
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Všichni | all forms
Instalační agent Windows pro všechny uživateleWindows All-User Install Agent (An agent that installs Windows Store apps for all users on a machine)
načtení všech názvů v zónězone walking (The process of repeating NSEC queries in order to retrieve all the names in a DNS zone)
využití všech reproduktorůspeaker fill (A System Audio Effects (SYSFX) component used to provide a more immersive audio experience in the Windows Media Player and thus an improved listening experience by utilizing the available speakers that a user has attached to his/her PC by sending audio to all of the speakers, regardless of the number of channels the content contains. This will provide a better sounding experience for stereo and quadraphonic content being rendered on multi-channel playback systems)
všechna první velkátitle case (A case distinction in which every word's first chararacter is uppercase and the remaining letters are lower case)
Všechna práva vyhrazena.All rights reserved. (A statement indicating that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law, such as distribution, performance, and creation of derivative works; that is, they have not waived any such right)
Všechny dětiAll Children (A TV ratings system used by TV networks in the United States to indicate to viewers that a particular show is suitable for all children)
Všechny kontaktyAll Contacts (The default contact group that Communicator displays when the user has not created any contact groups)
Všechny službyAll services (The link to the overview page of all Windows Live, MSN, and Microsoft products on offer)
Zobrazení všech přidružených aktivitAll Activity Associated View (A view in CRM that displays all activities associated with an entity)
Ztlumit všechny kromě měMute All Except Me (A button on Conference Controls that mutes the microphones of all conference participants except the user's microphone)
čtečka karet všech formátůall-in-one card reader (A flash card reader with slots that support the majority of card formats without the need of either a camera adaptor or external power)