics, an output buffer used when generating images)
kontrakt Sdílení cílůShare Target contract (A contract that lets a Windows Store app receive content, such as photos , links, and text, that the user shares from other apps. An app that supports this contract can be included in the list of apps that appears when the user taps the Share charm. Windows limits the list to include only the apps that support the type of data being shared. Examples of apps that might want to use this contract include social networking, email, and note-taking apps)
Ochrana protokolu IPsec proti útokům s cílem způsobit odepření službyIPsec Denial of Service Protection (A feature that helps client machines to provide basic protection against denial-of-service attacks)
popis cílů sdíleníShare target description (The area in the Share UI where developers can add text to describe Share targets)
počáteční hlavní cílInitial master (A shared folder whose existing files and folders are replicated to other shared folders when replication is initially configured. After replication is complete, there is no initial master, since any of the replicas can accept changes and propagate them to the other replicas. The initial master then becomes another replica)
soubor cílůtargets file (In the context of MSBuild, an XML file that contains MSBuild target elements that can be used by one or more build projects. A target element contains one or more tasks to be performed in a build)
standardní cíl chybové zprávystandard error (An output stream typically used by programs to output error messages or diagnostics)
stanovení cílů kampaněcampaign goaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
stanovení cílů kampaněgoaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
stanovení cílů kampaněadvertising campaign goaling (Determining the number of ads to deliver in a specified amount of time. You can goal by any event, such as clicks or amount sold)
trojský program provádějící útok s cílem odepření služebTrojan denial of service attack (A type of Trojan that creates a denial of service attack)
více cílů vykreslováníMultiple Render Targets (In computer graphics, a technique which submits different colours to multiple output colour buffers in a single pass writing up to four different colour values to four separate buffers)
útok s cílem zjistit klíčkey search attack (An attack by a malicious user or malicious software on a computer or operating system to find a secret password or a symmetric encryption key by guessing passwords or keys until the correct password or key is discovered)
šablona cílůgoal template (A set of default goals that have predefined descriptions to help an organization create specific goals for employees)