
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Průvodce | all forms | exact matches only
místní průvodceLocal Scout (A feature accessed from Search or Maps that displays things to see and do, shopping, and restaurants in a user's current location and the surrounding area)
Průvodce aplikacíApplication Wizard (The Wizard that helps you determine how the application is presented to users. This step lets you specify an icon, modify shortcut settings, create file type associations, and run the applications so the Sequencer can collect information about the applications)
Průvodce delegovánímdelegation wizard (A wizard used to distribute precise elements of the administrator's workload to others)
Průvodce exportem do souboru XMLExport XML Wizard (A feature in Microsoft CRM Customization that exports customized forms and views)
Průvodce funkcemi usnadněníAccessibility Wizard (An interactive tool that makes it easier to set up commonly used accessibility features by specifying options by type of disability, rather than by numeric value changes)
Průvodce hromadným importemBulk Import Wizard (A tool used to add multiple rows of data into a database in one operation)
Průvodce importem datImport Data Wizard (A wizard used to import multiple records from a comma-delimited text file into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as records)
Průvodce importem ze souboru XMLImport XML Wizard (A feature in Microsoft CRM Customization that imports customized forms and views)
Průvodce inicializací technologie TPMTPM Initialization Wizard (A wizard that initializes a trusted platform module (TPM) hardware)
Průvodce instalacíInstallation Wizard (The wizard that gathers information for monitoring an application's installation and launch during the installation phase)
Průvodce instalací bezdrátové sítěWireless Lan Dialog Wizard (A wizard that guides user through setting up their wireless network)
Průvodce instalací služby Active Directory Domain ServicesActive Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
Průvodce instalací síťové tiskárnyNetwork Printer Installation Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
Průvodce kalibrací barev displejeDisplay Color Calibration Wizard (A wizard that guides users through a series of adjustments to their display to produce a more accurate rendering of sRGB color content)
Průvodce kalibrací reproduktorůSpeaker Calibration wizard (A wizard that helps the user to adjust their speakers for the best sound by running automatic calibration tests for levels, delay, and frequency response)
průvodce kanálovou komponentou z šablony ATLATL Pipeline Component Wizard (A Visual C++ wizard that uses ATL and additional templates to facilitate the development of pipeline components)
Průvodce konfiguracíConfiguration Wizard (The semi-automated tool for planning and executing directory synchronization)
Průvodce konfigurací balíčkuPackage Configuration Wizard (The Wizard that gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file during the package configuration phase)
Průvodce konfigurací klienta Microsoft Dynamics CRM OfficeMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office client configuration wizard (The wizard that configures the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office Client)
Průvodce konfigurací Směrovače e-mailůE-mail Router Configuration Wizard (A wizard that guides users in creating an incoming e-mail configuration, an outgoing e-mail configuration, and a link to an existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment. After they install and configure these components using this wizard, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router will transport incoming and outgoing Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail)
Průvodce konfigurací zabezpečeníSecurity Configuration Wizard (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
Průvodce konfigurací zabezpečeníSCW (A tool that automates security best practices to reduce the attack surface for a server. The SCW was introduced with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
Průvodce konfigurací zdroje datConfigure DataSource Wizard (A graphical interface where programmers can define the appropriate details to configure the data source in a few easy steps)
Průvodce konfigurací zobrazeníDisplay Configuration wizard (A wizard that guides the user to configure their TV or monitor to get the best picture. The wizard helps the user to center and resize the picture, select the correct aspect ratio, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness settings)
Průvodce na cestyPack and Go Wizard (A wizard that packages a publication and its linked files into a single file that you can take to another computer to be edited, or to a commercial printer or a copy shop to be printed)
Průvodce nastavením mikrofonuMicrophone Wizard (A tool that you can use to fine-tune your microphone)
Průvodce novým připojenímNew Connection Wizard (A tool that helps users sign up for Internet service and automatically handles the software configuration steps necessary for gaining access to the Internet)
Průvodce návrhem sestavyReport Project Wizard (A wizard in the report authoring environment used to create reports)
Průvodce obecnými třídami C++Generic C++ Class Wizard (A wizard that adds a C++ class to a project. This generic C++ class does not inherit from ATL or MFC)
Průvodce obnovením licencíRecover Licenses Wizard (A wizard that enables users to either import licenses from one license server on to another or re-install licenses previously installed in their server by re-building the license server database)
Průvodce optimalizací zvuku a videaAudio and Video Tuning Wizard... (An item on the Tools menu (in a Conversation window) or Actions menu (in the main Communicator window) that runs a wizard that helps the user verify that the camera, speakers, and microphone are working properly on the user's computer)
Průvodce opětovnou aktivací serveruReactivate Server Wizard (A wizard that helps the user reactivate the Terminal Services license server)
Průvodce ovladači zařízeníDevice Driver Wizard (A wizard that helps a driver developer get the new driver packages up and going quickly in Visual Studio)
průvodce plánemplan guide (A SQL Server module that attaches query hints to queries in deployed applications, without directly modifying the query)
Průvodce plánovačem úlohTask Scheduler Wizard (A Windows Vista wizard that allows users to set up tasks with Task Scheduler)
Průvodce profilem databáze aplikace Microsoft CRMMicrosoft CRM Database Profile Wizard (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
Průvodce programemProgram Guide (An onscreen listing of upcoming programs and information available through media services such as cable television and satellite television)
Průvodce propojením datových zdrojůLink Data Sources Wizard (A wizard dialog title to create a linked data source, where you can link multiple data sources into one single data source such as two different tables in a SQL database)
Průvodce prostředím AeroAero Wizard (A wizard that allows third-party developers to achieve the same look in their dialog boxes as Aero)
Průvodce přidáním databáze SourceSafeAdd SourceSafe Database Wizard (A wizard that locates and configures a Visual SourceSafe database. If you cannot find an existing database to use, the wizard allows you to create a new one)
Průvodce připojenímGCW (A wizard in Welcome Center that enables users to sign up with an internet service provider (ISP))
Průvodce přípravou automatického obnovení systémuAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
Průvodce rychlým přidáním doményDomains Quickstart (The Office 365 web workflow that leads small business customers step-by-step through adding a domain and setting up user. They find this through clicking Add a user or Add a domain in the Getting Started experience)
Průvodce sdílením složky v doméněDomain Folder Sharing Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
Průvodce sekvencovánímSequencing Wizard (A step-by-step wizard that walks the user through sequencing an application, including package configuration, installing the application or applications to be sequenced, and sequencing the application package for streaming)
Průvodce sestavouReport Wizard (A wizard that guides users through creating and publishing a Reporting Services report)
Průvodce synchronizacíSync Wizard (A one-time Device Setup wizard that comes up the first time you attach a particular portable music device to the player)
průvodce ukázkovými datysample data wizard (A wizard that installs sample data on the server)
Průvodce vlastním úkolemCustom Task Wizard (A wizard that will help users to define a custom task for their workflow. Custom Task can be used to collect information from workflow participants. That information will be stored in the Tasks list for the site and can be used later in the workflow via workflow lookup)
Průvodce vytvořením balíčku pro nasazeníCreate Deployment Package Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create a deployment package)
Průvodce vytvořením instalační položkyCreate Installation Item Wizard (A wizard you use in Mobile Deployment Manager to create an installation item)
Průvodce vytvořením knihovny MFC DLL pro inteligentní zařízeníMFC Smart Device DLL Wizard (A wizard in Smart Device Development. It is used to create an MFC DLL project. The users get a working starter application that has built-in functionality that, when it is compiled, will implement the basic features of a DLL)
Průvodce vytvořením připojeníNCW (A tool that helps users sign up for Internet service and automatically handles the software configuration steps necessary for gaining access to the Internet)
Průvodce vytvořením virtuálního pevného diskuNew Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to create custom virtual hard disks for virtual machines. The purpose of the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard is to gather the basic information from the user necessary to create a new virtual hard disk)
průvodce vzorovými datysample data wizard (A wizard that installs sample data on the server)
Průvodce výběrem datData Selector Wizard (A wizard that lets users select, configure, and import data from a data source into a Visio diagram)
Průvodce zdrojem prostředku netgroupNetgroup Source Wizard (A wizard that allows you to configure a netgroup source and review your settings)
průvodce zkrácenou instalacíMini-Setup wizard (A wizard that starts the first time a computer boots from a hard disk that has been duplicated. The wizard gathers any information that is needed for the newly duplicated hard disk)
průvodce Základy WindowsWindows Basics (A tutorial outlining basic Windows features, workflow and information)
Průvodce zásadami autorizaceAuthorization Policies Wizard (A wizard that is available through Remote Desktop Gateway Manager that enables you to quickly configure a Remote Desktop connection authorization policy (RD CAP), a Remote Desktop resource authorization policy (RD RAP), and a computer group that is associated with an RD RAP)
Průvodce zátěžovým testemLoad Test Wizard (A wizard that guides you through the process of creating a load test)
Průvodce zřízením Power BIPower BI Provisioning Guide (The guide for IT administrators to learn how to provision Power BI)
Průvodce úpravami virtuálního pevného diskuEdit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard (A wizard that is used by advanced users to perform specific operations on their existing virtual hard disks such as compacting their virtual hard disk, merging it, converting it to another type or expanding its size)