
Terms containing aktivace | all forms | exact matches only
construct.aktivace cementu vibrovánímvibroactivation of cement
astr.aktivace filamentuactivation of a filament
fin.aktivace mimorozpočtových zdrojůleverage effect
comp., MSaktivace multilicenceVA (The activation of large numbers of software licenses)
comp., MSaktivace multilicencevolume activation The activation of large numbers of software licenses (VA)
comp., MSaktivace nákladůcapitalization of cost (The temporary treatment of the costs of hours, items, and expenses as capital until the revenue is posted)
comp., MSaktivace pracovního postupuworkflow activation (The process that occurs when a workflow host calls the WorkflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow method)
comp., MSaktivace prostřednictvím služby Active DirectoryActive Directory-based activation (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
comp., MSaktivace souborem XAMLXAML activation (The process of activating a workflow instance directly from the XAMLX file that contains the workflow definition rather than from a DLL or by using a configuration file)
comp., MSaktivace WindowsWindows activation (The process of activating Windows)
construct.alkalická aktivacealkaline activation
comp., MSautomatická aktivace virtuálního počítačeautomatic virtual machine activation (Activation of a guest operating system or application based on properties of a host system or parent partition, including but not limited to the license state of the host)
agric.chemická aktivaceseed biontization (osiva)
comp., MSklíč k vícenásobné aktivacimultiple activation key (A volume license key that is used for one-time activation with activation services that are hosted by Microsoft)
comp., MSklíč k vícenásobné aktivaciMAK (A volume license key that is used for one-time activation with activation services that are hosted by Microsoft)
comp., MSmaximální aktivacemaximum capitalization (The maximum WIP value that can be posted to an investment project)
comp., MSnástroj Klient aktivace systému WindowsWindows Activation Client (The application that helps the user to activate a Windows product with Microsoft)
comp., MSNástroj pro správu aktivace multilicenceVolume Activation Management Tool An MMC snap-in that enables IT professionals to automate and centrally manage the Windows and Microsoft Office volume and retail activation process. VAMT can manage volume activation by using Multiple Activation Keys (MAKs) or the Windows Key Management Service (KMS) (VAMT)
comp., MSNástroj pro správu aktivace multilicenceVAMT (An MMC snap-in that enables IT professionals to automate and centrally manage the Windows and Microsoft Office volume and retail activation process. VAMT can manage volume activation by using Multiple Activation Keys (MAKs) or the Windows Key Management Service (KMS))
sociol., lab.law.politika aktivaceactivation policy
comp., MSPomocník pro aktivaciActivation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
comp., MSPomocník pro aktivaci systému Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Activation Assistant (A Microsoft HTML application that enables users to retrieve a trial key to activate available Office 2007 release programs for a limited time period. Trial keys are retrieved by using the owner's Internet connection to communicate with a dedicated service)
comp., MSpotvrzovací zpráva aktivaceactivation confirmation message (An e-mail message sent from Microsoft Online Services telling a user that the user's account has been activated and supplying a user name and password for initial log-on)
comp., MSPrůvodce opětovnou aktivací serveruReactivate Server Wizard (A wizard that helps the user reactivate the Terminal Services license server)
comp., MSSlužba aktivace multilicencíVolume Activation Services (A server role in Windows Server that enables users to automate and simplify the issuance and management of Microsoft software volume licenses for a variety of scenarios and environments. With Volume Activation Services, you can install and configure the Key Management Service (KMS) and enable Active Directory-based Activation)
comp., MSSlužba aktivace úložištěRM activation service (The Microsoft service responsible for placing a secure repository on an end user's computer)
construct.sulfátová aktivacesulfate activation
comp., MSTechnologie aktivace WindowsWindows Activation Technologies (A set of antipiracy features for activation and validation in Windows Vista and Windows 7)
comp., MStichá aktivacesilent activation (A type of activation that is performed without any user interaction)
construct.zásaditá aktivacealkaline activation
comp., MSzávislost aktivace funkcefeature activation dependency (A relationship in which a feature is activated automatically when another feature is activated or a feature must be activated manually before another feature can be activated)